

  • That's fantastic and really inspiring! Would you mind sharing what you've been doing that has worked for you? I'm a new mom looking to lose weight from my pregnancy and would love to hear what has been successful for you....
  • I am on w2d2 tomorrow. The first week was a struggle and the w2d1 was also no cake walk. There were a couple intervals for w2d1 that I wasn't able to completely finish but I stuck with it and didn't quit. I committed to completing that day's run even if that meant that I couldn't run all the intervals. Because of that I…
  • I cook mine with some sort of broth (chicken, veg, beef etc...) instead of plain water to inject some flavor in to husband hates it too so we end up alternating between white and brown as a compromise.
  • I completed week 2 day 1 this morning and I was so proud to get through it. Definitely not a cake walk but I felt fantastic being outside. One of my goals is to get into the habit of waking up early and working out before the day starts because I rarely have the motivation to work out after a long day. I really enjoyed the…
  • Thanks so much for your response. It is very helpful and actually exactly what i was looking for as far as tips, advice, etc...also, I had no idea that "breastfeeding" is included in the database on MFP. I will definitely add you as a friend because I could use the support from other moms. Happy Friday!
  • Thank you so much for posting this...I was looking for motivation after I struggled through a workout yesterday and I certainly found it. I just recently had a baby 8 weeks ago and I am at the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I was overweight before I got pregnant so not only do I have weight to lose from the…