GemmaCloke Member


  • Thanks for your reply, what you have suggested def makes sense and I will try to just make what I know the kids will eat at dinner time. I do buy the deals when i go food shopping`but i still feel bad about wasting food. I will def try and keep leftovers to go towards another meal. I was proud of my self last night,…
  • wow its so amazing that i got this many replies! And its nice to know I'm not alone in this mission, feel free to add me if you like, would be good to share the challenge with others and to see the end result too.
  • Firstly i would say don't pop it or peel the skin off! I had a big blisters once and i made the mistake of popping it and peeling the skin off to releive the pressure and it stung for ages and I couldnt walk on it. I think if it gets really big then pierce a small hole in it with a pin just to relieve the pressure but I…