Yesterday I fit into a 3 dress!!! Although pants are different bc I have wonderfully huge hips( I do like them) they are very boney but big so I'd like to loose another in or two and fit very comfortably into a 5 maybe some3's
Hey I joined 6 wks ago but just now started learning how to work my diet feel free to add me:)
Awesome you look so smart in your after pic LOL how long did it take??
24 geezalou k now I don't want to wear my bathing suit on our vacation in a few weeks LOL!
If I measure the smallest its 28 but my " baby pooch" is 35...
What are yalls waist measurements? ?
So ado I after 2 kids lol
Dkev u look a lot smaller at that weight than I did...
I'm bout 5' 6 or 5'7 I started at 130 and am 125.6 want to be down to 120.. of course I had a baby Nov 16 and was 141 when I delivered And Srry I don't know how to put pics here but u can see them in my profile:)
My hubby was like that at first but I think it was more him thinking I wasn't serious but it's easy because I'm always home and he works 70hours a week. On his day off we always go out to eat thou but now he's understanding and not" an off day won't kill you" and he's also buying me some work out videos we keep a lot of…
Sadly I could never do this...m y hubby and I split some tax return money to spend on ourselves and I ended up buying our vday dinner and stuff for our 2 boys...I'd probably put a down payment on a new house ORR start drawing up plans to build a perfect house....yep
Hi I'm Brittany I have a 2yr old boy and a 3 month old boy...I started at130 trying to get down to 120....and yes I know I'm small but its taking a LOT of work bc all I do is take care of the boys,and my hubby works 70 hrs a week and I don't drive so maybe we could help give each other tips on how to "get it" at home;-)
" I'm not moving ha-haha-haha"
I take them every two wks so I can see a difference in tone idc which sees that's what this site is for...not finding a mate or impressing people;)
No it doesn't you are awesome!!!!!
Thanks y'all I guess I will just lower my calories during the day...I've never had to diet and stuff before but after two kids( youngest is 3 months) I want to get back to how I looked in high-school....and um just kinda new at everything I'm starting to learn what does what for my body ya know ...
I'm already addicted to caffine...horribly...and I get any brand whatever's cheapest and use a tsp of sugar
Yeh I forgot to drink it the last two daysand I've been starving lol
Excuse me for being blunt but I'm very jealous that with all that weight loss you still have the look great and you are very pretty
We live abt 3 hrs away but never have the money to go but we are leaving for a week in March to go to Fla and will be less than 20 mind way I'm soo excited for my 2 1/2 yr old to see the ocean and beach for the first time!!!( and my 3Month old too....)
Hi I'm Brittany I'm addicted to Chocolate,milk,and if I could drink it coffee especially iced
23... close.... I guess the 30 is what I get for not wearing makeup lpl
Frilly love the not caring attitude
Great job I have a 3 month old b4 my pregnancy I was 140 I was 146 when I delivered a very healthy lil boy and now exactly 3 months post I am 127!!! I guess some pregnancies are good on your body LOL
Hah my mom told me this morning" just becareful not to lose too much " of course I used to be very annorexic (100 lbs or less in high-school at 5'6")
I like big guys no muscles Celt arms...muscles are not cuddly I'm even wanting my hubby to gain a few lbs and he's 215.... course he's 6'4" too
Not all girls like that ;-)