Lorilea123 Member


  • I'm 55 as well, and after successfully losing 30 pounds two years ago I find it's starting to creep back. I'm more active now (strength training, waterskiing), but even though I'm good about watching my calorie intake I can't seem to lose any of the 8 pounds I've gained back. I'd love some ideas on how to jump start my…
  • Hello from another Lori! I'm an empty nester too - and realized last December that the only person who could change my life was me. I started in January going to the gym 2 days a week to walk on the treadmill. It was amazing the difference just that little bit of exercise made. Now I'm 28 pounds down and feel amazing. You…
  • I'm so glad to find this thread! I'm 53 and started MFP back in January. 25 pounds down, only 5 more to go. I'm feeling better than I ever have and just ran my first 5k last weekend. Life is good! November goals: Lose those last 5lbs Run a 5k with my husband on the 17th Work on my core and strength training at least 3 days…
  • Congratulations! I ran my first 5k this past Saturday as well and it was awesome! Your time is actually great - I ran mine at an average 11:45 per mile and was very pleased with my time. Keep up the great work!
  • This was great advice! I've now lost a total of 28 pounds and am able to maintain at 1700-1800 calories per day. I just ran my first 5k and am running 3 miles consistently 4 days a week. I feel great!!!
  • I actually had that very thought this morning! I know it doesn't seem like much to lose, but I want to give myself a 5 pound "cushion" so I don't have to be too concerned if I go up or down a couple of pounds. Thanks for the feedback!
  • I'm 53 years old and currently at 133 pounds. My goal is 128, and I'm having a heck of a time losing that last 5 pounds and keeping it off! I log everything I eat, excercise (cardio, strength, etc) at least 5 times a week. I increased my calories to 1500 about 3 weeks ago and probably burn 250-300 exercising (I try to eat…
  • I am 53 and started a diet and exercise program in January. I've lost 19 pounds and exercise 5-6 times per week (40-50 minutes cardio and strength). I weigh 136 and would like to lose 6 more pounds. I currently eat 1300 calories a day and have stalled out in losing any more. I calculated my TDEE (2003) and BMR (1292), but…