
  • Lorilea123
    Lorilea123 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm so glad to find this thread! I'm 53 and started MFP back in January. 25 pounds down, only 5 more to go. I'm feeling better than I ever have and just ran my first 5k last weekend. Life is good!

    November goals:
    Lose those last 5lbs
    Run a 5k with my husband on the 17th
    Work on my core and strength training at least 3 days a week

    Have a great week everyone!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon,new week,new happenings.
    Jolenc1-GD is adorable.Thanks for the reading this am.
    Everyone else,have a great day!
    Hoping to get to gym as hubby is off.Trying to go 3 xs a week to start.
    Back and knee are good today!!
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Boy, you miss a couple of days and POW 200 posts to read. I just got back from swimming this morning and I waited to get home to shower. I have my first personal training session today and I can't wait. I got off track this weekend, but I'm jumping back in today.
    I have to get a card today, Friday DH and I have been married for 16 years. Wow it seems like months not years. This is both our second time around.
    I never did my November goals so here goes

    Swim as much as an hour a time (I have shows this month so it's going to be a push to get 3 times a week)
    Use my bands 3 times a week.
    Walk 3 miles a day.

    This time I wrote them down. Tigress
  • Lorilea123
    Lorilea123 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Barbie..I'm Lori and am from Rochester NY,,I am an empty nester and NEED MOTIVATION!,,I find myself just sitting around. I know i should get up and ride my exercise bike (which is staring at me right now!) Hoping this group will help me stay motivated

    Hello from another Lori! I'm an empty nester too - and realized last December that the only person who could change my life was me. I started in January going to the gym 2 days a week to walk on the treadmill. It was amazing the difference just that little bit of exercise made. Now I'm 28 pounds down and feel amazing. You can do it! The journey begins with just one step. Take that step and change your life!

    Check out my blog: https://thisjoyfuljourney.wordpress.com/2012/01/30/determination/
    I started writing about my weight loss/fitness journey - making it "public" kept me committed!

    Good luck!
  • I am back.....not quite up to par yet...wanted to let you all know that I have missed your support and encouragement.....I have 2 more weeks of recovery...:flowerforyou:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good afternoon ladies

    Did my aquafit class this morning and worked my bunnnnns off - just hope it shows tomorrow. Still working off a few excesses from the weekend.

    Need to get my friend to pin the back of the largest pair of jeans that I bought - have to fit the thighs and buttt and as a result the waist stands away from the body. Need to take in a couple of tucks to make them fit at the waist.

    The other two pairs are looking at me and will be fitted in due course. Naturally I need to wash them all before I wear them and get changes made, but just wonder if washing them together will change the colours - one pair is blue, one teal, one maroon. I think I might need to wash them separately.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on how the calories should be divided up in the daily scheme of things? I know the old adage is breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and supper like a pauper, but that isn't always practical in this day and age.

    While I was in the US on Sunday, I bought one of the small stationary bikes that you can put under your desk or use for you arm toning. Haven't put it togther yet, but want to try using it every day.

    DBF is coming soon to take me for my flu shot.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Changed my profile pic to Peanut and how he was "dressed" for last Wednesday Halloween. One of these days I'll get some of my 'before's & afters for this year...but I will admit I'm still the one that has the camera most of the time and I just don't do self portraits that often.

    Have a good evening every one when I get home I will do day 9 of the shred and get my salmon for dinner:drinker: :drinker: Love that salmon.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I`m going to post some of my replies, hopefully I`ll get to pop in later and post more.

    Genealace:smile: Yay for new jeans!!! It always feels good when a smaller size fits!!!

    Jen:smile: Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the chili, soup fest!

    Nancy:smile: Welcome!!! Come in often and chat with us!!

    Stardancer:smile: So sorry for your loss!!! Hope your daughter still has her job, I don`t blame you for wanting to be in on that conversation, good for you!!! 2 dishwashers and you`re washing by hand:noway: . Hope you get the new one installed soon!

    Katla49:smile: Welcome!!! I`m sure there are some ladies who can give you some ideas for choices inside, several of the ladies are doing Jillian`s 30DS

    Letingogirl:smile: How`s everything going with you?

    Robin:smile: Congrats on getting that junk drawer cleaned out:bigsmile: , I need to do that too:blushing: !

    Teri:smile: Hope you enjoyed being outside yesterday!!! I love being outside too!!!

    Linda:smile: Sounds like you enjoyed the reunion, and you were good too!!! Hope DD#2 is doing okay:flowerforyou: . Congrats on that 1.1 lb. gone!!!!!

    Colleen:smile: Hope you enjoyed your walk!!!

    Jackihf3:smile: Welcome to the group!!! Look under "MY Topics" to find us again!!!

    Kathy:smile: Good for DH to go on a walk with you!!!

    Viv:smile: Noel doesn`t like loud noise either:mad: . I used to take her up to Starbucks with me, but everytime a loud car, or motorcycle started up, she would start barking:embarassed: , it was just quiter to leave her at home:laugh: .

    Daworley:smile: Welcome!! Your goals look good! Keep coming back!!!

    Janehadji:smile: You did great at the parties!!! Yep, that`s me in the profile pic. Noel doesn`t like the hood on her coat, lucky for us it snaps off!

    Gail:smile: I bet your yard is looking great!! Looking forward to seeing the pics!!! The cowls sound fabulous!!!

    7djt:smile: Welcome, come in often and chat with us! Your goals look good!

    Michele:smile: Working in rocks for 5 hours:noway: . I know you had to be tired! I`m still amazed at everything you`re taking for Thanksgiving:laugh: . I did get a laugh about you taking the coffee pot, that would be one of the things I would do. In fact I bought my daughter one that makes one cup at a time, bless her, she cannot make coffee, At least now I can have a cup when I`m over there:laugh: . I`m thinking I might come to Hickory after the first of the year to do some furniture shopping, maybe we can get together then!!!

    Oh it`s getting dark now and I still have to take the doggy out for a walk, I will go now and hopefully be able to get back to post some more later tonight.

  • jeannel114
    jeannel114 Posts: 7 Member
    I am new to "myfitnesspal" - joined here a little more than a week ago. And this Group looks like the right place for me. I look forward to learning, and getting motivated, from all the wonderful women I see posting on here.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Jolene-Love your graphic abt staying young and pic og your granddaughter!

    Laura80111-Adorable pic of Peanut in the costume!

    Time to rant just a tad! My DH's blood pressure is going sky high and he treats it as no big deal! He has a different job at work that is less physical so he is driving truck more which is better for his knees and back but no exercise and it's like pulling teeth to get him to walk with me on the weekend.:frown: All he has to say for my weight loss is that he's afraid I'll leave him because I'm losing weight and he isn't! He does eat somewhat better than he used to only because I go shoppong now by myself so no junk food unless he gets it. My DD isn't motivated to get healthier either. Just very frustrating and I guess I'm coming across as nagging and preachy with both of them although that is not my intention. Hopefully I will get DH to go to doctor to at least get meds but smoking is not certainly helping! He even did Chantix and laser therapy and always goes back! Thanks for listening!

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ok, this isn't going to be pretty. I am going to do my first day of the 30 day shred so I thought I'd take before and after pictures. I dug deep into my chest of drawers and found my old aerobic outfit from a much smaller me. So here it is. The real me not hiding behind a horse :happy: Hopefully in thirty days they will be more flattering.

    Me at 164.8 pounds:

    Darn. I tried 3 times. The pictures keep coming out huge even though I reduced their size 3 times. They are now tiny on my computer but come out huge on photobucket. I am going to go play and come back when I can get it right.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Got it, finally. So here are my before photos:



  • Jolenec1 Kamari looks adorable, you must have so much fun with her. My daughter and her family
    moved to N.C. last year so I don't get to see my 4 granddaughters as much as I'd like. I do have 2
    grandsons that live nearby and are great fun!
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Well I got the routine for my tubes from the personal trainer, and I did the exercises correctly the first time. I'm going to add leg ones on swim days and arm ones on walking days. My arms hurt right now so I will take some aspirin before I go to bed.

    Wessecg- you look great, and after 30 days you will look even better.

    Kathy- do what I do when my DH doesn't want to exercise, I tell him to make sure and up his life insurance, I'm going to need the money so I don't have to marry someone else after he dies. You can't make them do it, they have to want too. Just keep doing for yourself.

    Jeannel114- welcome, and join in all the talk.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    carolyn - whenever I make spinach lasagna rolls, I have to make some with beef because Vince won't eat spinach and I make some with spinach for me. Glad your hubby liked them. Yea for the pants!

    I'm just so used to getting up at 6:00 that this morning I was up at 5. I got in about 40 minutes of yoga, it wasn't totally wasted.

    When MIL need to go to an assisted living place, she at first wanted to stay in FL. Well, our home at the time was in PA. She really didn't receive good care since there wasn't anyone there to check up on her. We then moved her to PA, Vince or myself would stop by 2 or 3 times a week. That seemed to make a difference.

    barbie - it really helped to put that butternut squash in the oven. Taking the seeds out of it was easier, too, than removing the seeds from a spaghetti squash. Interesting.....

    Jo, Laurie, Gwen, Lori, jeannel - welcome

    jolene - bet that bee wouldn't sting!!!! She's so adorable. Thanks for that list of how to stay young. I'd never heard of #6, but it makes so much sense. And the last one was so cute.

    Did about 40 minutes of yoga today then took the extremepump class for an hour. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some HIIT and then stepping. This afternoon I raked rocks for 3 hours. Tomorrow I'll get my hair colored and if it's raining, I'll go to mahjongg, if it's not raining, then I'll finish raking behind the new garage. Still have to do on the slope (that should be hard) and behind the old retaining wall between the wall and the fence.

    DeeDee - if you come to the furniture mart, we'd BETTER get together. I live like only 5 miles from there, but I'd certainly meet you somewhere. Oh, now I'm so excited!!!

    Tigress - happy anniversary

    Lori - what a wonderful post you made, so inspiring

    mommie - time will fly by and before you know it, you'll be back with us completely. Hope everything goes well for you.

    Kathy - vent all you need to. I know how frustrating it can be, Vince only eats semi-healthfully because I do the cooking. But when we go out! Now that's another story in itself

    Cheryl - can't wait to see the transformation. You're right, that aerobic outfit DID bring a smile to my face!

    Played mahjongg, maj'd three times!

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello all, thanks to everyone for sharing. I was going to rant a little about my struggles but have decided to embrace the positive.
    I just completed 50 days of tracking on MFP!
    most days I am at or slightly below my total calorie allowance.
    I have been doing some of the Strong Women stay Young leg exercises while standing at my sit-stand desk at work. Even without the weights they still are a workout.
    I keep coming back to share with you all, that is all good.
    I am worth it!

    Several people have mentioned a 30 day Shred. What is it?

    Thanks for listening,
  • marymickaela
    marymickaela Posts: 190 Member
    Hi everyone. I hope you have room for one more person here. My name's Mary. I'm 61, married 40 years and have 3 adults daughters and 5 grandkids. I put on a ton of weight because of medication and my eating habits. I joined MFP around June 2011. So far have lost 34lbs, but haven't really lost any weight in many many months. My youngest d got married September 2 so it's been a very stressful year.

    I'm working out 2x's a week with a trainer and try to do cardio on my own. Today I was so tired from the time change and changes to a med, but got my butt on the treadmill for 35 min. doing cardio interval, the stepper and 20 flights of stairs. Think I've gotten over my weekend Snicker binge and told H to get rid of all the candy. Today was a good eating day.

    Starting weight for November: 152.2 I've already lost 1.6lbs this month.
    Lose 5lbs which would get me down to 147 and a new all time low.
    No candy or junk food.
    Wear my Fitbit everyday.
    Workout with trainer 2x's week and do additional cardio 3 more days.
    Finish my quilt I'm making for my 8 y.o. grandson for X-mas and work on new quilting project block.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi everyone! I went to the garden today and dug a bucket full of carrots, came home and started researching recipes after a fellow gardener mentioned making roasted carrot bisque. Check out this recipe! I'll make it this week and let you know how it tastes. I'm thinking it's going to be verrrry good. Hope you're all having a wonderful evening! Love all the fun pics! :bigsmile:

    Ginger Roasted Carrot Bisque

    6 medium carrots, washed and cut into half-inch pieces
    1 large yellow onion, coarsely chopped
    2 Roma tomatoes, coarsely chopped
    1 tablespoon chopped fresh ginger
    1 teaspoon curry powder
    1 teaspoon paprika
    3 tablespoons olive oil
    4 cups chicken or turkey stock
    1-1/2 cups non-fat milk
    Sea salt and ground pepper to taste
    Shredded Italian cheeses for topping

    Preheat oven to 375°F. In a baking pan, toss carrots with 1 table olive oil and a pinch of sea salt. Roast in the oven about 20 minutes or until carrots start to brown slightly around the edges.

    Heat olive oil in a soup pot over medium heat. Add paprika, and curry powder until the spices begin to sizzle. Add onion, ginger, and tomatoes. Sauté until onion is soft. Add roasted carrots and stock; season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer about 20 minutes.
    Remove from the heat and let the mixture cool. Purée in a blender until smooth.
    Return soup to pot, add milk and heat gently. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
    Ladle into bowls and garnish each serving with 1 tablespoon shredded cheeses.

    I'll check in soon, don't have much time to write tonight.

    :smile: jb
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies,

    It was a beautiful day today here the sun shinning weather mild able to get Bella out for a nice walk today. Today is my last day off than back to work tomorrow so it was catching up from the busy week end to getting ready for the week to come. Got a lot done so felt very good. House work done went and did the shopping seem like it was big box store day for me, Costco, Wal-mart, and Home Depot lots done and lots of walking which is good.

    @Kathy my husband is like that till he got a really big scare his bp was always sky high and no matter what i couldn't get him to go he wouldn't till he was ready but I didn't stop nudging him and when he gave me the ok he was ready I drove him there, hang in there on all
    you can do is pray that he wakes up and starts taking care of himself ,

    @Michele--Wow 45 minutes of yoga I haven't try that yet.
    @Congrat Tigerass Happy anniversity
    @Dee, I always bring a lot to potlucks or dinners I am invited to my DH is always saying lets leave the kitchen sink home. I like to help and I have a sister-in-law wholoves to hosts but doen't love to cook.
    @Lori , Mary, Glen Welcome .

    Sorry If I have miss anyone, just want to encourage everyone you are doing great because you are still here trying and haven't given up on this journey of good health.

  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Ok, this isn't going to be pretty. I am going to do my first day of the 30 day shred so I thought I'd take before and after pictures. I dug deep into my chest of drawers and found my old aerobic outfit from a much smaller me. So here it is. The real me not hiding behind a horse :happy: Hopefully in thirty days they will be more flattering.

    Me at 164.8 pounds:

    Darn. I tried 3 times. The pictures keep coming out huge even though I reduced their size 3 times. They are now tiny on my computer but come out huge on photobucket. I am going to go play and come back when I can get it right.

    Wessecg- Try using this website to shrink the picture and then put it in photobucket. http://www.shrinkpictures.com/

    BTW, you look marvelous, already.