

  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Hi I'm Karen. A 53 year old RN who has had a year that just SUCKED. I just took a new job in longterm health care (nursing home). And I actually enjoy it. I've worked hospitals all of my career, but really felt God pulling me to do something that makes a positive difference. And this job fits the bill. Besides hospitals are no longer about the patient, only the money. I am divorced and dingle. That sucks too. But, working 2-10pm doesnt allow fir much of a life, but does pay the bills. Looking for a place to get support and vent if I need to. KAREN
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
    bump for later.
  • nursermr38
    Hi ladies, just peeking in. I really enjoy reading all your posts, everyone is so motivating. I love how you all share your joys, successes and trials. Stay strong and enjoy the holidays!!!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Glenda - I have a question for you (or anyone else who can answer it) since you're a professional cook. I have a recipe for pierogi dough. The recipe calls for flour, salt, milk, sour cream, and eggs. I'm wondering...why is the salt in there? I can understand the eggs, they are a binder. But what does the salt add? Is there a reason why I couldn't leave it out without harming the recipe?

    In a way I'm glad I got all of the baking for the Thanksgiving over yesterday. I'll feel "yuk" just once. Today we're making pierogi for Christmas. For Christmas, you ask? Well, the reason is because last year I bought too much farmer's cheese and at the price of that cheese, I wasn't about to throw it out, so I froze it. I can't get the farmer's cheese down here but I can up by Jessica. So if we make them now, I'll see if freezing the cheese made any difference, do I need to buy more cheese when I get up there? So that's why we're making them today. Update: finished them, I made about 60. I'm thinking that'll be enough for this Christmas. I did have 1/2 the dough recipe that I'm going to freeze for next year. What I'll do is half the recipe that I have and use the dough that I have in the freezer, so that should be enough.

    Lizzie - that is so wonderful of your hubby to do. Prayers for his safe return. How do you manage to just have one bite of the cookie dough? Help, please!!!!! Christmas baking is coming up so I need help and fast!

    jb - the raw dough is my downfall. Once the cookies/cake/brownies/whatever are baked, they really don't interest me. Oh, I might try one just to be sure of the taste/consistency, but I really don't care for any more. But don't leave the dough in front of me! Barbie - you are lucky in that you can just not have cereal or whatever is your downfall in the house. I don't think I could do that. Vince likes his sweets, especially for dessert. So I need to make something. But I do admit that many times I'll make a double batch of something (like cookies or muffins) and freeze them so I only have to bake once. It's not so much that I don't want to get the counter/oven dirty; more that I don't want to be tempted.

    Meg - one thing I've found is that a lot of restaurants will serve you a lunch size portion of a meal. Olive Garden has this chicken that is only on their lunch menu but they will make it at dinner time. Usually the portions (and the price) are smaller. You can ask if they'd do that.

    I have to ask a question. Will someone on this board or does anyone know of someone who will translate a couple of letters a year for me from Polish to English and from English to Polish? When my father was very sick and dying, this lovely lady was living with him. She spoke Polish. This worked out because my father spoke Polish. This lady was one in a million -- she one time took all the pictures he had off the walls and washed the walls! I don't think I've EVER done that to any of my homes. When he got to the point where he couldn't control his bowels, she would wash his underwear out BY HAND. She's gone back to Poland, and I'd really like to keep in touch with her. But her English communication is minimal and my Polish is even less. I would really really appreciate it if someone can do this for me.

    Did 50 minutes of a pilates DVD today. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extreme pump class.

    Boo Boo Boo - I had this really good recipe for a sweet potato casserole, but now I can't find it. So I looked on the Internet, still couldn't find it. What a pain. However, I did find another one that I think I'm going to use. Right now I'm baking the sweet potatoes, you're supposed to cool them and then peel them.

    janehadji - that's great that you were able to send those toys! You know, I don't have much of a problem at all staying out of cookie dough that's store made, all that artificial stuff and all just turns me off. But homemade cookie dough made with butter and sugar....that's it for me. Until they're baked, that is. Then I stop caring. What I do lots is make some for me and give the rest away

    Meg - I must have missed the part where you said your dentist was between donut shops. I remember when we live in the Poconos, as you walked out the door of the Y, right in front of you was a Dunkin Donuts. You could smell the donuts. Right next to a Y. I understand what the Y was doing, they were leasing that land to the DD in order to get more revenue.

    Karen - welcome. This is a safe place to vent and you'll get more support than you can handle!

    Well, going to get ready for tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    Ok. I just found this thread again and have been reading all your posts. I love this group!! But I see there is another Nancy who is also a teacher. Could get a little confusing so I will call myself Tn Nancy.

    So, other Nancy, what do you teach? And please tell me you don't live in Tennessee too!!!:ohwell:

    I seem to have stalled in my weight loss so I decided I need to do more exercise (more as in any at all!!) i bought a Chris Powell did and I am making sure I do it everyday. Today makes one week. Yay me!!:happy:

    I hope everyone has a super week and stays focused!!

    Tn Nancy
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    You can hang with me, I'm a preschool teacher and 50+ years...Welcome aboard..


    Hi, Stella! Thanks!! I look forward to getting to know all of you!!

    Tn Nancy
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome Karen and Tn Nancy.
    Have a good night ladies!
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome to the new ones. The shopping trip to Chicago yesterday was fun with my sisters. Did a lot of walking and window shopping, not too much buying. Got my 10,000 steps in easily. Had a nice lunch and stayed within my daily calories. Today after church my 7 year old GS and I did the 2 mile Turkey Trot walk. We had a great time.
    Keep coming back,
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good Sunday evening everyone, hope your day was peaceful and joyful. Seems to be a quiet night on the post.

    Meg – nice to see you back to your old self, missed your longer posts. I see you are getting ready for T-Day.

    JaneM - how was the baby shower? Oh, just saw your second post, glad you had a good time.

    Barbie – yay for your mammo results, of course Jake would be worried, just like you would worry about any medical tests he takes.:heart: I’m doing as you do, walking and talking on the phone. Put in over an hour on the walking phone today. Coyotes – I’m not sure it’s just about taking over their habitat, they seem to be very adaptable creatures and even live in large urban areas now eating pets as prey. I really don’t like them, packs have even attached a couple of people now in National Parks here in Canada (killed one girl). I have seen them try to lure dogs out to play and I’m sure there is a pack waiting for the hapless dog. Nasty pack creatures:angry: , but just nature I guess and I shouldn’t have a value judgment about it.

    Michele – I spent the day baking and cooking for the week and thought about you for imspiration. You always seem to be so productive in the kitchen. I made Sunny Boy muffins for tomorrow’s breakfast (and for the ladies at work if they taste good), then beef, kale and white bean soup for a fast dinner for the next couple of days (although I have left overs from tonight as well), baked and froze sweet potatoes and butternut squash for future.

    Katla49 – have a good (and safe) journey and fun time with family over Thanksgiving.

    Mary – wow, probably your DGS was just as tired as you, sounds like you kept him really busy today.

    Lizzie – hope your hubby has a good trip back, and safe. How was the jog?

    DeeDee – no wonder you were grumpy, sounds like a lot of work moving furniture upstairs. And then internet gremlins…..bah, humbug!:explode:

    JB – it’s amazing how much better the pile looks once you just dive in and start something. I had to do that yesterday, looked around and went – ahh, it’s messy here and I hate clutter. So five hours later, every room was cleaned, vacuumed and mopped, all laundry done and I felt so much better. Now I should tackle my office shelves. I was just thinking, maybe if you stuck a pitchfork between the dogs you could call it Canine Gothic:wink: .

    JaneH – too bad they don’t have Walmart in Holland. The cost of shipping Jenneka’s gifts will be amazingly high – as much as the gifts. The main gift will have to be $$$ this year. I took stained glass lessons too, make little things mostly but did do one window as a gift for a friend that I was really proud of (funny syntax there –whoops sorry).

    LindaS – we miss your chats too:brokenheart: ….. Hope the lawyer works, probably only take one letter to let them know you mean business.

    Karen – welcome and please keep coming back. Nice to hear you enjoy working in the nursing home, I think it is very evident when people don’t like their jobs and in a nursing home, positivity is a nice attribute to have.:flowerforyou:

    Nursermr38 – come on back and talk to us sometime – we’d love to get to know you and share your joys, successes and trials too.

    Well, time to sign off and go arrange the wardrobe for the week. It’s going to be a really busy week, Council meetings, book club, planning afternoon for a non-profit board I sit on (Women Creating Change), and I’m still debating doing the Black Friday thing in Spokane. So, the less time I have to spend thinking about what to eat or wear, the more time I have to get other stuff done.

    Good night ladies and thanks for being here.:bigsmile:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :flowerforyou: We don’t have to travel this year to have Thanksgiving with an old friend and his family and Jake is delighted to not have to make the long drive. Instead we will meet a group of friends who always have Thanksgiving at the hospital cafeteria where they serve a great Turkey dinner with all the trimmings.

    :bigsmile: Today we saw “Skyfall” the new James Bond movie and it was fabulous

    :flowerforyou: Jen, once I made the decision to eat only the food I planned ahead of time, it became easy to go to events and not eat the snacks…..it helps, too, to eat meals as planned and not arrive at events hungry.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, one of my happiness commandments is “Do it now” but somehow that doesn’t necessarily apply to housework. I get a lot accomplished but windows, floors, bathrooms, etc. seem to get neglected….I have knitted many hats for myself and to send to children in Afghanistan, but unless Jake insists, I won’t be knitting hats for poodles.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, I wasn’t concerned about the mammogram results but when Jake offered to go with me and then wanted to know how long it would be before I knew the results that I realized that It was a serious test and not just like going for a teeth cleaning.

    :flowerforyou: Janehadji, since I started this weight loss journey I haven’t done any baking…..I gave away my flour, sugar, and other baking supplies and all my cake pans……I entertain myself in different ways and am no longer well-known for my chocolate chip cookies…..I’d rather be known as the woman who lost so much weight and kept it off rather than the cookie champ.

    :flowerforyou: TennesseeNancy, good luck in finding the exercise you’ll do….exercise is important for health (read “Strong Women Stay Young” for more information)

    :flowerforyou: Lila, you’re right about the coyotes just being part of nature…..one interesting aspect of the coyote and poodles and horses topic is the varying opinions of all the people involved (the owner of the dogs and horses, the house sitters, the woman who cares for the horses, Jake and me) and the opinions range from the aggressive to the pacifist…….the differences of opinion are a lot like discussion about religion or politics or abortion or the death penalty…….i have stayed silent.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, we have been watching curling on TV today and I thought of you and how fortunate you are to live somewhere where curling is a recreational choice.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    On the subject of housework: unlike those who request that guests take off their shoes when they enter their home, I request them to remove their glasses. :wink:
    My mother in law, bless her heart, used to tell me, "If I was looking for dirt, I could have stayed home. I came to see you."

    Michele - Have you tried Google Translate? http://translate.google.com/m/translate?twu=1

    Got to go to sleep so that I can work tomorrow. Good night, all! Mary
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We're traveling and I couldn't find my wallet this morning. I worked really hard not to have a complete panic attack, and was party successful. We went on an errand to "Homeowner Hell" to get parts for a light switch for my SIL and I had one more look in the car when we got back to her house. I found the wallet. It had slipped between two seats and was hidden from view. Whew! I'm counting my blessings now. Tomorrow we're off on the next leg of our trip. We'll be at my daughter's in a couple of days. I'm recording food and am (barely) under my calorie goals both yesterday and today. All things considered, its a good trip so far.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Gremlins are gone and computer seems to be working ok:bigsmile: !!! However, I don`t have time this morning to respond like I would like to:frown: ! I did finally get all the posts read, now that the computer is going more than -0 mph. I still have to tackle those 100 and now probably more e-mails:angry::grumble: . I do believe I will have time to get back later though!!!

    What I failed to do in my two ranting posts:embarassed: , was to welcome all the newbies so.....
    Welcome to all of you that are new here...I`m usually not so grumpy and cranky! This is a great group of women, lots of good advice, motivation, inspirition and fabulous recipes!!! Come in often and chat with us:flowerforyou: !!!

    Hope you all have a fantastic Monday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Morning ladies

    Just a quick check in. DH and I went to the football game here yesterday and my lunch (protein bar) was confiscated! I was sooo mad I did not hide it better!! LOL! You know there is next to nothing healthy at the games! We had three happy drunks sitting behind us keeping us entertained! Gotta love fans and football!!!

    Got a quick workout in before the game yesterday and will get a couple more in today and tomorrow before DH and I hit the road! Will get some walking in once we get there but nothing structured I'm afraid. Can't wait to see DD # 1 in the Christmas Spectacular!!! It always puts me in the spirit!

    No time to reply to all but I am thinking of you and sending everyone good karma today!

    Take care,
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Good Monday morning to everyone and welcome to all the new gals that have found this fun thread!

    I drove up to Virginia (from the Atlanta area) yesterday and will spend the week here at my DB/DSIL timeshare with them. My sister/DBIL, DH and DS1 arrive on Wednesday, Too many calories and not enough activity yesterday, but today is a new day. Will just be checking in here and there reading posts and logging food.

    Mary, I taught my boys to sew, iron, cook, do laundry, etc. - telling them it is a life skill, not gender specific. They both have the skills, DS2 sewed/developed/prototyped a hunting gun sling that he and another friend are trying to get manufactured.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Morning ladies

    Just a quick check in. DH and I went to the football game here yesterday and my lunch (protein bar) was confiscated! I was sooo mad I did not hide it better!! LOL!

    I just had to pop in to tell you how I handled this before. Some years ago, I took my mother to Skate America championships. They don't allow anything in, but we were going to be there for 8 hour periods for 3 days. My mother is on a very restricted sodium diet, and of course about all they serve is hot dogs, nachos, and pretzels with cheese. Anyway, I came up with the perfect plan. She hid small snacks in empty film canisters (this was of course before the digital camera.) I knew that we would have to have something more substantial like a sandwich, so I emptied out a tampon box and found that it was the perfect size to hold several sandwiches. I put it in my bag. When we went to get in the security line, where they were searching all bags, I chose a line with a young man about 19 years old. When he opened the bag of the gray haired lady, and saw the tampon box, he closed the bag immediately. I'm pretty sure that he wished that he hadn't come to work that day, from the look that he gave me. I am still laughing! Mary
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Good morning ladies - I try to read all your lovely posts each day as I find them so encouraging! Unfortunately I do not get around to posting often. And I just was posting a response when the screen jumped and it all disappeared. :sad: :sad: That's what I get for typing in the reply box!:grumble: :grumble:

    Wishing everyone well today and always. For those who are hurting or have/are ill---hoping for better healthier days. For everyone who is travelling---safe journeys. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Time for me to get back to my errands!


  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    On the subject of housework: unlike those who request that guests take off their shoes when they enter their home, I request them to remove their glasses. :wink:
    My mother in law, bless her heart, used to tell me, "If I was looking for dirt, I could have stayed home. I came to see you."

    Michele - Have you tried Google Translate? http://translate.google.com/m/translate?twu=1

    Got to go to sleep so that I can work tomorrow. Good night, all! Mary
    Thanks for this about housework, Mary! Love love love it! That's just adorable what your mother in law said :happy:

    And great idea about Google Translate. Michele, have you looked into that?. I'll ask my Polish student on Weds if she might be able to help.

    It's Monday-Be-Mindful, back to reality. Hubby has the day off so we'll do some window cleaning later this morning. He started on it yesterday while I was out galavanting with the dogs, wow what a difference! It's supposed to storm like crazy today but isn't raining much at the moment. I'm thinking I should get out and walk early. It'd be just like me, though, to sit here and think about it until I've waited too long and end up having to walk in a torrential downpour. Must git!

    Great day to everyone.

    :smile: jb
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    On the subject of housework: unlike those who request that guests take off their shoes when they enter their home, I request them to remove their glasses. :wink:
    My mother in law, bless her heart, used to tell me, "If I was looking for dirt, I could have stayed home. I came to see you."

    Michele - Have you tried Google Translate? http://translate.google.com/m/translate?twu=1

    Got to go to sleep so that I can work tomorrow. Good night, all! Mary

    Oh my goodness....LOVE this...."request them to remove their glasses" made me laugh out loud! Think I'll try it!
  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    Good morning Everyone,
    It has been a while since I posted with you as my computer went down on me. I finally got it fixed and I am now able to join in with you again. I sure missed this support group.
    My October goals were eat healthy, drink lots of water and exercise more. I lost 8 lls, drank 4-16 oz bottles of water daily and exercised at least 3 times a week for 30 mins. So all in all, I did OK in that department.
    My Novermber goals are to eat in moderation at the holiday dinners (Thurs. and Sat--I'm cooking them both:sad: ), bump my exercise up to 4 times per week for 45 mins, don't stress out over the holidays and lose 8 more lbs. These will probably be my December goals as well.
    I have been thinking about purchasing the Zumba fitness and dance my weight off. Anyone a Zumba fan? Does it work for you? I would like to here from you if you use this program. I would like to hear feedback from the ones that have used ir or are currently using it to decide if I want to spend that kind of money. Does it tone up the arms and core muscles like the commercial implies? I do app
    I can't believe Thanksgiving is this week. I haven't started my holiday shopping but must get cracking on it. I will put up the Christmas tree and decorate the house next week after the family has gone home.