

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    marking my spot in the new thread...
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Will be back in the morning!!! Sleep well and sweet dreams!!!! Until tomorrow......

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Had a great time with Violet.We went to the library and read the biggest book in the library(4ft tall).
    Went to the store to buy cookies to bake and saw a dog driving a car or so she thought as he was sitting in the drivers seat in the parking lot.Came back with some turkey cookies which we baked to send home.Planning a sleepover next week.
    Have a good night!!
    jane m
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,174 Member
    Just got back in town. So I'll BUMP for later.


  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Just marking my spot. Must finish report card grades, lesson plans, etc.
    So much to do and so little time!:grumble:
    Deb A
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Just marking my spot on the new thread! Happy to report I got a good chair workout in that actually left me huffing and puffing!:happy:
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Hi! I'm Nancy from Tennessee. I am a preschool special Ed teacher and I'm 51 years old. I've been married 30 years and have 3 sons. My oldest is a nurse (just graduated in August). My middle son is an air traffic controller in the Air Force. My youngest is a freshman in high school. He is a baseball player/ladies' man! I am doing Atkins and have lost 61 pounds since February. My ticker says 58 because I had lost 3 pounds before I started logging on MFP. hope you will let me hang out with y'all. You seems so positive and encouraging!

    :flowerforyou: welcome, Nancy....I hope you will keep coming back and get to know us and we'll get to know you.

    :flowerforyou: we had great plans to go see the new James Bond movie but we got bad information about what time the movie started so we drove the 20 minutes to the theatre and found out that the movie didn't start until an hour later than we thought.:cry::cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: ....I can't stay up that late and we didn't want to wait around that long so we came home and will go back on Saturday or Sunday in the afternoon

    :noway: MIchele, in all the seasons of DWTS that I've watched, Derek always choreographs at least one dance that is completely off the mark for what it is supposed to be....we gave Shawn a bunch of our votes since she'll need them to offset the low mark from Len.

    :flowerforyou: JaneMartin, congrats on getting work :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Tuesday already, short weeks always mess up my sense of time.

    Eileen – how great your DS’s party sounded. And what an appropriate day to celebrate him and his service to his country.

    Rose – sounds like you are working the program just perfectly – good for you and your meals sound good!

    DeeDee – so glad the store exchanged your shoes (and hope the new ones are better on your feet). Please post a photo when your tree is done, it sounds like it will be beautiful. Somehow I had the feeling you are talented with décor.

    JaneH – OMG they must have injected the fish with butter and boiled the orzo in it too. How on earth did they get 1100 calories into fish and orzo?

    JaneM – congratulations on the job – how exciting!!! It must be fun to view things through Violet’s eyes – the dog driving the car- lol

    Hi Donica – welcome to the group. I drove through Twisp last summer on my way to the Coast. Sounds like you have the exercise thing all scoped out – good for you.

    M – welcome back, we missed you. The corn chowder sounds really good, I copied it out and will try it this week. Something about this time of year makes me crave soup. I made a Cilantro soup today that I found in a women’s mag. It was good but kind of fussy to make. I’m trying to up my calories, but I’m finding it a bit challenging. I’m not a big fan of carbs (except for pasta which I am avoiding like the plague). Nuts are good, and I’ve been using brown rice for the calories. I don’t’ tend to get hungry so I have to set the alarm for lunch (which I missed today). I seem to get tons of protein, but shy on the carbs. I’m going to start eating some cheese again. I’ve had my thyroid tested but it seems to be in the normal range, although I have several sisters with hypothyroidism.

    Barbie – thanks for the roll over thread. I didn’t realize we were so close to 500 already.

    Got to go, have to read my book for book club next Monday – just got the book today but looks like it’s pretty thin so shouldn’t be much of a read. More sloppy wet snow today, it’s supposed to warm up tomorrow so probably it will all melt (and then come back again shortly afterward).

    Have a good night ladies, a good sleep and a great Wednesday.
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Bump.... just when I 'm feeling good..... I feel bad, think its a touch of the flu or an invisible mule kicked me in the breaad basket!

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies - Is it Wednesday? I'm so confused with the days! That's what comes of working every day instead of only 3 or 4 days a week.

    Barbie - I looked at those bugaboots and I'm definitely getting some! Maybe you can advise - is the sizing true or do you need to adjust up or down?

    My dad was in 'Eeyore mode' this morning. He hates it when I am working and can't have my full attention. I try to be as sympathetic as I can, but somedays I just struggle. It makes me feel very mean-spirited, but I really am doing my best.

    I have a heap of Latin translation to work through when I get home tonight so I will only be able to pop round to see dad for about an hour - otherwise I'll get no sleep at all.

    Anyway my friends, must get some work done.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    ChrisHanselma:smile: Glad you`re feeling better:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Calmrose:smile: Yay for staying "on plan"!!! Just keep doing it and it will become second nature!!!

    Barbie:smile: I thought I dressed warm, you have me beat!!!! It`s a shame you didn`t get to see the movie, I don`t go very often to the movies, if I sit that long wihtout talking I go to sleep:yawn: :laugh: !

    Michele:smile: I`m hoping to find the red okra next year, I can`t wait to try it! This Pat person sounds...well, how do I put it nicely....mean! Isn`t it still the holiday season between Christmas and New Years:huh: ? You can always tell her your MFP friend is coming by:bigsmile: .

    Kathy:smile: It just hit me yesterday, Thanksgiving is next week:noway: , I thought I had another week, I have somehow lost a week in Nov.:ohwell: !!!! Good for those chair exercises making you sweat!!!

    Eileen:smile: Sounds like your party was wonderful, and what a perfect day to have it!!!! I laughed about you walking around your living room, I run up and down the stairs several times a day to get a few more steps in!

    Nancycaregive:smile: Welcome to the group! Come in often and chat with us!!!

    JaneMartin:smile: How cute Violet thought the dog was driving:laugh: !!!

    Lin:smile: Glad you`re back! How`s your dad doing?

    DebA:smile: Did you get all your "stuff" done?

    Lila:smile: I don`t know how talented I am with decor, I do like to decorate though, and I`ll post a pic of the tree once I get it done! I`m hypothyroid too and my Dr. goes more by the way I feel and less by the so-called normal range of numbers, as long as my bp is good and heartrate is normal!!! It`s time for me to go in a get it checked again too, she usually has me in there every 6 months!

    Kate:smile: I sure hope you get to feeling better:flowerforyou: !!!

    Amanda:smile: Remember to take a little time for yourself:flowerforyou: !!!

    I`m having lunch with my best friend today, haven`t seen much of her this summer since her hubby had the stem cell surgery and massive chemo, I`m really looking forward to it!!! We both eat pretty heathy so I`m not worried about lunch out today!! Hope you all have a wonderful day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member
    Good morning!

    saving my spot for later

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Bump for later!! Time to get ready for work-- Have a great day everyone!

  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Marking my spot for later....Wishing all a Wonderful Wednesday!!! :flowerforyou:

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning – Wednesday, right? My head is still a little awhirl from the traveling :smile:. My diet is too – finding myself wanting to reach for cookies or chips a little too frequently. But today I’m drinking my protein shake after working out my arms and shoulders and abs. It’s sunny and clear although cold out, so I’ll go for a walk a little later. Start out as you mean to go, right?

    Bjmcq, there’s no doubt there’s a calorie discrepancy between guesstimating what you’ve burned and what you’ve eaten. A lot of ladies here wear fitbits (measure steps and calculate calories) or heart rate monitors when they work out (that’s what I do). It gives a more accurate estimate of calorie burn, and food’s pretty standard for calculating. I plug in most of my recipes to get an accurate count of the calories and then stay under by a few hundred/day. MFP already has me down 1200 calories from my total basal rate, so under or overestimating by a couple hundred isn’t going to “blow” my diet, but undereating because I’m adding in a bunch of exercise calories but not fueling my body for that will send it into a stall. Bodies are cool machines like that :wink:. Don’t forget to keep a good dose of healthy fat in your diet too – your body needs it.

    Donica, hi and welcome! My grandfather had Parkinson’s and I watch for signs of it all the time. It’s a rough disorder. Good for you and your husband for trying to be healthier! Exercise will most definitely help. Let us know how it’s going.

    Skeezicks, good goals!

    Laura, if the 30DS is really only 30 days, you’ll see the changes closer to the end than the beginning. It took me a full six – eight weeks before I saw big changes – but they are coming, believe me! You’re right, the exercise really helps.

    JaneH, I’m surprised as well that your relatively light lunch turned out to be so calorie intensive, but I’ve seen that happen. It’s a bummer. My trip was only partially vacation – I did work out of the Phoenix office while I was there, but it was someplace warm, so that’s always better, right? We’ll be out your way next week but guess we’ll miss each other. I’ll be sure to hit the outlet malls for you :laugh:.

    DeeDee, I’m in the same boat – I had done a clothes purge a couple of years ago, so all of my old smaller clothes are long gone. Same thing with the bras too – I had myself fitted for a new bra before I went to France and think the shock of discovering how big my breasts had gotten is what really threw me into serious lose-weight mode. I had always been a comfortable C, so discovering I was a DD was a major shock. Now the bands keep getting bigger and my girls are swimming in their cups. Fortunately I kept the old bras, so I’m tossing the new ones, getting out the old ones and hoping the old sexy ones look sexy again one day :laugh:. Your Christmas tree idea sounds lovely! I don’t think we’re putting up a tree this year but will be getting out the Christmas decorations. We have a fake tree we put in the dining room so maybe I’ll decorate that one to the hilt. Have fun at your lunch with your friend!

    Calmrose, your diet plan sounds perfect! You’re right, as you can tick off the days it helps you see how far you’ve come – until you realize that’s how you always eat! It’s a great journey. Good luck!

    Michele, if you’re in a temperate climate you can grow rosemary as big as you want. In Phoenix they use it for shrubbery. Seriously, it grows into hedges. It’s kind of like a bramble that way.

    Eileen, your party for your son sounds wonderful. I’m so glad he’s here and you got to see him more before he heads back. Lol about the laps in the living room – it would take me about 500 to get a mile or so – we have a fairly small room :smile:.

    Hi, Nancy from TN. Welcome – feel free to pop by and comment whenever you want.

    JaneM, what a lovely day with your DGD. Good luck with the new job!

    Barbie, don’t you hate when you can’t get the right movie time? We try to use Fandango to get the times, but our local theater doesn’t participate in on-line ticketing, so sometimes they have the wrong listings. Grr. Let us know how the movie is though. I imagine Twilight is in my future – we still have a teen girl in the house :laugh:.

    Lila, I had my thyroid tested multiple times – bottom line is, it’s not my thyroid lol. I think a lot of us have gotten used to avoiding carbs, and in a pretty big way it’s good for us. I eat them because as a vegetarian it’s pretty necessary, but I try to make sure they’re “whole” and not processed. I don’t have white flour in the house, and we just ran out of sugar and I seem to keep “forgetting” to buy more :wink:. I always have almonds on hand, and I keep a bowl of apples on the counter. I don’t tend to eat a lot of pasta either, but we eat beans like crazy, along with some tofu. The one thing I won’t do is eat the meat substitutes. I just don’t like it for the most part, I have a little OCD thing that makes me reject “fake” foods, and I get plenty of protein in regular food anyway. It helps if I have a shake in the morning, but I rarely go over my carb count even on days when my protein is low. What book are you reading?

    Kate, hope you get over whatever you have soon! DD’s family had the raging stomach flu roar through their house a couple of weeks ago – it was a rough go for them.

    Amanda, lol about the confusion (you’ll note how I started my post). I didn’t know you did translation on top of your map store – is it for your husband? I seem to recall he does something with it . . . anyway, impressed.

    OK, off to the showers and work. I hope everyone has a productive Wednesday and a peaceful evening. I’m taking my sister to dinner tonight at a favorite Malaysian place – it has sushi and something for everyone. I haven’t decided what I’m having but I’ll eat light today regardless.


  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    Finally got a good nights sleep!:smile: I credit my evening workout for that. Also, to keep the momentum going, I planned my eating for the day ahead of time and will try to stick to it! Found a few new recipes on skinnytaste.com that I'm trying this week. Hope everyone has a great day!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all,

    Glad to be back into my regular morning routine. This will be a short week at school, only two days of regular classes. The student teacher has finished her two week practicum, so I have "my" students back. I will celebrate by getting busy with their fall reports!

    A new circuit class starts tonight, I wonder what the instructor will have in store for us? I've got my new shorts, so I'm ready for anything! (So terribly shallow! :blushing: :laugh: )

    What do I enjoy most about winter?

    Christmas! :love: I love everything about Christmas, the religious significance and ritual, the decorations, the special times with family and friends. the gift buying, wrapping, displaying, giving (and yes, getting), all of it!

    Skiing! Oh yeah. Curling. Sitting inside and watching the snow fall outside.

    My Pendleton blanket winter jacket. Colourful scarves. Wearing sweaters my mother knitted (or is it knit?) for me years ago.

    DeeDee, so glad to hear you took the shoes back and got re-fitted. :smile: There is nothing, nothing, worse than bad shoes or sore feet.

    Michelle, my HIIT at the hotel was on the treadmill – run fast as I can for 60 seconds, run slowly for 120. :explode: Sometimes I use the ropes and flap them around for 20-30 seconds, rest for the rest of the minute. At circuit training we do 45 seconds of an exercise flat out, then rest for 15 while moving to the next station.

    Jane, congratulations on getting the job! :flowerforyou: Here's knowing it will all come back to you and you'll enjoy yourself.

    We went to see the new 007 movie in IMAX while in Spokane. Very fun. :laugh: J’boy and I cheered and giggled our way through the whole thing.

    Amanda, is it English to Latin or Latin to English? I’m guessing the latter because what would a person need Latin for today? No, wait, someone translated at least the first Harry Potter book into Latin. :noway: I wonder if young students are using it for a text?

    Must go and get ready for school - new hip length black jacket, black leggings, wide black belt. All that black balanced by a happy coloured scarf and a big smile.

    Hasta (not haystack!) pronto,


    November Goals:

    Time for a mid-month check:

    Continue New Rules of Lifting – 3x week = I am on track with this.
    No second helpings, no evening snacks = I am doing well here too, if we disregard yesterday. I was dis oriented when we got home.
    Keep up the exercise & good eating routine when we go away for our November break. = Oh yeah! Two workouts in three days, took Monday off the diet to enjoy a fancy dinner.
    Add meditative prayer to my daily routine. = not happening. Hmmm.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning. Just jotting down my W list for Wednesday.

    Winning. (No) Whining. Waning Weight and Waist :wink:

    Willpower. Water! :drinker:

    Withstand the Wet Weather. :tongue:

    Busy day ahead, I must get a move on. Have a good day everyone!

    :smile: jb