

  • todayandeveryday
    Congratulations on 29 lbs lost, that's so great !! I need to get back to a nightly walk with the dog definitely ... she has lots of fur so she will be fine while I can't seem to warm up lately ! Keep up the good work ! Hope you get a great new job you really like !
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: I went for my mammogram today and when I was seated with the woman at the desk giving my information and signing papers I got to thinking about all of you who work at desks or computers and don’t have time many opportunities during your work day for exercise…….then I noticed that the woman I was talking to got up from her chair and walked to the printer to get each piece of paper while the woman seated to her left rolled over to the printer in her chair…there are ways to get a bit more exercise even at a sedentary job.

    :bigsmile: They are so nice at the mammogram place…I’ll get results in the mail next week….they are usually fast with them.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for November (with middle of the month comments)
    *yoga once a week (no yoga so far this month)
    *weight training three days a week (five sessions in two weeks)
    *recumbent bike 60 minutes a day (60 minutes or more almost every day)
    *say “OK”---be agreeable (most of the time)
    *stay in the moment (only a few lapses)
    *Be Barbie (great)
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Good evening lovely ladies--

    I've been MIA for a while. I've been logging, reading and keeping up with my friends but every time I get ready to post my mind goes blank.:blushing:

    I've been out of sorts lately and I'm not sure why. Even as I sit here now I'm not sure what to post. :ohwell:

    I had an extremely bad food day yesterday. We had a Thanksgiving luncheon at work yesterday and I overindulged. THANKSGIVING #1. Scale was up this morning (but not weigh day) so it doesn't count. :laugh: :laugh: I did better today. Have not been getting any exercise in. That might have something to do with my mood.

    We've been really busy. We're already starting to get ready for the holidays. My entire family is coming for Christmas and we (mostly DH) are painting. DH is just finishing painting two walls in the living room.

    We have a huge Sunday School campaign going which ends with Family Day this Sunday. Sunday School and service followed by Thanksgiving dinner and a concert. I'm making one of 50 turkeys plus dressing. It is one of the highlights of our year. THANKSGIVING #2.

    Next week I will be cooking for DH, DD,DSIL and a friend. THANKGSGIVING #3. Of course there are favorite recipes that everyone will expect so I will make them and try not to eat too much.

    Is anyone who has lost a lot having problems with being cold now? I just seem to be cold most of the time. The only change is the weight loss.

    I can't remember everyone's posts but congratulations on new jobs, weights losses, NSV's and exercise done.

    I haven't done as well with drinking water as I did when it was warmer but remember to :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Have a great Friday and weekend if I don't get back to you.

  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Oh my Ladies! It has been a painfully long day:huh: .

    I went into work early thinking I would get my project done and my reports ready before I am out of the office next week. NO CHANCE of that:angry::angry: :grumble: ! The lady in the office today was a chatty Kathy:explode: :angry: and I ended up making a total mess of my reports:mad: :mad: . Thank goodness I noticed my mistakes before I turned it in. I ended up staying 2 hours over to correct everthing:grumble: :grumble: .

    That of course made dinner late:angry: . I just got back from the gym, WHEW:ohwell: !! I will be glad to get out of the office for a few days,even if it is to get ready for 20+ guests for Thanksgiving dinner:noway: :laugh: .

    I am stuck on a plateau and haven't lost a pound this month:grumble: :angry: . I haven't gained any, so I suppose I have something to be thankful for:ohwell: :huh: . But that also means I won' t be making my goal for my Novermber 24th:grumble: :noway: ! Oh, well. It will be good when it does happen:bigsmile: .

    My boss bought tickets for my family and myself to go see her daughter's high school drama club dinner theater tomorrow night:tongue: . My husband is thrilled....not:tongue::wink: :laugh: :laugh: . He hates musicals and high school plays:noway: . They are doing Guys and Dolls. I don't imagine there will be much on the menu that fits in with my new lifestyle, but I will eat before I go so I won't be hungry and make a mistake. Her daughter is a very sweet young lady:heart::heart: .

    Well, I have case studies to grade before I make it to bed:yawn: .:yawn: Everyone have a nice evening.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Like Kathy, I can’t believe it’s Friday already (well tomorrow anyway). The other day I watched Dr Oz, must have been Monday because it’s a daytime show and I’m never home in the daytime unless it’s a weekend or statutory holiday. Anyway, he had a 3-day cleanse that he designed and I decided to try it. I used to do a cleanse every spring but the last couple of years I’ve not been able to complete it as I felt so bad on it. But lately I’ve been feeling very bloaty and uncomfortable and like my system is too slow. So I printed out the recipes (it’s a full organic cleanse) and did the fruit and veg shopping and I started it this morning. I did feel a little uncomfortable this afternoon and have no idea how one drinks 4 of these various smoothies a day, 3 was way more than I wanted and I feel a little too full. However, they taste pretty good so drinking them is not a problem (except for the volume). I am feeling very tired though so am going to bed right after this post. I entered the recipes on MFP and the breakfast, lunch and dinner total to 1275 cals – over on carbs, under on protein, dead on the fat quotient, high on fiber (of course). I still have half the lunch drink in the fridge for tomorrow, just couldn’t get it all down.

    Kathy – sorry about the job ending but glad your walks are getting less painful.

    Andrea – welcome and how great you found this quote right away. It really is a great group of ladies.

    DeeDee – great loss!!!!! What book are you reading (along with the other 3 waiting)?

    Liz – I hope your Thursday was better than yesterday, keep the chin up, you’re a strong and caring woman. Hugs.

    Amanda – don’t be so hard on yourself, we are all human and have moments like that. We know you really care so don’t beat yourself up about an aberrant thought.

    Carolyn – kettlebells look dangerous to me (I’m a total klutz and would probably break my own leg with one).

    Lin and Linda – I’ve had that happen frequently; I just go back and complete the day again until it shows up. MFP has been kind of odd to me lately, screens freezing and booting me out (haven’t lost a post yet though - saying that probably jinxed me).

    JB – I love the dogs in hats – just precious! To add to the Rosemary thread – I love using the blue flowers in salads in the summer. They have a taste between Rosemary and Lavender to me. Your little found note made me laugh. At the moment it’s the only way I feel flexible.

    WhoDatLizzie – blessings on your husband for his caring and helping nature. Sounds like you are staying on track even when faced with obstacles such as yummy teas.

    Rose – looks like you are doing really well, try out the skinnytaste.com website. The recipes make everyone a good cook – I just saw a roasted pumpkin sage soup that I’m going to try out.

    Micki – I don’t know how I would do with 3 Thanksgivings facing me.

    Jolene – oh, your day sounded so busy. When do you get to see the Guys and Dolls musical? I can’t remember the last time I went to a high school musical – must be 10 or 12 years ago, DD1 used to do the choreography for them and DD2 the costumes. I kind of miss those days.

    Good night ladies, off to bed to read again, didn’t quite finish it last night so have about 2 chapters left. Sleep well and have a great Friday.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member

    Is anyone who has lost a lot having problems with being cold now? I just seem to be cold most of the time. The only change is the weight loss.


    :flowerforyou: since I lost weight I've been extra cold
    so I wear wool socks, thermal underwear, turtlenecks and sweatshirts or sweaters and have an extra blanket on my bed.....when I go out I wear a knitted wool hat and scarf and a wool coat :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I just want to say a huge thank you to all of you lovely ladies for your support and understanding. It really means a lot to have somewhere to come and be open without judgement.

    Last night my dad called an ambulance and was carted off to A&E again. Why? Because he couldn't reach me on the phone (I was on my way home from work and there is no reception on the underground). He said he thought he was having a heart attack. When I got to the hospital the doctor had already done a barrage of tests and basically told my dad that his heart was as sound as a bell. I'm not sure if it put my dad at ease or not. Now he's just convinced that he has cancer. I'm going with him next week when he has his scan on his tummy. Fingers crossed.

    Must work.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    TGIF Lovely Ladies!!!

    Woke up with my back hurting a bit and not sure if it is age or exercise related...Have not tried the kettlebells yet so can't blame that. I want to try them this weekend after I thoroughly review and practice proper technique... More to come on that!!

    Wonder if I will have wings or a broomstick today??? LOL

    Rose- WTG for sticking to the plan...It does take time for the new routine to set in....

    Andrea- Welcome to a great bunch of awesome ladies full of lots of encouragement and support!

    DeeDee- Yay for your loss!! I am doing the happy dance for you! Glad you were able to spend quality time with your friends.

    Kathy- Great attitude about your last day at work... Hopefully the transition will be smooth for you...

    Barbie- Glad your mammogram is done. Good luck on the results. As always thanks for your words of wisdom. I consider my job somewhat sedentary. I started using a basic pedometer and the staff is beginning a 10,000 step challenge at work!!

    Micki- Three Thanksgivings!!! Wow-ser! Good luck making it light. Sorry you have been out of sorts... Hope you start to find the sunshine again!!!

    Jolene- Chatty Kathy needs to let you get your work done. Some people sometimes don't take our hints very well.... I am also on a plateau so I know how you feel. Hang in there and it will end soon. Enjoy Guys and Dolls. My DH would only go if DD # 1 was in the show. Otherwise I would go by myself!

    Lila- Good luck on the cleanse. Let me know how it works and how you like it. Is the plan posted on his website?

    Amanda- Hope your Dad finds some peace and security soon. Sounds like he may be scared... Hope you can identify his issues and move forward. Thinking of you....

    jb- Can't wait to hear your Friday words!!

    Tigress and Meg- Hope you guys feel better soon!

    Michele- You are a saint to watch those kitties!!! Can't wait to hear about your tales!!!! (Should it be tails??)

    To other ladies- I am choosing wings today.... Hope you do too!!!

    Take care,
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Yay! I made the 30 mark!:happy: Really motivated now to keep going! I do have another 30 to get to where I was 11 yrs ago and then probably a little more to truly be at a good weight! I just break it down into small goals and realize how much healthier I'm getting! Just wish the rest of the family would get on board but at least they do eat most of my healthy meals! My hand has been kind of numb and tingly last night and this morning, thinking of getting it checked out after my last day of work today. Have a great one all!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hi ho, Friday, fabulous fun day. What else is Friday? Fantastic. :happy:

    Today I take a routine break from my routine - every Friday J'boy and I go to the Tim Horton's drive through for breakfast (though they stopped carrying the egg salad sandwich I used to get, so now I have to find another high nutrition-low(ish) calorie option on their menu. No donut holes!

    Multi-age groups at school. Today we are studying the principles of levers by building tiny catapults out of craft sticks. We will then attack the castle with cotton balls. Last time I did this project I brought in mini-marshmallows for ammunition - that proved a bit dangerous. The marshmallows hurt a bit when they are propelled with force, and they are too tempting for some students to resist eating. Cotton balls seem a safer (and healthier) option.

    I am going to assign two students in each group to record the action using iPads and prepare a presentation for the principal (just in case she wonders why I am teaching them how to made medieval weapons!)

    Oh yes, it's going to be fun.

    J'boy is ready and I must be off,

    Hasta pronto,

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi to my lovely friends. Don't know what's going on around here but it's been CRAZY busy. I am on round two of antibiotics and actually feel quite good except for the nausea/belching from these new meds. BLEH. How charming. LOL. Can't stay today, but please make today count! i'll be back tomorrow and I swear I'm taking control of my life! Take care, Meg
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    :smile: Are you ready? Here goes!

    It's a Festive Friday Full of Fiesty Feminine Friends Frugally Feasting on Fat-Free Foods!! :laugh:

    Which of course means I'll allow myself a second glass of wine tonight lol. :bigsmile: I've done so well this week with just having 5 oz when I get home from work. It's such a habit. But I knew I could cut back, and I did, and I'm glad! :drinker:

    M-F report: Down 1.5 lbs this week. I didn't change my ticker so will need to lose 3 more to get back to 69. 4 more and I'll be shouting Yippeeeeee 70! 70!! SEVENTY POUNDS JB!! :noway: Sorry, just had a moment there. :blushing:

    A few interesting things have happened this week. I'll have to write details later since I have to work earlier than usual today so must get the dogs out and get my exercise pronto.

    Amanda, I sure do feel for you. :flowerforyou: It's just so difficult. My mom has been ok this week, thank goodness.

    Congrats to all of the losers this week! :drinker: I'm telling you, I've had a time getting back into the swing of it. :grumble: But onward we go, let's have a wonderful day and keep those cards and letters coming in! :wink:

    :smile: jb
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: You know I just LOVE:love: my 1/2 day Fridays.

    Janehadji-ohhh I just love shopping and your new purse sounds like it's a winner:flowerforyou:

    Lizzie-so glad you found us again, can you imagine how long our monthly posts would be if they didn't stop them at 500:noway: People would see so many pages and never come back....but we are a chatty group and we always have at least TWO parts each month...you sound like you are really busy too.:drinker:

    calmrose- 4 days is a start and we all have been there, keep it up and before you know it you will be looking at one month:drinker:

    DeeDee- out for lunch & dinner and still a loss:flowerforyou: Congrats on keeping your calories in check. I find when i meet a friend for a lunch or breakfast that we just talk our way through several servers as they change shifts...then we leave a good tip because we have hogged one of their tables for so long:noway:

    Barbie- I sit at a desk and my printer is in another room and I try to get up after every piece of paper is printed so I keep moving all day...but I still find that I sit way too much and that's probably why when I'm home on the weekends and get to spend time in my kitchen I never sit down:ohwell: Glad your mammogram went well.

    Micki-I'm sure that by the time December 1st arrives you are Thanksgiving & Turkey'ed out:noway: Just have small tastes of each thing to keep your calories in check and find some time to do a quick walk, even 10 min will help. COLD:noway: Yep I'm cold all the time now. Right now my right hand that I use on the mouse is really cold and I have my space heater on under my desk and my coffee cup on it's heater so I can hold the warm cup to warm my hands....yep I'm always cold..but would rather be cold than have that layer of fat surrounding my body:wink:

    Jolene- I understand trying to get reports done so you can get out of the office...I have all my monthlys due next Tuesday and I'm figuring I will be putting in a long day on Monday and Tuesday to make sure all is done...hoping for no mistakes:blushing: When our sons were in High School their High School did Guys & Dolls and we really enjoyed it, but then we knew several of the kids in the play so that make it personal for us. Hope your hubby finds a way to enjoy himself and sounds like you have a good plan to eat beforehand:drinker:

    Lila-so what is in this cleanse smoothie that you are drinking:huh: and does it really work?

    Amanda-glad that your Dad wasn't having a heart attack and hoping next weeks appt doesn't turn anything up:flowerforyou:

    Carolyn - take care and don't do anything to further hurt your back, take the kettlebells slow:flowerforyou:

    Kathy- congrats on making 30 lost:drinker: Yep it's a good thing to break up the loss into small goals otherwise you are easily discouraged...I had broken mine up into 2.5 lb goals so I was always feeling like I was making progress.

    Nancy-what a great Mother & Son thing to do. When the boys were all home I tried to have special times with them too and I really miss those times:ohwell:

    Meg-take care of yourself that's the most important thing to do:drinker: Hoping you are feeling better soon.

    jb- Congrats on your loss:flowerforyou: so close to 70 I'm sure we will be seeing your ticker change soon.

    Hubby has his interview this morning so we are hoping for the best. We will be having Son #3 & DIL over for dinner tonight and I told them I'd cook so we could stay the course with our good eating habits. I want to keep it all in line when I know that Thanksgiving is next week and I'm sure there will be some meals that will be higher in calories even having a tablespoon here and there of food.

    I have officially moved to Level2 on the 30 ds and I soooo don't like a lot of the exercises on this level:grumble: . I keep telling myself it's for my own good and I need this today so that all my tomorrows I am in better health. I had a call last night from one of Mom & Dad's friends and she will be 88 in two months and she has all kinds of exercise equipment in her livingroom and she uses all of it. I think I will use her as an example of what I want to be when I'm in my 80's she has always eaten healthy and has never had excess weight to lose...so I want to be like her:wink:

    I best get going. Everyone have a Fabulous Friday (thank you Nancy) and let's keep moving our bodies burning those calories, drinking plenty of water:drinker: and log that food.

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    We need her name so we can be like her too!! It can be our new motto "Be like Myrtle!!"

    I was sooooo disappointed with my weigh in today. I don't know if I'm going to log it or not. I was down .4 but I know it should be better than that. When I got to work I went to the restroom and I think I weigh less now :wink: I got on the work scale and I weighed 3 pounds less on it today than yesterday. So I'm thinking I will re-weigh tomorrow morning and then log it. Is that cheating?
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone – are you ready for the weekend??? Big one before the Thanksgiving holiday for those in the US. *I* however will be trying on snow gear to see what fits (yes, shameless bragging). The kiddos are on half days for the rest of the time (PT conferences), so we’ll leave as soon as they’re done on Wednesday. Can’t wait! DS made reservations for us at his restaurant for turkey day – first time ever one of my children cooked Thanksgiving dinner for me!

    In the meantime, busy weekend ahead – I did a lot of housework this week (yes, I did get those floors and toilets scrubbed) but have to get outside in the freezing cold and trim back the shrubs and get the yard ready for Christmas lights when we get back. Tomorrow my sister’s church is hosting a Zumbathon, so I’m going after my hair appt. to get in a couple of hours of Zumba. I’m thinking I may have a cocktail after that lol.

    Nancy, ours is a short week too. I love trying out new workout gear, so I totally understand! And the cool new coat, you sound like the cool teacher.

    Laura, everything sounds like it’s going swimmingly for you – so glad! Look at you, still losing weight! Sometimes the Thanksgivings that aren’t spent being planned out are the best.

    Meg, I’m sorry you’re still sick and hope you’re feeling better now for the weekend. You’ll be at that 12# mark in no time, don’t worry. The recipe I read suggested doing the corn cob thing as well, although it cooked all the veggies in broth, then added milk at the end.

    Lin, I hate when my computer updates then dies. It’s so frustrating. I have a lot of trouble when my graphic card is updated. When we got back from our travels my desktop was in death mode, but it was only a fake-out. However, I discovered the kids haven’t been bothering to update their antiviruses – DSS doesn’t even have one on his laptop since it expired and he didn’t bother to tell me. Grr! I want to tell him it’s like having sex without a condom, but I think DH would frown on that analogy. So nice of you to take the staff treats! You’re really being strong and good-willed about the troubles with you dad. Good luck with your glasses.

    Hi, Glenda – good to see your smiling face! Good luck finding some sort of routine, even if it’s routine chaos :laugh:.

    LindaS, so glad to hear you’re feeling better – hope the therapy’s helping. I know you’re doing great at finding some sort of exercise, so just do what you can. You’re doing great! I noticed my diary is like that too – but I think it’s because I don’t “complete” my diary until the next day, so it won’t update for the previous day.

    Cheryl, I know what you mean about the cookies. I had made some M&M cookies for the kids (ahem) with the leftover Halloween candy, then just helped myself because no one else was here to eat them. So bad. Congratulations on the Shred exercising!!!

    Barbie, congratulations on no cooking for Tday! Good luck on the mammo.

    MaryC, Good job on discovering the joys of slow eating! It really does help.

    Lila, the Malaysian restaurant we go to has a variety of foods from the Asian area, so I had a thai vegetarian clay pot curry. It was really good. We had a blast that night – went wine tasting first at the store next to the restaurant. It was completely spur-of-the-moment and turned out so well. There was a fundraiser there, so we bought some raffle tickets and wound up winning a lot. I love it when your night turns out so much better than you thought it would. I’ll keep an eye out for the book. I just started yet another book that I’ve already read. I hate it when they recover/repackage books and I can’t tell it’s something I’ve already read.

    Liz, I’m sorry you’re having a tough time at work. I hope it gets better.

    Amanda, your poor husband and you. I know what he means, but still it’s so hard to even contemplate it. You’ll miss your dad terribly, but really it will be the dad who wasn’t always a bother that you’ll miss. That’s who you’re missing already, if you think about it. It’s just a tough time. {{hugs}}

    Carolyn, my friend teaches kettlebells and swears they are the best workout. Let me know how it goes!

    Nancy, you’re so clever to get the kids to go run around to get their blood flowing again! I remember visiting a class when DS was in middle school – the teacher had the kids sitting and being lectured to for the entire class. I remember thinking “No way would I have lasted in that class.” Have fun with the curling!

    Cheryl, remember that even if you don’t reach all the way to your goal you’ve come so far! You can’t make your body lose any faster than it wants, and if you’re not careful you could force it into a plateau. Just keep doing what you know is right. And don’t look back.

    Michele, glad your neighbor found her cat. I keep V8 with me in the car now too – we have a case of it in the garage, I just grab a can when I go by. That way if I get hungry while I’m out it’s a quick little snack. You asked about protein – I use pretty standard ones: greek yogurt, tofu, lots of beans and brown rice, all kinds of veggies. I also have a protein drink when I’m doing resistance training – that provides about 1/3 of my protein for the day. I usually don’t have too much of a problem, but I’ve been a little carb heavy lately. Getting better though – had cottage cheese for my snack today.

    Wanda, congratulations on moving to such a smaller size! That’s wonderful. If you lost 5 for the month, you did lose a pound a week, so good for you!

    Jb, look at you go! You’re really losing weight, and it’s because you are being so faithful to eating right (mostly lol) and exercising. It works because it works :smile:. I was supposed to do yoga yesterday but wound up quitting after a ½ hour. I was just not feeling well yesterday. I’ll do it on Sunday, which is my preference anyway. Today was legs and back resistance, then abs. My core is really getting stronger! So sad about the man!

    Laura, love those grandma cuddles! Your DIL’s idea for Tday sounds wonderful. I hope she doesn’t let her mom bully her on that one. Isn’t it funny what we are willing to throw ourselves on a sword for? As to the Shred, can I say that even though I’m not doing that program I have exercises I still hate even after almost six months, but as I’m able to do them better because I’m stronger I hate them less. Anyway, that’s what I found :smile:.

    JaneH, new handbag – great treat! I will be passing through Denver, but we’ll be over in Keystone/Dillon except going from/to the airport. If you want to come up the pass (there are all those outlets you know hint, hint) I’d love to meet!

    MSH, I don’t recall the recipe, but the one I use from the Herbivoracious cookbook simply calls for a little oil heated fairly high, then just stir-fry until the beans are “somewhat shriveled and developing black spots.” You’ll want to be sure you’re using good, fresh green beans – a lot of the ones at the market are old and already prone to being too soft. They should “snap” when you bend them.

    JB, I’ve seen that about the women before – love it!

    Lizzie, I’m assuming you’re down in NOLA – love the spirit of the Louisianans! And the food . . . oh, yes, it’s hard to pass by. Exercise is your friend! Good for your husband for helping out with the Sandy area. It’s hard to believe they still have so much to do to recover.

    Rose, congratulations on the passing days . . . they just keep adding up. Eventually so will the lost pounds :smile:. They say to begin as you mean to go, and it sounds like that’s exactly what you’re doing.

    DeeDee, Thanks, my dinner was delicious. Nothing out of the ordinary, just a Thai curry, but it was delicious and I didn’t have to cook or clean up from it :smile:. Your lunch with your friend sounds like a lot of fun. Good for you for a) keeping your calories at your target and b) losing weight!!! Woohoo!

    Andrea, welcome and keep coming back. As you can tell, tracking helps a lot.

    Kathy, I hope you find another position soon. It is hard in the non-profit area, no question. There was a thought that the private arena would pick up the slack, but things are tight all the way around :sad:. It sounds like your leg and foot is doing better and you’re making good progress – congratulations!

    Barbie, you’re right, there are ways to keep yourself moving even if sitting all the time. Thanks for the reminder.

    Micki, I’m going to try to say this gently: there may be a direct correlation between the foods you’re eating and your moods. If you’re having “bad” days where you’re eating a lot of processed carbs (white food) and sweets, you may find yourself in that dreaded carb fog and blood sugar spikes/crashes. You’re also pretty busy, which adds to stress, which adds to hormonal swings . . . it all adds up. Don’t beat yourself up – that will only make it worse – but for each time you reach for something and can make yourself stop and ask if it’s really what you want or if it’s healthy or if it’s even necessary, you can start to break that “habit” and move to healthier ones. Good luck! You’ve already come so far – you’re really making progress and you’re still on that journey. It’s not a goal so much as it is journey that will continue even after you think you’ve hit a target on the scale. As to the being cold I personally find I’m cold when I’m really tired. It’s a joke in our family that if I’m reaching for a blanket it’s time for me to go to bed. Your blood pressure has probably come down, which will also possibly make you cooler in general.

    Jolene, I’m sorry your work wound up being so frustrating. You’re a good employee for making sure everything is accurate. I hope you have fun at the drama club dinner – it sounds fun to me!

    Lila, wow, that cleanse sounds intense! I used to do them once or twice a year but haven’t for quite some time. I do occasionally drink senna tea if I’m feeling a little “slow” and bloated. I remember I would be tired (and cold) all the time while on them, so not surprised that you’re tired too.

    Carolyn, my back/neck/shoulders are sometimes sore if I a) stay in bed too long or b) just sleep – I really, really need a new bed lol :laugh:.

    Kathy, congratulations on the 30# mark!!! Woohoo!

    Nancy, good luck on your TimmyH breakfast! We don’t have them down here in the States, but we do have Dunkin Donuts lol :laugh:. Also lol at the kids finding a way to make something like a puffy marshmallow into a harmful projectile.

    Jb, happy Festive Friday! Congratulations on the weight loss too!

    Laura, sending good thoughts for your DH’s interview. Keep pushing through the Shred – you’ll be glad you did. I love the example of your mom’s friend! How wonderful. That’s how I want to be when I’m 88 too.

    Cheryl, TMI. Nuff said lol :laugh:.

    OK, on that note, it’s time to sign off for the weekend. I’m probably going to drop back to posting a few times a week – I’m trying to make myself break away from the computer when I’m not working. However, I’ll still be logging everything and checking in. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.


  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    It's hard to believe that it's already Friday again -- time does fly! I love JB's daily words. My son called at 6:30am to say that he'd arrived safely in Miami. He's staying with someone I don't know who has a house on the beach. I'm such a worrier! I hope he has a great time, but stays out of trouble and behaves. Is that too much to expect of a 20 year old boy? Probably. Hubby gave him an extra $500 spending money right before he left, so he now has ample opportunity. (He's lucky he went to his father, because I was only going to give him $300). At least he calls me every day.

    I'm having lunch with two clients/friends at a Middle Eastern restaurant today. I know how to count that, so it should be okay. I often wish that lunching wasn't one of my favorite occupations, but it is. We almost never ate out when I was growing up, so I've overcompensated as an adult.

    Lizzie -- Great job handling the food at the tea! That's so nice of your hubby to want to help others. I know that the people in Sandy's path still need help.

    DeeDee -- Two meals out, 6 calories left, and down 2.3 lbs.??! You rock, girl!!! :flowerforyou:

    Kathyszoo -- Congrats on hitting the 30 lb. off mark! That's quite an accomplishment! :smile: Good job on being up to 30 minutes on your walking -- I know it isn't easy with all of the problems you've had this year. I'm sorry that your job is ending and hope you find another that you like soon.

    Jolene -- I feel for you in your plateau -- we all hit them and it can be frustrating, but it is better than gaining and it WILL pass. Try changing something, increasing your calories temporarily along with your exercise usually helps a lot.

    Lila -- I'll be interested to hear about your results from the Dr. Oz cleanse. I've never done one.

    JB -- Another cute dogs in hats picture! They certainly are photogenic. I really love your daily alphabet quotes, and today's really made me smile. Thank you! :smile:

    Nancy -- Your catapult class sounds great. Your students are lucky to have you as their teacher!

    Laura -- Keeping my fingers crossed for hubby's interview this morning! Good for you in persisting with the next level of the shred, despite disliking the exercises -- that's determination. :flowerforyou: I hope you enjoy your half day today, and are doing something fun. Let's try to have lunch again in January! I did so enjoy our meeting last time.
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    good morning, ladies! A quick stop in before I tackle the tasks for the day....and yes, it is a late start!:blushing:

    Amanda - I totally hear you on the thoughts re your aging parents. It was just a few months ago, as we were moving my 95 year old mother in law from another province, that I sat in a coffee shop with tears in my eyes. I said that I have some questions for God about why we are uprooting a 95 year old who just wants to 'go home', while so many of my friends have lost 30 yr old sons/ daughters tragically over the last year. I have no answers for that - I am glad that He does! But it is so hard to watch her struggle to function with an intact mind but almost no sight or hearing; or to see my own mother at 80, in good physical health but mental faculties quickly fading, and fighting it with aggression and frustration all the way! It is sad, and difficult and exhausting - but we persevere because we love them, while sometimes wishing for relief for them and for us. You don't need to feel guilt over those thoughts - I think we all experience them!

    Nancy - What a great teacher you must be. I love the lesson with catapults - what kid doesn't like to launch things into the air:laugh: you are definitely making an impact on young lives!

    Kathy - Yay for the great progress on the walking. And double yay!! for reaching such an impressive milestone - 30 POUNDS! That is great! Isn't it wonderful how these successes inspire us to keep on and do more. Know that it inspires the rest of us too!:smile: Thanks!

    Deedee - Oh don't you just love those long 'catching up' lunches with a good friend! I have a friend who will just tell the waitress "We are going to be here for a while, so keep the cooffee coming and let us know if you need the table." :happy: I have actually sat through two coffee rushes over a chummy coffee with a good friend....love it! But to lose weight on top of it - amazing!
    (not sure I should adopt that as my diet strategy though:laugh: )

    Lila - that sounds like a really interesting book on Zimbabwe. Ever since we visited South Africa a few years ago, the dynamic in that area has held a bit of a fascination for me. A complex and complicated region for sure. I may have to check it out - oh, the list of books to read grows longer!!! Good luck with the cleanse - not sure I could drink that much smoothie either!

    jb - I think I am having some of the same difficulties getting 'back at it' since I have been away. I realized that I haven't actually been home since before Hallowe'en, so that means no exercise and little 'good eating' for a few weeks! Time to ramp up some routine, although I am not too optimistic with Christmas events starting up next week!!

    Have a great day all. Eat well, live well, go well, stay well!!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Didn`t work as the pt`s wife was sick.Spent 8 hours getting ready for our fundraiser at the church-10lbs spaghetti,6 trays of salad,10 trays of garlic bread,100=meatballs.House smelt so good.Got to bed around 2.Felt good to be doing something for someone else.
    Have a good one.have to catch up on the posts after going to the gym.Hubby is willing and able as he is off,so going with it.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    We need her name so we can be like her too!! It can be our new motto "Be like Myrtle!!"

    I was sooooo disappointed with my weigh in today. I don't know if I'm going to log it or not. I was down .4 but I know it should be better than that. When I got to work I went to the restroom and I think I weigh less now :wink: I got on the work scale and I weighed 3 pounds less on it today than yesterday. So I'm thinking I will re-weigh tomorrow morning and then log it. Is that cheating?

    I don't think it's cheating...sorry the loss was so small this AM ...but it's still a loss...I too would be tempted (and probably would change it) to change it to whatever the weight is tomorrow.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    just stopping by
    to shout out a "hi"

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.

    Some day I will have time to post again. :ohwell: