

  • calmrose
    calmrose Posts: 17 Member
    Having a good day, really enjoying the posts on this board and learning interesting things too. November is half over now so I'd like to re-post my November goals here and do a check to see how I am doing with them.
    Walk 50 minutes every day > getting 40 minutes most days, still need to work on this one.
    Stay on Plan > Doing well at this one
    Increase daily veggies to 4 cups > Getting about 3 cups
    Record Eating & Exercise daily > Have not missed a day
    Greet everyone with Smile > Doing well at this one.

    DeeDee - So glad you enjoyed your lunch with your friend. Congrats on that 2.3 pound loss, that's terrific
    Andrea - I am delighted you have joined us.

    Barbie - You are so right, I have a desk job also and I use every opportunity to get up and move around. My boss's office is at the back of the building and I walk back rather than use the intercom. I wear a pedometer and try for as many steps as I can get.

    Micki > Wow, that is a challenge, 3 Thanksgivings, I wish you much luck and determination with that challenge - I have trouble with one.

    Sasha > I wish you well with the cleanse, I did one a year ago or so and it did help me out for a while. Thanks so much for the website, I haven't checked it out yet but I will.

    Amanda > I feel for you with your Dad. I care for my Mom in my home and though I love her to pieces, she can be a trial at times.

    Carolyn > I hope your back heals quickly, I wouldn't try the kettlebells until your back is 100%

    Kathy > Congrats on reaching that 30 pound mark:smile::smile: :smile:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful FRIDAY
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I've got just a bit of time so I'm going to reply for as long as I can!

    Calmrose:smile: I'm not much of a cook either:noway: , very limited in my recipes...but I'm getting better!!! Good for you not looking at (or eating) he ice cream and cookies!!! Hey, it's almost been a week...you're doing fabulous!!!

    Andrea:smile: Welcome to the group!!! Come in often and chat with us!!!

    Kathy:smile: Congrats on 30 lbs. gone!!!! And for working yourself up to a 30 minute walk with your fur boys, I bet they love it!!!

    Barbie:smile: Good wishes for your results!!! I have now started getting up during commercials if I'm watching TV and walking around the house or running up the stairs, and I keep an eye on the clock when I'm on the computer and every 30 minutes I get myself up and move around, makes a huge difference!!! And I thank you for that:flowerforyou: !!!

    Micki:smile: Exercise really does make my mood improve!!! 3 Thanksgiving dinners:noway: , I do love to smell turkey cooking, but I don't like the taste at all, I do however like everything that goes along with it:ohwell: ! Yes, I'm cold most of the time now too, and I love it:laugh: , I just put on another sweater!!! Better than those 38 pounds that kept me warmer:bigsmile: !!!

    Jolene:smile: Oh dear...I have been known to be a chatty Cathy myself:laugh: :blushing: ...I just love to talk or type:tongue: ! I'm glad you noticed the mistakes and were able to correct them before turning them in!!! You're having 20 guests for Thanksgiving dinner:noway: , are you the only one cooking? I would be totally crazy, actually I would just get it catered:blushing: , I would be so afraid I wouldn't have enough for everyone or what I made would be less than edible:laugh: . The dreaded plateau...at least you've not gained! It will come off, change up a few things! Hope you enjoy the production of Guys and Dolls, and hope hubby does too!

    Lila:smile: I'll be interested in hearing how the cleanse is going, I've never done one before. I knew a lady who would do a lemon juice and cayenne pepper cleanse:noway: , she swore by it:noway: :noway: :noway: !!! Hope you don't get too tired, how long are you supposed to do it? I'm reading "The Inn at Rose Harbor" by Debbie MaComber, my granddaughter picked it out for me, it's okay, a little hard to follow though, there are 3 stories going on all at once so each chapter keeps going back and forth, I get confused:laugh: . I have the book Barbie recommended "A Complaint Free World" , book a friend gave me "To Heaven and Back", not sure who it's by, and a book by Sarah Addison Allen, she's a NC author, can't remember the title right off hand now...and I probably have a few more in my bookcase. Since I've been getting in more walking I'm about too tired at night to read anymore:laugh: , the dog doesn't appreciate it when I drop the book and startle her:laugh: .

    Amanda:smile: sending you and your dad hugs!!!

    Carolyn:smile: My back was bothering me this morning too, I finally figured out it was because I had carried heavy things up stairs yesterday!!! The dog wasn't pleased I wasn't walking as fast as usual this morning either:angry: ! Can't wait to hear about the kettlebells!!! Wings or a broomstick:laugh: , I see you chose wings this morning, I did too, however I keep the broomstick close by:laugh: !

    Nancy:smile: Yes, it is a fantastic Friday!!!! Hope you enjoyed your breakfast! Your students must love you....teaching them how to make Medieval weapons:laugh: !

    Meg:smile: Hope you're feeling back to your perky self soon!!!

    Jb:smile: Yes, the F's have it....love it!!! Congrats on 1.5 lb. gone!!! Pretty soon your ticker will say 70!!!!

    Laura80111:smile: We left a nice big tip yesterday, the server told us we were a pleasure to serve and please come back soon, big tips make people nice!!!! I would love a coffee cup heater, where did you find it? I'm with you, would rather be cold than have those 38 pounds back on me:noway: !!!! Keeping my fingers crossed hubby's interview goes well!! Good for you keeping up the shred even though you don't like it!!! 88 years old...what a great role model!!!

    Cheryl:smile: At least it was a loss!!! I think I would re-weigh tomorrow too, and no I don't think it's cheating!!!

    Okay, all the time I have for now. Will try to get back and finish later this evening!!!

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Busy busy busy but I wanted to tell you that I am still here and say hi! Did I mention that I am busy?? Mary
    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member
    TGIF:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I am thankful for my new MFP family:flowerforyou:

    I haven't had a lot of time to post lately, but I do peek in and read every day :happy:

    I really believe this site and my determination are key to my success this time.

    The end is in site, for my house to be ready to sell that is :bigsmile:

    Fireplace/chimney cleaned.
    Whole house water filter installed.
    Windows repaired.
    Shower door repaired
    Furnace maintenance done.
    Landscaping all finished last Tuesday, then it snowed 9" the day after:noway: , that is all melted now.

    I had painters paint 2 walls in my foyer this Monday. No way I was reaching up 20+ feet. I finished the rest yesterday.
    Upstairs is all painted, now working on downstairs this weekend and next.

    Gutters cleaned.

    Monday someone will be cleaning the window in that 20+ft foyer.
    Wednesday basement crack will be repaired.

    I still need to contact an electrician to work on an outlet.

    Almost there:yawn:

    Had my son come home from Boston yesterday for less than 24 hrs. he had one day off from work and took the bus home. It was mainly to pick up his new iphone that was delivered to the house, but I got to see him:bigsmile: . We also went and closed his local bank account and our joint account. He is for the most part financially on his own now. He is still covered by my health insurance and on my cell phone plan, but pays for everything else on his own. He put his name in to work Thanksgiving and Christmas, extra money for him, but that means he won't be home for the holidays.:cry:

    My youngest will be home from school next week. When she is here its like a tornado hits:laugh:

    It seems all my fur babies are sick this week.:noway:
    My 10yr old lab is back on antihistamines, skin itches, but at least her ears are okay this time.
    14yr old cat's ulcers on her eyes have healed, but still not producing tears, so ointment twice a day for life. Plus now she's being treated for high blood pressure.
    Just got the call this morning that my 33 yr old horse is not putting weight on her foot, had arthritis that probably has flared up.
    Modern medicine ensures our pets live longer but the bills:noway: :sad:

    Need to post this before I lose it:tongue:

    Sorry if I didn't respond to anyone, but I do read it all, just have a few other things going on at the same time here at work.

    Have a great Friday evening!

  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    What an emotional week! Thursday my dog Charlie, a 13 year old Staffie Labrador cross wasn't well. He was trembling & walking like he was drunk with his back end just giving out. The vet diagnosed a tumor on his liver & a build up of toxins in his blood was affecting his nerves. Fortunately blood tests showed it wasn't cancerous so a course of steroids & anti-biotics with a chicken & rice diet. He normally sleeps in his bed on the upstairs landing but we couldn't risk him falling downstairs so DH & I took turns in sleeping downstairs with him. He was so sick on Monday morning, I was expecting a one way trip to the vet but by Monday afternoon you would not have known anything was wrong with him. It was like a switch was turned on. He's not completely well but I still have my boy who has given us so much since we picked him up from the rescue centre as a pup.

    So I've had some days not eating at all & others just dry toast & fruit. I'm back on an even keel now & looking forward to catching up with everyone's news.

    Have a fabulous week lovely ladies.

  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good Friday evening you wonderful November nymphs! ( only N word I could find for woman???)
    Have been slammed with too much marking, too little sleep....so I will check in tomorrow and catch up on all
    your posts....
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I'll see if I can finish my post now:happy: !

    M:smile: I hope you have a wonderful trip and Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Cocktails after zumba sounds like a good plan to me!!!

    Janehadji:smile: Lunch a favorite occupation:laugh: , I love it!!! 20 year old young man in Miami with some money, I bet he has a good time!!! At least he does call you everyday!!! I'm like you I'm a worrier too!

    Glenda:smile: Yes, loosing that 2.3 lbs was quite a surprise to me, and it stayed off...at least so far:bigsmile: !!! I thought maybe I should eat out more often, then I thought again and decided it really wasn't a good idea:noway: :laugh: .

    JaneMartin:smile: That's a lot of spaghetti, salad, bread and meatballs:love: ...YUM!!!! Hope your fundraiser is very successful!!!

    Robin:smile: I hope "someday" will come soon:flowerforyou: !

    Calmrose:smile: You're doing very good with your goals!!!!

    Mary:smile: Hope things get less busy for you!!! I know that feeling well:grumble: !

    Lynn:smile: Yay!!! I know you've been working on your house for awhile now, it's all coming together!!! I know it'll be sad that your son is working over the holidays:sad: , however he's being responsible now...that's a good thing! Lol at your daughter stirring up a tornado:laugh: , my mom used to say the same thing about me:blushing: , now I just blame it on the invisible trolls that come out after I've gone to bed and mess up my space:laugh: ! Hope all your fur babies feel better soon:flowerforyou: !!!

    Geri:smile: I'm so glad your fur baby Charlie is doing better. Same thing happened to my friends dog, she's 13 too, he said he never dreamed he would bring her home from the vet....they gave her the same treatment and she's doing great now, that's been about 2 months ago!

    Bjmcq:smile: Hope you have a wonderful night!!!

    It's been a good day today! I got some more Christmas presents bought, got all my wrapping paper bought, bought a few new bras, just couldn't stand wearing the "too big" ones anymore:grumble: ! Noel and I got a long walk in this afternoon, it wasn't so cold I was freezing, however my face was really cold when we got in. Tonight is an easy night, I'm having leftover steak on top of a salad, Brie cheese and a glass of wine! At least I don't have to cook:bigsmile: !!! Think I'll put some laundry in and get that over with, and then relax, maybe read some more in my book:happy: !!!

    Hope you all have a fabulous Friday night!!!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I lost contact with our thread and hope I'm back on-board. Things are going well diet wise and I notice my tummy getting soft. Yay! But I'm wondering if the skin is going to shrink to fit my new, healthier body. I met a woman a few years ago who had lost lots of weight, and she had a tummy tuck to eliminate excess skin. My tummy shrank fine after both pregnancies, but I'm wondering if I should start saving up so I can also get a tummy tuck when I've lost all the excess baggage. Does anybody have words of wisdom on this matter?

    We're traveling for the holidays and I"m supposed to be getting things done, but my husband is napping and I'm taking time to visit my online friends. I will not have reliable internet for weeks, but I'll do my best to check in when possible. I'll be looking for the answer to my question, if any of you know.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :flowerforyou: I went for my mammogram today and when I was seated with the woman at the desk giving my information and signing papers I got to thinking about all of you who work at desks or computers and don’t have time many opportunities during your work day for exercise…….then I noticed that the woman I was talking to got up from her chair and walked to the printer to get each piece of paper while the woman seated to her left rolled over to the printer in her chair…there are ways to get a bit more exercise even at a sedentary job.

    :bigsmile: They are so nice at the mammogram place…I’ll get results in the mail next week….they are usually fast with them.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for November (with middle of the month comments)
    *yoga once a week (no yoga so far this month)
    *weight training three days a week (five sessions in two weeks)
    *recumbent bike 60 minutes a day (60 minutes or more almost every day)
    *say “OK”---be agreeable (most of the time)
    *stay in the moment (only a few lapses)
    *Be Barbie (great)
    Barbie - I am one of those "desk jockeys" I used to whine about filing anything in the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet...now I use it as an opportunity to do a really deep squat!! We don't have stairs like Amanda does but I try to get up and move around as much as I can...sedentary jobs are definitely challenging when what you really want is more exercise!
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Great job to everyone's successes! Tomorrow I am going on a shopping trip to downtown Chicago with three of my sisters. My work sponsors the trip on a nice coach bus. I really am looking forward to a fun day, lots of steps on my fitbit.
    Keep coming back,
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Fabulous Friday night….sounds like most of us had a good day. For those of you asking, I am on day 2 of a 3 day cleanse. It’s not hard to do, I feel full enough but man! I want to chew something! :huh: The cleanse is three different smoothies for breakfast lunch and dinner for three days. Mix of fruits and vegetables in each one and the flavor is fine (even the celery which I detest is hidden). Nothing unusual in the smoothies, just a mix of carbs, protein and fats in each. You are supposed to have a 4th one (your choice) in the afternoon for a snack but there is no way I could get another one in; :sick: my blender holds 6 cups and each meal fills it. The colours are a little offputting though, dark reddish (raspberries and spinach) in the morning, neon green at lunch and deep blue purple for dinner (blueberries and kale). I do notice that I am tired and yawning at night though. :yawn: It doesn’t seem to have done much to move my digestive tract though (I thought it would be more).

    Micki – yes, I’m standing in front of the fireplace warming my buns a lot lately. :blushing: Maybe it’s a way of telling our bodies to get moving to keep warm.

    Amanda – look at it this way – by the time your Dad is convinced he’s OK, he will have had every test that will verify that.

    Carolyn, yes the cleanse is posted on the Oz website doctoroz.com but I think it might be a ways down on the page now (it was a few days ago).

    Kathy – you are REALLY ROCKING IT!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: 30# is great, good for you.

    Nancy – I don’t know if it’s the cleanse speaking or what – but I might kill for a Timmy’s breakfast sandwich about now. :explode: And I don’t remember the last time I had one; maybe driving across Canada 3 years ago. The catapult class sounds like fun, bring on the boiling oil cauldrons. You sound like a really good teacher.:heart:

    Meg – glad to hear you are kicking that bug. Antibiotics mess up my stomach too.

    JB – love the Friday Frase (sp) – lol. Excuse the phonetic spelling but it’s the only way I could get a F – I’m not as good as you at this alliteration thing. :laugh: You’ve got me excited too – I can hardly wait to see your ticker kick over to 70.

    Laura – I don’t know if the cleanse works yet, I haven’t noticed any change in my digestive system yet. I’ll let you know Sunday when it’s over. Keeping fingers and toes crossed for your DH’s interview. With an HR background, he should ace it!

    M – oh my goodness, you win the scout badge for longest, most individualized post ev-er! :flowerforyou: Maybe the repackaging is why I keep picking up books and then realize a few pages in that I’ve read it. I don’t mind if it’s a library book, but it’s really annoying when I’ve paid good money for it.

    JaneH – better you don’t know the details of a 20 year old in Miami – lol. :noway: Seriously, he’ll be fine, just remember how grown up you were at 20 (oops, was that not a good thing to say?)

    Lynn – sounds like you had a very very busy week. Hope the fur family gets well soon, although I guess the cat is going to have chronic conditions for you to stay on top of. Hmmm, sounds like the animals have aging problems just like us.

    Geri - hope your weekend gives you a chance to recharge after the emotional week. And Charlie must have very loving people to sleep with him and make sure he was okay all night. Poor little guy – well Staffie/Lab, maybe not so little.

    DeeDee – new bras, mmmm, one of my favourite things. :heart: I’ve got to get out there and do some Xmas shopping tomorrow too. Sounds like you had a busy day and got lots done.

    MaryC – Have fun shopping downtown Chicago, great that your work does that for you. Things like that are fun and make you feel appreciated.

    Well all, time for me to go have the second glass of the dinner smoothie. :sick: Then I’m going to watch a couple of shows on TV and crawl into bed to read. Tomorrow is a new day and I think I’ll take a page out of DeeDee’s book and do some Christmas shopping.

    Night to all the great supportive ladies out there, so glad you are!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Another hectic day. This morning (around 5:30) I listened to the voice mail from the dentist reminding me of my appt (to get the stitches out) at 10:15! What???? It was for 11:15. So....I go to the Y early, swim some laps then take 1/2 of the deep water class, (before this I did a little food shopping), then stopped at WalMart, bought gas, went to the dentist where they tell me that they made a mistake, it was really for 11:15 but they'll try to squeeze me in. So I get to sit in the waiting room for about 15 minutes. Came home, brought in the groceries, tried to test Lance's blood sugar levels but I think he might have still been a little freaked out by Clyde coming in. (Clyde wants to be friends with everyone, and Lance is just not used to it), then went and volunteered at the Green Room. I'm getting that down. Took some chocolate muffins to Lynette and a piece of cinnamon swirl cake for Ken. Now home to have some dinner and then off to mahjongg.

    Wanda - congrats on the great NSV

    barbie - I'm sure the results of your mammo will be fine, it's just nice to keep abreast. That's interesting how you nocticed someone getting up to walk to her printer. Now that I think of it, the place I go for my mammo, the people have a printer right next to them, they don't even have to roll their chairs!

    Laura - I need to start baking for the Thanksgiving. But I'm only planning to mage magic cookie bars (a friend of Jess's will be there with her 4 year old and they are sweet), brownies (really, more for me, but also Vince likes them <little does he know how heatlthy they are>, an apple spice angel food cake, oatmeal raisin cookies (again, for me but also I'll make a large batch so we can have them for Christmas) and a sweet potato casserole. That's IT. Congrats on going to level 2 of the 30DS. I can't do a pushup on my toes, need to do them on my knees. I'm always afraid that I'll be out of alignment if I'm on my toes

    Lizzie - sounds like the tea was fabulous. Prayers for your hubby

    Rose - you're doing wonderful! One day at a time and you'll be there in no time at all.

    DeeDee - rummy-Q is a tile game, you need to always have three tiles put down. The object is to get rid of all your tiles. It's interesting, but I'm no where good enough to just see things that I can do, but I'm getting there.Jessica's cats don't really travel well, but what choice did she have? I'm like you, I hate getting in crowds and the parking! I like to get my shopping done. I try to do some all during the year, then I don't have that much to do in Dec. I can just get the things online that I need to get.

    Andrea and everyone else new - welcome!

    Micki - I'm finding that I'm more sensitive to the cold. Good luck on your Thanksgivings, sounds great!

    Carolyn - hope you feel better fast

    Kathy - congrats! You never know what influence you're having, and it may not show up for quite a few years to come. But you are having a positive influence. Hope your hand is better, let us know what the results are.

    Nancy - you are such a wonderful teacher!

    jb - yippee for you!

    Laura - hoping for the best for your hubby, too. Today at the Green room there was this lady buying tickets, she told us she was 74. Honestly, you'd NEVER know it to look at her

    Cheryl - a loss is a loss. Some weeks it's a big loss, some week it's not. But as long as it's a loss, that's what counts

    M- lately I've gotten to where I like the Breakstone's lower sodium cottage cheese. The only problem I found with cottage cheese is the sodium content, but now that there's a lower sodium cottage cheese.....

    janehadj - one time Bryan asked me "ma, when are you gonna stop worrying?" I answer him "get used to it because when I die I'm coming back from the grave to worry about you".

    You know, the last time we watched Jessica's cats, I had a problem giving the insulin to Lance, he would hiss. So Vince gave it to him. Now this time the minute Vince steps behind Lance, Lance bolts. Tonight I had to put a towel over his head while Vince gave him the insulin. I hope it isn't this way all the time. I did notice that the water dish is really going down so I do think he's back to being diabetic. Poor kitty!

    Everyone who is traveling for the holidays, safe travels!

    Played mahjongg tonight (maj'd twice!), then did a little food shopping, just to get the things on sale. Duncan Hines cake mix for 99 cents (even the angel food)! Four grapefruit at 50 cents each, can't pass that up. Since I was right by the store at mahjongg, I stopped in there.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Well, I was going to be extra good yesterday, do my shredI and eat salmon again in order to see what I deemed would be my real loss this morning however . . .

    I realized that my 11 year old is on a boy scout camping trip, and my 12 year old was at a school Friday night out from 7 to 9, so that gave me two hours alone with my 17 year old. I took her out to dinner. I had the brisket and about 5 bites of the HUGE brownie a la mode she ordered., But what really turned up the calories was the two mai tais I decided to indulge in. (Hey, I had a designated driver :happy: )

    Went to bed with a very full belly but re-weighed today anyway - 162.6 - now that is prettier than the 163 I saw yesterday. I'm going to have to work harder to catch up with DMom and to hit my 159.8 on December 1.

    DeeDee - that was a great loss 2.3 pounds. I want one of those.

    I couldn't thred and won't be able to for at least 10 days. I had a cortisone shot in my thumb for my pain and now my entire hand hurts instead of just my thumb. Doctor said not to put any stress on it for 10 days so push ups and dumb bell rolls are out of the question. I am going to keep doing the ab parts and any cardio I can.

    Lunch with adult female friends - I've forgotten what that's like. My three closest friends moved to other states. The best I can do is horseback rides with the ladies - but it's not the same as good friends. In fact, each of my horse riding "buddies" tend to talk about each other when one isn't on the ride.

    Speaking of riding, beware, more horse pictures may be coming as it's supposed to be above 50 this entire weekend.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :flowerforyou: quick post...busy day ahead...thanksgiving challenge...goal is within sight..69.5 miles biked, 12k rowed and 3 miles walked...when I converted the km to miles my total to date is 79.5...I have 5 days left so I think I can get it done although I don't usually workout 5 days in a row but a girl's gotta do what a girls gotta do! :laugh:

    I am making jb's kale soup today...will be doing myown tweak to it....I really, really want to like beans...nope not getting past these lips...so will let you know how mine comes out

    Have a great day ladies and keep smiling the fresh air is good for your teeth:wink:
  • Eavie0513
    Eavie0513 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi everyone. I've been off and on tracking using this site since I got my shiney new smartphone a couple of weeks ago. Honestly, I've been more off than on. Since 2008, I had lost about 80 pounds, then between August and October, I gained about 15 of them back. I've been having a difficult time trying to lose the 15 again. I had a physical in August and before I gained back the weight, everything checked out, and actually my chol., HDL, LDL, Triglicerydes etc were all in the OPTIMUM range. I don't think the weight gain is health related at all. It's just choce related.

    Anyway, is anyone else (women 50+) caring for aging parents? Just curious.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hi everyone. I've been off and on tracking using this site since I got my shiney new smartphone a couple of weeks ago. Honestly, I've been more off than on. Since 2008, I had lost about 80 pounds, then between August and October, I gained about 15 of them back. I've been having a difficult time trying to lose the 15 again. I had a physical in August and before I gained back the weight, everything checked out, and actually my chol., HDL, LDL, Triglicerydes etc were all in the OPTIMUM range. I don't think the weight gain is health related at all. It's just choce related.

    Anyway, is anyone else (women 50+) caring for aging parents? Just curious.

    My parents are both gone, now and have been for a long time, but I remember it well. We lost my dad when my kids were in grade school and middle school. He and mom managed together on their won until the very end. When mom was in decline, medical decisions and care decisions landed in my lap. It wasn't easy. We moved her to an assisted living facility about a mile from our house, and I went by to see her daily. She ultimately died from server emphysema. We didn't have the ability to care for her at our house. It was emotionally difficult, but very rewarding. That was the best few months I'd had with her in many years.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member

    Just a quick note to let you know this scoundrel is currently enrolling in the School of Sensible Saturdays since Festive Friday took its toll. No need for sheer sorrow, though. The scale showed a string of successes this week! First thing on the agenda at SSS is a strenuous stomp 'round the track.

    Be well, have fun, eat good stuff!

    :smile: jb
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Off to the mountains today to check out a facility where I will be cooking for a wedding in February. It might be a shipwreck of a day eating wise - a menu tasting at noon, and dinner at a friend's house who loves rich sauces on everything!!! But the mountain vistaas are always good for the soul.

    Eavie - yes, many of us are caring for aging parents (scroll up page four and see my previous post:wink: ) and in many ways it is sometimes harder than raising kids! It is one more thing that we cn find support for here.

    Katla49 - It looks like you are trying to lose 65 pounds and my thought on that is that you would probably not need tummy tuck surgery for that. I lost 70 pounds earlier and felt that if more was to go, I might need to look at it, but didn't feel the need at that stage. I suppose it would also depend where you carry the weight. That is my two cents worth anyway. A friend who lost over double my loss had some surgery afterwards, but sadly she has gained it all back now:frown: We are NOT going to let that happen!! Good luck with your continued progress:happy:

    jb - your alliterations make me laugh (with more time, maybe I could alliterate that!:laugh: )

    Have a good day all

  • todayandeveryday
    Oooo a site skinnytaste.com, THANKS !! I will check it out !!
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Glenda -- I really appreciated what you had to say about aging parents and the irony of losing children at a young age. How awful it must be to lose sight and hearing, while being mentally alert.

    Lynn -- It sounds like you've been busy.... what a lot of work!

    Geri -- I'm glad that Charlie is feeling better!

    Katia49 -- I wouldn't start planning on a tummy tuck unless you think you really need it. I had it done when I was 45 and have actually been really pleased with it, but it's a major surgery. (I spent an entire month sleeping on a hospital bed in the middle of the family room, with a sewed-in morphine drip and my family sleeping on the floor around me, and wore compression garments for several months). I've always had the idea that modern medicine should be able to fix anything. Now that my foot is so messed up, I'm seeing that I was being naive. I didn't have the tummy tuck because of weight loss, but because I didn't like the skin apron that resulted from my pregnancies. I was having a few other things done, and thought I would just get it all over with at once. It's nice, but think seriously before doing it as there can be major complications and the recovery isn't easy.

    Mary C -- Your boss provides a bus to take you shopping in Chicago? Nice boss!!! Where do you work?

    Lila -- Thinking of how foolish I was at age 20 (and how grown up I thought I was) didn't make me feel any better! LOL

    Michele -- I get tired just thinking of how much you pack into each and every day! It's great that you're living your life to the fullest. I'm going to borrow your line about coming back from the grave to worry, and use it on my son! :laugh:

    Cheryl -- I'm sorry that you're having so much trouble with your thumb, and now your entire hand. Feel better soon!

    Eavie0513 -- Many of us are dealing with aging parents. I moved mine out here just over a year ago, but they're very unhappy with city life vs. the small town life they were used to. I feel sorry, but also believe they need to be closer now. They live in their own house (not sure for how much longer) and my father drives (he's talking about stopping), but I'm now handling their finances and medical decisions, and helping out in many ways which seem to increase all the time.