

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Wednesday All,

    I think I'm caught up on the posts but my brain just didn't retain all of it:blushing:

    M- so I'm really looking at a 6wk 30DS? If that's the case then I will have to get moving on to the next level. Some parts are getting easier and then others I just am pushing to get it done because I dislike that particular exercise:wink: But I'm determined to finish it.

    Nancy-your clothes for work sounded really cute...maybe a picture of you in them so we can see:happy: I too love the holidays and am looking forward to "dressing up" the house.

    So last Thursday night I finally fixed the Shirataki Noodles. I followed the instructions Lin (I think it was Lin) gave to the letter and hubby and I really liked them:bigsmile: . I made chicken sauages with our family receipe of Spaghetti Sauce that I had in the freezer. I'm thinking I will keep those kind of noodles in the frig all the time because they would be a great add to any meal.

    Also on Friday when we were dressing to go to the football game we were needing to layer the clothes because of how cold and windy it was supposed to be. I pulled out a pair of my bigger pants and when I put them on over my exercise dancekins they were still plenty roomy. I just never thought I see the day and it's these little things that keep me eating right and exercising.

    To all of you newbies welcome:flowerforyou: this is the best place for encouragement, information and even a place to vent when needed. Come back often.

    Hubby is working Thanksgiving until 1pm but he does have Black Friday off before he works on Saturday...which will probably be just as busy. He's so much happier since he started working, even at such low wages and only part-time. But since he talks to people about what he's passionate about it makes his hours fly by...did I tell you he's working the gun counter at Gander Mountain:huh:

    Today I need to call DIL#2 and find out what the family is doing for Thanksgiving because I really have no idea if any of us have made a decision...all I know is that I have said we would host Christmas at our house..which will make a house full.

    I best get to the papers on the desk, it's hard to believe that this year is almost over which makes for more work as we close out one year and start another and it looks like we will be changing accounting programs so I will be a crazy person for the next couple of months as I try to keep up with my work load and try and figure out how to change all my reports over to the new system....should be challenging.:ohwell:

    Have a good day of exercise, drinking your water and don't forget to log your food:drinker:


    PS I changed my ticker to show how many pounds I have lost since I've met my goal, it fun to see how many pounds have gone away:love:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good morning ladies, marking my spot so I can continue my lurking ways.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi again. Today I’ll try to stay! Lots of gnashing of teeth around here LOL. Feeling somewhat better although I think I need another round of antibiotics. Still waiting to hear back from doc; I called again today. Not very happy with them right now. I did feel up to 10 minutes slowly on the elliptical yesterday, so that was good. I need to get back in the habit of being here each day; after being gone and being sick, it’s hard to get going again. I really want to lose that next 12 pounds so I can get my 30# reward! 

    DeeDee: this may sound simple, but when my toes have gone numb, I’ve tied my shoes too tight!

    Sue: OMG I read your post too fast and thought your horse ate the clothes off you while you rode him! My best friend has horses and they like to eat my hair.

    Jane: I’ll keep my fingers crossed for your job!


    Chris: I hope you are feeling better by now!

    Liz: I agree with the protein…if I don’t eat it at each meal, I am starving in no time!

    M; I Love corn chowder. I have a great recipe that starts with boiling corn cobs in milk. OMG it’s to die for.

    MaryC: happy veterans day and thank you for your service.

    Jane: I think you have the things that count!!!

    Amanda: my dad does the same thing. He obsesses and rants and carries on and calls my poor brother dozens of times a day. We have told the nursing home staff to give him no prior warning for any event that is occurring. It’s difficult, I know. Hang in there.

    Jolene: your supervisor sounds like my twin!!!

    Janehadji: ok those gremlins had their day, now it’s your turn. Give them the boot!

    Boy with the new thread I am confused! I need to get back to work, but I know I haven’t said hi to everyone. Welcome to the newbies and come back often. The rest of us….keep plowing along! Take care and I’ll get better at this again. Too many interruptions at wokr! Meg
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Hello ladies! Here I am after a little interruption---just recovered from a blue screen of death on my laptop. I just took time to install all the needed updates, updated my virus definitions, ran a virus scan and that's how I'm rewarded? Come on laptop and Microsoft. Grrrr. I know, I'm lucky the laptop recovered, could have BEEN THE BIG ONE! (Anyone remember Sanford & Son?)

    I've been reading and reading and I believe I'm caught up but once again, I'm going to have to skate along.

    I got lots accomplished for my dad yesterday. That was good. They've now told me they do not believe he will ever be free of c. diff. He's been through course after course after course of antibiotics. They've knocked it down once but it's back so now they say they will probably have to put him on antibiotics periodically indefinitely as the c. diff. will breakthrough from time to time. It's kind of icky though, no one touches him without gloves. There are 3 bins in his room with one taking half of his closet space. One is for institutional laundry (like their towels, etc.), one is for waste paper and other things (it's called infectious waste I think), and the last one is for his personal laundry. Anyone visiting is suppose to wash their hands before entering and then wash again when leaving. Anyone almost all the space in his room is taken up with this extra stuff.

    The partial hip replacement has really adversely affected his ability to function. Of the ADLs, he's now only capable of feeding himself. I took lots of chocolate goodies to staff on 2nd floor yesterday which improved everyone's mood for a little while. They told me no one ever brings them treats---I was surprised at that. Anyway, I'm not foolish enough to think that mood will last but I tried.

    Back to my chores. Tomorrow I need to get my vehicle in for service and I need to do something about replacing my glasses. The ones I got last year have never worked---I get a horrible headache each time I wear them. My older glasses are ok for using the computer but they don't work for longer distances now. I have to take them off and then my vision is clear. An even older pair of glasses again never worked, the progressive lens was set wrong (in my opinion) and they never got it corrected properly. I'm starting to think I'm really fussy! I really wish I could see well without them.

    Everyone take care. We seem to have a lot of viruses, coughs, and sniffles going around.


  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Okay. I 'm back after a couple of weeks of busy, full days - grandchildren for a week, conference in the Rockies and a flight to Ottawa for mom's 80th birthday, with a bonus of son/daughter-in-law/grandkids visit.......now it is time to get back at it and find some routine! Oh wait, it is the beginning of the Christmas season!! Might not happen.....
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Lovely ladies,
    Just a quick note. I have had 2 physical therapy sessions now and hand.wrist and arm feeling somewhat better.:smile: This blog is getting so BIG these days! I will try to catch up on all the posts, find this takes a lot of seat time.:laugh:
    I wish I could get the blog on the I phone,but I just get the diary and home page, for this I am thankful.:drinker:

    Going to the gym today, or walk at the track while DD#1, has soccer practice. Walking is hard on knee,so I like to stick with recumbent bike and elliptical!:wink::wink: :flowerforyou:
    Hope everyone is having a nutritious and loving day! Hugs, Linda aka Sundance:heart:

    P.S- thanks for all the prayers and well wishes!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Okay. I 'm back after a couple of weeks of busy, full days - grandchildren for a week, conference in the Rockies and a flight to Ottawa for mom's 80th birthday, with a bonus of son/daughter-in-law/grandkids visit.......now it is time to get back at it and find some routine! Oh wait, it is the beginning of the Christmas season!! Might not happen.....

    Your last couple of weeks sound so much more fun than what I've been doing at work. Glad you had a good time.:flowerforyou:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Hi Lovely ladies,
    Just a quick note. I have had 2 physical therapy sessions now and hand.wrist and arm feeling somewhat better.:smile: This blog is getting so BIG these days! I will try to catch up on all the posts, find this takes a lot of seat time.:laugh:
    I wish I could get the blog on the I phone,but I just get the diary and home page, for this I am thankful.:drinker:

    Going to the gym today, or walk at the track while DD#1, has soccer practice. Walking is hard on knee,so I like to stick with recumbent bike and elliptical!:wink::wink: :flowerforyou:
    Hope everyone is having a nutritious and loving day! Hugs, Linda aka Sundance:heart:

    P.S- thanks for all the prayers and well wishes!

    So glad to read that the PT is working for you:flowerforyou:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    It hurts me to type so I've been avoiding it. I just ate 3 chocolate chip cookies. I'm still under my calories but hate that I was weak. Haven't had time to do the 30 day shred.

    I'm editing this - I just did the 30 day shred on a full belly. I did a very fast 40 minute walk at lunch today so I was going to skip the shred. So happy I did it. Can't let the husband get ahead of me!!:happy:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: good evening to all my wonderful friends....Jake fixed lunch today (chicken breast on the George Forman grill and vegetarian baked beans topped with salsa):heart::drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I am extra thirsty this evening from the sodium:laugh:

    :bigsmile: we finally made plans for Thanksgiving and they don't include having me cook :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: yippee

    :bigsmile: thanks to all your gentle nudging and inspiration, I have my mammogram scheduled for tomorrow afternoon

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello all -60 days of tracking on MFP! Time has passed so quickly. I am so grateful I found MFP And especially this great group of strong beautiful women. I would not have lost 8 lbs or tried new exercise plan or felt so successful. I had spent the past 12 months losing and gaining the same 5 pounds. One thing that is working for me now is eating more slowly. I eat a cheese sandwich and a pices of fruit every day for lunch at work. I cut the sandwich into 8 pieces and the fruit into slices. It takes me longer to eat that way so I am full by the time I finish eating, about 20 minutes. I do the same when eating something like a Fiber One bar, I cut it into 8 pices. If I dont't cut it up, I can eat it in 3-4 bites and it will be gone before I notice what it tastes like. I hope this may be helpful to someone struggling.
    Keep coming back
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi all - hope Wednesday was kind to you. Read all the posts but am on the iPad so will have to wing it instead of using the trusty Word and the old memory isn't what it used to be.

    M - reading Lets Not Go to the Dogs Tonight by Alexandra Fuller; memoir of a childhood in Zimbabwe during the uprisings and expulsion of the whites. Didn't think I would like it but I'm finding it fascinating. I think I'll go back to mostly meatless. When my girls were home we ate vegetarian as both have been vegetarian since 10 years old. Me, I can take it or leave it but I know if I had to do my own butchering I'd be unable to (and I grew up in a farming family). How did your Malaysian meal turn out. About the only thing I've tried is Sambal Olek and I'm not sure about that spelling either.

    Meg - hope you don't need another round of antibiotics. Your posts sound more like you now.

    Linda - glad to hear the hand is responding to the PT. Love the ticker photo.

    Barbie - good for you for going for the mammo - hope its not too uncomfortable.

    Nancy - you rock those shorts girl!!! And thanks for all the winter inspirations. I like the sound of your new school outfit today.

    Glenda - sounds like you had a great time.

    Kate - sorry to hear you're under the weather and hope it passes quickly.

    JB - weirdly wonderful words

    Laura - I like the shiitake too, but prefer the thin ones to the fatter ones. Have fun with the program switchover - hope it goes smoothly.

    Lin - it sounds like the C Difficile is going to be a challenge. Your poor dad, not being touched skin to skin must be hard to understand. I hope that's not a permanent routine but I guess the threat of transmitting to other patients is a high risk. Hang in there. Your dad is so fortunate to have you.

    Anyway, I'm off to finish this book tonight (kind of a short read). Have a good evening and morning ladies.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I am wondering why my home page is not updating the little saying that -"Linda completed her diary for today and she is under her calorie goal."? Seems like this has been happening for the last few days:grumble: ?

    Went to the gym at 8:30 pm and it is now 1145 pm, so I need to shower and go to bed. Another busy day with girls school , orthodontist,dermatologist apts and some shopping! I got my "ME" time in by going to the gym! Wipeee!:drinker: :drinker:

    Until tomorrow, Sweet dreams friends. May you have a nutritious Thursday! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Hugs, Linda:heart:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Yesterday at work wme home and was extremely hard so bother me I just came home and cried. I will spare you all the details I woke up this morning just dreading going in. Yet i know rarely are there 2 bad days in a row there. I just am upaet at me a bit normally I can spin it around and get a positive outlook and i know that what it takes but DH and i are planning on looking at budget to see if i can go extremely part time or quit. at my company no in betweens either very parttime or full time. Ohwell enough of this

    @Linda glad to hear your hand is doing better
    @Lin sorry for your Dad and sorry for you hang in there.
    @Meg hope no more meds will be needed
    @Lila sounds like an interesting read

    Well I need to go get ready for work. Wishing everyone a good day.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello my lovelies

    My nose is to the grindstone at present (good job it's not running!) I am trying to fit my Latin translation in when I get home, but it's making for some very late nights - which I could really do without at present (incidentally, it's 90% Latin to English, although I do get requests sometimes for English to Latin). DH is so busy with his book writing and we are almost competing to see who has the longest work day!

    My dad was crying again today on the phone. He is convinced that he has cancer and will not be optimistic about anything. It makes me pull my hair out sometimes.

    The next thing I'm about to say is really and truly horrible and I can't believe I'm going to type it - but I need to put it out there.... Last night we were driving back from visiting my father and making arrangements to visit MIL in the nursing home after work today and my DH came out with something that shocked me. He said "Our life will be so much easier when your dad and my mum are no longer around". I was shocked, yes - but the truth is, I understood what he meant and, just for a fleeting moment agreed with him - in an unspoken way.

    Now I just feel guilty for those thoughts of course.

    On that horrid note, I am going to press on with some work.

    Love to you all - from a nasty-thought-Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good beautiful morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I have very little time this morning:grumble: , but wanted to check in!

    Barbie:smile: Yay for you going to get your mammogram!!!

    Liz:smile: Hope you get to retire from your job!!!!! Sounds like you had a really BAD day...sending you hugs:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Amanda:smile: I, too understand what your hubby said, not pleasant thoughts, but they happen. My mom was in the hospital 6 weeks before she passed away, I was there everyday from 9am to 6pm, all the while trying to help my daughter and the wedding planner finish up the details on daughters wedding, I felt like a walking zombie! I miss my mom everyday and wish I had more weeks to spend with her, but I had those thoughts as well. You`re not alone:flowerforyou: !

    Must run now...will be back later to reply to more!! Drink yor water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Morning to everyone!

    Hope today is whatever you make it to be.....

    I bought a kettlebell yesterday at the Sporting Goods store and will try to learn correct technique before using it. Got some great advice from an MFP friend so I hope to boost my metabolism. I have been in a plateau for about three weeks....

    Yesterday I paid the vet bill for the kitten I rescued and found a home for. I miss him but know that he is well cared for. As my DH said, "You know another one will wander to our back door"...LOL

    Kathy- LOVE the skinnytaste recipes!!! Don't know what I did before I discovered that website!
    jb- Thanks for posting the soup recipe. I will try it this weekend. Thanks for your cute Wednesday words of Wisdom!
    Laura- Hope you get your desk cleared!!! I just push all the piles to the side! LOL!
    DeeDee- Hope you enjoyed spending time with your dear girlfriend...Priceless memories....
    Meg- Girl I hope you get on the road to recovery soon....You have been through the ringer...
    Lin- What a kind gesture bringing goodies for the staff caring for your Dad. Sorry about the C diff.
    Linda- Yay for PT!! Yay that it is helping!!! Glad you are feeling better!
    Wessecg- Oh the chocolate chip cookies...Girl I feel your pain. My downfall is cookies. BUT- You still got in a workout! Good for you!!
    Lila- Hope you enjoy your quiet time reading your book. Not enough time in the day to do that but getting lost in a book is a great place to be!
    Liz- Hang in there with work. I hope today is better and things fall into place soon. I hate workplace drama....
    Amanda- I am so impressed with your Latin translations!! Very cool! Hope you don't hold onto the guilt about what DH said. I know it is a challenging time but you guys will cope and manage the best you are able. It is very stressful but I know you will savor every moment and make new memories....
    Tigress- Hope you are feeling better. Germs, germs, GERMS!!! Rest your body and know we are thinking of you!!!

    I know I missed a lot of people, our group is enormous!!! Thinking of you all. Thanks for being here. The caring and support of this group is tremendous!

    Take care,
  • vv523
    vv523 Posts: 429 Member
    to all the over 50 women you all look good keep up the good work!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Linda you wrote:

    I am wondering why my home page is not updating the little saying that -"Linda completed her diary for today and she is under her calorie goal."? Seems like this has been happening for the last few days:grumble: ?

    If you have not changed your settings that is a puzzle isn't it. That happened to one of my friends here on MFP for a few days and then magically it started to post again. She submitted her diary several times at the end of the day until she saw the message pop up on her newsfeed. I don't know if that helps. If you could type more I'd suggest contacting the technical people here and ask about it.

    And I hope you will be back to full typing speed again soon. Meanwhile, congrats on going to the gym and all the activity that you are doing.


  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all,

    Circuit workout last night was great, we did some new moves with medicine balls and bosu balls. :explode: Hip-hopping about.

    My students were very lethargic yesterday :yawn: I think four days off was long enough to get into holiday mood and not long enough to want to get back into the routine! I got them to go for a run around the school to wake them up. Today we start with a PE class, I am going to think of a game that keeps them moving so we can all be full of oxygen and energy when classes begin.

    JB, could we do a T for Thursday list? :ohwell: Hmm:

    Tenacious = focus on the long term goals.
    Terrific = because we are!

    Laura – a new accounting program?? Poor you.

    Lin, there is nothing, I repeat, nothing worse than the feeling when one sees “the blue screen of death”. :sad: So glad you recovered your computer. Though the news is not great, it does sound like your Dad is settling down a bit. I hope you are remembering to take care of yourself, too.

    Glenda, you will be on track with your routine, even during the Christmas season. I know it.

    Linida/Sundance, congratulations on making the gym, elliptical & recumbent bike, so much a part of your life these days. :drinker: Every you post you are on your way to the workout or just coming home from one, or planning the next one.

    Wessecg – No, you must not let the husband get more Jillian hours than you do. :noway: Show those chocolate chip cookies who’s boss!

    Liz, I’m sorry to hear you had a bad day. :flowerforyou: I do hope today is better and you can get your positive spin back.

    Amanda, facts is facts, and it doesn’t hurt to face them, it’s the way you face them that counts. You and your DH are giving your parents all the love and care you can and accepting all the stress and time it costs, :heart: that’s not nasty at all.

    Carolyn, I use kettle bells at the gym & it’s great fun. You will find lots of way to use it. Utube probably has lots of instructional videos.

    Curling tonight for fun, yeah!

    My green smoothie is calling me to the kitchen for breakfast…

    Hasta pronto,


    November Goals:

    Continue New Rules of Lifting – 3x week
    No second helpings, no evening snacks
    Keep up the exercise & good eating routine when we go away for our November break.
    Add meditative prayer to my daily routine