
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Liz:smile: Congrats on those 2 pounds gone!!!!! I agree with hubby...take a real day off and treat yourself:flowerforyou: !

    Lila:smile: Snow...brrr...! What a day you had, it is emotional remembering what our men and women went through during the war, when things were not talked about, and how they suffered in silence with it:cry: . I wish I knew how to sew, I have to take my pants to get them altered , and now I have to find a new alteration person:angry: .

    Mary:smile: Have fun with your grandsons today!!!!

    Cheryl:smile: She is a beauty, and you look so happy!!!

    Nancy:smile: Sounds like you had a very good day shopping:bigsmile: !!!! Enjoy the fancy dinner, I`m sure hubby will love "the little black dress":love: !!! Have fun on the rest of your trip!!!

    Amanda:smile: Glad you`re there for your dad!!! Sounds like the grandtwins had a fabulous party!!! How wonderful DD#2 popped in for a surprise!!! Sorry about SOBSIL:devil: !

    Must run and get ready for this wonderful day, another day of the 70 degrees and tomorrow it`s back to the 50s:cry: !!!
    Have a wonderful day ladies!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    wessecg - beautiful pictures!! Once upon a time I had a dapple grey gelding, part Arab and part Quarter horse. His name was Skeeter and he was a HANDFUL. Just had to say that as your picture brought him to mind.

    Zipping along again, I have to pack for another trip up North. I thought I had all the paperwork and approvals finished to order a wheelchair for my dad but I don't. I have to bring in the original order, copies of all his insurance cards, and have to pick out and pay for a wheelchair cushion. Apparently the combo of Medicare and his private supplement insurance will get the wheelchair but goes darn it if you've broken your hip and will sit in the chair for a protracted periods each day----sorry, you can't get a cushion. Plus they say I have to pick one out. I thought the therapist specified that but apparently there are options. So I'll take everything along, including the checkbook.

    I keep reading everything but no time to respond.

    Praying for everyone that is hurting. Best wishes and virtual hugs.


  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning dear ladies!

    It is my hope the switch has been flipped back to the good side!

    Fresh asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, mushrooms, red peppers, red onions, spinach and lettuce (oops, forgot the carrots and snap peas),oranges, apple and bananas, all back in my pantry; life is good…..

    The snow has stopped; the sun has come out….. life is good.

    3 lbs down, the October monkey off my back….. life is really good!

    Shelves are finally finished downstairs, should be able to start unloading the 30 boxes of books from the storage room after work and get the plane and ship models off my organ and kitchen cupboards upstairs ....Hallelujah! 18 months of chaos coming into line. Yes, I know, still 50 boxes in the garage, but one step at a time.....

    Off to work soon in the snow and cold but work is good and my afternoon is planned. I feel human again.

    Wishing you all success on whatever road you travel, bumpy or otherwise,

    Cheers, Kate
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone

    Off to aquafit this morning and then mall walking this afternoon with DBF.

    Lovely day here at the moment, but I think it is supposed to get cold again tomorrow. I guess we must just be thankful for what we have today. I have a pot of bulbs that I need to plant and today seems like a good day to do it. In the depths of winter I treat myself to a pot or two of bulbs and then about this time, I plant them into the garden and they bloom again next spring. Also have a few pots of things in the kitchen that need to make their way to the garbage. I think I need to either cut my rosemary off and freeze dry it for use during the winter, or try digging it up and keeping it on the windowledge.

    Need to go and get my water bottle ready to take to aquafit. I'm one of the few whe takes water, even though the instructor reminds everyone on a regular basis. She tells us that even though we are in the water we are still sweating, so need to replenish our water.

    I also need to up my waer intake to help restart getting shed of the next pound. Something that has not been happening recently. Need to really get back on the wagon rather than scooting along beside it.
  • calmrose
    calmrose Posts: 17 Member
    "Along with paying attention to the number of calories or whether to eat your exercise calories is being mindful of “what” you are eating. Nourishing your body to help it move and live effectively and to keep your metabolism working requires fueling with good nutrition. Budgeting calories is a lot like budgeting your limited money…….if you don’t have a lot to “spend” then the calories should be used for foods that provide maximum nutrition---an obvious example is using 100 calories for a large serving of steamed green beans rather than for a 100 calorie “snack pack” or salad dressing or butter. One of the great benefits of logging your food on MFP is that you can look over your food plan for the day and find where you might have made better decisions about how to spend your calories. I stopped eating bread and pasta not because of any gluten or carb issues but because I could use the calories from a piece of bread or a tiny serving of pasta for a huge serving of steamed vegetables. If you have an extra 30 minutes in your day, do you spend it taking a walk or sitting on the couch watching TV…..when you get a phone call do you walk back and forth through your house or sit at your computer and play solitaire while you talk?"

    Thank you for this, I needed it just now.
  • calmrose
    calmrose Posts: 17 Member
    :flowerforyou: Along with paying attention to the number of calories or whether to eat your exercise calories is being mindful of “what” you are eating. Nourishing your body to help it move and live effectively and to keep your metabolism working requires fueling with good nutrition. Budgeting calories is a lot like budgeting your limited money…….if you don’t have a lot to “spend” then the calories should be used for foods that provide maximum nutrition---an obvious example is using 100 calories for a large serving of steamed green beans rather than for a 100 calorie “snack pack” or salad dressing or butter. One of the great benefits of logging your food on MFP is that you can look over your food plan for the day and find where you might have made better decisions about how to spend your calories. I stopped eating bread and pasta not because of any gluten or carb issues but because I could use the calories from a piece of bread or a tiny serving of pasta for a huge serving of steamed vegetables. If you have an extra 30 minutes in your day, do you spend it taking a walk or sitting on the couch watching TV…..when you get a phone call do you walk back and forth through your house or sit at your computer and play solitaire while you talk?

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Sorry everyone, I am having trouble figuring out how this QUOTE thing works, I have done it wrong a couple of times. I was impressed by this post from Barbie from NW Washington and wanted to let her know that it was timely for me just now.

    Looks like I did it wrong again.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Good morning ladies:flowerforyou:! I have been more of a lurker lately...I am a little slow moving this am...comes under the heading "seemed like a good idea at the time"...oh well lots of water will help :blushing:

    Worked for several hours out in the garden yesterday, cutting back, cutting down, raking and digging out bulbs that can't winter in the ground...lots of squats but not sore today. I have one more garden bed to do today and then the chores are done. I have a 20+ year old spirea that needs to be taken out...not sure how I will do that but may tackle that today...also have very old lilacs that need serious trimming so I may be totally ruthless with that today too.

    Dh is back working on the kitchen renovation...project started in the early spring..but he does most of the work himself and as we say (affectionately) he is a terrible fussass so stuff takes forever to get done but look great in the end so I have learnedly to be a patient woman!:laugh:

    Ds is back in CA. We had a great visit with him..we are seeing glimmers of the adult in him...hopefully he will make some good choices about his future...its funny how in some respects he seems older but he is only 21...our dd had her focus so much earlier..enough ramble!

    Congrats on all the victories On and off the scale! Barbie thanks for your info on nutrition/calories budget...that is something I need to hear/read often because I am my own worst enemy...but never ever giving up!

    Time to get moving...have a great day!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good Monday morning! I'm anxious to get outside for some exercise, the showers have let up for the moment and I may not have to wear rain gear. That's always a plus. :bigsmile:

    genealace, I'd like to plant a few bulbs, reading your post reminded me it's time. :flowerforyou: I lost my favorite rosemary plant last winter, but hubby took some cuttings which all took root, thank goodness. I need to plant them as they won't survive the winter in 6" pots. Freezing rosemary sounds like a good idea, do you ever dry it?

    Cheryl, what a gorgeous photo of you on that beautiful horse. :love: And a beautiful story, as well. It's wonderful how dedicated you are with your weight loss.

    Kate, congrats on getting that 3 lb monkey off your back! :flowerforyou: He jumped right over onto mine, however, now it's my turn to make him disappear once and for all, the stubborn little rascal. :tongue:

    Lin, no cushion for the wheelchair, how sad. :grumble: Wishing you luck getting things organized for your dad.

    DeeDee, temps in the 70s! Must be nice, enjoy every minute of it! :glasses: Good to hear you were able to relax and rest some yesterday.

    Amanda, talking your dad down from the ledge every day, whew. :ohwell: I'm having similar issues with my mom with her meds and lack of sleep. How nice that you were able to be with your family! I'm feeling "leaden" this morning, too.

    Nancy, all those new clothes! :love: Ain't life grand? I'm so happy you treated yourself, you deserve it. Enjoy today!

    Lila, you had quite an emotional day yesterday. :flowerforyou: When you mentioned PTSD it made me think of one of my students - a 70 yr old Vietnam vet who suffers terribly at times. I do my best to teach him that music can ease the pain and bring joy to his life. Some days I think we're making progress, other times not so much. Very difficult.

    Liz, 2 more pounds, good for you! Look at your ticker, 44 lost! :bigsmile: Yay!

    Barbie, that's great advice about having heaps of steamed veggies rather than snack packs, pasta, bread or butter. Well said! Spending our calories on food that's actually good for us is so important. You've done such a great job getting your nutrition on the straight and narrow. Thanks for reminding us. :wink:

    Barbara, "what, no salad?" :laugh: That's funny! I love it when we notice that we just might be making a difference. :heart:

    Linda, :flowerforyou: sorry your hand is so sore after posting! Do you know shorthand? :laugh: We'd all have a time deciphering, lol. It's ok if you need to keep your posts short while you heal. This time next year you'll be at your first goal, yeah! I've been at this for almost 2 years and still learning.

    Michele, glad you're doing better. Eating "normal" isn't a good thing for me, either. :ohwell:

    janehadji, how great you can pedal your bike with the boot on! :bigsmile:

    suebdew, :flowerforyou: welcome! Good to hear you're feeling like part of the group. Thanks for the mention of my weightloss. It's been a tough go lately, I've been stuck like glue and need to eat less, period.

    Gardengail, congrats on finishing the landscaping! :smile: It does feel good when we finish big projects like that. I have a few that need attention but it's awfully soggy here, I may have to wait for a dry spell. In Oregon? In Nov? :laugh:

    Monday to me means Moderation, Meditation, Measurements, Music and Motion. Have a great one!

    :smile: jb
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    It seems like everyday has it's eating challenges, but I guess that's why we call this a lifestyle change! Today is my friend's birthday, and I take her out for lunch every year to the restaurant of her choice. She chose Maggiano's this year! :grumble: Even with studying their menu's nutrition information in advance, it's going to be really difficult to eat within calories there. This is combined with Bunko tonight, so I have my work cut out for me. I did pedal the bike for 40 minutes this morning (with the boot on) as a step in the right direction!

    JB -- What a cute picture of your dog in your profile picture.... I love the hat and scarf! I'm envious of your getting to see those huge, gorgeous maple leaves. I didn't know that they got that big, but have seen very few maples. One of my ambitions is to drive through New England in the fall. Our leaves here are mostly yellows and rusts, and I'd love to see more of the reds.

    Gail -- Being an empty nester again is bittersweet. I can definitely relate! My hubby also buys the large quantities at Costco, etc. He says it is still cheaper even if we have to throw half of it away. It makes me crazy, as I don't have room in my refrigerator and I hate the waste. He's really picky about fish, though -- says that it shouldn't smell like fish if it's fresh.

    Barbie -- What great advice! Thank you for your thoughts on budgeting calories, I know that they'll strike home for many of us, me included. :flowerforyou:

    Lila -- Such a tragedy that so many of our older veterans had to suffer without treatment. I have a good friend whose hubby is deeply involved with the "Lest They Be Forgotten" program here. It is focused on setting down the memories of our older vets before they are lost. He fought in the Battle of the Bulge in WWII. I just bought a book about the memories of four WWII vets.

    Cheryl -- Another absolutely gorgeous horse photo.... and you, too, of course! :wink:

    Nancy -- It sounds like you're having an amazing trip to Spokane. LOL that you are so easily motivated by new shorts! I'll have to try it.

    Amanda -- So happy that you got to have all of your children under one roof -- what a great gift for any mom!
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Happy Monday everyone,
    It’s a statutory holiday here in BC (not all of Canada unfortunately) even though Remembrance Day was actually yesterday. Faced with a whole free day, who knows what I’ll get up to. First on the agenda is a walk in the new snow (4” overnight) with the fur family, well, the dog part anyway, Mookers took one look this morning and decided snow is not appropriate for cats.

    I already logged my meals for the day, was playing a game to see how close to the actual nutrient load I could get. I always seem to be over on the protein side and under on the fats or carbs.

    Cheryl – never apologize for horse photos, they are such elegant creatures (and very wise looking somehow, must be the eyes). We had two horses growing up and I always took my kids riding while on holidays when they were younger, but I haven’t been on a horse for about 8 years now and would probably be stiff as heck. It really is good for the core muscles isn’t it?

    Nancy – Fruitvale Elementary had their ceremony at the Cenotaph Friday, the weather was good enough for them to walk down. There was still a lot of kids that came to the Sunday one with their parents though. We had about 450 people there at least (had 400 programs and ran out). Glad you had a great time in Spokane, I’m toying with the Black Friday idea but not sure yet. I do NOT need more clothes and am totally at sea about Christmas gifts this year. Gotta love the LBD look, I’m sure yours is going to get a workout with Christmas season coming up. Love your second sign off “haystack pronto” – a new one for the MFP editor program – lol.

    Amanda – so glad your twin b-party was fun and your mummy genes got the blessing of all offspring under the roof. It’s amazing how things like that add to our sense of wellbeing. I hope your dad’s condition eases over time. It must be very concerning for you, add that to your busy life, and your stress level elevates beyond belief – keep on stomping! PS – I love the acronym for the SIL.

    DeeDee – good luck with the alterations, once you find a good alterationist, treat them like gold. Nothing is better than correctly tailored pants. Well, maybe a lot of things are, but for looks – hey!

    Lin – I swear paperwork has a life of its own and multiplies accordingly.

    Kate – welcome back from the dark side. Sounds like an extremely positive day underway.

    Jen – have fun with your garden work and be kind to the shrubs. I always feel bad when I chop things then worry in the spring that I’ve been too harsh. By the second spring everything looks normal again and I think I should have done more.

    JB – I’ll trade you the rain gear for the snow boots; I feel like I’ve had a double work out trudging along in those things. Have a great 5M day. And thanks for the Golda Meir quote. I like the idea of the big maple leaves (size of plates) but would love to see them anywhere but in my yard - lol

    Kathy – welcome back on the wagon. You couldn’t have been off much if you still lost weight. Maybe good eating is becoming ingrained for you.

    Sue – I agree with you on the exercise calories. I don’t bother to log them or eat them back. Although maybe not eating them back is part of the plateauing – hmmmm any advice out there?

    Michele – I think wisdom teeth are about as deep an extraction as you’re going to get (unless they have to dig and give you stitches). Glad to see you are able to eat at least on the one side. Babyfood texture is just plain icky. Maybe that’s just me, I can’t handle rice or tapioca pudding either because of the lumps.

    Barbara – bon hiver aussi. I would rather it be spring or summer or fall though. I have to learn to appreciate this season somehow. Seeing I’m living in the Kootenays which is a 4 season climate, I should learn to enjoy this ¼ of the year instead of only being 75% appreciative. What do you most enjoy about winter – that goes for all of you in the winter climes?

    Liz – you are doing absolutely fantastic with the weight loss! Your ticker just keeps on ticking along. Good for you for your commitment.

    Maria – welcome, jump in, glad you found us within 15 minutes of starting this.

    JaneH – wow, good effort doing the bike with the boot on. DD1 and I went to Chichen Itza and Coba when we visited Puerto Aventuras area. Good burn going up those things, make sure you have good shoes on that bad foot. When are you planning to visit next? I remember you have a condo in Playa del Carmen from one of your posts.

    Gail – yeah, I keep throwing out potatoes, must remember to buy them loose and just get a few at a time. I’m like your DH, I keep grabbing the 5 pound bag which is silly for one person.

    Gena – I bring my bit pot of Rosemary into my front foyer for the winter. I can’t bear to see it die (this will be the third winter so I hope it makes it again).

    OK, I have spent enough time here now, finished my coffee, can’t avoid the snow any longer, puppies are looking hopeful. Have a good day ladies, and I’ll check in tomorrow.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Veterans Day! I am so appreciative of everything our past and present veterans and active military have sacrificed for us!!:flowerforyou: I definitely mention them in my prayers and things I am gateful for!!

    Can't seem to get totally back on track with my calorie intake! Eating healthier still but those empty calories still finding there way in.:grumble: Barbie's post makes a lot of sense, just have to apply her wisdom! At least I do notice that I have a lot more energy and stamina that I used to.:smile:

    I did catch up on all the posts! Hugs and blessings to you all!:flowerforyou:

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Holy cow. Miss a day and there are 4 full pages to catch up on. I’ll do my best. Yesterday was DD#1’s 20th birthday, so between celebrating, I napped a lot LOL. Still feel awful; called the doc to see if I need to go back or just get some other antibiotic. Managed to come to work today and deleted 622 (yes you read that right) emails. That took nearly the whole morning!

    Bjmcg: good news on all your victories!

    Linda: take care of that hand/arm!

    Colleen: great news on your weight loss!

    Wessecg: great photo!

    Mary: keep up the good work!

    Kathy: glad that your shoe fits, but sorry it caused you pain.

    DeeDee: sounds like your visit with DGD was fabulous! Good for you to get in all that activity. BTW I did get the tiara and I look MAHvelous! Thanks!

    Michele: I have heard of tea bags for the mouth also.

    Barbie: wow you had a busy day.

    Barbara: glad you were not hurt in your fall. Thanks for the sinus suggestion!

    Liz: I’m with you…my brain seems addled!

    Janehadji: thanks for your nice words! I’m excited that you will finally get to see your ruins!

    Jb: great quotation…thank you

    Gail: I’m singing the theme song from the Twilight Zone while you have your TV on!

    Uh oh. I have someone standing outside my office crying…so I must go see what the problem is. Take care, I’ll try to do better tomorrow. Meg
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Thought I'd pop back in and try to stay caught up:happy:

    Lin:smile: I know dealing with all that "stuff" is irritating!!!! Bless you for taking such good care of your dad!!!

    Kate:smile: So glad things are finally coming together now!!! Looks like the chaos has stopped and the calm has stepped in!
    Cngrats on the 3 lbs. gone!

    Genealace:smile: Good for you remembering to take your water to aquafit! Just because you're in water, doesn't mean you're hydrated!

    Calmrose:smile: Don't feel bad, I've not had the courage yet to even try to use the quote feature!!! Looks like you got it though! Barbie always has fabulous advice!!!

    Jen:smile: Sounds like you got lots of yard work in yesterday and today too! Great exercise!!!

    Jb:smile: How do you get rosemary to take root? Do you just stick it in the dirt or put it in water???? I have a friend with a huge rosemary bush and he's offered cuttings to me, but doesn't know how to root them, I have no clue either:embarassed: .

    Janehadji:smile: Enjoy your lunch with your friend, if you go over today, just hop back on plan tomorrow...as long as you're not doing it 2 or 3 times a week! Good for you peddling that bike to earn extra calories!!!!

    Lila:smile: A walk in the new snow....:noway: ! I don't think Noel would even go out in the snow, last time I had to carry her out and set her down:laugh: , it's a good thing we don't get very much snow here!!! I just had to giggle at the thought of Mookers shaking his head:noway: , not only is it wet, it's cold too!!!!

    I have a question for all the walkers out here, I finally bought myself a good pair of walking shoes, I figured since I've been walking since May I should have a good pair of shoes ( I had been wearing a pair of Sketchers, which are the dog walking shoes), I went to sports store and they evaluated my feet, ( I thought that was interesting and I'm happy to report my feet are normal) picked out a range of shoes for me to choose from, because my feet are fairly narrow they suggested Asics, I put them on and walked around in the store for awhile and they felt great, like I was walking on air, so 140.00 later, I decide to try them out on the track, after about 20 minutes the middle 3 toes on my right foot went numb, the toes between the big toe and the baby toe, I have never had that happen before, I usually walk the track with the Sketchers on, so I don't think its my foot, just my foot in the shoes, has anyone else had a problem like that before? I guess I should call the store and ask them about it, I hate to think I've wasted that much money on shoes I can't wear!!!

    Hope everyone is having a great Monday!!!

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Grrrrrr. Finally got on the scale for weigh-in this morning. Up .5 and should be grateful it isn't more based on not logging while I was at Disney World. Boy, it was depressing for my ticker to go down a pound. However, I"m determined to get back on track and have been logging in since my return.
    Barbie - I love your graphics for Veterans Day. DH was in AF 24 years so we always appreciate people remembering. You are so talented, do you use graphics in your work? You are so right about budgeting the calories. Need to do a better job of that.
    jh - Oregon, one of my favorite places to visit. Yes, it does rain a lot!
    Gardengail - congrats on getting that big project done. We spend a lot of time outdoors working on the beds also. Now it's pecan harvest time (27 trees) so that keeps DH (sometimes me) busy.
    Cheryl - Your horse is beautiful. We had a horse when I was young but it ate the clothes off the line (long time ago!) so my Dad sold him.
    Linda - love your blessings, thank you.
    Dee Dee - just wondering where you live. Your weather sounds a lot like mine in N/C Texas. I think It's great you have to get your pants altered!!!! Bummer about the shoes and yes you should call the store. May be a manufacturing defect. Bet they were made in China! I like Natural Balance for walking.
    Liz - Awesome - 2lbs. That is great that they plan is working so well. Keep on keeping on. I agree, everyone needs some "me" time.
    Lila - snow.....I remember those days when we were stationed in Colorado. It's pretty to see but not so pretty to shovel and drive in.
    Nancy - it is so great that you rewarded yourself with new clothes. I'm looking forward to that day. It is a treat when all your kids get to come together. I'll have all of mine for Thanksgiving.
    Amanda - I saw your ticker and was amazed. You rock! 192!!!! Are you at goal? You are an inspiration.
    Have to get out to the grocery to get ready for a brunch tomorrow. I'm bringing fruit and mimosas. What a good combination.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Just time to pop in say HI and hope everyone had a great weekend. I was too busy and the time flew by too fast. Went to a High School Football game Friday night, Saturday before hubby went to work got the tires rotated and oil changed then he took me out for breakfast as we shared what we could remember of what we were doing 39 years ago for breakfast then he went to work and Sunday we watched football and he took me out for a movie (saw Hotel Transylvania) and dinner at ****ey's BBQ. :love:

    Will try and find time to come back and check how everyones weekend was later.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    :ohwell: Hello ladies,
    Just a quick fly by. scanned all the posts but now I have to get back to the job. I need to regroup. I am not eating very well (just too :yawn: tired to do the right thing) and I need to get back in the groove of regualar exersize. just need to make myself do it.

    Thinking of you all

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    DeeDee - I had that happen when I had a pair of athletic shoes that put pressure on the nerve in the ball of my foot. It turned out they were too short in the box for my foot even though the arch fit properly.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    :flowerforyou: Along with paying attention to the number of calories or whether to eat your exercise calories is being mindful of “what” you are eating. Nourishing your body to help it move and live effectively and to keep your metabolism working requires fueling with good nutrition. Budgeting calories is a lot like budgeting your limited money…….if you don’t have a lot to “spend” then the calories should be used for foods that provide maximum nutrition---an obvious example is using 100 calories for a large serving of steamed green beans rather than for a 100 calorie “snack pack” or salad dressing or butter. One of the great benefits of logging your food on MFP is that you can look over your food plan for the day and find where you might have made better decisions about how to spend your calories. I stopped eating bread and pasta not because of any gluten or carb issues but because I could use the calories from a piece of bread or a tiny serving of pasta for a huge serving of steamed vegetables. If you have an extra 30 minutes in your day, do you spend it taking a walk or sitting on the couch watching TV…..when you get a phone call do you walk back and forth through your house or sit at your computer and play solitaire while you talk?

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Sorry everyone, I am having trouble figuring out how this QUOTE thing works, I have done it wrong a couple of times. I was impressed by this post from Barbie from NW Washington and wanted to let her know that it was timely for me just now.

    Looks like I did it wrong again.
    Calmrose and DeeDee - To use the quote feature, just go to the post that you want and hit the quote button. At the top and bottom, you will see (/quote) only with brackets instead of parentheses. Go to the end, making sure that you are after the quote mark, hit enter, and type as usual. If you only want to quote part of the post, go ahead and delete part of it. As long as you leave the quote notation at the beginning and end, it will post in the blue box as a quote. If this is too confusing, let me know and I will try again. Mary
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Mon and Veteran`s day!
    Went for a part time job interview,caregiver for a man who had a stroke.Nervous as Ive been out of work 2 years.Hope it`s like riding a bike and I`ll be ok.
    Hubby has been working different hours every day.Am grateful for him to have a job.He went in today to work what he thought was 1-10pm,he was suppose to work 2-10.When he got there ,they asked if he could work 4pm-1 am.
    Didn`t get to the gym, hopefully we will go wed and fri.
    Hope everyone is having a good day!!
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good day everyone,
    wow, we did not get a holiday in ON for Remembrance Day; but then we did not have snow either...in fact, record breaking warm days of 20 C ....

    I was very glad of the weather, because it was the one thing that helped me get out and walk the pooch....he is having a great time, I am bringing a ball along and letting him off the leash, there was not a single soul -- or dog, thank goodness - around. The deer were not there either, although it is a completely fenced off place.

    Just having you all here, sharing highs and lows, helped me get out and stick to my plan for the second month - tackle the walking/running. And even after two days, my walking energy and ability to handle stairs has increased....I am embarrassed to say that my fears were trashed by how easy it is to forget the pain and keep moving. Ahhh! Yoda was laughing at me, there is do or do not, not try!