

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Didn't mean to send a message with not much text!

    Back from taking and delivering some of the War Brides to the British High Commission for lunch. Had a very nice meal specially prepared for me by the chef (I have major allergies), so after I'd made sure that all the War Brides had their meals, I got mine and sat with some other people to chat. One couple are only recently come to Canada and are looking forward to their first winter and Christmas when their daughter is visiting from UK. Others have been here longer and are getting ready to return home after a 3 year stint.

    Turned out to be a lovely day here after a cool, drizzly morning.

    DBF will come over later and I'll cook supper - roast pork leg and lots of vegetables.

    Must go and find my under-desk pedals and do some exercises.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Hello to all this beautiful Sunday afternoon. We have finally finished the landscaping - so excited to be done! DH and I put down soaker hoses after planting and then covered all with mulch - a.k.a. poor man's irrigation system! All we'll have to do is hook up the regular hose to the in-place soaker and off we go.

    As of yesterday we are officially empty-nesters again. DS1 finished his move out to an apartment shared with his brother. Its weird and wonderful all at the same time. My water bill is sure to go down - that kid loves a long shower! Before we get those rooms set up again I will paint the walls and shampoo the rugs, but I don't see that happening until after the new year arrives. After the long dose of landscaping I don't want a project for a while.

    After cleaning myself up from the yard work I steam-cleaned the floors, vacuumed, dusted and did some laundry. Yesterday I deep cleaned the guest bath after DS1 left. As I told my DH after scrubbing down the shower stall, THAT is why I insist we dry out the shower when we are done. I'd rather spend 60 seconds each time than have to labor scrubbing down soap scum, etc. Ewww....

    I've had the TV running in the background, but weirdly it keeps leaving the channel I had it on and going to some horror-psycho drama, then it is stuck there and I can't change it back, etc., without cutting off power to all the units and restarting. But it has happened twice now. Creepy, so I just shut it off and DH can figure it out later. (That or the TV is possessed...)

    We'll have leftover chili and cornbread tonight for dinner. For lunch I made refrigerator soup -- put chicken stock, the slice of leftover pork roast and its jus, leftover lima beans and the dab of leftover spaghetti sauce into the vitamix. It actually was very tasty - a bit like cream of tomato in flavor, but more of a squash color. The lima beans gave it a nice creaminess.

    Now that we're back to just us two, I told DH we shouldn't buy the huge bag of potatos anymore. We just don't eat them fast enough, but he is really into "the-big-bag-is-cheaper" mindset. We'll have to retrain our shopping habits. He loves all the yellow tag or manager mark downs at Kroger and there have been times I've sent him back to return things, especially fish. I'll open the 'frig and and it just reeks. How could he not notice that? Are your husbands the same way? The deal now is that fish should be bought on the day we are going to eat it, or he can buy frozen. I'm very blessed that he loves to go to the store and is a great bargain hunter, but sometimes that doesn't really work out.

    Best get back to my chore list. Congratulations to all who are celebrating. Hugs to those who are grieving - may you find peace.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hi Barbie, and anyone who has more expertise than me....I started out with a higher BMI, now it has dropped with some weight loss.
    Now that I have made a commitment to do light excercise, I had wondered if regular excercising members ate the extra calories?
    That is my first question.

    The second is about the right number of calories per day....The Harris Benedict Calorie calculator is supposed to be the best one, and it insists that eating less than 30 percent in calorie loss per day is a sure way to head into starvation mode. I started at 1270, but went down to 1200 after 20 weight loss; but this level is at least 300 calories under the 30 percent mark for a sedentary person, never mind a person taking light activity.

    Any suggestions, or experiences to share about this? Do I up the calories, or make sure to eat all the excercise calories.....
    I do eat a regular, reset meal once a week with food I don't normally eat, and that keeps me from falling into the starvation shut down....some do this every 3 to 4 days...they eat high and then low calories. I supplement my intake of protein with a high protein, low fat, low carb drink to make it to the grams needed to balance out the carb grams.....

    Any help or advice is appreciated.

    I've only been here a few weeks. I let MyFitnessPal set my calories based on my weight and have already lost 12 pounds. I use exercise to add more calories and eat part of the extra calories, but not all of them. I log everything I eat, and we bought a food scale and dishers so that we are actually eating measured amounts of food rather than guessing. I accumulated too many extra pounds by guessing quantity in the past.
  • c0c0nn0r
    Hope everyone had a great weekend so far.

    janehadji - I upped my calorie intake and drank more water I was eating 1200 alories a day
    (sometimes under) I had been stuck for weeks at 203.

    bjmcq - I try not to eat the extra calories from exercise..I let MFP set calories for me and
    started at 1560 calories a day and am now at 1200.

    Kaila49 - I bought a food scale also and think it really helped me with portion size.

    Taking my 92 yr. old dad to Arcola tomorrow to visit his cousin so not sure what I'll be eating.
    Just hoping for the best..everyone have a great Monday!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Well, the ex-tooth is doing better. Still can't open my mouth all the way, but it seems I can eat more and more foods, just on the other side of my mouth. But I'm getting there

    Vince and I worked more on the landscaping. I told him to mark for me where he wanted a trench for the wire for the lights and I'd dig it. It goes so much faster with the two of us working! He seems to think that one person should do one job and another person do something else. We're going to go to Lowe's to get more wire, a pipe so Vince can insulate the pipe to the spa.

    Today I did a belly dance DVD. I really would like to learn more about belly dance, before I knew it 45 minutes were up. But I'm not totally sure that I'm doing it correctly. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class. Just don't want to do too much that would cause jumping and therefore the loosening of the clot. I can find other things to do. Tuesday I was going to do step by I've decided that I'll walk on the treadmill backwards and the use the elliptical.

    Viv - I'm with you, for me it isn't so good that I'm eating normal.

    Maria - welcome, come back soon so we get to know you better.

    Dar - that's wonderful that your daughter was offered those jobs!

    jane - congrats on being able to pedal the bike

    bjmcq - happy birthday to you step daughter. From being here for a while, it seems that some people eat their exercise calories back, others don't. It all really depends on what works for you. I used the Harris Benedict formula and it said that I should have 1253 calories/day. I never eat back my exercise calories That seems to work for me. that's just me

    After going to the hardware store, worked some more on the landscape lights. Digging that trench for the cable isn't easy work. We did find that the claw of the hammer seems to be about the right width. Tried making some chocolate cupcakes for Vince, but again, every one stuck to the pan. Don't know why this happens. Anyone have any thoughts? Well, he has chocolate chip cookies

    I'm having a WONDERFUL dinner -- a salad of okra and cucumber. I can only chew on one side of my mouth, but at least I get my salad!

    Vince is into decorating for Christmas BIG TIME. In a way, I hope he doesn't do very much this year (we didn't do anything for Halloween and had a couple of kids say "where are the decorations?") but then works on the landscaping. I really want to get most of it done so that weeds don't grow in the spring.

    Gail - isn't it funny how men think about costs? Yours is "the big bag is cheaper", now that we're paying for the pool Vince is after me not to buy that much. I'm really not, but if something is on sale (like chocolate chips will be on sale next week), I'll stock up. We'll use them and it's better than my paying full price But he doesn't see that, he's looking at the short term savings, not the long term.

    Tomorrow night is mahjongg.

    Finishing up my wonderful salad and then maybe will work on the coasters.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member


    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,891 Member
    Bump for later.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Thank you for the nice thoughts on daughter's birthday...she is a gift, smart, loving, insightful, and central to our family harmony.

    Thanks also for the info about eating back the excercise cals.....and the use of the Harris Benedict BMI- calorie process....I will increase my calories, but not the excercise ones back. I think that I would find it very easy to rush to the weight loss, and win a few battles with my bulge, but lose the war within my body......

    Take care, happy Monday tomorrow...
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    thanks for the Canadian flag!
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Good Sunday ,
    I just did my BMI on the Harris Benedict BMI calculator and it says that I should be eating 1882 calories/day to maintain my weight. My calories on MFP are 1320. So, this makes sense as I am trying to lose weight, not maintain!:bigsmile:

    I set MFP to lose 2 lbs /week. I went back and calculated from the day I started and I am right on target.:drinker: T!his time next year I should be at my first goal weight:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Feeling really drained today, maybe the time change?:ohwell: Anyway, short and sweet, as the right hand painful after my log the other night.

    Here comes another week to become the best person I want to be! To be self loving, nurturing and kind to ourselves!:flowerforyou:

    Good nutritious food, water,exercise and logging is the right way to head down the road on our journey of good health and happiness!
    Blessing for an awesome week,:wink:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good evening, lovelies!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy birthday Kackie!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Made Friend's meatloaf, mashed potatoes and steamed brussels sprouts for SUnday dinner. Almost fell off my chair when Joe said "What? No salad???" Could he be getting used to leafy greens??? We can only hope.

    This will be my last long post for awhile, busy week, back to work, back to dance class, church council meeting etc etc etc. Will read all the posts but won't be able to respond, as I could not to all this time either.

    :noway: Mary msh0530 Can NOT believe my eyes! "Outlawed are food donations to homeless shelters because the city can’t assess their salt, fat and fiber content. . ." Ridiculous!:explode: How long have you had your cough?:sick: Has your dr. run any kinds of tests? I refuse to re-set my ticker. :angry: :noway: :grumble: I'll just keep grinding away at the pounds, but will announce:drinker: with great joy when I achieve ticker weight... 4 more pounds to go... :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: ChriHanselma you are very brave to attempt the Thanksgiving 5K. Hope all goes well for you.
    :sad:Sarah what a darnedshame about the spaghetti fight, the kids would have loved it.:bigsmile:
    :glasses: suebdew, many think the mfp calories burned for exercise ARE way high, HRMs seem more accurate... not yet :wink: ready to go there... 80s to 30s, WOW, that's quite a change! Thanks afor the "Sweatin to the oldies"reminder. I'll dig mine out this week.
    :noway: Reb 15 months? How did THAT happen? What a cutie!:love::love: :love:
    :love: LindaSundance thanks for the eye opening article about the 4:1 per pound benefit to knees! And :flowerforyou: congrats for going to the gym at 9pm! I have NO energy at that hour.:yawn:
    :heart: joann1948 hugs to you in your grief. :brokenheart: What a shock.
    :cry: Julie losing our mothers is so hard.:brokenheart::heart::brokenheart: I'm sure you're right, she'd be proud of your progress. Well done.:flowerforyou:
    :angry: janeh BLUE couscous?eeeuuuuwwww!:sick: Mayan ruins? YAY! :love: So glad hubby came around.:bigsmile:
    :mad: Kate, I am with Lila, I would have raised the roof :explode: and 9 :angry: :mad: :angry: kinds of hell :devil: had I found broken glass, burnt on goo and a burned out appliance. Your family should treasure you!
    :tongue: Lila you are so right, it's not :noway: the snow but the ice:angry: . treacherous for driving and walking. I have osteoporosis, so if I slip and fall, I usually break something. Ice is the main reason we'll move when I retire.:huh:
    :laugh: :love: :laugh: Meg Loved your honest and pointed replies to that trickup lawyer! Even if your daughters never realize or express gratitude, you know in your heart what a great gift you gave them by adopting them and giving them a chance for a healthy happy secure life. :love: Doesn't make the pain :cry: :brokenheart: go away, but that's how I comfort myself for our experience trying to foster nephews.:ohwell:
    :flowerforyou:bjmcq congrats especially on the looser clothes. Isn't that the best feeling! Furtter to what Mary, Michele and others said, you joined this thread by posting. When we hit 500 posts the link to part 2 is at the bottom of the last post. On the first of the month Barbie starts a new thread, you can search for 50+ and the name of the month to find it.
    :bigsmile: nursermr38 a 5 K every weekend off? You go, gal!:love:
    :happy: Colleen - onederland? ONEderful!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :tongue: JaneM good luck finding the paperwork. Best advice I've heard is "Take a breath before you answer each question, then tell the truth." Hope all goes well for you, it's about time.:heart:
    :flowerforyou:Kathy congrats on the walking shoes! Hope overdoing it didn't hurt too much.:ohwell:
    :laugh: Queen DeeDee "72 degrees... sitting outside at Starbucks" I am soooo jealous! :sick: Have fun!:happy:
    :love: Michele you are bearing up so well. Baby food, instead of fresh veggies.:sick: blearg.:sick: They don't get much deeper :noway: than wisdom teeth. The swelling and bruising can take a long time. People can still see bruises on my face and ask what happened. This from a surgery 18 days ago! Peel the jicama and eat it raw like kohlrabi, a little lemon juice or mustard dressing, yum.
    :happy: Barbie what a great day! How can we miss them when they won't go away? :laugh: Thanks for the beautiful graphic.:love:
    :tongue: Liz I am so with you about winter activity. DH spoils me and walks the pooches by himself, especially when it's frosty/icy/slick. The trick is for me to do matwork or SWSY or wii zumba while he's out, instead of sitting on my butt at the computer...:frown:
    :flowerforyou: Cheryl, Viv and all of you doing the 30DS, Amazing! Wow! Inspiring! Not:noway: that I'm ever likely to voluntarily submit to the Jillian Michaels style of encouragement... :laugh:
    :smile: Dar what great news for your DD. You have the right to be proud!:heart::heart: :heart:
    :flowerforyou: katla "lifestyle change not based on deprivation" so wise! so true!:bigsmile:
    :smooched: joanie love Love LOVE the pooch-togged-out-for-winter pic.:laugh:
    :heart: Itakecareofme Let us know as you make each appointment, especially the mammo. We've all been there, put it off. Get 'er done!
    :noway: Gail TV does sound possessed. Getting my DH to check expiry dates BEFORE he buys is a losing battle.:noway: Trying to be grateful he grocery shops at all. :love:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome diane_58, marianpa and any newbies I missed.

    'nuff sitting, time to knock out a little committee work and a little laundry before sleep.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day

    2012: dance more, bark less and check in!!!
    November: back to basics

    SWSY or matminutes: 11=34 yess! 10=0 9=11 8=0 7=SWSY arms + 33 mat 6=0 5=0 4=0 3=0 2=0 1=0
    steps: 11=3288? no way. Surely did that many standing in the verrry cold before and after church signing folk up to give food boxes. 10=7200 9=4280 no morning dogwalk, no lunchwalk, no good 8=13958 yess! 7=13130 Now THAT's more like it! 6=6254 5=4702 4=5426 3=6461 2=9220 1=8809
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Hi Barbie, and anyone who has more expertise than me....I started out with a higher BMI, now it has dropped with some weight loss.
    Now that I have made a commitment to do light excercise, I had wondered if regular excercising members ate the extra calories?
    That is my first question.

    The second is about the right number of calories per day....The Harris Benedict Calorie calculator is supposed to be the best one, and it insists that eating less than 30 percent in calorie loss per day is a sure way to head into starvation mode. I started at 1270, but went down to 1200 after 20 weight loss; but this level is at least 300 calories under the 30 percent mark for a sedentary person, never mind a person taking light activity.

    Any suggestions, or experiences to share about this? Do I up the calories, or make sure to eat all the excercise calories.....
    I do eat a regular, reset meal once a week with food I don't normally eat, and that keeps me from falling into the starvation shut down....some do this every 3 to 4 days...they eat high and then low calories. I supplement my intake of protein with a high protein, low fat, low carb drink to make it to the grams needed to balance out the carb grams.....

    Any help or advice is appreciated.

    I've only been here a few weeks. I let MyFitnessPal set my calories based on my weight and have already lost 12 pounds. I use exercise to add more calories and eat part of the extra calories, but not all of them. I log everything I eat, and we bought a food scale and dishers so that we are actually eating measured amounts of food rather than guessing. I accumulated too many extra pounds by guessing quantity in the past.

    :flowerforyou: Along with paying attention to the number of calories or whether to eat your exercise calories is being mindful of “what” you are eating. Nourishing your body to help it move and live effectively and to keep your metabolism working requires fueling with good nutrition. Budgeting calories is a lot like budgeting your limited money…….if you don’t have a lot to “spend” then the calories should be used for foods that provide maximum nutrition---an obvious example is using 100 calories for a large serving of steamed green beans rather than for a 100 calorie “snack pack” or salad dressing or butter. One of the great benefits of logging your food on MFP is that you can look over your food plan for the day and find where you might have made better decisions about how to spend your calories. I stopped eating bread and pasta not because of any gluten or carb issues but because I could use the calories from a piece of bread or a tiny serving of pasta for a huge serving of steamed vegetables. If you have an extra 30 minutes in your day, do you spend it taking a walk or sitting on the couch watching TV…..when you get a phone call do you walk back and forth through your house or sit at your computer and play solitaire while you talk?

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Michele:smile: Hope your jaw and cheek are feeling better!!! Belly dancing sounds like a lot of fun!!!!

    Barbie:smile: It sounds like you had a good day Saturday getting to do whatever you wanted! Love the graphic!!!!

    Barbara:smile: Glad you didn`t get hurt when you fell!!!! Hope your busy week finds you having some fun!!!

    Liz:smile: Hope your weigh in day wa good!!!

    Viv:smile: Good for you getting that exercise in before computer time!!!

    Joann:smile: Yes, you are strong, and we`re all sending good wishes!

    Maria:smile: Welcome to the group!!! Come in often and chat with us!!!

    Cheryl:smile: Congrat, congrats, congrats on the new number on the ticker!!!! Your family is stunning, as well as your horses, they are so beautifu!!!

    Dar:smile: Congrats to your daughter...how wonderful for her!!!!

    Katla49:smile: I think MFP makes it so much easier to lose weight, and the motivation here is outstanding!!!

    Janehadji:smile: Your lunch the other day sounds good! Good for you getting some exercise in even with the boot on, where there`s a will, there`s a way!!!! The Mayan Ruins....what a fabulous trip that will be!!!

    Jb:smile: Love the quote!!!

    bjmcq:smile: I love walking in the morning, it just starts my day off right!

    Itakecareofme:smile: Welcome to the group, goals look good!!!

    Suebdew:smile: Oh my, you`re going to have a houseful!!!!! I`ll share something my mother told me...".They will remember you for loving them, not how clean your house was or how perfect your meal was". Of course my mother was a fabulous cook and the house was always spotless, wish those skills had been passed to me:laugh: !

    Genealace:smile: Sounds like you had a wonderful day!!!

    Gail:smile: Congrats for getting the landscaping done!!!! Plus all the work you did inside, you`re a busy little bee!! Horror/psycho drama:noway: , I`d be unplugging that tv set!!!! Mine once kept changing channels but it was to the cartoon network:laugh: . I agree cook fish the day you buy it!!!!

    Colleen:smile: Have a good trip with your dad tomorrow!!!

    Linda:smile: Hope you`re feeling better tomorrow!!!!

    I`ve had a nice relaxing day today, even took a little nap this afternoon:bigsmile: ! Think I will go crawl into my comfy bed and try to read a bit, I usually get about three pages read before I fall asleep, maybe tonight I can read a bit more!!!

    Have a wonderful night, sleep well and sweet dreams!!!! Until tomorrow...

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today has been a really nice day. I got a lot done and able to hangout with some friends this afternoon. It was great catching up with them. My weigh in was good 2 lbs really surprise but also very happy and grateful.

    @Barbie -- love the graphic
    @Jane glad to see you can still pedal a bike
    @Michelle Belly dancing sounds fun.
    @ Barbara yes I half to get better at doing my Richard Simmons and we do have a WII system so will look into WII Fit.

    Well I know that this is short but I am just so tired fun but busy day. My husband keeps telling me to take a real day off and do day off things. Sounds temping but I still have chores too do..

    Hope everyone has a good evening,
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello all you wonderful ladies.
    Today was an emotional day, the Remembrance Day service always brings back memories of my Uncle Stan and the challenges he had with flashbacks from WW2. Nowadays we would have recognized it as PTSD, then it was sort of shameful and hidden but every once in awhile it would come out and he would be terrified of loud noises etc. When I was around 14 I got very interested in the war and finally he told me about his experiences. I think I might have been the only one he did talk to about it, especially the liberation of Holland and then through Germany and some camps. He was the most gentle man, and the thought of him being at war at 16 years old is brutal.

    Anyway, I tear up at every service but have never missed one as far as I can remember back. My chlldren as well. My dad didn't serve because he was the oldest son and had to run the family farm (his father had died around 1935). So Uncle Stan was the only one in our family that served, I guess my family was fortunate not to lose someone.

    Enough of this, hopefully everyone had a busy and productive day. After I thawed out from the Remembrance Day Service, I decided to sew and finished a dress today, and hemmed a couple of pairs of jeans. I took the dogs out around 4 PM and guess what, we have snow now, only about 1/2 inch, but still snow, and it appears to be staying.

    Good night ladies, will read all the posts and catch up tomorrow.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just a quick post tonight before I close my eyes. I have had a busy day - went to church then the high school musical. My daughter and family came over for supper, and the 7 and 4 year old grandsons are spending the night. Tomorrow morning, we plan to go out to breakfast and do a little shopping since I have the day off of work.

    Barbara - I have had my cough for a month. It is bronchitis exacerbated by my asthma. I am ready to be well!

    I'd better get to sleep so that I can get up with the little ones! Later - Mary
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ok ladies I apologize for all my horse pictures, but this one I am really proud of. She has been lame since she was old enough to ride (an injury) but recently had two shots that the hospital said would make her un-lame for 6 months to 2 years when she can then get another. On August 3rd when I brought another small horse I own to a trainer, I committed to losing enough weight to ride him when he returned. I never knew I'd be riding the one in this picture too, She is even smaller than the one I was losing weight for. What a bonus to be able to ride her now too. I've had her since birth, and had her mom for 22 years when she died last year. We had a long trail ride on a very very windy day today and she was great. At no time did I feel in danger of being hurt on her. She was soooo good.


    DeeDee and Sundance and Sasha - thanks for complimenting my family and / or horses.

    Sundance - it is nice that your goal is a year from now. Mine is for my birthday on June 22nd. I've spent 95 days losing almost 21 pounds, and I hope to lose the next 20 in the next 8 months.

    Exermom - do you still ride??

    Wizzywig - level 2 - really? I just finished day 6 of level one and think I want to stay there. You're brave.

    Janeh and Auntiek - there was something I wanted to say to you, but now I've forgotten. :frown: I'm old.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Yes, Lila, Remembrance Day gets me too. We are in Spokane, so missed the cenotaph service but did have school services on Friday. My Dad is a Korean War vet & both grandfathers served in WW One, so I have lots to think about when the moment of silence comes. We could spot the Canadians in Spokane today by their poppies.

    I got new workout clothes and spent a fortune on new work & party clothes. It was too fun! We went to see the new James Bond movie in IMax, also very fun. Gotta love the big city!

    Did half an hour of HIIT this morning & will be inspired to do a bit more tomorrow for the chance to wear my new shorts. I am so easy to motivate! Good thing the hotel has a decent gym.

    DH has promised dinner at a fancy restaurant tomorrow, hope he appreciates the "little black dress" I invested in this morning.

    Hope you are all having a great weekend.

    Hasta pronto,

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    I am using an iPad tonight so can't run my usual side-by-side text and MFP posts at the same time so cannot reply to you all. Just wanted to send smiles to all.

    Thanks for being here!

    Haystack pronto,

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    I am working every day for the next fortnight, so I'm not sure I will be posting much - very busy at the gallery right now.

    Just briefly, had an up and down few days with my dad - panic attack after panic attack. He called for an ambulance twice after having been discharged from hospital. He seems a bit calmer now - but I do feel as if I have to talk him down from the ledge every day.

    Saturday was the pirate and princess birthday party for my squidgy grandtwins. SOBSIL showed his true colours again, but we won't dwell on that. The babies had a fab time and got a mountain of gifts! Just to make things even better, my DD#2 arrived from Germany as a surprise for the weekend. She'd been over the weekend before for DD#1s birthday and told everyone that she would be back at Christmas. I'm so glad she made the effort to be there. We all stayed over at the grandtwins house on the Friday night (including my DS but not my DH). It was the first time in a very long time that I had all my offspring under the same roof. Made me happy!

    I'm feeling very leaden - due to too much party food over the weekend. I'm just not used to it - back to normal food as of last night. I had a delicious salad with hummous for my evening meal and already feel better for it.

    Sorry I can't respond to everyone - I barely have time to blow my nose right now, but wanted to at least pop in and say hi.

    Hope you are all doing wonderfully - and if you are having struggles, a pray that they will ease swiftly.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x