

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi All: Had a good logging day yesterday.....Got tragic news last night that my cousin was killed. He works with horses and got hit in the head, but did not make it. He was only in his mid 30's. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Will talk to you all next week....Hugs to all.....

    Sorry for your loss. And sending positive thought to you and your family or quick emotional healing.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Hi All: Had a good logging day yesterday.....Got tragic news last night that my cousin was killed. He works with horses and got hit in the head, but did not make it. He was only in his mid 30's. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Will talk to you all next week....Hugs to all.....

    Oh dear, my condolences to you and your family.


  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Joann - so sorry for your loss, prayers for you and your family.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hi All: Had a good logging day yesterday.....Got tragic news last night that my cousin was killed. He works with horses and got hit in the head, but did not make it. He was only in his mid 30's. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Will talk to you all next week....Hugs to all.....

    I am so sorry for your family's tragic loss. My prayers go to grieving family members.
  • JulieB_MN
    JulieB_MN Posts: 223 Member
    HI Everyone-I haven't been to this thread since early September. School had just started and my mom passed away on Sept. 1st. A lot has been going on since. My first graders keep me very busy this year. A very active group but, I love them. I am proud to say that during this time of grief I haven't gain an ounce! Usually stress and such I reach for any thing food!!!!
    I have continued to log in and log my food each day and I hit 31 pounds gone!!!! I am so happy and I know my mom would be proud. My daughter set her wedding date for July 12, 2014 so I have plenty of time to get this weight off. But, 31 pounds in little over 3 months with the major loss in my life is something new for me! Anyway I hope everyone is doing well here. I am back for support. My daughter and I are shopping for gyms right now. Hope to find a good one soon. Thanks everyone! I am not even worried about Thanksgiving this year..... I didn't eat even one Halloween candy this year. It didn't even sound good to me. That is a first for me!!! Julie
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I had a great time at lunch yesterday, but it took up most of my calories for the day. I ordered sea bass with Israeli couscous (it was blue!) and asparagus. When it arrived, it had a heavy cream sauce of some sort (hence the calories). I scraped a lot of the sauce off and only ate half of the couscous. My real downfall was the chimichurri and pita. The best part of eating out is always the company anyway, for sure! I had a light dinner and stayed within the allotted calories.

    We bought tickets for our next trip to Mexico in early December, so I'm looking forward to that. I tried to talk hubby into going for 3 weeks, but he would only agree to 9 days -- said he had too much to do at work. This boot will come off my leg just before we leave, so I'm hoping I'll be able to do our usual major walking while we're there. After this, we won't go again until my son's spring break in March. We rent the condo out when we aren't there, and winter is the prime rental season -- it pays the maintenance fees for the rest of the year, so we don't want to use it then. When we're retired, we'll probably spend the winters down there.

    I just looked up, and see that it has started to snow although the sun is shining brightly. That's Denver! My son is home for the weekend and has a friend coming to study with him, so I'm going to marinate steak kebab to feed them.

    Meg -- I'm glad that you're a bit better, and hope for your full recovery soon! Putting your daughter's drawers in the garage is something I wouldn't have thought of, but it does seem like a good cause-and-effect lesson. It's sad that she's still so worried about food. Where is she from and how old was she when you got her? My cousin has two adopted daughters from India. She got one as an infant and the other at age 6.

    Sarah -- Wow, what a great fundraiser! That's an amazing success for such a small school, and I love that you gave the leftovers to the local food bank. :smile:

    Suebdew -- The exercise calories seem a bit high to me, too. Golf is over 1000 calories??

    Michele -- Glad you're finally clotting -- keeping cotton in your mouth for this long must be miserable. I loved the visual of the Rolls Royce for your wedding, along with the wine! So much classier than a limo.

    Kate -- I'm sorry that you've had such a bad week, and am sending positive thoughts that next week will be better. :flowerforyou: It's hard having to worry about loved ones driving when the weather is so bad. It doesn't make any difference, of course, but you can't help it! I like Josh Groban, too -- such a beautiful voice.

    Linda Sundance -- I can't believe that the gym was closed when you finally got there, but it's so great that going has become an ingrained habit!!

    Joan -- I'm so sorry for the loss of your cousin. Such a senseless accident.

    Texasgal22 -- What company are you with, and how is the market doing? I had understood that Texas was much better off than most of the country, although still not good, when things hit. Denver was lucky, too, and is coming back. I've been on a team at Coldwell Banker for the past 3 years, and also spent a year at Keller Williams
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good Saturday morning everyone, decided to post early and catch up for yesterday. I was awoken by DD2 phoning from Leiden Holland as a surprise to me, and a lovely surprise it was too! We had a nice natter which probably will cost her a fortune but it was just so good to hear her voice and check in how she’s doing in person.

    The conference wound up around 3 yesterday and I went into work after my drive home; didn’t really do anything though, just checked in and chatted with staff about the Remembrance Day ceremony on Sunday. Everything seems all arranged, thanks to the Mayor who is a very organized lady, and the mainstay of the office (who is also a very organized lady). How nice to be in the company of these people.

    Amanda – I feel for you about your Dad’s situation, too bad your siblings can’t put aside some time for your Dad, and to help you. You are being true to your nature though in caring for him.

    DeeDee – what an upbeat post and very pleasant to read. Thank you.

    Cheryl – congratulations on the 1.4 loss. You are so organized with your busy life. Isn’t it cool when the ticker turns over? Good on you!

    Robin2 - welcome, we’ll have to specify which Robin now. I’ve always liked that name, brings thoughts of spring every time I hear it.

    Texas Gal – same comment to you as Cheryl above, I’m waiting and working toward the next ten digit ticker kicker (but I seem to be plateauing again).

    Lin – once you realize that weight loss is just working the program, it’s hard to put up with people and the fad diets isn’t it? That’s why I’m so glad there is this board because we can talk to people who understand what it takes to do this (instead of a magic potion). That being said, I still want to hold onto the magic salmon mystery-lol,.

    Laura – good vibes going out for your husband’s change of department. Sounds like he is a talented man and they should try to place him where he will be the most satisfied to keep him productive for them. Have a wonderful anniversary, sounds like you have a good, solid marriage and great life mate. Cherish your benefits.

    JB – I love how you put words together! Your post went from humour to philosophy to empathy to inspiration. Thank you. And thanks for re-posting the carrot bisque recipe again, I missed the first one and hadn’t gone back through the posts to find it yet so you saved me a fair amount of time.

    JaneH – the Old Stone Church sounds like my kind of place. I guess my posting about the healthy food was because I too was so pleasantly surprised. I spend a lot of time at events and conferences and workshops and the food is generally not good (well, not healthy anyway).

    JaneM – Take a deep breath, and just tell your story like it was to a friend. You can do this just fine. Hope your rough months are behind you and that it’s upward and onward from now on.

    Meg – so nice to hear from you again, take care though and make sure you recuperate totally (yeah, giving advice to a nurse is kind of dumb I realize). The food hoarding sounds like a difficult situation but understandable given the history.

    Mary – I kind of understand the philosophy behind the food control stuff but it really seems counter productive when taken to the level of cutting off donations to the needy. Hope your cough gets under control soon, cold and flu season can be a pain.

    Chris – hopefully you will be up to the 5K in time for the Drumstick Dash (what a great name for it).

    Robin1 – looking forward to the doggie photos.

    Sarah – too bad about the spaghetti fight being outlawed by the grinches. Sounds like it would have been great fun for the students.

    Michele – re: the missing spoon - my cat has “misplaced” every emery board that I have left out where she might possibly find it. Now if she would just file her nails instead of attempting to use my sofas, I would consider the misplacements a good investment. Glad to hear the clot is finally forming, must have been a deep extraction. The tea bag thing is the tannin in the tea, it actually works better if the teabag has been steeped. It also works for sties on eyelids and I think my mother had a series of things it was supposedly good for.

    Kate – wow, you really are needed at home! I think the oven goo and casserole dish would have put me over the top – everyone would have been up at that time to hear my rant! I never thought of veggies being a calming thing but you obviously NEED veggies. I didn’t really look at my intake of veggies, but I suspect I would feel the same as you – I usually eat at least 3 veg with dinner.

    Linda – that is a long post for someone with carpal tunnel-lol. Hope it was someone else typing for you. But so nice to have you back posting more.

    Julie – good for you for the positive attitude and positive life changes. Keep coming back and reading and talking, it really does help to keep me on track.

    Funny thing, at work, 3 of 5 of us in the office are on MFP and so is the Mayor. One is doing Isogenix, one is getting healthy to get ready for pregnancy, I’m doing the getting healthy for this stage of my life and the Mayor is maintaining (she looks incredibly fit and doesn’t need to lose, but like I said, she’s really organized).
    Well, we have sunshine here – yesterday I woke up to a skiff of snow, but I’m on top of a hill so by the time I got downtown (all of 1 minute) there was no snow. But I did have to travel over a mountain pass to get where I was going so allotted an extra 15 or so minutes onto the ½ hour commute; I was worried more about ice than snow on the pass. Sunny but cold outside, think the dogs and I will do a nice long ramble to start the day off right.

    Have a nice day ladies…..Lila
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi to all my friends. Well, I’m still here! Could someone please pass me the tiara? I am the steroid witch queen and need all my accessories! :laugh: I am so jittery even my voice is shaking. Only one more day of this crap, then no more steroids! Yay…I hope! Beautiful outside today….in the 70s. But tonight we are getting a cold front and temps will drop into the 30s with rain. Both girls are baby sitting tonight so it will be quiet here for a change.

    Mary: hope you are feeling better soon. :flowerforyou: Have them check you for pertussis next time you are there….it’s rampant especially among people our age whose vaccines have worn off.

    Chrishanselma: good news on your back. I am excited to hear how your 5K goes.

    Robin: can’t wait to see pictures of the babies!

    Genalace: is Remembrance Day similar to our veterans day in the US?

    Sarah: wow good for you and your students! That is a great amount of money!:drinker:

    Suebedew: I do think the cals this site gives for exercise is way high. I went on a few other sites and averaged their cals and that’s what I use when I put mine in.

    Jb: thanks for the recipe. That sounds fabulous. It’s on the menu for next week! I love soups in the fall and winter.
    RebelRenny: nice to see you again. Your GS is darling.

    Michele: so glad to hear that maybe your mouth is getting better! Can’t wait to find out what you can eat now. Take it easy! Me….I’d be in jammies all day long if I didn’t feel like a slug!:bigsmile:

    Barbie: I love that! Act the way you want to feel. Amen
    Kate: OMGoodness. What a mess you came home to. I would be totally flipped out. You did a great thing by crafting and breathing! I know what you mean about that switch. Mine often flips to “witch” mode.

    Linda: how is the hand/arm feeling today? Did the 15 minutes of keyboarding bother it? I so hope you get your money….I think those people live to say “nope! Try again!” Good for you to get to the gym even if it was closed, that shows it is becoming a habit. Isn’t your knee surgery coming up soon? Keeping you in my thoughts! I had to give a deposition once because our property manager stole a bunch of money from us then committed suicide in one of our buildings. :sad: The lawyer kept asking me all these trick-up questions and I kept answering things like “I don’t know. You’d have to ask him, but he’s dead.” And “I don’t know I’m not a roofing contractor.” He finally stopped in the middle and never finished. We mediated that case 2 years ago with my deposition incomplete! Our lawyer looked like he was going to bust a gut laughing. :bigsmile:

    Wessecg: thank you for your kind words! Sometimes I think I am the worst mother in the world, but I just keep telling myself that without being adopted, they would be on the streets in Russia right now, probably prostitutes, so even if I am the worst mother in the world, at least it’s better than that!:happy:

    Joann: so sorry to hear about your cousin. That is so young. I’ll be keeping you and your family in my thoughts. :flowerforyou:

    Texasgal: I will be even more elated when I can exercise again. Can’t walk up the stairs without being short of breath still, but overall I’m much improved!

    Julie: nice to see you again and so sorry to hear about your mother’s death. Good for you to resist emotional eating. I know she would be proud. :flowerforyou:

    Janehadji: I just can’t picture blue couscous! But that lunch sounds scrumptious! Your trip sounds great too…where in Mexico do you go? My daughters are biological sisters from Russia and we got them at 9 and 13. Funny thing, after DD#2 organized her room without drawers, she came downstairs and thanked me. She has never been organized ever before and now she has to be. She also found a ton of trash she threw away and lots of old clothes went into our annual garage sale pile. She said that maybe this will help her stay organized and able to find things. Hmmmmmmmmmm:ohwell:

    Lila: one should always give advice to their nurse friends because we make the worst patients ever! Of course we know more than everyone else especially those dumb old doctors! We are notoriously bad! :bigsmile:

    Ok ladies. I’m kinda done in; need to rest then get dinner in the crockpot….skinnytaste.com chili. I’ll let you know how it turns out! Take care, Meg
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good afternoon ladies

    Remembrance Day in Canada is held on November 11 whatever day it falls on (in UK it is held on the closest Sunday). There is a ceremony at the War Memorial (in the centre of Ottawa) starting just before 11:00 a.m. At 11.00 there is a 2 minutes silence. There is usually a fly-past of the Snowbirds over the Parliament Buildings. Then the military, Ministers of the Govt, representatives of the various Embassies and High Commissions and other organizations lay wreaths. In recent years members of the public put their individual poppies on the tomb of the unknown soldier.

    Similar ceremonies are held all across the country at their own local war memorials. I live in Ottawa so see the main one which is televised across the country.

    It is lovely and sunny here today, but cool. Forecast is for freezing rain later this evening turning to rain overnight and a warm day tomorrow which will be good for the veterans.

    Went to visit my aunt this morning and reminded her about tomorrow and this afternoon I'm going to a nearby little town with my DBF to buy my niece's Christmas present. I saw some china that she wants in a local antique shop, so hope it is still there. I didn't buy it last time because I wanted to double check that it was the right design.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hi, my first month is over as of today, and it has been very helpful! The weight loss has been great, but the NSVs even better!

    No cravings, no random eating, loose clothes, dropped a dress size or more.....

    Now that I have established the MFP eating accountability, planning habit, I will start to take on excercise.....

    congrats to you all for sticking to your goals!
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Joann- so sorry for the loss of your cousin. Praying for God to comfort you and the family..:flowerforyou:

    Lila- I can keyboard for 15mins per hour. So, it took me a very long time to do that post. I miss chatting to everyone,so I gave it a try doing the 15 minutes per hour and my hand/wrist are paying for it today! :cry: :cry: I will have to back off until I have better healing. The physical therapist told me to 'use" my hand ,so I gave it a try! :sad: :sad: Bad call on my part, Oh well, I just want to get better and get back to work! :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone has a restful, healthy happy weekend!:flowerforyou:
  • nursermr38
    just finished a 5k with DD. we walked and were last but we did it!!!! Im signed up for a 5k each of my weekends off til mid dec. hope to get a little faster each time. it felt good.
  • c0c0nn0r
    Thanks for everyone's ideas about breaking the plateua-I did it and I'm so excited!
    I finally weigh under 200#(not by much though)! That was the first goal I'd set for
    myself and today the scale said 199! I got back on it to make sure!

    Laura - Happy 39th wedding anniversary! I hope your husband gets that promotion.

    Joann - What a tragic loss- you and your family are in my prayers

    Mary - I work as a secretary at a K thru grade 4 building and we were all looking
    forward to this 3 day weekend also.

    Sarah - Great job with your students on the fundraiser - you must be so proud of them

    Everyone enjoy the weekend

  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    This seems like such a good group, but i can't find it in the groups to join...anyone clear up for me? Thanks
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello all, the weather was in the 50's today so I was able to take a bike ride this afternoon , it was great. I thought I was done with outdoor biking for the season so I am grateful for the day. My thoughts and prayers to everyone for all your triumphs and setbacks.
    Keep coming back,
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.
    Joan sorry for your loss.
    Thanks or the suggestions in regards to my testamony.When moving 3 xs in the last year,I haven`t found my paperwork in the boxes.I meet with my lawyer before,so hopefully,they will be of some help.
    Went to the gym with a friend,hubby working.Did 8 min on treadmill on an incline,might not seem much,but for someone who hasn`t been on one in years,easy dos it,says the dr.Don`t want to have a flareup with the knee for over training.
    Was a beautiful day,60`s then the horrible rain,thunder,lightening came and left.
    had a nice dinner with people from the church last night.had a good time,would have better if hubby wasn`t working.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    MaryC, you said ride and this is what I thought you meant. Got almost my entire family out riding today - that is a rare event!

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    This seems like such a good group, but i can't find it in the groups to join...anyone clear up for me? Thanks

    Bjmcq - We aren't an official group in the groups section; we are actually a thread in the forums. Now that you have posted, if you go to the community tab and click on "My Topic" you should be able to find us easily. I think that I will try to send you a personal message in case you don't see this. Welcome, and come back often! Mary
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I just readjusted my ticker for weight that I seem to have found again . . :sad:

    And . . . Drum roll . . . Just completed my food diary for the first time in a long time! Thanks for being my inspiration! :flowerforyou: Mary
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    This week flew by! Finally just got caught up on everyone's posts!:smile: The bad news is that I didn't log my food much this week and didn't eat very healthy at all and quite surprised that the scale went downward at all! The good news is that I did get some exercise in, had physical therapy twice for my calf (seems to be helping) and the big accomplishment was wearing walking shoes today! First time since foot surgery in July that I was able to get these on because of swelling! I should not have worn them all day and am paying for that now but it's a start! Thought my temp job was going to be over but I get to go for one more week and then unfortunately they are closing this office for good.

    My thoughts and prayers are with those of you who have lost family members and friends recently!:flowerforyou:

    Gail- My DH is the same way-he would rather take a pill rather than address his health issues! Frustrating but I realize too that it's his choice to make, not mine.:frown: At least he was onboard with getting a bunch of fresh veggies for us to munch on during football tomorrow!

    New week starts tomorrow so I'm going to faithfully log everything I eat! Don't want to go backwards! Off to drink more water now:drinker:
