

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,223 Member
    Hi to all my friends. You can call off the search party! I am still here; my doc says I have a "massive" sinus infection. I haven't been out of bed in a couple of days now. I'm on 9 different meds right now including 3 different types of steroids, which always make me a witch. Everyone here ran for the hills when they heard "steroids"!!! OMG I even want to yell at the cats.

    Thanks to DeeDee, Linda, and Barbie for checking up on me. I hope to feel well enough tomorrow to sit here and actually read all your posts...my we have been a chatty group, haven't we?

    Best wishes to all of you and stay strong in your journey. I haven't been eating at all, so maybe I should have weighed in yesterday LOL. I did get 2nd place last week in the biggest loser contest. :)

    OK, gotta go lay back down for a while. Take care everyone. Meg
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Meg, there you are! Hope you get well soon! Cats can handle a tiny bit of yelling, lol.

    DeeDee, you sure had a day yesterday. Hope today's better!

    I'm short on time again today, but wanted to give the report on the Ginger Roasted Carrot Bisque recipe.
    OMG! :love: :love: I had a spoonful and went straight to heaven. :love: :love:

    I made a couple of changes to the recipe:
    Added 1 extra teaspoon minced fresh ginger.
    Used 2-1/3 tablespoons olive oil instead of 3
    Used 1% milk instead of non-fat.
    No cheese added on top.

    I used homemade chicken broth without added salt, so I added 1/2 t. salt to the soup, which was more than enough.

    Makes 7 cups.
    1 cup serving (without cheese) = 115 calories, 12 carb, 5 fat, 3 protein, 258 sodium, 480 potassium.

    Now it's time to clean up the kitchen and get ready for the rest of my day. Have a happy!

    :smile: jb
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Hello ladies, I'm sneaking in to stand at the back. I hope you'll let me stay. I fell off the portion control wagon big time so am starting from scratch but I did keep going to the gym 3 times a weeks though.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all again.

    Geri in England
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I just hired a new cleaning company, and they are here doing the house now for the first time. I've cut back to having someone out once a month, now that the kids aren't home. When they were here, I had someone every other week. I love the orange and lemon scent in the air when the house is done! Hubby is something of a "clean fanatic," so it saves a lot of fights. (We're FINALLY speaking again!)

    This is going to be our first Thanksgiving without the kids. My son is going to Miami to hang out on the beach (and a short cruise to the Bahamas) that week, and my daughter can't come until after the holiday (she did buy plane tickets to come for 6 days! :heart: ) It's going to be odd having just hubby and my parents. I'm going to make a crockpot roast, as my father won't eat turkey and I don't want to make one for just the three of us. If I grind it up with gravy and put it on mashed potatoes, he should be able to eat it without teeth.

    Colleen -- I just came off of a 6 week plateau. They're frustrating, aren't they? You need to change something up for a little while. I spent a week eating more and exercising more, then went back to my normal routine, and it worked.

    Deb A. -- Hooray for not needing surgery!!

    Lila -- I'm jealous that you can wear high heels! That's something that I'll never be able to do again. I've just resigned myself to not looking glamorous.

    Michele -- I was going to recommend cauliflower, but just saw your next post that it won't work. I see that you got some other great suggestions, though. Good luck with the dentist!

    Nancy -- What exactly is curling? I think I saw it once and it had something to do with a broom... I know what you mean about putting off the other foot surgery until absolutely necessary! I had been planning to do my other foot right after this one, but have changed my mind. It will wait until I can't stand it anymore! I can't jump, either, or do anything like zumba.

    Wessecg -- Did your friends with the poor bunion surgery results find anything to do about it?

    Laura80111 -- I admire your tenancity in doing the 30 DS. What a nice comment from your hubby! Congratulations on your 39th anniversary coming up this weekend, that's truly something to celebrate. :love:

    Joann1948 -- I hope you have a better day tomorrow. That's great that you no longer binge to deal with stress -- you've come a long way!

    Meg -- I hope you're feeling better soon, that sounds miserable. Congratulations on placing in the Biggest Loser contest on such a regular basis!
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Jane - oh my, a 6 week plateau???? I think I would go off the deep end. Well, unless I was down to the last 2 pounds or so, then I might expect it. Right now I am fretting about potentially having a week of no loss - I know it's coming, I just think it will feel like my work isn't paying off. Then again, maybe I'll just keep losing every week.

    Both of my friends with the bunion surgery had it many many years ago and they aren't people I am regularly in contact with. My husband plays poker with one of them, but it might be awkward to suddenly ask, "Hey, that terrible bunion surgery you had, how did that turn out?"

    Laura - I did the math - you were a baby when you got married.:flowerforyou:
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    Linda Sundance - I sure feel for you about the workman's comp. What a mess! Get better fast, yes, going to the gym will help you to feel better. Work out all the agression!

    Lila - keep reminding me of the shipping date overseas, OK? I really need to get Bryan's Christmas gifts in the mail to him.

    Not sure how things are going to go tomorrow, I guess we'll just wait and see.....

    Oh, have a question for anyone. When I go to the senior bowl, I usually take baby carrots with me. As you know, the food at a bowling alley leaves A LOT to be desired. However...they do allow us to bring in snacks. To be honest, I'm getting a little tired of carrots all the time. Also, sometimes I haven't finished them when it becomes my turn to bowl. Does anyone have any ideas of veges that I can take? I one time took grapes (I know that's not a vege...lol) and that seemed to work out. But I would like to take a vege, but I really can't think of one. Maybe edamame? I usually buy the frozen shelled edamame so I really wouldn't have any idea of what to do to prepare for taking edamame with me. I know that I'd need to shell them at home. Sometimes you can get celery stuck in your teeth, that would just be a mess. What else can I take that I can just pop in my mouth and won't take a long time to chew?


    I bowl once a week. I don't eat a thing while I am there. We aren't allowed to bring outside food in...although it is often overlooked. There are several times that bring in candy. And then there is always the birthday cake. I ate something high in protein before I leave home. I do bring my own water.
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    I had the first procedure on my back today. It was a test to see if burning the nerves will help. I have had it done before...by a different doc and it worked then. Just a major pain to go through. I went for a 30 minute walk a bit ago and I will say I didn't have the back pain that I usually do. The next big test is emptying the dishwasher. Can't usually empty the whole thing without sitting down. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Today has been much better, and I`m back to my perky self again!!!! I`ve read all the posts, however I don`t think I`m going to get to reply to all of them in one sitting....my behind is already sore from sitting here reading. I`ll post some and maybe come back after dinner and try to post some more!

    Janehadji:smile: Those meds making you retain water:angry: , but you need them right now and that weight will fall off once you stop them!!!! I have a bunion on my left foot but it doesn`t bother me at all, a Dr. once suggested I have it removed, but hey, if it`s not hurting why put myself into pain:huh: . Hope you feel better soon!!!!

    Colleen:smile: The dreaded plateau.....try increasing or decreasing your calories and the same with exercise and see if that helps! Sometimes I think our bodies are just taking a break! I think but am not sure Jb has a blog on plateaus, I read it and found it very enlighting!

    DebA:smile: Congrats on not having to have surgery!!!!! Yay, you can get back to your exercises!!!! Have a good time at your conference!

    Jolene:smile: I like "angel wings" better than "bat wings", however I would rather get rid of "bat wings" and keep "angel wings":laugh: . Those chickpeas sound delish, will be giving them a try!!!

    Michele:smile: Hope your dentist appt. went okay!!!! I had all of my wisdom teeth taken out at the same time:noway: , I couldn`t eat for almost 2 weeks, and it was during Christmas:sad: ! Yay for you resisting that cake! I can just see you looking at that cake and eating your carrots, willing those carrots to taste like carrot cake:laugh: ! Your jumping jacks have me laughing:laugh: !

    Linda:smile: Those gremlins got to your house that fast:noway: , sorry you`re having to go through all that red tape:explode: , it`s just not fair!!! Hope you`re not getting sick!!!

    Lila:smile: Are you giving that "dreadmill" a workout? Did you get some books to listen to while you`re on it?

    Barbara:smile: Yay, you did it!!! I have to say sometimes a nap sounds more enjoyable than any kind of exercise...naps are few and far between for me anymore:cry: !

    Lizzie:smile: Oh yum, fried green beans sound wonderful!!! I think I`ll have to give those a try!

    Carolyn:smile: What a wacky Wednesday it was!!!!!! Good for you getting to your Jazzercise class! I would want to be on the very last row, so I wouldn`t hurt anyone:laugh: !

    Lin:smile: Hope you had fun at coffee and Costso! I found that Skinny Pop and tried it, very good I thought, however I wanted to eat the entire bag:noway: , I can eat a few chips, but popcorn, I want a lot of it:noway: !

    Barbie:smile: I hope Mimi comes back...I miss her too!

    Nancy:smile: You must really motivate those students, thank goodness the scoccer ball didn`t hit a person!!!!, Hope your team wins tonight!!!!

    Cheryl:smile: I LOVE oyster dressing:love: , I would just have that for a meal, it`s a good thing I don`t have a clue how to make it:laugh: , my mom made the best, well other than yours! Hope your "digital friend" will be nice to you tomorrow!!!

    Mary:smile: Welcome back:flowerforyou: ! I have a feeling I`ll be here forever...but this is a good place to be!!!

    Okay ladies, the behind is actually feeling numb from sitting:embarassed: ....will do my best to pop in after dinner and try to finish or at least get close to finishing....


    Oh Meg:smile: It`s good to see you back!!! Feel better soon:flowerforyou: !
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I'm back from my vacation to Disney World with son and his family. We had great time but I got completely lost on my food tracking. Did a lot of walking so am hoping that will even out. I need to set my November goals (late I know) but better late than never. Haven't gotten to read all the posts but plan to do so asap. Hope everyone is having a wonderful evening.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Hi, my friends...I have been a lurker this week...I probably did a bad thing but signed up for streaming with netflix...really for ds so he can watch stuff on his computer when he goes back to CA....tried it out on my kindle and love it...I don't like most of what dh watches on Tv...but now I may watch too much..oh well maybe I can watch something and walk on the treadmill..:wink:

    I am halfway to my thanksgiving challenge and have biked 49 miles, rowed 10k and walked 1 mile...hopefully I can keep this up!

    Meg and Linda sundance...feel better soon!
    michelle- I hope oral surgery went well and you have a quick recovery

    Hugs and prayers for all our challenges and high fives for our successes and efforts at living a healthier lives!
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Ladies, it took a long time to read all the posts and I'm not up to individual responses. Many of you have had a challenging week - may tomorrow be peaceful!

    Loved ones who don't take care of themselves are a challenge. My DH is diabetic, hypertensive, etc., etc., but would rather take a pill than address the root of the condition. I have finally come to terms with it being his choice. Isn't good we have a new day every morning to start anew? Even the things we don't appreciate are in God's keeping.

    Boss is out of town today and tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to do MY work tomorrow! It has continued to be crazy each day.

    Had my annual physical yesterday. In advance of it I looked back at my weight/measurements and realized that since September 2011 I have lost 32 pounds and 30 inches.

    This weekend we will finish up the yardwork and finally get those blueberries in the ground.

    I'm lurking, even if I don't post! Hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow.

  • scompton54
    Just got home from our spaghetti dinner fundraiser at school. My students prepared and served all the food and it was a great success....we fed about 350 people and had a great silent and live auction during the event. Not sure what the total tally for money raised is, but it was a looong day. My student helpers were awesome, I am so proud of them. My school kitchen looks like a bomb went off in it so tomorrow is clean up and somehow I have to get my mid term marks in, think it's going to be another long day. I think I will definitely be having TGIF thoughts tomorrow afternoon.

    My dinner was two small squares of baclava, just couldn't bring myself to eat, and I have no idea how many calories I burned pumping out food for that many but I do feel I am getting a little old for 14 hour hard work on my feet days but the wine is going down well. :wink:

    Off to have a bath and then bed.


  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello all, had a good weigh in today. i am so grateful that following my plan has brought good results. For everyone struggling, keep working your program. I have found that for me, good things will come eventually.
    Keep coming back,
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good evening! Finally getting a chance to relax a bit after a very busy day. However, my terrier has just the opposite idea. "Let's play fribbee in the garage!" he says, with a smirk and rambunctious look in his eyes. For a 9 yr old dog, he's still full of ..... ok, let me try this...... the d i c k e n s! (putting spaces inbetween the letters works! :laugh:

    Nancy, I haven't read Spark but I'll see if the library has a copy. Exercise is imperative to me anymore. It's amazing how 2 years ago I was perfectly happy sitting on my fanny for hours on end. Now I have to move on a regular basis, and I'm happy to say I CAN move. I had such terrible sciatic pain back then. And now I'm able to move really fast when I put my butt in gear. :tongue: It's amazing when I look back at what a mess I was.
    Oh yes, our little digital friend. I was glad to see yours behaved this week! MIne's gonna be good, or else! Off the back deck! :grumble:

    Jolene, thanks so much for the chickpeas recipe! I'll make it tomorrow or this weekend. Yum!

    Oh Linda, I'm so sorry for all you're going through. Be strong, be brave. :flowerforyou: That's a lot of stuff to deal with!

    Michele, my vote for bowling veggies would be grape tomatoes. Do you have them in the stores there? You could fix a small container of dip to go with.

    Dinner's ready. I must change clothes and get down to the task of trying to eat only one enchilada. :ohwell:

    Have a great evening!

    :smile: jb
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Cheryl - I'm hoping for you for tomorrow.

    Sorry, just going to make short post. Well, they took the tooth out. It STILL hasn't formed a blood clot so I'm sitting here with this stupid gauze in my mouth. The literature I got says that a clot should for within 24 hrs. Vince said if one doesn't form by 12 noon tomorrow (it's still bleeding the same amount), he'll call the dentist's office. Personally, I'd want him to ask if they have hours on Sat. and what they are, I'd give it a while longer. The literature also says that if one doesn't form, you are usually in a lot of pain, something called dry hole or something like that. Well, I'm in discomfort, but not real pain. Then again, I do have a high tolerance for pain. We did get the pain med, but I wouldn't be surprised if I don't take any.

    Mary - so glad you're back. You were missed.

    I did catch up on some of my magazines. One said (I forget if it was Health, Fitness or Prevention) that you can substitute 1:1 silken tofu for oil. I'll have to try that in the brownies. I'm really not crazy about the oil and you won't be able to taste the tofu, it'll take on the flavor of the chocolate. I'm thinking that I just might be able to get it by Vince. I make these tofu manicotti, he's eaten them for years, never said a word. I just never told him there was tofu in them....lol So I'm thinking that he won't notice the tofu in the brownies as long as he doesn't see me put it in there

    Laura - what a wonderful hubby you have! I can only tell you my personal experience, I was taking a body pump class for a few years. When you had to do a squat, the instructor always said to stick your bum out. Well, I did. I didn't know that I'd formed a bad habit until I went to a personal trainer. When doing a squat, don't hunch your back, keep your chest upright. To this day, I have to constantly watch myself in a mirror because I can easily fall back into the bad habit. I just don't want anyone to do what I did. It probably made the squat ineffective, too. Hope hubby gets that promotion. I'll be on the lookout for you to tell us that he did.

    katla - good question! I don't have a ticker on mine, but now I wonder if I did, what would MFP say I should weigh?

    Rose - good for you getting control back! It's so easy to say the old "well, I blew it so far so I might as well start again tomorrow". I love that you might have lost control but you stopped right then and there. Fantastic

    bobbie - have a great run!

    meg - hope you get better soon

    Geri in England - we want you to stay. You can get back on, I know it!

    jane - when my father was alive, he was the same way about turkey. So I'd wind up making chicken for him and turkey for us because Vince wanted turkey.

    Before the dentist appt I did 1 hr of a Jari Love Slim & Lean DVD. Tomorrow I'll probably do a Leslie Sanson walking DVD. I might do it on a rebounder so that it's even less impact. Can you tell that I'm addicted to exercise??? I swear that I am, but it's better than an addiction to alcohol or drugs or cigarettes.

    Sue - I know this is obsessive, but I've found at times when I'm out for an extended period of time, I log my food on my phone when I go to the bathroom....lol

    Jen - that sounds like maybe a goal to me "watch on my kindle only when I'm on the treadmill". Good for you on your Thanksgiving challenge. I know you can do it!

    jb - you know I never thought of grape tomatoes. They would have been so good when tomatoes were in season. We do have some in the store, tho. I think I'll skip the dip as I'm afraid it might spill or something.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    I'm interested in goal setting. I know that some of you have set specific goals for weight loss, but I haven't so far, other than I want my knees to quit hurting and want to feel better. I haven't figured out how or whether to turn this into a specific pounds lost goal. What are your thoughts? I notice my weight-loss ticker has a goal on it, but I didn't actually set that goal; MyFitnessPal did it on its own. Have they somehow calculated how much I need to lose?

    You can adjust your goal weight by clicking on "My Home" at the top of the page, then click on "settings" then click on "Update diet/fitness profile" One of the boxes is for goal weight...just put in whatever weight you want as your goal.. then click on "update profile" at the bottom.
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi Ladies, how is everyone tonight. Tomorrow is TGIF. I was at a climate change adaptation workshop today (and will be tomorrow) – it is really, really good and I am pleased I decided to attend even though I have a ton of stuff to do at work. One of the nice surprises was the lunch, it was squash/apple/onion soup. They added curry instead of the cinnamon or cumin and it was great. I will try that next time. And they had a great Romaine salad with fresh little orange bits, red onion and walnuts. I had that with a half a veggie wrap so lunch was really good, and healthy and low cal. For snacks they had 0% or 1.5% youghurt (along with muffins and other baked goods that I didn’t touch). However, I did have the warm, melty chocolate chip cookies (2 in fact) and if they have them tomorrow I probably will do that again. I had a chat with the cook staff and they purposely make healthy meals for conferences and even make sure there are gluten free, dairy free etc. options. How great is that! I was super impressed.

    Sarah – you may feel that you’re getting a little old for the 14 hour days but I bet you will do it again (and again, and again). It sounds like you are a very caring teacher.

    Gail – when you look back a year (and a bit ) doesn’t it make you proud of how you took control of your body again. Good for you and you are an inspiration.

    DeeDee – yes I have been doing the dreadmill in addition to walking the puppies. I’m getting kind of used to it, but even with the iPad in front of it watching news or listening to podcasts, I still seem to be watching the digital readouts more than the iPad. I suppose that will go after awhile. Glad your day was better than yesterday.

    Whodatlixxie – the fried green beans sound great (although baked) – do I thaw them first or just work with the frozen ones?

    Nancy – ha, no trudging anymore, I actually jog on the dreaded treadmill now. The only thing is that I find it kind of noisy (my mom always said I was a clomper).
    Jolenec – the chickpeas sound great, however, I might eat them all myself which would be a whole day’s calories. Do they keep for a few days?

    Michele – Broccoli in the teeth – yeah, not a good thought! Our bowling alley doesn’t allow food on the deck at all (but people who do take some always have a towel handy to keep from getting the balls wet.) I would worry about the oil on some of the suggested treats too. The village I run actually has a bowling alley in the basement of our community hall. I’m joining a ladies league on the 20th (years since I’ve bowled more than just for a fundraiser). I wish it was 10 pins, but most of the lanes here in Canada are 5 pin (which I think is rare for you down there isn’t it?) Hope the tooth (or lack thereof) clots soon, I hate the taste of blood, makes me queasy just thinking about it.

    Wessecg(Cheryl?) - keeping my fingers and toes crossed that your digital friend takes pity on you and recognizes good intentions. Here’s to the number starting with a 2!!

    O Meg, so sorry to hear you are down for the count. Sinus stuff really sucks! Hmm, never thought of the silver lining of not having an appetite, no, think I’ll stick with healthy – you’re on your own. And if you yell at the cats, they will probably just look down their aristocratic little noses at you and then ignore you anyway. Beats yelling at the DH and kids.

    Geri in England - come on down to the front and start talking. We’d love to have you stay and get to know you and vice versa.

    JaneH – yay for the détente. And as for the heels, hey I’m only 5’ maybe 1/2'” so I NEED the heels. Oh, your comment about curling made me laugh, it’s almost a cult here.

    Laura – happy anniversary and congratulations on the 39th.

    Anyway, I need to finish up the evening routine and get off to bed by 11. Tomorrow starts with an 8 am bus tour of some adapted infrastructure and the town I’m starting from is over ½ hr away, so I will need to be up by 6 AM at the very latest.

    Hope everyone has a good Friday and talk to you all tomorrow.
    Night ladies, sleep tight.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm interested in goal setting. I know that some of you have set specific goals for weight loss, but I haven't so far, other than I want my knees to quit hurting and want to feel better. I haven't figured out how or whether to turn this into a specific pounds lost goal. What are your thoughts? I notice my weight-loss ticker has a goal on it, but I didn't actually set that goal; MyFitnessPal did it on its own. Have they somehow calculated how much I need to lose?

    You can adjust your goal weight by clicking on "My Home" at the top of the page, then click on "settings" then click on "Update diet/fitness profile" One of the boxes is for goal weight...just put in whatever weight you want as your goal.. then click on "update profile" at the bottom.

    I went to " my home" and changed a couple of things, then changed them back. I'm really happy with the progress I'm making and I let MFP set my goals for me. Having them do this is teaching me how to be more healthy. I'll set my own goals when I think I know more than they do, or if I reach their goal and still want to lose. I'm feeling really lucky that I have so much support. My husband is doing this with me and is participating as fully as I am, and we've found the wonderful people right here who add experience and encouragement.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I was really exhausted yesterday do to my DH adventures so you would have thought that I would have slept really good last night slept a but i didn't only 3hours so today i m anage to go to work and function. I am hoping to go to bed and sleep throught the night.

    @Lin, I have use the barcode feature results sound the same as yours sometimes it works others...
    aaaaaaa2michele--I think the brownie bites sounds like a nice idea for your cousin. For bowling I go as part of work and they don't allow outside food either though it seems ignore alot we bring bday cake in for party feel etc. we keep the menu on hand so i plan accordingly (but i havealot of calories allowed) but agreed not most healhhy and don't always feel best after eating. Since i go in that day 2 different groups we just live there, i do bring in baby carrots, my almonds things like that.

    @Barbie--Thanks for the update on Mimi.
    @Barbara good for you after a hard day still going to your dance class.
    @Meg sorry tohear that you aren't feeling well. Hope you get better soon.
    @Lili---your needing to send off packages for the holidays that i need to send back to my family nieces/nephews birthdays and Christmas gifts. So thier birthdays are all in this month and holidays of course. But my gifts only half to go to Illinois not Europe.
    @Linda--sorry about the workmen comp stuff.
    @Dee--I hope today went better for you.
    @Kathl49--I have been pretty happy overall with the settings mfp set for me too.
    @Laura Happy Anniversary!
    @whodatlaxxie==your fried green bean recipe sound good and way healthier than the one my mom use to make. It was in a cast iron skillet lots of fresh green beans and waxed yellow beans thrown in with seasoning and lots of butter and salt. So grasy and not good for you. yours recipe sounds like something i would try.

    Well i need to try to get some sleep now. Wishing everyone a good day.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    Sorry I've been MIA from posts for the past week. It's been a doozy! My dad has gone into melt down and has become so needy - unfortunately it seems to be only me that is prepared to do anything for him. This morning, after my dad had been crying down the phone to me, I sent an email to my sister and brother, asking for a little help in the dad department. I know from past experience that it wall fall on deaf ears - or blind eyes. They will just give me a whole litany of why they can't. At least I've tried.

    Stop moaning Amanda!

    Tomorrow is the 2nd birthday of my darling grandtwins. Wow - the time has raced by! We are having a pirates and princesses party for them. After that my DD and her DH are going off to a wedding, so I will babysit two tired little twinkles. It will be a blessing to spend some time with the young instead of the old for a change!

    Must go and do some work. Sorry I haven't caught up with all the posts, but I do think of you all.

    Love and hugs
    Amanda x