

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'd like to learn how to use my iphone to scan calorie/nutrition info. Help would be appreciated.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I'd like to learn how to use my iphone to scan calorie/nutrition info. Help would be appreciated.

    Open the MyFitnessPal app on your phone. Click on add to diary. Highlight the little gridlike looking thing next to the box where you could type something in. The camera should start up. Highlight the barcode on the item you wish to scan. When the item is in target range for the camera, it will click and IF the info is in the database it will come up on the screen.

    This is how it works on my iPod..........I don't actually have an iPhone.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Hello beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I am having "one of those days":explode: ! Dog peed in the floor this morning:angry: , my brother needs to borrow money to make his car pmt.....again.....*sigh*:frown: , he's been out of work now for over 3 years and it's starting to really get to me, I'm feeling more like a bank than a sister:sad: , speaking of banks I went to mine this morning to get a check cashed, it's a retirement check I get every month, the woman looked at me and said " do you usually get this cashed here." , I replied yes, she then tells me she has to have it approved (it's NOT that much money!).....hello...approved....never happened before...and one of my best friends is VP of the bank, I told her to call her and she says "I don't want to bother her".....hello...you bothering a customer, took 10 minutes to get my check cashed:explode: , was taking a coat to my alteration lady.....I pulled in and she's gone, poof....not there anymore...:huh: stopped at Starbucks to get a coffee and use the restroom, I go into the restroom and before I could lock the door a women comes barreling through the door and almost knocks me down:mad: , I'm sure I've got some bruises now, she didn't even apologize:devil: ! I then went to The Fresh Market to get ingredients to make carrot soup, of course I didn't make a list...you guessed it forgot some things:grumble: . Anyhow I am home now and I am not leaving the house again today except to walk the dog!!!! Thanks for letting me rant, I actually feel better getting it all out, and will feel even better once I get my bank friend on the phone and get that mess straightened out! I hope everyone else is having a better day than I've had so far!!!!
    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!! Oh, one good thing, while in The Fresh Market, the chocolate covered carmel cashews were calling my name, I walked over and looked at them, even picked them up, almost put them in my buggy, but I resisted and put them back :bigsmile: !!!
    Will be back later to reply to some posts (hopefully)!!!!


    OH DeeDee----how miserable. May tomorrow be a MUCH better day.


  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    I think I'm having the same problem that Linda Sundance just had -- I started my new meds two days ago and am up 4 lbs. today. :grumble: I know that it has to be water, since my eating is fine, so I'm telling myself the same things that we told her. It sure was a shock seeing it on the scale, though. I made Barbie's Apple-Squash soup yesterday and had it for dinner -- it was great! I used half cumin and half cinnamon (I think it was Michele that suggested that). I took some to my parents today so that they could try it as well.

    Laura80111 -- Congrats to hubby on losing 20 lbs., and also to you on another pound down and the shred coming along well! I hope that your husband gets his internal transfer and the benefits. Let us know. :flowerforyou:

    Wessecg -- I had bunion surgery last January, and have never yet had my foot go back to normal, although I'm still hoping. What type of surgery do you need? Six months in a wheel chair sounds like something pretty major, although I suppose that if you did both feet at the same time it would be hard to walk. I had to spend 6 weeks of not walking and having my foot elevated, then a surgical shoe until I hit 3 months. Now I'm in that boot for another 3+ weeks.

    Rose -- Congrats on needing smaller jeans! :flowerforyou:

    Liz -- So glad that your hubby wasn't having a heart attack! It sounds pretty scary. I hope he takes his meds faithfully from now on.

    Nancy -- When I was growing up, we'd go to Spokane 2-3 times per year for clothes shopping. It was 176 miles, but the closest place (Missoula) was 90 miles, so it didn't make much difference and my aunt lived in Spokane. I loved going to Northtown Mall to shop. Our town was 1200 people, and nowhere to buy much of anything. Yes, I had bunion surgery. Having your big toe joint replaced sounds like a major recovery, glad to hear you're finally starting to feel normal again! What was wrong with it?

    DeeDee -- It sounds like you had quite a day, but handled it with grace. :flowerforyou: Good job on putting the candy back! I'm sure it was a temptation after everything you'd been through. Wishing you a better tomorrow!!!
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Lin, Thanks for posting the information on scanning the bar code. I had no idea you could do that. That will make a lot of things so much easier! Eileen
  • tinytinam
    tinytinam Posts: 57 Member
    Get more Sleep and declutter my drawers!!! Oh, and try to exercise a little more.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'd like to learn how to use my iphone to scan calorie/nutrition info. Help would be appreciated.

    Open the MyFitnessPal app on your phone. Click on add to diary. Highlight the little gridlike looking thing next to the box where you could type something in. The camera should start up. Highlight the barcode on the item you wish to scan. When the item is in target range for the camera, it will click and IF the info is in the database it will come up on the screen.

    This is how it works on my iPod..........I don't actually have an iPhone.

    THANK YOU!!!!!! This will make things easier.

  • c0c0nn0r
    Anyone have any suggestions on breaking thru a plateau..I've lost 37# but have been same
    weight for weeks..would really like to be down another 8#s by Christmas-my daughter Wendi
    lives in N.C. and hasn't seen me since I started losing weight. She and her family are coming
    back to Illinois for the hollidays.

    Barbie - I made the Apple Squash soup - delicious. Winter boots!-UGH-I hate the thought

    JB - Your garden sounds wonderful!
    I can't wait to try the mni pumpkin pies recipe

    DeeDee - Tomorrow can only be better

    Enjoy your evening everyone

  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    Today was first NSV since starting my new life sept 1st. I had to break down and buy a new pair of jeans...one size smaller. If I can shed one size every 2 months I would be sooooo excited. Heres to small victories!!!


  • whodatlixxie
    Hello all! It is always nice to pop in to see how everyone is doing! Just enjoying November in the south - gorgeous day here!!! Nice break from the heat and humidity of summer.

    Joanna - welcome, always nice to see another NOLA girl here!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member

    edited again to say - how do you get the little box at the bottom of your post that shows your weight loss?

    go to this link for the answer

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    I'd like to learn how to use my iphone to scan calorie/nutrition info. Help would be appreciated.

    click on the word "Help" at the top of the page and you can find a lot of help using your iphone app for MFP
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Got great news at the doctor's today. No surgery necessary!! I have the okay to resume full exercise with no restrictions. Can't wait to hit the gym and the weights. This also means no excuses- I need to do the 30ds. I need to get rid of the bat wings, too- and the spare tire that is much smaller but still there. Sunday will be my start date as I am going to beat a conference until Saturday late afternoon. I am packing healthy snack foods that are high in protein to replace the not-so-healthy choices for breakfast and lunch.We will eat dinners out, but I will keep it within calories allowed. I will use the gym and will get plenty of walking in.

    DeeDee- sorry you have had such a challenging day! Great job in making a good choice!

    Hope everyone has a great evening!
    Deb A
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    ... We are training on the dreadmill and taking day hikes around here at least one a week. I hope we stick to the plan.
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: "dreadmill"...love it
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Well, I haven't heard it called bat wings before. We call them "Angel Wings". Unfortunately, it seems like the more I try to tone my arms the flabbier and more prominent my "Angel wings" become. Any suggestions?

    DeeDee- sounds like you are experiencing a touch of Murphy's Law today too. Hope it got better.

    Welcome all the newbies. Sorry I didn't post a response to everyone, but I am just exhausted tonight. I had to really push to get my workout completed tonight. I am on my way to bed.

    Everyone have a good evening and restful night.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Lila - thank you for the reminder about the christmas gifts. I needed to send Jessica, Bryan and Vince an email of something that we got Denise, and I totally forgot about it until you reminded me. What is korma?

    Linda Sundance - so glad your daughter did so well with her oral surgery. I probably won't be on much tomorrow since I'm having a tooth pulled. It's one of my wisdom teeth. I made some of barbie's butternut squash apple soup, added some oatmeal, and have it ready. I have a feeling that I won't be in much shape to eat much solid so the soup will work well. Actually, I have two servings of it ready.

    Deb - have fun at the seminar

    bearsher - welcome to a great place

    Liz - Vince enjoys Mexican Train. Wish I could think of a fruit to take with me for dessert. Of course, I wouldn't just take for myself. I've taken cherries and grapes. People seem to bring these baked goods which I really could care less about, so that leaves me without dessert. Last night I was really craving a piece of fruit. I do usually take some sort of appetizer-type food with me, otherwise I'm afraid that there might not be anything decent to eat. I have found that before we go, I usually have some soup or something to fill me up.

    Whenever there are any jumping jacks, be they in the shred DVD or any other, I always do the low impact jacks.

    Kathy - I so agree that bringing a veggie try is a good idea. Sometimes I'll take that to Mexican Train. I do usually have leftovers, but those are leftovers that I don't mind having

    Laura - you're NOT a failure, you do the DVD and that's an accomplishment.

    Went to yoga today then did the deep water class. Came home and called the dentist who will be extracting the tooth tomorrow, I was afraid that I couldn't have anything to eat. But the nurse said that I could have something light, so I may just have a pear. At least I can have something. Went to senior bowling. Am I proud of myself. See, when someone turns 80 they buy a big sheet cake for the person. Well, they had it today for two of the ladies. It was real close to where we were bowling. You have no idea how many times I lookd at that cake but I continued to eat my carrots. OK - I ate more carrots than I usually do, but at least I didn't have the cake. I was going to bring a piece home for Vince, but it was all gone!!! I tell you, it was one big cake. Going to have dinner and then go to Newcomers bowling. Vince's ribs still hurt him so he didn't go to senior bowling and won't bowl tonight. I guess he'll keep score and stuff.

    Someone on here mentioned having tea at night. Lately I've been having a cup of hot chocolate, and it really seems to be enough.

    DeeDee - good for you putting those chocolate covered cashews back! I'm proud of you. Good ending to a rotten day

    Lin - how do you go about "highlighting the barcode"? I KNOW this item is in the database, and that's the only step I had trouble with. Must have been doing it wrong because nothing came up. BTW - I have an android.

    Colleen - to break thru a plateau, change something up, like the amount of time you exercise, maybe add in some calories (of nutritious foods). That's about the best thing that I can think of doing.

    Confression time here: I was so so good all day, but when we got home from Newcomer bowling I realized that Vince didn't have something for a dessert, so I made him brownies. I tried really hard, honest, I did. But I just can't not have any of the raw dough. Admitted, I didn't have a lot, but I had to sample some. Tell me, why do I do this to myself? Once it's baked, it won't bother me.

    Deb - how great is it that you don't need surgery? I'm so happy for you. Sounds like you have a good plan in dealing with the food at the conference.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Just a quick update- the workmans comp adjuster is "delaying" my claim so she has time to investigate. She has 90 days to investigate!!!:mad: :mad: Other Words if she can find that I had this in a prior job, then they won't have to pay. So, I am applying for State Disability. If I am lucky I might see some money in 4 weeks or so. Thank you Mr. Schwarzenegger for messing up the work comp system in Calif. The system now is in better favor for the insurance companies and not the injured worker!:noway: :noway:

    Not feeling well today, feeling like a cold or flu coming on, but I am leaving to go to the gym and just ride the bike. I know I will feel better after this.

    DeeDee- I think you passed your day to me after you got home. I was on page 4 or 5 of filling out the Disability application on line,when I came back from getting a phone number- the site had shut down for routine maintenance until 10pm.:sad: :sad: Would have been nice to have a warning!!!!!!:angry::angry:
    Off to the gym, might be back later if I am feeling better! :sick: Hope everyone is having a good week!:drinker: :drinker:

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi everyone, happy hump day (somehow that just sounds weird even though it’s nothing awful).

    Linda – yes, I’m missing Meg too. Let’s send out a search party. Hope your issue with the work comp will resolve quickly. That would drive me nuts.

    Nancy – no, not the one in Nelson (although it is really good). This was Cuisine of India in Castlegar, right on the main drag a little bit down from Chopsticks. Cook quinoa same as white rice (ratio 2water/1quinoa, 15-20 minutes covered). I also buy the pre-rinsed Costco version. Have fun in Spokane, kiss Nordstrom’s for me. Do you ever go to the Twigs restuarants in Spokane?

    Laura – only shopping early because the shipping date even by XpressPost to Holland is December 3rd. I too love the mobile version barcode scanner.

    DeeDee – look at it this way, you got all of the annoyances for the week out of the way on one day. :bigsmile: The rest is all coasting…..

    JaneH – wow, your bunion surgery sounds brutal. :brokenheart: I’ve had both done now and I think I just forget how long it took to heal the first one (10 years ago), but the second one was just shy of a year ago so I spent Xmas holidays in an air cast but I’ve been wearing high heels since May (no pain, no bumps, happy camper me:bigsmile: ). I wish you only good things until it’s all back to normal (and after of course).:flowerforyou:

    DebA – good news on the surgery – full speed ahead and d…n the torpedoes!

    Going to spend the next two days indoors so need to get some dreadmill time in before. Hope all of you have good Thursdays and get a good sleep and drink all your water…..:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Night ladies….Lila
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Michele - Korma is an East Indian sauce with youghurt, curry, coconut, and I had the 7 gem veggie version with squash, broccoli, cauliflower, butter beans, potatoes, carrots and onion (7 gems = 7 veggies). I absolutely love it and it's not too spicy. I also like it with paneer, or tofu.
  • sylviatx
    sylviatx Posts: 156 Member
    It worked, thank you!