Have you tried GLP1 medications and found it didn't work for you? We'd like to hear about your experiences, what you tried, why it didn't work and how you're doing now. Click here to tell us your story




  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Sorry I didn`t make it back last night....I was just too tired:yawn: !!!

    Laura80111:smile: What a sweet hubby you have!!! Hope he gets the promotion and you get your weekends back!!! Happy happy 39th anniversary:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Katla49:smile: Sometimes people set a goal and when they reach it, they reevaluate and if they`re not where they want to be, they set a new one. I guess it all depends on how you feel when you get there!

    Calmrose:smile: A bad Thursday...how about Tricky Thursday? Good for you getting your control back!!!

    Bobbie:smile: The air always smells fresher after a storm. Seem like they blow in and take all the icky energy away!

    Jolene:smile: Congrats for not bingeing over the stress! Hope today will be better!

    JaneMartin:smile: It`s amazing how fast babies grow!!

    Jb:smile: Thanks for the info on your changes to the soup! I just had to laugh at your fur baby wanting to play frisbee after your long day, my fur baby sometimes takes her ball into the bedroom when the only thing I want to do is crawl in the bed and sleep, those little bright eyes look at me saying "please just throw it a few times.... PLEASE, I usually give in and spend 5 or 10 minutes throwing a ball down the hall:laugh: .

    Geri:smile: Welcome, come on in and chat with us! Of course you can stay!!!

    Janehadji:smile: Glad you and hubby are talking now!!! Crockpot roast sounds good to me! I don`t like turkey:noway: , for Thanksgiving I go to my daughters house in the morning, so we have a Thanksgiving breakfast....which is usually sausage & egg biscuits:laugh: , works for me. I just enjoy spending time with the granddaughters and watching the Christmas parade.

    Cheryl:smile: What has your "digital friend" said this morning?????

    ChrisHanselma:smile: Good for you getting in your protein before bowling and for taking your water with you! Congrats on walking 30 minutes!!! Hope your procedure works and your pain is eased!

    Suebdew:smile: Glad you had a good time at Disney!!! Just get back to your tracking now!

    Jen:smile: Thanksgiving challenge....you`re doing good!!!

    Gail:smile: 32 pounds and 30 inches...Woo hoo!!! I bet your Dr. was pleased too!

    Sarah:smile: 14 hours on your feet:noway: , you deserve that glass of wine!!!

    MaryC:smile: Congrats for a good weigh in!!!

    Michele:smile: Hope the clot formed where the tooth was! I remember the gauze...I had it sticking out both sides of my mouth:noway: , I told my hubby I looked like a walrus:laugh: . They gave me Tylox for pain...I was allergic to it, not only was my mouth hurting, I broke out in an itchy rash:angry: . Addiction to exercise is probably not a bad thing!!!

    Lila:smile: That Romaine salad sounds so good! Great they make healthy choices for everyone!!!

    Liz:smile: Only 3 hours of sleep:noway: ! Hope you had a wonderful restful sleep last night!!!

    Amanda:smile: I know how hard it is feeling like you`re the only one taking care of everyone, been there, done that! Happy birthday to those precious grandtwins!!! Pirates and Princesses sounds like a lovely party!!!

    Oh I must run now, the dog is prancing around and if I ignor her too long , I`ll be cleaning the floor!

    Have a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Exermom, Sasha, DeeDee, Laura - drum roll please . . . . .1.4 pounds down!!!!! Happy happy happy dance. Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred must be doing it's magic.

    Last night I was afraid they'd be no Jill because I had cross country award ceremonies to go to for my oldest daughter. Left work at 4:45, got home just after 5, changed clothes, queued up Jillian, worked out until 6:12, changed and made it for 6:30.

    Resisted the pizza, but absolutely had to (and planned for it) have the cake. I am so glad I did because it had to be one of the best cakes I'd ever had. Turns out it came from Cosco. Then as I was leaving a lady with a tray full of yummies was trying to push everyone into taking some home. It was a great quick desert idea - a small pretzel, with a rolo in the center and a pecan on top. I had one and it was awesome. I resisted a second one, or taking any home, but I nevertheless fretted all night over the "unplanned" calories. Anyway, I then had my night before weigh in Salmon (at 8:30) and headed for the barn for my chores and turn-in. Busy day.

    All night I kept waking up and worrying about my weigh in. Loss of sleep for nothing apparently. Have a great day girls. I have to post this so I can see my new ticker.
  • rls1956
    rls1956 Posts: 5 Member
    Morning! I'm new to this group hailing from Chicago, IL. In my mid 50's and work in social service with adolescents and families for about 30 years:) Quite smoking about a year and a half ago (yeah me!) and managed to gain about 30 pounds! Have been using mfp for quite a while,but a lot of yo-yo-ing. This past week as been different though; lots of motivation and focus. Have worked out every day since Monday and am feeling much better physically than the past few months. Paying closer attention to what I'm putting in my mouth as well. This looks like a fun group so thought I'd give it a try.

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Hello all you 50's Ladies! It's Friday and I am :happy: as I finally went over into the 2-0 range! Lots to do today; showing rental houses to a client in town from Denver. May all of you have a wonderful and blessed FRIDAY! :bigsmile:

    Welcome, Robin :flowerforyou:
  • Junglejoyce
    Junglejoyce Posts: 49 Member
    Good morning all...Looks like a beautiful day today. Sun shining. Brisk but not freezing. Had a great workout this morning. Unusuall for me as I am not a morning person. Didn't get time to read all of your posts yet.
    Here's to the beginning of a great weekend!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,349 Member
    Hello lovely ladies -

    A get well wish for everyone who's ill and/or in pain. It can be such a struggle when things aren't right with your body.

    For those with scale and non scale successes---CONGRATULATIONS---very, very, very happy for you.

    Let's all hang in there together. Holidays are rolling full speed at us. Time to be extra vigilant.

    Meanwhle, I did have a nice coffee break with my friend I'd not seen for quite a while. She had lots to do though and had to leave early so we had to cut our conversation a bit short. She did compliment me on my weight loss and asked how in the world I was doing it. I actually started to tell her but then I saw her totally lose interest when I started talking about exercise and watching what I was eating. She started to tell me about some magic shake things she'd heard about that she thinks she'll start after the Holidays. I'm sure you've all been through something similar. Anyway, I just shut-up at that juncture.

    Then the trip to Costco. I found some goodies to take to the nurse's station at the nursing home where my dad is residing. I know it's not healthy---carmels covered in dark chocolate with sea salt. But with so many people working there full or part-time no one should get more than one or so.........

    I really looked at items I would buy on a regular basis like veggies, fruit, Fage yogurt and yes, I'm sure you're seeing this coming right? I broke down and got a membership. The kicker was they gave me a $10 gift card and also gave a $10 gift card to my friend on some friend referral program. I have another friend who goes there every week to purchase gas and says it's usually a few cents lower than the other stations. There are many things that come in containers that are much too large but now I have my own pipeline to Skinny Pop. HAHAHAHAHAHA. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Onward. More errands and chores to do today.

    Virtual hugs all around.


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Morning! I'm new to this group hailing from Chicago, IL. In my mid 50's and work in social service with adolescents and families for about 30 years:) Quite smoking about a year and a half ago (yeah me!) and managed to gain about 30 pounds! Have been using mfp for quite a while,but a lot of yo-yo-ing. This past week as been different though; lots of motivation and focus. Have worked out every day since Monday and am feeling much better physically than the past few months. Paying closer attention to what I'm putting in my mouth as well. This looks like a fun group so thought I'd give it a try.


    Welcome to the group. I'm new, too; I've only been here a few weeks. The women here are so supportive, and it makes a difference.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: You have no idea how glad I am that it's Friday....

    Meg-glad to see your smiling face, great going on your BL contest at work:drinker: Hoping you are feeling better soon:flowerforyou:

    Geri- Welcome:flowerforyou: come back often and let us get to know you.

    janehadji-so glad to hear you two are finally talking. I totally understand about the empty nest and holidays. In 2003 when all three boys were in the Military it was only hubby and me so he took me to the Inverness Hotel for the buffet, we dressed up and had a wonderful time...but it was still a bit strange then we went home and waited for the phone calls from the three boys letting us know they were okay.

    Cheryl- Yes you are right we were both babies:blushing: (we had just turned 19 in September)...when our three boys all reached 19 yr old we looked at them and there was NO WAY:noway: any of them were ready to get married. Thank goodness none of them had serious girlfriends at the time...and to thing we thought we were so mature:laugh: NOT. YEAH for the Loss:drinker: Fitting in Jillian and still making the meetings....you are on a roll:wink:

    chris-hoping that your procedure on your back is successful this time:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee-glad to hear you are back to your happy self:flowerforyou:

    Sue-I'm sure that some of that walking at Walt Disney World helped with the calories...there's a lot of walking to be done there and it always seems that sitting is such a luxury when it comes...post your goals and jump into the rest of the month:drinker:

    Jen- my kids all do netflix and I'm afraid I'm like you I'd be spending too much time watching movies...for me it's best if I don't even turn on the TV or check what movies are on...if I do I get sucked in:wink:

    Gail- Congrats on your loss of weight and inches over the past year:flowerforyou: I'm sure the doctor will be proud of your success.

    Sarah- when I was growing up every year I remember us going to my Dad's school to attend the spaghetti dinner at the beginning of the school year, it brings back fond memories for me:flowerforyou:

    MaryC- Congrats on your loss:drinker:

    jb- you gotta love the MFP editor:wink:

    Michele- by the time you read this I do hope your mouth has stopped bleeding. I'm surprised that the dentist didn't tell you to put a tea bag over the spot in place of gauze.:huh: When I had my wisdom tooth pulled and when hubby had oral surgery both of our dentists told us to put a tea bag in our mouth over the spot...it really helped and the bleeding stopped pretty quickly. Hubby turned in his application for the job and since his background is in HR he knew how to fill out all the questions with the best answers, I'm only afraid they may think he's over qualified...that and since he's been in his current department he's one of the best salesmen and their numbers for the store have increased greatly...so we wait.:indifferent:

    Lila- how wonderful that the food at the workshop was of the healthy kind...except for those cookies:noway: but hey you gotta have a special treat every now and then.

    Liz-nothing like being tired and not getting a good nights sleep:huh: I totally understand, last night I was exhausted and then I dreamed about work all night long and was so NOT wanting to come in today and face this mess...but it's me or no one so here I am:grumble:

    Amanda-so sorry to hear that your Dad is having needy issues:huh: hoping that your siblings jump in and help. Happy Birthday to those grandtwins, boy it's been a fast 2 years:flowerforyou:

    texasgal- congrats on the loss:flowerforyou:

    Lin- when you told about your friend asking about how you did your loss I had to smile as I've had that experience too. When you are sold on something it's hard not to want to share the info so others can do it too...but alas most people don't really want to hear about counting calories, exercise and will power:huh: When I've had people ask me how I've done it I tell them a lot of hard work and commitment...but then I usually stop because I know they really aren't interested in all the details...but I so would love to tell them everything:wink:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all you newbies, come back often and let us get to know you.

    It's Friday and I'm getting ready to do my payroll and since the boss is still gone I'm hoping that I get to leave on time. Hubby has today off so Peanut stayed home with him and when I get home we will head off to do our shopping, it's been weeks since we have gotten to do that. He hasn't heard about the promotion and they haven't set up an interview yet, but we will continue to hope.

    40 years ago today hubby and I were making the final preparations for our wedding, or maybe I should say my Mom & I were:blushing: as hubby didn't have a lot to say about those plans. I'm sure if we were to be married today he would take a very active part in the planning of it but back then he really didn't care...I think he was looking forward to the after part more:blushing:

    Everyone have a great day. Take care of yourself drink your water, get in some exercise, and log your food we all deserve to be the best in these years ahead of us:drinker:

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Frosty good morning. Kale & Kidney Bean soup simmering. Spinach & Feta Stuffed Pork Chops comes to mind for dinner. Aerobics on the AM agenda.

    I've had my precarious march through the backyard already this morning, stepping quite gingerly in an attempt to discern the brown, fallen leaves from the doggie's little gifts. It's an act of sheer skill that calls for at least 3 very cautious round trips through a rather large yard. I don't dare begin raking until I'm relatively certain I've completed my mission, so I'd better take another stroll just to be sure. When Mother Nature made leaves, she wasn't thinking about dogs. But she was kind enough to create enough leaves to warrant a decent calorie burn for the one who rakes. I'm grateful in that respect.

    Mercy me, I just remembered it's Friday! This week has seemed to be the longest ever. So much on my mind in regards to my mom. Amanda, after reading your post about your dad, I realize I'm not alone. It wears on the psyche something fierce, but I'm doing my darndest to not let it get the better of me.

    I've been reading through the list of "Negative Emotions" that a friend had sent me when she was studying with a self-enrichment spiritual group. There are so many things listed that make me stop and tell myself to keep a happy outlook and do not give in to negativity or feelings of Guilt, which is one of the emotions on the list along with Impatience, Disappointment, Hurt, Worry, and so many more.. Whew. How can we conquer these things!

    A good, healthy cardio burn works wonders for maintaining a happy noggin. Here I go.

    Great day!
    :smile: jb
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I'm having lunch with a friend today at a restaurant called "The Old Stone Church." That's exactly what it is, too! It was built in the late 1800's and still has the stained glass windows and tables upstairs in the choir loft. I'm hoping they'll seat us on the main floor, as I'm hobbling around in this boot.

    Sue -- Glad you had a great time at Disney World! Epcot is my favorite. For about 8 years running, we would take the kids to Disney each year, alternating between Florida and California. I also really liked the holographic ghosts in the Haunted House.

    Jen -- We have Netflix, too, which we got after we cancelled cable. There's rarely anything worth watching on TV, it seems. Congratulations on being half-way to your Thanksgiving Challenge!

    Michele -- I hope your extraction has clotted by now and that you're still not experiencing much pain. My father actually won't eat any type of poultry, so chicken is out for him, too. We grew up on beef, beef and more beef!

    Lila -- That's so cool that they have healthy food at your conference. I've never been to one that served anything even remotely healthy.

    Wessecg -- Congratulations on being consistently down again! Great to see that "2" on your ticker.

    Texasgal22 -- Also congratulations to you on 20 lbs. lost! Are you a realtor? I saw that you were showing rental property to a client from Denver. I'm a Denver realtor... small world.

    Lin -- I was just at Costco buying Fage yogurt last night!

    Laura -- Have fun shopping with hubby! Did you decide about the anniversary breakfast?
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Yesterday was my last pt.Now I have to get released from the ortho dr.Next month is my testamony on the accident.Was up with a lot of anxiety last night.It has been a rough 14 months.
    On my own for ex.so I have a plan from the dr.
    Hope everyone has a great fri.
    Love reading the posts.
    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member
    I've had my precarious march through the backyard already this morning, stepping quite gingerly in an attempt to discern the brown, fallen leaves from the doggie's little gifts. It's an act of sheer skill that calls for at least 3 very cautious round trips through a rather large yard. I don't dare begin raking until I'm relatively certain I've completed my mission, so I'd better take another stroll just to be sure. When Mother Nature made leaves, she wasn't thinking about dogs. But she was kind enough to create enough leaves to warrant a decent calorie burn for the one who rakes. I'm grateful in that respect.

    I did the same last Sat/Sun. I however used a leaf blower to send the leaves into the woods, uncovering many doggie treasures:laugh: . Wore my muck boots just in case :bigsmile:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi Ladies! Well I am still alive. :laugh: Boy I haven’t been this sick in ages! Still have a temperature, but seem a bit better this morning. It is gorgeous here today, going to be nearly 70, but by Sunday will be in the 30s only. Wish I had the energy to go for a little walk, maybe later this afternoon for a block or two. Thanks to everyone for your well-wishes!:flowerforyou:

    Jb: I missed your recipe for ginger roasted carrot bisque. Can you post again? That sounds fabulous. Good luck eating only 1 enchilada…that’s one of my big weaknesses (among thousands!)

    Janehadji: glad you and DH are speaking again. Did everything work out to your satisfaction? With 4 house critters, we have a cleaning lady every week. She doesn’t do that great of a job, but she at least surface cleans and we try to deep clean a room once a month.

    Chrishanselma: good luck with your back procedure. I have chronic back pain too, but not to the extent that you seem to. And welcome to our group!

    DeeDee: hope your “behind” wakes up! :laugh:

    Suebdew: your trip sounds like a lot of fun.

    Jen: sounds like you are doing a great job on your Thanksgiving challenge!

    Gail: great job on your weight and inches lost! I bet your doc was pleased!:flowerforyou:

    Sarah: your students sound great. Was this a fundraiser for the school itself?

    MaryC: congrats on the scale! And I haven’t said welcome to our group…so please come back often.

    Michele: sorry to hear about your dental woes. I hope the bleeding stops soon!

    Lila: yes the cats didn’t mind the yelling too much. They still all want to be in my lap (along with the beagle) every time I sit down. :wink: I did yell at the kids last night though. DD#2 is a food hoarder and yesterday we found all sorts of food wrappers and half eaten food in her drawers, so (as directed by our counselor) she had to empty all her drawers and put them in the garage. The moldy tuna was the worst…bleh even the cats didn’t want it. We’ll let her deal with no drawers for 2 months then let her take them back; maybe that will cure her. It’s a common problem with kids from her situation; always hungry and food – insecure.

    Katla: Welcome belatedly! Glad you are learning how to be healthier.

    Lizmil: I am hoping you got a refreshing night’s sleep.

    Amanda: that is terrible that your sibs won’t help take care of dad. Is there anyway to sit down together and work out what each can do? Maybe contribute money if nothing else? My dad is delusional, but other than weird phone calls, he is not too much trouble, but then he is in a nursing home. My brother lives in Tennessee, but comes 2-3 times a year and handles all his financial business, so I think we have a good arrangement.

    Wessecg: great news on the weight loss! :flowerforyou:

    Robin: hello and welcome. I’m “nearby” in Omaha. Good for you to find some focus. You’ll be seeing great results soon. .Fabulous that you quit smoking!

    Lin: my friend who is a gourmet cook, buys tons of stuff at Costco. I have loved everything I ‘ve eaten from there.

    Laura: you’ve been married 40 years? Wow, congratulations. That is so rare these days!:flowerforyou:

    Jane: I hope your doc appointment goes smoothly. I wasn’t aware of your accident. I bet you have had a long time of it.

    OK well this little post wore me plain out. Back to bed for a snooze. Take care and stay strong. We can do this together. Meg :drinker:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    It's Friday!! I am so ready for it. My students and I are all looking forward to the three day weekend.

    Are any of you from New York City? I was reading another news article about Mayor Bloomberg's policies, and couldn't believe it.
    Now, I am definitely for healthy eating, but cutting off food donations to homeless shelters because you can't measure the fat and salt? Seems pretty crazy to me.

    I went to the doctor again this morning for this cough that I can't kick. More antibiotics, etc etc and come back in 2 weeks. Maybe the weekend will be the cure that I need. I hope so, because I am hesitant to get back to exercising until I feel better.

    Hope you all have a fantastic Friday! Mary
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I was just reading some other boards and it really made me appreciate us. There are youngsters out there lamenting about how hard it is for them because they are now over 30 (which it is - no more growth hormone)

    But ladies, we're in our 50's and we're doing it!!! I am so impressed with us. We're losing even with our negative metabolisms. Yay us!!!. :drinker:
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    I'm back from my vacation to Disney World with son and his family. We had great time but I got completely lost on my food tracking. Did a lot of walking so am hoping that will even out. I need to set my November goals (late I know) but better late than never. Haven't gotten to read all the posts but plan to do so asap. Hope everyone is having a wonderful evening.

    Someday I hope to go to Disney World. I have never been. :(
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    Thanks DeeDee, Laura, and Meg. I am doing real well today. The procedure on my back has helped a lot. It's only a temporary thing for now but hopefully next week, they will do the one that will last 9-12 hours.

    Today I walked for an hour. It's the furthest I have walked to date. On Thanksgiving day we are walking in The Drumstick Dash, to benifit the Rescue Mission. I think it is a 5K.
  • joann1948
    joann1948 Posts: 161 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone: Having a better day today, feeling positive, and need to start logging everything as of today.......Great day to Everyone.....:heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Wow, after being a part of this group for almost 2 and half years, I finally get to feel what the Barbies of the thread go thru now that there is another Robin who just joined us. That will take some getting used to. :wink:

    Work has continued at a hectic pace, No one is going to visit for the holidays, I don't know when I will get to see my darling little Olivia again. The one constant and good things is the Bodi Boy and the Ritter Bit. I am pleased to say that Ritter has matured so much in the last month. He has gone from puppy bad boy to sweet loving pup. He will one year old next week and it is amazing how much he has mellowed out. I took some photos last night of them both (and they are actually awake) I will try to post them later.

    I am excited that my trekking poles arrived yesterday. We will probably go hiking boot shopping this weekend and get out there and start doing it together.

    I keep on plugging away at it one day at a time. Take care all, you are always in my thoughts.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Missed a couple of days and then it takes hours to catch up!

    Sundance - I had carpel tunnel and when I saw my doctor he said, oh you just put up with it until you can't bear it any more and then you have surgery on it to cure it. I just looked at him g obsmacked. I asked about physio and he referred me. It took about 4 months of physio, but I have since found the same exercises on the internet and have referred other people to them. At first it doesn't seem to be getting better and thin you think to yourself "today it feels better" but that only lasts a minute or two, but the minute or two gets longer each time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUyMNyrOHJQ

    Bearsher18 you asked how to lose 60lbs. Don't look at 60lbs it is just too big. But you can look at 1lb of butter and it looks manageable. So your goal is not to lose 60lbs, you goal is to lose 1lb. AND, when that 1lb is gone, you can look at the next one and attack that one.

    Geri in England, don't stay at the back of the pack, carefully and gently move your way forward. Just because you fell off the wagon for a while (and haven't we all), the next wagon has just stopped right in front of you and you have hopped right back on.

    Cool day here in Ottawa, with a forecast of freezing rain for tomorrow, but with a lovely temperature of about 13c for Remembrance Day - good for all the veterans and others who meet at the Cenotaph for the ceremonies. Me - I'm not going to the ceremony as I have to get ready to go to collect passengers to go to the British High Commission for lunch.