

  • beachmum9
    Hi all, been posting for two weeks now with this app, and now thought i'd join a community!

    My trip-ups: I'm a single mom, so my time is usually dedicated to taking my son places or shopping. Trying to find time to exercise, best time is lunchtime at work. The mornings are now too dark for walking before work, so need to motivate for living-room yoga. Still haven't made the time. The pillow is too tempting.

    Resolutions for November
    *yoga once a week
    *weight training three days a week
    *walk 45 minutes at least 5 days a week
    *Be me, and don't be jealous of others.
    *Be consistent.
    *Wake up happy
    *Don't use the holidays to splurge. It's ok to eat whatever on Thanksgiving, but not the day after. Half-portions!

    Tried this kale and quinoa recipe last night, it was delicious and filling!
  • jeannel114
    jeannel114 Posts: 7 Member
    I had forgotten about quinoa. I ate a lot of it a few years ago, and loved it. Thanks for mentioning it... and thanks for the recipe at http://www.food52.com/recipes/10615_warm_red_and_black_quinoa_salad_with_roasted_kale_and_beets. I'm going to try it later today!

    Good Sunday Morning,
    Off to a big family reunion today. Made a organic quinoa salad to take. I will eat before going and only drink water there or fresh fruit or vegs.
    Will check in later today.
    Hugs to all, Linda:heart:

    Could you post the recipe? We started using Quinoa last fall after DH's diabetic Nurse Practitioner warned us about the glycemic index issues caused by white rice and other foods that quickly turn to sugar in the digestive process. We're liking quinoa, and could use additional recipes.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    Thank you for posting the Apple-Butternut soup recipe. My mouth is already watering. I was happy to find calories per serving information too, but it left me wondering how large each serving is. I've put one or two recipes through the calculator, and wish they'd give a calories per cup measurement. It would make my life easier!

    I made ****-a Leeky Soup from a recipe I found on-line for last night's dinner. I was too lazy to put the recipe through the calculator, so logged the meal using something already in the database for ****-a-Leeky soup. I know it made for a guess and go rather than absolutely accurate information, but I'm losing weight through guess and go. DH and I have always been nutrition conscious because of his diabetes, and have always eaten healthy foods. We just eat too much and snack too much. Losing weight is all about portion control for both of us. I love it when I can measure my portions using measuring cups and scales.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    OMG! The name of my soup was considered inappropriate by the website. I'm shocked and want to laugh all at the same time.
  • olliekat3
    olliekat3 Posts: 1,780 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I am saving a spot to come back to this forum later.

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Lovely sunny day here in Ottawa, but quite cold, only just above freezing. But we were lucky as far as Sandy is concerned as it skirted us and we only had grey damp days and some wind. Toronto was hit much harder than we were.

    Have now finished the scarf that is shown in my picture - I want to make another one but about 1.5 times wider.

    At the moment I'm making a lace angel for a Christmas exchange - one I've designed myself and I've almost finished one wing. I started the body while I was away at the weekend, but I'm not very happy about my choice of thread so will probably undo it and start over.

    Interested to see the quinoa recipe - I bought some but didn't know how to cook it and a friend sent me a basic website with basic instructions http://www.kraftcanada.com/en/cooking-tips/how-to/how-to-cook-quinoa.aspx I was leary of starting as I'd read somewhere that you had to wash it under running water for about 15 minutes. Still haven't tried it - perhaps sometime this week.
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning my lovelies,

    How I have missed your uplifting messages.

    I didn’t do so well with my October weight goals ending up 3 lbs heavier at the end of the month than at the beginning! I was doing okay till Mom’s birthday and then there was Halloween chocolate. My hubby had made stroganoff (with sour cream) for my return, then he bought KFC the following night (no fat there) but I went completely off the rails after receiving shattering news about the death of a co-worker next door. She had a back ache at Thanksgiving, lost consciousness a week later, underwent heart surgery, dead this weekend! 10 years my junior and she died of staff infection, where did she get that? They figure it was already too late by the time her back hurt at Thanksgiving. How is this possible?? I get through the days okay but I have been stuffing my face every evening since, too much time to think….

    And if I am being brutally honest, the change in Mom's short term memory has me very concerned too. She still lives on her own.

    November goals:

    Stop hoovering after supper.
    Clear my head and get on track.
    Practise gratitude daily.
    Drink more water.
    Remember its one pound at a time.
    Have an alternate plan to my hubby’s cooking because he loves sour cream, fat, sugar… all the bad stuff.

    Instead of eating my face off tonight, I will try sit in front of my computer if it will let me (having major computer issues AGAIN) and catch up.

    So grateful you are all out there!
  • jeannel114
    jeannel114 Posts: 7 Member
    How funny. Glad the site has a sense of humor; women, over 50, leeky. Gotta admit... it MIGHT have a point.
    Thanks for making me laugh out loud - I needed that!
    OMG! The name of my soup was considered inappropriate by the website. I'm shocked and want to laugh all at the same time.
  • RedwoodsIris
    RedwoodsIris Posts: 23 Member
    bump for later
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    October went well. Didn't really set any goals.

    My plan for November was to be at 218 by Thanksgiving. Well as of this morning I am 218. So time to change that....208 by November 30.

    My plan has been to walk once a day. And it had fallen to the wayside cause my back has been bothering me. Saw a pain doc yesterday and she said take the pain pills at least once a day so I can walk. Normally I only take them when I have to go somewhere or do something that day. Come Thursday she is gonna do some procedures to my back which should help with pain.

    Now I just need it to warm up some so I can go for my walk.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    The doctor put me into a surgical cam boot up to my knee yesterday. I'm supposed to wear it for three weeks and take anti-inflammatores, then evaluate again. I have inflammation of the sezmoid bones, either from the surgery itself (last January) or the new configuration of my foot making my walking put pressure on them. If the latter, this could be an on-going problem. Hoping for the best! Thanks for the chair exercise suggestions, I'll look on youtube.

    Laura80111 -- Peanut looks to cute in his costume! It sounds like your met your many weekend eating challenges with good choices and panache. :flowerforyou: I've never thought that wine should have calories.

    Jolene -- Such a cute little bumble bee! Thank you for a fun post with a lot of wisdom attached. I had to laugh at the one about wine making you lean on ugly people. :laugh:

    Kathyszoo -- It's heartbreaking when the people that you love won't take care of themselves. My husband won't, either, and I can see him getting less and less healthy (not weight, in his case). Hopefully, your continued good example will motivate them.

    JB -- Let us know how the carrot soup is -- it sounds good.

    Barbie -- 168 Hours sounded like it had some really good food for thought. Thanks for posting some of the ideas. I know that I waste a LOT of time each day which could be put to better use. I bought some squash yesterday and am going to try making your soup.

    Barbara -- None of us like to feel used. Helping others can be fulfilling in itself, and it sounds like you handled the situation with grace.

    DeeDee -- Thank you for always making the effort to recognize so many people in your posts. Your caring comes through in every one!

    Nancy -- I hope that your cold is better today. A loss in inches is a victory indeed!
  • sylviatx
    sylviatx Posts: 156 Member
    I just found this thread and am jumping right in. I'm 61 years old and live in Waco, TX where the lovely weather allows no excuses for not getting outside! I'm unemployed and looking for a job as a graphic designer. It can be depressing, and when I am depressed, I eat. So, there's that to control.

    November goals:
    1) keep logging everything every day. I find that when I don't log is when I lose accountability to myself and go off the deep end.
    2) swim 45 minutes at least once a week, 30 minutes 4 other times a week, for 5 swims a week total.
    3) walk 30 minutes twice a week.
    4) Don't let Thanksgiving kill my forward progress.

    I have a husband and an adult daughter at home, I will be cooking Thanksgiving dinner for us and that means a kitchen full of leftovers including lots of things I love. So I will work hard at that menu and try to make it a healthier one to dig into afterwards!

    It is encouraging to me to read everyone's stories and see how much weight everyone has lost! Wow! Way to go!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    The quinoa we buy starts our clean and we have no need to wash or rinse it before cooking. I also noticed someone saying there was a coating to wash off due to an objectionable flavor. We have never noticed any objectionable flavor. We've bought several different brands, but the one most accessible here is Ancient Harvest.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's Voting Day Tuesday,

    Kathy-rants are always allowed...blowing off steam here keeps your blood pressure under control:wink: Just keep shopping for the healthier foods and preparing them and one day it will click in with the hubby & daughter. Sorry hubby's job doesn't get him any exercise but you never know when he will wake up and see that he needs to make some changes.

    Cheryl-good for you posting your before's....I confess that mine are less than flattering and I'm saving them until I'm done with my 30ds....even having reached my goal when you really aren't fit it shows:blushing: :blushing: So how was day one for you? Did your hubby know that you took his picture with Jillian? Tonight I will up my weights and do one more day on Level 1 before I move to level 2, I'm sure that just upping my weights will set me back some, but I'm determined to see some changes in my fitness level:wink: After the first 7 days was went I noticed that my body finally didn't feel like it was dying, it hurt up til then but I kept telling myself that it was a good hurt and I was working new muscles...Keep at it and you too will find that it does get better. One more thing...I do girly push ups but they are just as effective on my arms.:wink:

    Tigress-I love the idea of telling Kathy's hubby to up his life insurance:laugh: :laugh: I'll have to remember that one.

    Michele- what an example you set for us...getting up earlier because of the time change and doing 40 min of yoga...Yep I'm impressed:love:

    Mary-30 Day Shred is a workout DVD by Jillian Michaels of the Biggest Loser. It's a pretty good workout three levels and the workouts are about 20 min each:happy:

    jb-the receipe sounds wonderful:drinker:

    Barbie-what great words of encouragement. Making wise choices for our eating and time makes all the difference in how our lives go whether positive or negative...thanks for sharing:flowerforyou:

    dancinggi2- that last pound can sometimes be the most frustrating...you keep doing what you are and it will finally fall off:drinker:

    Barbara- our lives are a continuing process of learning how to behave no matter what our age:happy: Glad you have a hubby that cares but also one you can share your ups and downs with in regards to friends.

    DeeDee-getting the roots covered is one of those things that I haven't jumped into yet, but I'm sure my day will come:ohwell:

    Gail- I do so admire those of you with gardens...I just am not a garden person:ohwell:

    junglejoyce-sounds like you are making good progress on your November goals. Cutting back the pop is a good thing, just replace it with a glass of water:drinker: When I started this I hardly drank any water and now it's my drink of choice.

    Lynn-how ambitious of you trying to get a house ready to sell and put on the market before the holidays. I think hubby has decided that we won't tackle that until early next year sometime so I still have time:happy:

    Nancy-Congrats on those inches lost:flowerforyou: If the scale isn't going to move at least the inches leaving helps keep your motivation high:drinker:

    joann1948-congrats on that loss once you reach your goal you know that the next journey begins and that's maintenance keep up the good job:flowerforyou:

    Kate-so sorry to hear that things have been tough for you. November is a good time to get back on track and get back to meeting positive goals:flowerforyou:

    Janehadji- so sorry you are having the issues with your foot:flowerforyou: Don't get discouraged keep eating right and I'm sure that if you head to u tube you will be able to find some exercises that you can do from a chair.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the newbies, come back often and let us get to know you:flowerforyou:

    With the boss gone hunting I'm loving how quiet the office is. Maybe today could be the day I find my desk...I can hope:huh: I do have to turn things inside out as I've lost the mail box key for work...I had it Friday and yesterday when I went to the PO I couldn't find it, thankgoodness they know me there and were kind enough to get my mail for me. I was able to be headed home a few minutes early and got home before dark (I truly hate driving in the dark:grumble: )

    I was almost done with my day 10 of the Shred by the time hubby got home so we had plenty of time to make dinner and not feel like the evening was gone before it even started. The Shred is helping keep me on track, I'm thinking I will increase the weights tonight and see how much it works me at Level One before I move to Level Two although Jillian says that by day 5,6,7 I should feel like I have a longer indurance I'm not too sure I do...I still want to turn it off early:blushing: but I don't.

    Hubby called me a bit ago to let me know that he's met his first milestone and has lost #20 so far. He's pretty excited about that as now he has two pair of pants that fit for work (I'm pretty sure he went closet shopping). He' s applying for an internal transfer at his job, it would be working M-F during the day plus benefits,:happy: :happy: I'm sure the hourly rate would still be pretty low but adding benefits and not working nights or weekends would be a plus...so we will wait and see.

    I best get to work. Everyone have a good day let's all remember to drink our water, log our food and move our bodies because we want to set a good example to the next generation:wink:

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Janehadji - I agree it is such a nice thing for DeeDee and the others who do it to try to address everyone. I think I spend too much time at work just reading the posts, it would take me forever to type out all the thoughts I have while reading them - it's quite a committment for those who do. BTW - what kind of surgery did you have? I need surgery on both my feet but the doctor said I would have to stay in a wheel chair for 6 months. NO WAY - with young kids and 7 horses (including all the chores) my family would fall apart if I dropped out for six months.

    Mazaran - I'll try your push up suggestions.

    Exermom - Yup - that's a classic aerobic outfit.

    Yard Tigress - thanks, I hope so.

    Mary 1956 - 30 day shred is a dvd by Jillian Michaels. I bought it at Walmart for $10 because my husband said he'd do it with me if her got to stare at Jillian.

    MaryMich - welcome.

    Laura - how is your 30 day shred going? I'm pretty sore after one night. Does it get better?

    Barbie - that book 158 hours sounds interesting. I hope I remember to buy it.

    Jolene - I figured out if I resize the pictures with adobe instead of microsoft, they stay resized when I move them to photobucket.

    Junekatz - hope November goes better for you than October. I would absolutely hate to have to re-lose pounds I'd already lost. Don't let your husband cook.
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    Guess I should take a moment and introduce myself...

    I am Chris. I turned 50 this past May and I live in Virginia. I am married to Larry and together we have 4 kids. TJ (29) lives in Philly, is married to Lisa and they had our first grandchild, Kylie, in June. Katie (21) is attending Western Virginia Community College with the plan to transfer to Liberity University and get a degree is child education. Kelly (20) attends Auburn University and I have no idea what her major it this week. It changes day to day. Kevin (18) is attending Western Virginia Community College with the plan to transfer to Radford University and become an RN.

    I have been overweight most of my life. August 16, 2012 I had gastric bypass. Since the first of the year I have lost 88 pounds. I have a bad back...since I ruptured a disc in 1988. I am now working with a Pain Doc and am hoping to some improvment there as it has really limited my exercise.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning! Just had to pop in and share another recipe! :bigsmile: I was searching for ideas for making miniature berry pies and came across this one for mini pumpkin pies. :love: Ohhh yeahhh, my mouth is watering! I'd better go do my aerobics and stop this nonsense of baking pies until the weekend. :laugh:

    Mini Pumpkin Pies

    Yields 4 small ramekin pies

    ◦1/4 C toasted walnuts, divided
    ◦3 large graham crackers
    ◦2 T butter, melted
    ◦1 pinch of kosher salt
    ◦1 15-oz can pumpkin pie mix (or your favorite pumpkin pie recipe)

    Preheat oven to 350ºF.

    Place 1/8 cup of toasted walnuts and graham crackers into a food processor. Pulse till finely ground and place in a small bowl. Mix in butter and salt with your fingers. Press 1/4 of mixture into the bottom of 4 ramekins. Bake for 10-12 minutes.

    Place 1/4 of pumpkin pie mix into each ramekin and bake for 15 minutes or until it’s no longer jiggly. Garnish with remaining walnuts.

    Here's the website. http://www.52kitchenadventures.com/2010/11/03/mini-pumpkin-pies/

    Also check out the mini blueberry pie recipe. Oh my gosh, I simply have no choice but to make these!


    Nutrition facts aren't posted with the recipes, but I'll enter them in MFP one day and let you know.

    Have a wonderful day, I need to go burn some energy and get my mind off of food. :tongue:

    :smile: jb
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Greetings to all. Still working the progrm and just wanted to say hello!
  • nursermr38
    Today was first NSV since starting my new life sept 1st. I had to break down and buy a new pair of jeans...one size smaller. If I can shed one size every 2 months I would be sooooo excited. Heres to small victories!!!

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Today was first NSV since starting my new life sept 1st. I had to break down and buy a new pair of jeans...one size smaller. If I can shed one size every 2 months I would be sooooo excited. Heres to small victories!!!


    Congrats on that NSV, it's those small steps that keep us going to want to see another, and another. Keep it up:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: