

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello, all

    I am posting from an iPad, not my preference because I can't run a word document along side and keep track of comments I want to reply to. J'boy, bless his heart, did something to reset the settings on my Mac, and it won't log on to the Internet w/o a password. He invented the password for our home wireless, so ....

    I've been trying lots of variations on my green smoothies, including the ones in the Dr Oz thing that Lila mentioned. Yes, there are some very odd colours!

    Re housework - my very proper Scottish great-aunt used to say, "If there are fresh flowers on the table, no one will notice the dust!"

    Tn Nancy, I live in British Columbia, Canada, just 15km across the US border due north of Spokane. I teach grade seven and I love it.

    This week's reading/writing theme is identifying conflict in fiction (internal, external, character vs. nature, etc.) I think that calls for a few rounds of improv drama, don't you?

    Dang, an iPad has its place, but it doesn't work well for me when it comes to posting to my ladies on MFP. I will catch up properly when I'm back on my Mac.

    Plan what you eat, eat what you plan. Keep moving!

    Hasta pronto,

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    This is our third morning waking up in a strange bed as we travel. I confess I woke up tired today. With luck we'll be in my daughters town in CO by early to mid afternoon. Boy, things have been exciting at home since we left--there was an earthquake and monsoon rains that are producing flooding. I called a neighbor, and things are okay at home for now. The earthquake was felt in the metro area and across the river from us, but he and his wife didn't feel anything.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, Ladies –

    In checking the news to see if anything happened overnight that ended the world (why, yes, that’s what I look for, isn’t it what you do? :smile:) I ran across this article. It’s not as discouraging as it sounds in that it discusses the link between living passionately and weight loss/peace with our bodies. I like that. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/georgianna-donadio-msc-phd/the-passion-diet-losing-weight_b_2150780.html

    Cheryl, it’s so lovely to get outside right now, especially knowing those days are numbered. Your horses are probably quite happy too. Your weight loss seems to be really on track so don’t get discouraged if you know you have some extra flab to lose – keep exercising and it will tighten up eventually. Congratulations on those tiny thighs!

    JaneM, good for you for flushing out the salt. Great attitude too!

    Bj, I can just picture the men in their silly mustaches. Prostate cancer isn’t a laughing matter, though. We have it DH’s family and watch him pretty carefully now. I love finding another person who relishes getting outdoors while the sun is out! I haven’t read a lot on changing my habits per se, but good luck finding a good book.

    Meg, curses to you and your warm weather! J/K, but it means no snow for skiing :sad:. Ah, well, we’ll enjoy our time out there anyway. Your plan sounds great! We were out in Lincoln – DH’s college buddy works at the University, so we went to the NE/Penn St game. Crazy! I’m sorry, but I don’t know how many calories – I would just calculate it at 250 and call it good.

    Laura, good luck getting all that work crammed in three days! It’s not even a laughing matter, I know – but if it’s not done, it’s just not. The place won’t fall down. Good for you for sticking with the Shred and your nutrition plan – it will help keep the stress to a manageable level.

    Kathy, I’m so sorry to hear about the ER trip but glad it turned out to be “nothing.” I hope you take it easy.

    Hi, Rose, and welcome – we have a couple of other LTC nurses here now.

    DeeDee, it does sound like you might be coming down with something or just off your game – time for a bath, something warm to drink and some extra rest?

    Liz, good luck putting the book advice into action. I know I always feel better when I get the piles under control lol.

    Michele, when we travel I find I can move the table/chairs in the sitting area of the room out of the way and have enough room to work out there. I always have a computer with me, so I just plug in my DVD and go! Bands will give me enough to get through temporarily. Have a wonderful weekend!

    Mary, I hope you enjoyed playing at your concert. I wish DD would get back into it, but she’s a little short on time right now lol :laugh:. Have a wonderful time at your DD’s for the holidays!

    Amanda, I’m sorry to hear you’re suffering again. Painkillers are tough on the system in general. I hope you feel better soon. Try to relax, if you can. Hopefully the doctor can find a way to help your dad and relieve your stress too.

    Lizzie, so glad your DH was able to take the van up and back from NY – and thanks again for his help there. Have a wonderful time in TX. What do you teach?

    Lynn, OM, a puppy and a cat in addition to DD? That’s a houseful right there! Hope your holiday’s wonderful.

    Carolyn, so glad you like the Kettlebells – my friend really loves them (I think I told you she started teaching a class in them). DH’s parents are in Nashville – I think they said the weather’s really nice there right now. You can walk around the lakes or in one of the many parks. If nothing else, pop into one of the country bars and practice your line dancing!

    Nancy, LOL at your auntie’s wise words! You guys and your green smoothies. I know they’re supposed to be good, but I’m really easing my way into the “drink your food” idea. I think soup is about my speed :smile:. I agree about the improv!

    Katla, where are you that you had monsoons and an earthquake – northern Cal? I read they have flooding there. And where are you off to in CO? I’ll be there on Wednesday – we’re heading to Summit county for the weekend.

    OK, I’m off, and I may not post again until after I get to CO. I promise not to try to reply to everyone when I’m back on line :laugh:. I hope everyone has smooth sailing with the cooking, and no matter what remember you can’t gain more than you eat in the short term, and in the longer term if you just maintain portion control and moderation this won’t even be a blip in your eating plan. Then, take that knowledge, relax, and have a wonderful time with your friends and family! Hugs to all,

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    mwheatcraft - hmmmm, do you really think it will tighten up at my age? I hope so.

    exermom - I may go shopping but it will be at Goodwill or Walmart since whatever I buy now won't fit me in 3 months (here's hoping). I do want to go buy something to wear to the Christmas party that will show off the new me.

    DMomofThree - a 5 month old boxadore????? Watch the shoes. That's definitely the chewing stage.

    Yesterday was a real challenge for me because I made my favorite (barbecue ribs) for my family while knowing I was having salmon. I was mostly good but added 150 extra calories because I did "taste" a few times while cooking.

    I also made a butternut squash, but couldn't remember what I was supposed to do with it. I think it was Laura who said to cut it in half, de-seed it, then bake it meat side down on a metal pan - or something like that. So that's what I did. Then I stared at it after it was done and thought "What next?" Not knowing what else to do with it, I sliced me a chunk, peeled it then tasted it. It was absolutely wonderful with nothing else done to it. I didn't even add butter. My husband came home and salt and peppered his.

    So I have nothing exciting to write about. Brought my two dogs to the groomer this morning, so don't be surprised if you see pictures of dogs instead of horses later. :smile:
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I spent 9 hours in class yesterday, learning the changes to the Colorado contracts that will take place in January. They keep changing everything each year! :grumble: They brought in Subway sandwiches for lunch. All of the condiments were on the side, so I was able to just have a plain turkey sandwich, which worked well into the calorie count. I think I'm getting sick, so am taking a lot of vitamins to try to counteract it. I'm hearing a lot about vitamin D these days and it's effects on so many aspects of our health...

    An odd thing happened: our daughter's tenant couldn't pay the rent and moved out. When we went to check the unit, it was like she had just walked out and locked the door. EVERYTHING was still there -- leather couches, tables, beds, clothes, towels, dishes, silverware, pots, tv, cd player -- all neatly in place. She had left a note for hubby on the refrigerator door, saying that she was sorry and hoped we could sell her possessions to make up the rent money. We had given her 3 weeks free in October and didn't collect the November rent up front. I don't know what happened to her, but she didn't have the first month's rent. Then we got a call from someone saying that this lady had rented a furnished place from her and then taken the furniture with her, and did we have her things? We asked her to meet us there and bring a copy of her lease agreement, but she didn't show up. If we don't hear from her in the next week, I guess we now have a fully furnished condo to rent out. It's truly odd! Most people who default take their possessions and leave the units trashed.

    Linda Sundance -- Good to hear from you! I'm glad you've hired a lawyer to deal with the workmen's comp, but sorry that you needed to. It would be great if people would just deal with one another fairly to start with.

    Michele -- I was going to suggest "cut and paste" on google translator. Wouldn't that work for the strange letters in their alphabet, just like cutting and pasting a picture? We can do that on google with Farsi, which uses the Arabic alphabet. You're right that the translations often lose some meaning, but the jist of it is there.

    Barbie -- You're a stronger woman than I am! I haven't baked at all, but haven't given away the means to do it, either. I need to get past the mentality that this is just temporary and realize that it's my new lifestyle. You're a shining example to us all!

    Mary -- I loved your MIL's saying about the dirt!! Also, the tampon box story! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Katia49 -- Glad you were able to find your wallet! Where does your daughter live in Colorado? Laura80111 and I are in the Denver metro area.

    DeeDee -- Glad your computer is working again -- it's SO frustrating when they're on the fritz.

    Mwheatcraft -- I missed your chocolate chip cookie dough recipe post, but have now written it down to try! :smile: Have a great time at Keystone!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Let's Tackle the Task of This Terrific Tuesday and not Tarnish it by Throwing a Tantrum over Tasty, Toothsome, Tantalizing Treats :laugh:

    I'm getting a very late start but I'm all dressed and ready to head to the track, irregardless of pelting rain and howling wind. Do I dare venture out in this mess? :noway: Gads, it's storming like crazy. If I sit here another minute longer I'm certain I'll talk myself out of it. Here goes nothing. :bigsmile:

    Have a great day everyone!

    :smile: jb
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi to all my friends here at MFP! What a great day. Beautiful sunshine, nearly 60. It’s fabulous. This was our last day of class before Thanksgiving and boy those students were like rabid cats. :huh: Really hard to reign in! I ended up letting them out about 30 minutes early…mainly for my own sanity! I finished the grocery shopping yesterday, then after dinner I sat down for a while to digest and fell asleep so no exercising! So I will have to add something else to make up for it. I do plan a date with the elliptical tonight though!

    Laura: I hope your work week isn’t too crazy and you get to enjoy the end and the holidays.

    Kathy: my goodness. I hope you are feeling better by now. Glad it wasn’t too serious.:flowerforyou:

    Rose: I love it that you enjoy long term care. I wish more people found it rewarding.

    Katla: I don’t have the cake recipe…I bought it from a store bakery and they don’t have the information either. I do use the recipe feature often though.

    DeeDee: check this out! dressing, undressing (standing or sitting) - calories burned M=172 kcal, F=148 kcal. I found this on another thread and the reference was a website that had calories burned doing hilarious and odd things! :laugh:

    Liz: I’ll be interested in hearing the top tips for decluttering!

    Michele: your word program should be able to accept different characters. Russian uses an entirely different alphabet. Just type in English and copy/paste the translation.

    Mary: what instrument do you play?

    Amanda: Poor dad. Is something wrong or are the tests just for screening?

    Lynn: A boxador? There are some funny dog breed mix names out there. I bet his energy is boundless.

    Carolyn: my brother lives in Nashville too. Have a safe trip!

    Nancy: ***running out to buy flowers now! :flowerforyou:

    M: ah! Now you are a veteran of a NE football game. Crazy, isn’t it??? Hope you had a good time. I love Lincoln. I went to college twice there (2 degrees, not 2 days LOL). We only live about 45 minutes from downtown Lincoln. Did you get to the Haymarket area?

    Wessecg: your squash sounds great. I always mean to buy it but never do. I did hear about butternut squash baked in a pan with a small amount of butter and a small amount of brown sugar. That sounds yummy too!

    Janehadji: we have had that happen in our rentals too but here you have to store them for a certain amount of time before you can sell them. I happen to have a garage full of refrigerators right now gearing up for the next garage sale. :tongue:

    JB: you are awesome with your awe-inspiring alliterations !!! :bigsmile: Stay dry I wish it would storm here!

    OK I have a meeting with my boss in 5 minutes to discuss an adjunct faculty who is totally driving me crazy. Stay OP today! Take care, meg :drinker:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member

    Mary: what instrument do you play?

    M: ah! Now you are a veteran of a NE football game. Crazy, isn’t it??? Hope you had a good time. I love Lincoln. I went to college twice there (2 degrees, not 2 days LOL). We only live about 45 minutes from downtown Lincoln. Did you get to the Haymarket area?

    I play the bass clarinet, which I call the instrument of the gods.

    Which way do you live from Lincoln? My dad was from the Avoca/Weeping Water area, and I own a very small amount of land in Cass County. Mary
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Mary- I played bass clarinet in middle/high school. Love the sound! I would love to buy one, but haven't found any used at a price I can afford.
    Deb A
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Jb, your word fun makes me smile every day! keep it up..... lol JB
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Jb, Love your dog pictures too! If you find a poodle in a hat, let me know! I will demonstrate to my standard, that yes, dogs do wear stuff on their heads and necks without pulling them all off, LIKE LEASH LEADS! JB
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Hello my lovelies,

    Another time of frustration, between feeling like I've been dragged through a knot-hole backwards(flu) and the constant computer issues (my son just spent 2 hours with the techs trying to get our wireless service back on line), most days this month its been at 2% reception. I don't think I have been here all week. I have made a few notes when I have been logging my food but thats been about it.

    Wine and wieners at 2am…

    Yes, you heard me correctly, it was red wine and wieners at 2 am when I couldn’t sleep and had a craving for salt. I keep my sodium intake fairly low so perhaps my body needed it …. or not. I think I have plateaued. Haven't lost a pound this week. This past 6 weeks I have played around with 2 pounds; up, down, up, down …. sort of like my emotions; up, down, up, down. ;-) It could have something to do with our early on-set winter.

    Required : one poltergeist trap!

    DH arrived home at 4:30am from work so when I got up at 7am this morning I did it in the dark so I wouldn’t wake him. However, in the middle of the night a poltergeist had been having fun unbeknownst to me and my first step landed on something large and crunchy and painful! It was all I could do to keep from shouting some naughty words into the darkness. (The poltergeist must have been splitting a gut at my expense!)

    The next step was equally painful, and the next! What the %@##! When I caught my balance I bent down to retrieve the offending beings only to find that my bracelet rack had fallen from the dresser onto the floor for some strange reason. My first step had snapped the rack and broken the bracelets spreading beads of all sizes all over the floor…which I found with every succeeding step
    In the daylight, the damage is even worse and I will be hunting for beads for a long time. My feet are still sore and I am looking for a remedy… a poltergeist trap, anyone have one?

    Well, that's it for now, I think I'll go stick my head in a bank of snow to stop this headache...

    Cheers, Kate
  • librarygirlontherun
    Can I join this group? I am 50 tomorrow!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Can I join this group? I am 50 tomorrow!

    Of course! Just jump in and start posting with the rest of us - we'd love to get to know you! Mary
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Mary- I played bass clarinet in middle/high school. Love the sound! I would love to buy one, but haven't found any used at a price I can afford.
    Deb A

    I can't afford one either. I play one that belongs to the college. One of my son in laws and my youngest daughter also play bass clarinet. We could have a trio in our family! Mary
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I have a bit of time before dinner so I`ll see how many posts I can get in!

    TN Nancy:smile: Glad you found us again!! Keep coming back and chatting with us!!!

    MaryC:smile: What a fun time walking with your grandson, I bet he really enjoyed it!

    Lila:smile: Good for you planning out your food and clothes for the week!!! I should take a lesson from that, sometimes I change clothes 3 times before I`m happy with the results:laugh:, of course I don`t have nearly as much to choose from anymore:frown: !

    Barbie:smile: Sounds like you`re going to have a lovely Thanksgiving with your friends, no cooking, no mess, perfect!

    Mary:smile: Love "I request them to remove their glasses":laugh: !!! Still laughing about the sandwiches in a tampon box, what a unique idea:laugh: !

    Katla49:smile: Glad you found your wallet, that`s a scary thing to lose!!!

    Carolyn:smile: A Christmas Spectacular sounds like a wonderful way to get in the holiday spirit!!!

    Lin:smile: Cyber space posts...I know them well:angry: ! I usually hold my breath as I hit the reply button!

    Jb:smile: Window cleaning...mine need to be done so bad:sad: !!!

    Junerbooner:smile: Congrats! You did great with your Oct. goals!!! Keep it up!

    M:smile: Hope you have a wonderul trip!!!

    Cheryl:smile: My Fitbit once said I climbed 44 flights of stairs while I was riding in the golf cart:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: !

    Bjmcq:smile: Loved the story about the lampshades and the MIL:laugh: .

    Meg:smile: Wine did help with the grumpies:bigsmile: ! Dog thought the gremlins tasted bad:sick::laugh: !!!!

    Laura80111:smile: Yay for keeping up the 30DS!!! Hope it`s not too bad at work!

    Kathy:smile: Are you still feeling okay?

    Rose:smile: It`s so nice you enjoy working in long term care, I know that has to be hard!

    Liz:smile: I really need to declutter:grumble: , I just can`t seem to find the time!!!

    Michele:smile: Good for you having a plan while you`re away!!! I like the idea of jumping rope in hall:laugh: !!!

    Amanda:smile: Hope your back and neck is better:flowerforyou: !!! Good luck to you and your dad on those upcoming tests!!!

    I`m going to stop for now and go make my salad for dinner, I will try to get back and finish my post a bit later. I took a 2 hour nap this afternoon, so I`m not nearly as tired as I was last night!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    A little bit early



  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hello beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I`m back to see if I can finish and get caught up!

    Lizzie:smile: Glad DH is back from the north, what a wonderful thing he did helping so many people out! I hope you have a wonderful relaxing evening!!! Have a great trip too!!!

    Lynn:smile: A 5 month old Boxador....lots of fun puppy energy!!! I bet your house is fun even if it`s not your routine!!!!

    Carolyn:smile: I think I might buy myself some kettlebells for my Christmas present to me:bigsmile: ! What kind od DVD do you use? Hope you have a good time in Nashville!!! I, too get up way too many times during the night:grumble: .

    Nancy:smile: I like the fresh flowers idea...I need to go buy some now!!!

    Katla49:smile: Earthquakes and monsoon rains..YIKES!!! Hope everything will be fine when you get home!

    M:smile: I`m going to try and find time to read that article, it sounds interesting! Lol at checking to see if the world had ended:laugh: ! Have fun on your trip!!!

    Cheryl:smile: Absolutely buy something nice and slinky for the Christmas party!!!! I like butternut squash just plain too! Would love to see pics of your doggies:love: !!!

    Janehadji:smile: Hope you`re feeling better:flowerforyou: ! That`s odd about your tenant leaving furniture and then someone else calling saying it belongs to them:huh: , interesting they didn`t show up!

    Jb:smile: Did you get out in the torrential Tuesday storm:huh: ? That reminds me I really need to buy a new raincoat:frown: ! Hope you had a fun day!!!

    Meg:smile: Students looking forward to a long weekend = rabid cats:laugh: ! Burning 148 cals. for dressing/undressing, sitting or standing...I love it!!!

    DebA:smile: Good to hear from you! Come in more often and chat!!!

    Kate:smile: Good to see you back!!! Glad you`re feeling better!!! I had computer problems Sat. and Sun.:angry: , I was not happy:mad: !!! Wine and wieners:huh: , sometimes I crave salt too:ohwell: .....I`m thinking I would have had chips and wine:laugh: . Poltergeist traps...hmmmm, can`t think of anything at the moment. I do imagine steppings on beads every step would hurt...OUCH!!! Hope you find them all! Hope things get better:flowerforyou: !!!

    Zumbagirl:smile: Welcome, come and in and start chatting with us!!!

    Lin:smile: LOVE the graphic!!!!

    Think I`m caught up now, unless a post has come in while I`ve been typing! There has been a bit of drama around here tonight:frown: , my neighbor at the end of the street house got broken into today, my sister in law saw a couple of people walking down the road around lunch time she didn`t know, so now the police want to come to my house in the morning and go over my security tape from today, SIL said they stopped at my driveway and just stood there for a few minutes, so I really should have some pics of them. The problem is I don`t know how to run the tape back, so the officer is going to send a detective out in the morning to do it...and now my problem is ****dust****, and I have a ton of papers on my desk that need to be filed, that`s where the monitor is located. Plus my great room is filled with boxes of Christmas stuff waiting till Thanksgiving to get put up, and I could go on and on, guess it`s a good thing I got a 2 hour nap today, I`m going to be up doing a bit of decluttering tonight:grumble: . I also have to cancel a meeting in the morning:grumble: . However if it will allow the police to catch someone, it`s okay! So now I must go and get at least some of the dust up and some of the papers filed!!!

    Have a wonnderful night!!! Sleep well and sweet dreams!!! Until tomorrow....

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: It rained so hard yesterday that Brandy cut the morning walk short and didn’t want to go out again until the rain stopped. Today was much better so we walked a lot. A friend came over in the morning and we walked and talked for an hour.

    :flowerforyou: bjmcq, I haven’t read any books about how to change your habits but I read a book that helped me add many positive behaviors to my life----“The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin…….I highly recommend it.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, I didn’t finally get going on this weight loss journey until I was 62 years old…..the best I did up to that time was to improve my eating and exercise enough to keep my weight from going past 185……never, never, never give up.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I looked at stick blenders in the store and realized that they won’t work with the shakes I make because I use so much ice, so I’ll stick to what I have now that’s working for me.

    :bigsmile: Jb, I love your alliterative posts but instead of making myself crazy wanting to challenge myself to do the same thing, I’ve relaxed and enjoyed your talent with words.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    It’s not what you eat between Thanksgiving and New Years that will get you as much as what you eat between New Years and Thanksgiving.

  • librarygirlontherun
    OK so here is a little about me. Perimenopausal weight gain is getting the best of me. I am a runner and the extra 10-20 pounds on my 5'3" frame are really interfering with my running. My current weight is 140. I have run 5 1/2 Marathons with my best race being 2:15. I want to improve my speed and/or take it to the next distance running wise which would be a full marathon. Most people I work with would say that I am fit but it seems like every year that I have aged I have added 1 pound to my base weight. Ten years ago I was horrified that I weighed 130, now I am even more horrified with my 140 pounds. I could see myself easily gaining even more weight if I do not do something about it. Anyway I am happy to join this group.