

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    We got word today that my stepmom (of 27 years) passed away early this morning. Mary was a grand lady with a fun-loving personality and a heart big enough to love all of us. Interestingly, my dad also passed at Thanksgiving week in 1998. Best of all, she made my dad laugh and not be so serious. She was wonderful for him and will be missed. Though we are sad for ourselves and her children, we are happy and rejoicing for her. She was 93 yo. My SIL said her dad passed at Thanksgiving as well.

    I'm at my brother's timeshare for the holiday week, my sister and BIL are on their way and DH and DS1 will be arriving tomorrow, too. It will be good to all be together again. Our other brother and sister out west rarely leave town, so when we want to see them we have to go there.

    This timeshare is very nice and we have two units that each have 2 bed/2 bath with an open concept kitchen / living room / dining room - beautifully decorated and so quiet! Have been able to get in a couple of workouts at the gym as well, so although food isn't as controlled as at home I am trying to compensate with exercise. The judgment will be the scale on Sunday morning.

    DH is having cataract surgery the Monday after the holiday and is very much looking forward to the result. DS1 is doing all the driving for them to arrive.

    I've been reading the posts and enjoy following everyone's stories when I check in.

  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Been busy this week as I am sure you all have been as well. Just wanted to pop in and say Happy Thanksgiving a bit early. Not sure if will be get a chance to post again until after Thursday. I am tired already and haven't even begun to cook...that is tomorrow's activity.

    I wish you all good health and a wonderful holiday.

    Grace and peace,
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi fabulous ladies, :smile:

    Keeping up on the reading, just not posting. Giving the hands and fingers a chance to get better so I can get back to work ASAP. :flowerforyou:

    The stress of my salary not coming in, is almost too much to handle. I called the state disability office today and they do not show my claim that my employer filed. I then called my employer and they said they filed the claim on 11-14-12 and the state disability office is about 4 weeks behind, so I should see some money in mid December?? What?? :sad: So from Oct 28th to mid December no money??:sad: :sad: This is one messed up system we have and it is not employee friendly. Could not have happened at a worse time- the holidays! ugh- I am trying to stay positive and ask God what he is wanting me to learn from this??? :wink: It is more stressful not having a supportive DH.:grumble:

    Anyway, you my friends are a blessing to me and for this I am entirely grateful! :drinker: :bigsmile: May you all have safe travels this Thanksgiving week, lots of happiness with your family's and friends.:smile: Enjoy the foods, moderation is the key and enjoy every bite! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
    Blessings, Linda :heart:
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :flowerforyou: real quick this am...I completed my Thanksgiving challenge with a day to spare!!!! :bigsmile: will have an official final tally tomorrow...who knows maybe I will walk today at lunchtime and get some more miles in tomorrow am!

    Enjoy the day!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all,

    Ha! I have my computer back this morning, but there were moments :grumble: I got up and it was not on the counter in the kitchen. J’boy and I have a deal, he can use it in the evenings but it must be there in the morning so I can log on to MFP, etc. I was just rehearsing how I was going to wake him up when I walked into the living room and there he was! :noway: A 15 year old awake at 6:30 in the morning? Whew! Turns out he went to bet extra early and couldn’t sleep in. Weird. I made him hand over the lap-top, anyway!

    MWheatcraft – thank you for the link to the article, here’s a quote that really summed it up for me – an idea that I am going to have to give more thought to:

    “One of the weight loss "secrets" I have learned over the years in my practice as a clinical nutritionist is that when individuals are excited, creative, interested and passionate about their work, their relationships, learning, doing or being, the issue of a naturally right body weight resolves itself.

    We are often overly focused on the sensory experience and enjoyment of food as a mainstay for satisfaction and pleasure. Just as often, when something else catches our attention and we focus our creative and passionate energies into things we love, the issue of fulfillment comes from creativity or service to others, rather than our food intake.”

    That’s a big idea, no? Last Saturday (inspired by re-reading the beginning of the Happiness Project :drinker: ) I cleaned up my office and got it back to being a peaceful space where I can read, write, pray and do yoga. Learning is something I am passionate about – and that’s the place where I do my “home studies”. Now I need to find a new book to get me going, or a book I want to re-read to focus my thoughts. Stay tuned…

    Jb, how was the walk in the rain? The weather’s been giving us a little dose of wet coast for the last few days – yuck. Glad to know that some folks (go Meg) have sunshine.

    Meg – funny to think that, though you teach adults, they are just as anxious to get away at the beginning of a holiday at 12 year olds. :laugh: Rabid cats indeed!

    Oh dear, Kate, all your bracelets all over the floor, and your poor sore feet to make it a worse disaster. :sad: Perhaps the poltergeist has had enough and moved on for now. Hope so.

    Barbie, what a thought, your dog Brandy was the one who wimped out about being in the rain, not you! You are right about the stick blender, it will not do ice. I’m trying some different kinds of smoothies and I have to pull out the old countertop blender when I get ice involved.

    Zumbagirl, welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Gail, sorry to hear about your step-mom, it sounds like you loved and respected her – and that she lived life well and happily.

    Oh, Linda, “what does God want me to learn from this?” such a cry must have come from so many, and we still wonder why.

    Jen, congratulations on finishing your Thanksgiving challenge early!

    Must run, the stick blender and some combination of fruit, yogurt and greens are calling. It's Green Smoothie time!

    Hasta pronto,

  • rrboxer
    rrboxer Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Everybody, Well I joined this particular group beginning of Nov 2012 and I'm afraid I'm not doing so well. I gained the 3/5 lbs I lost and I'm back at my starting weight 159 (lbs). Yesterday we had our Thanksgiving dinner early as my hubby works most holidays and I didn't do very well. I had a small piece of pecan pie with dollop of whipped cream, stuffing but on a good note I didn't go hog wild either. So this morning I decided okay so you are back to square one I am not going to beat myself up. I'm getting back on the wagon and I decided I must get on MFP everyday to get motivated or if I need some encouragement from others then I will ask. So far I've just been logging on a few times a week and I am determined to log in everyday. Okay now that I confessed my failings I feel better. Someone please cheer me on! "HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYBODY!" :happy:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We're traveling this holiday season, and I kept my calorie count below the line until yesterday. I'm starting off with a better breakfast this morning and hoping to do a better job of staying in control. the hotel where we're staying is a Super 8 that offers a morning breakfast. It includes boiled eggs, cereals, fresh fruit, muffins... I'm so glad to have a couple of boiled eggs and coffee instead of a restaurant meal.

    While we're away, the weather is going nuts at home. There's been flooding in places and an earthquake. I called my neighbor and everything is fine at our place.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Garden gal, how sad you lost a person who brought laughter and happiness to your family. It is amazing to hear a grown daughter speak so highly of her step mom! Good for you. I am a stepmom, and wow, did I make mistakes as a childless career woman, but they all forgave me, and always loved me....Where would I be without them? Much worse in all my spiritual, physical and emotional being....your post has made my day, if not my year!

    Have a wonder ful holiday!
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all the US pals on this thread! I hope you have a wonderful day with your families and friends!
    Travel safely, enjoy the weather...no sign of the wild turkeys that walk up our street so far though!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Welcome to Wednesday, all you Wonderful Women! :flowerforyou:

    I won't be whistling Dixie today since my scale weilded a whopping wallop of woe. :ohwell: I feel a bit like a wavering whale with quite a ways to go before my weight wanes once and for all. Where be thy willpower? :grumble:

    Ahh yes, the day of preparing for Thanksgiving. I'll be baking a huckleberry pie tomorrow morning, and today will assemble the cranberry salad (with mandarins and pineapple) and put together the batch of spiced peaches :love: which are a holiday tradition in my family. I've been thinking how to make the portions look bigger on my plate tomorrow :laugh: by flattening out small scoops of stuffing and mashed potatoes instead of piling them up high. Sounds like a great plan. :tongue: The trick is to EAT SLOWLY, sipping on water inbetween bites, and make more conversation! It'll be great to be with my two cousins and their lovely wives, my hubby and I both enjoy them all very much.

    Gail, I'm sorry to hear of your step-mother's passing. :flowerforyou: It sounds like she was a wonderful woman!

    Linda, my heart goes out to you! :flowerforyou: Worrying about money drives me crazy! :explode: It's one of the most difficult things to have to deal with. Try to cheer up, love, and keep the faith. We are not given more than we can handle. :wink:

    Rain walk report: The greatest thing happened yesterday! The very minute I completed my entry about walking out in the storm, the rain miraculously stopped, the clouds parted, and I was able to take the dogs out for a full hour and a half without one drop of water falling from the sky! I even had to wear sunglasses! :glasses: I decided to skip going to the track knowing the dogs would need a good, long outing, and I'm so glad I did since the rain commenced the moment I returned with them from the park. What timing!

    Nancy, thank you ever so kindly for your quote this morning. It makes perfect sense to me, and causes me to think I would benefit greatly from getting involved in more creative projects this winter. That would mean I'd spend less time thinking about food. :blushing: What a great concept! Love it.

    M, great words. I'm taking a little scoop of that knowledge, planning to relax and enjoy like you mentioned. Thanks for the reminder! :smile: Have a wonderful trip!

    Well, I must get up out of this chair and get busy. Sending love and best wishes to everyone this fine day-before-turkey-day. Travel safe, eat smart, and move those buns!

    :smile: jb

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    One of the results of being the only house in the neighborhood without dogs is that all of the animals congregate here. I knew that "rutting" season existed, but had only seen it on National Geographic. When I backed out of my garage yesterday afternoon, two large buck deer were fighting in the driveway, and then moved on to the front lawn. Their antlers were entwined and they were butting and shoving each other back and forth with great violence. One broke the antler off the other, then chased him away. I was less than six feet away, and far too surprised to think of taking a picture with my phone. That might be just as well, as getting in the middle of that for photos was probably not a good idea. It was truly interesting!

    I'm going to the grocery store to get the rest of what I need for tomorrow. I had hoped to beat the crowds yesterday, but ended up spending five hours with my mom's eye doctor issues and didn't quite make it. Thanksgiving will be the strangest of my life, with just my parents and me (hubby said he wants to go to the casino to play poker for the day). Maybe he'll change his mind. I've never had the holiday without both of my kids and a large family gathering, but I guess I can still be thankful on my own. There is a lot to be thankful for!

    Kate -- I wonder if the poltergeist is related to the gremlins that have been plaguing us lately?? DeeDee said to pour hot tea on them. I'm sorry that your bracelets got broken. Between that, the flu and a plateau, no wonder you're out of sorts! I've been playing with the same 4 lbs. for 3 months now. First a plateau for 6 weeks, then my current medication which made me gain 4 lbs. after just 2 doses. I'm still on the meds, so hoping the water weight will come back off when the meds are finished (one more week). You are definitely not alone! Just keep plugging away....

    Lin -- Happy Thanksgiving to you, as well! Thanks for the graphic. :smile:

    DeeDee -- How scary that they may have been considering your house. I hope that the tapes help the police to catch them!

    Zumbagirl1962 -- Welcome to our thread! I'm extremely impressed that you can run 1/2 marathons. The weight does have a way of creeping up as we get older, but we can overcome it!

    Gail -- I'm so sorry about the passing of your stepmother. It sounds like she was a wonderful lady and will be missed.

    Linda Sundance -- I don't blame you for being frustrated! :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: The system is so screwed up! I hope that things get resolved soon, in time for the holidays.

    Jen -- Congrats on finishing your Thanksgiving Challenge!

    Nancy -- Your 15 year old son was up at 6:30am??? Wow! On the rare occasions that mine calls before 10am (he usually sleeps until 1pm), I'm always afraid that something is wrong. He called at 8am today -- shock -- as he was driving to Key West. I was certain he'd been in an accident, but he was fine.

    Rrboxer -- I'm cheering you on! :drinker: :drinker: Just keep logging daily, and it will all fall into place.

    Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving day, filled with family, friends and good cheer. We all have a lot to be thankful for. I'm glad that we have a day to take the time to reflect on our many blessings and appreciate them.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Eve to us in the US...Happy Wednesday to everyone else,

    I'm just popping in to say Hi, haven't read the posts, still no time. I did get my monthly reports done yesterday by 4pm and put them on the bosses desk for him to review and send off.

    I have multiple payroll reports to get done and then this weeks payroll...it's a never ending cycle:ohwell:

    I have lost another .4 toward my Holiday loss so I have #3 to play with for tomorrow. DIL #2 is hosting the families and we will be having the Brunch Menu she wanted (she won the turkey battle with her Mom:wink: ) so it will be egg souffle', veggies, ham, bacon, Champane Sunrises (that would be sparkling wine with pineapple juice and a splash of cherry juice that makes it look like a sunrise) and Cinnamon Rolls...I plan on tasting everything and will get in my exercise before I head over there.

    Hubby has lost somemore so he is at #23 lost so far and he's pretty much committed to doing this. Oh yes he did get the promotion so that will take place the first of December, but in the mean time he has to work Thanksgiving & Black Friday, something he's never had to do before:noway:

    I have my plan and will keep with it I hope each one of you has a plan for the day and you too are able to keep to the plan. Let's all remember to drink our water, log our food and keep moving:drinker: :drinker:


    PS Janehadji- just read your post about the rutting bucks, that must have been something else to see. With only you and your parents for Thanksgiving I'm sure you will be getting phone calls from your kids, enjoy your day.

    Gail-so sorry for you loss:flowerforyou:
  • whodatlixxie
    A quick post to wish all a Happy Thanksgiving. Wish I had time to give personal shout outs, but time is flying and I need to head out to Houston to meet the rest of my family for TG. All siblings, spouses, grands & spouses, and great grands will be there AND MOM - everytime we get to have a complete family get together and still have DM (85 years young) with us is an extra special blessing!

    My plan for the holiday it to evoke ELIZABETH's Es! (yes I go by Lizzie but my formal name is Elizabeth)!

    Eat in moderation, make wise choices but do not deprive
    Exercise - even a small walk after dinner is good!
    Enjoy - holidays are about friends and family, don't stress over calories, just be wise. Remember what MWheatcraft shared earlier - one bad or kind of bad day will not ruin it all. So Eat - Exercise - Enjoy!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Thanks to all for their consoling words on my step mom's passing. Mary was special indeed!
  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving holiday to everyone.:drinker: My plans are MODERATION in amounts I eat, but enjoy the turkey and all the trimmings with that piece of pumpkin pie.:bigsmile: My goal this week is to maintain or at least not gain more than couple or three pounds which I can shed right back off by the first of Dec.. No pressure, No stress!!:noway: :laugh: See you all in Dec. June
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Happy almost-Thanksgiving to all!

    I'm taking a short break from cleaning and cooking and thought I would catch up on the posts. i read them every day and wish I could get off the merry-go-round that my life has been since school started in September so that I could reply to all. I love the motivation, support, and stories on this thread.

    I'm having family here tomorrow, but much smaller crowd than it used to be. There will only be six of us. My son and youngest daughter live too far away to be able to get home. My middle daughter has plans with in-laws, but may make it up for a short visit.

    Michele- I don't know how you can bake like you do and not gain weight! All I had to bake was a cherry pie for DH and a crustless pumpkin pie for me. (Thanks to whoever talked about the pie- I would never have thought of it.) For me it is the pie crust before it is baked and raw cookie dough that I can't seem to stay away from.

    Mary- How much fun it would be to have 3 bass clarinets playing together. When I was in 9th grade, I played in a clarinet ensemble. I really miss playing. I do have a clarinet and play it once and a while, but it just isn't the same. My oldest and youngest were both very good trombone players and had a private lesson on Fridays at our home. Their teacher also played trombone and they often played trios. I absolutely loved listening to them. Our German Shepard- Hawkeye- however didn't feel the same. He would often howl loud and long as they were playing.

    Hope everyone has a great day with family and friends tomorrow. I am planning on going for a long, fast walk in the morning, eating in moderation and focusing on spending time with my family.

    Deb A
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,371 Member
    Mary and Carolyn and Katla and M and anyone else traveling this weekend - safe travels!

    Amanda - prayers for you and your dad. You know that you're going to get so much from him. My heart goes out to you. When is he going to have these procedures?

    Did an hour of incline intervals on the treadmill today (Tues). Two minutes at 4mph 3% then 6% then 9% then 12% then 3% and so on. Tomorrow (Wed)...yoga and then deep water.

    Worked outside on the landscape lights today. We got 13 more put in. I'm digging the trench for the wire, assembling the lights, Vince puts them in (he's somewhat OCD, so I just let him be). We also put insulation around the pipe that has the water for the spa. I know Vince was concerned about it. What we did was put insulation around the 2" pipe, then put a 3" pipe over that. He says that we won't be taking it off. Rinsing out our "crummy" clothes right now. Just want to get some of the red clay off. Eventually, I'll probably get rid of these clothes

    Leaving Thurs to go to Jessica's for dinner. I think she'd really like for me to have it, but I really like Chirstmas and I really don't want all those leftovers. Perhaps I would if Thanksgiving in the US weren't so close to Christmas.

    Lynn - I'm glad you'll be with your mom this Thanksgiving. She may be especially somber. Then again, if she's busy cooking, etc. she may not have much time to dwell. Which would be a good thing

    M - hey, you've given me an idea for when we go to FL. I have to check to see if the Y down there has WiFi (I know our Y does). I usually bring my laptop to the condo, so I can take a DVD along with my laptop there. Now to just hope and pray that they do have WiFi. Thanks for the idea. I was wondering how I was going to get my weight exercises in. I can use their equipment, my DVD. Sounds good to me. In case they don't have WiFi, we have a MiFi that we use at the condo. I'm going to ask Vince if I can bring that there and use it.

    I just spoke to Jessica about the Thanksgiving meal. I asked her what she was going to have on the menu. I got the "ma, why do you need to know what we're going to serve". "Well, Jess, I need to know how many dishes and serving forks I need to bring up". Kids!!!! Jess "You need to bring up another table, Amanda and her son will be there". Me: "what size do you want, I have a small folding table in my exercise room and we also have a card table" Jess: "bring whatever you think is right" Me: "who will be there" Jess: "a friend, I don't remember her name, me, Ryan, you and daddy, oh, my roommate might be there, but then again, maybe not" How wonderful!

    Cheryl - I get a lot of really nice things at the Salvation Army.

    janehadj - I really like Subway That sure is weird about the woman renting the condo! I'd never heard of something like that (the lady calling you afterwards). You know, I never thought of cut & paste, probably because I usually scan her letters and put them on my flashdrive. I would think there'd be a maximum amount of characters you could cut & Paste at any one time, one letter page is probably too much.

    zumbagirl - welcome! And happy birthday!

    DeeDee - you have a security tape? What prompted it? I didn't think private citizens had them, only businesses. Learn something new every day! Kind of gives you the creeps, doesn't it, knowing that they were looking at your house.

    barbie - I relly liked your eating quote.

    Gail - my deepest cdondolences on the passing of your stepmom. Good luck to your hubby Mon, I know everything will work out just fine. Have fun at the timeshare

    Did an hour of yoga this morning and then an hour of deep water. Tomorrow I'll do Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones DVD. Talked to Jess and got her (really I made the decision more) that she should be home by 6 tomorrow so that we can drop off the cats and then check into the hotel. Sometimes Vince procrastinates so much, today was an absolutely gorgeous day, I really would have liked to have worked outside, but he didn't get to it until almost 3 (at my request), then we find out that the fuel line for the Ryobi that we will be using to put in the edging broke so now he has to go buy another one. If only he'd done this earlier, he could have gone to Home Depot and fixed it, but he didn't. He also hasn't gotten down the appetizer tray for us to take. I'm someone who does a little at a time, I don't like waiting until the last minute to do something, but that's me. Vince works better under pressure, I absolutely don't.

    Linda - sometimes it takes a looonnnggg time to understand what God wanted you to learn. Hey, my mother died when I was 9 and it took me 30 years to finally understand why God did that.

    rrboxer - as barbie would say "never, never, never give up" So you fell, as long as you get back up that's what counts. You don't want to fall all the time (like every other day), but we all (that is, except for barbie) fall. I know that I will Friday when we have our Thanksgiving dinner. But then I'll be back on plan, until Christmas Eve Good for you putting down what you did and will do, that's a great step!

    We'll be staying at a hotel that we usually stay at when we go up to Jess's. I normally have 1/2 a bagel and 1/2 a container of cream cheese (lower in calories than butter). Many times they have hard boiled eggs and I just have the white (there's just something about the yolk that I don't care for -- it's probably the consistency). That reminds me, I should bring some boxes of cereal with me, last time we were there they didn't have any of the cereal that I like -- only the high calorie stuff. They usually have skim milk in the small bottles and I usually have 1/2 of one. They usually have apples and bananas so I'll take some back to my room with me. Am I cheap or what?

    Laura - congrats on the loss! How wonderful that your hubby got the promotion! I'm so happy for you guys

    janehadj - that must have been a sight to see!

    Lizzie - I like your "e's". Yes, enjoy, that's the secret

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!Sounds like a lot of busy bees getting ready for thanksgiving.
    Been taking time to spend with Violet as I won`t see her tomorrow.We had a sleepover with 6 kids under the age of 11.
    Went to the park as it was nice out.Just skimming thru the posts.Cleaning etc to do.
    Happy Thanksgiving all!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hey Ya’ll! Happy day before a holiday. OK now everyone sing: “Hallelujah! Hallelujah!” DD#1 made buttermilk broccoli soup, salad and rolls for dinner last night. Aside from burning the rolls (which she always does…she does not get the concept of watching the rolls cook and taking them out when done; she needs a specific time) the rest of the dinner was GREAT!!!! The last time she made this soup, instead of 6 tablespoons of flour she used 6 CUPS!!!!! We ate pizza that night. :laugh: :laugh:

    Well I lost I ½ pound this week. I am now below where I was before I went on my little trips! YAY.:happy: Now I need to keep it up! I have been thinking hard about Thanksgiving and although I have the least of us here in the way of wisdom, I ‘d like to share what I think.
    1. It’s one day. Only one day. No matter what you do, one day will not ruin anything.
    2. Eat what you truly want by being mindful of what you put in your mouth….and savor every bite you do choose. Take the time to chew slowly, inhale and love the aromas, feel the textures, notice the colors.
    3. Save the calories for the holiday food. You can always have chips and dip, or cheese and crackers, but the Thanksgiving meal is only once a year so it is special.
    4. Careful of alcohol. My fitness buddy calculated that on a normal Thanksgiving, she probably has 6 beers which is over 700 calories. Have that glass of wine with dinner if you like, but again be mindful. My friend is buying light beer tonight so at least her calories will be lower even if she does drink as much as usual.
    5. Enjoy your family and friends; the food is secondary. That being said, no guilt. If you have guilt, re-read #1.

    Mary: I live in Papillion which is slightly north and plain east of Lincoln, near Omaha. My home is only a 45 minute drive from downtown Lincoln. I used to have an acreage in Cass County too!

    Kate: I hope today has been a better day for you. Red wine and wieners! Now that sounds like something I would do. One poultergeist trap on the way!:bigsmile:

    Zumbagirl: welcome! Wow I am impressed that you are such a good runner. You found the right place for support. I too have recently become horrified at my weight (how the hell did THAT happen????? :grumble: ) and am making slow but sure progress here.

    DeeDee: sounds like the day has been better for you too? Yeah, you gotta love the calorie burning “facts”. Now how many calories are burned in sitting around *****ing? I better look that one up because I could claim that one a lot! I’m sure if there is no blood or dead bodies around your house it is cleaner that what the cops usually find! :bigsmile:

    Barbie: NO giving up here. I may get discouraged, but then I have this group to pull me back up.:flowerforyou:

    Lin: lovely graphic! Thank you!

    Gail: I am so sorry for your losses! I am glad to read that you are able to celebrate her life. It is so nice to hear of a step mom who was loved and welcomed! :flowerforyou:

    Jolene: nice to see you again.

    Linda: OMG I am so sorry for your ongoing trouble. I sure hope you get resolution soon. That is awful to be in the holidays with no money. I send you hugs and warm wishes!:flowerforyou:

    Jen: congrats on finishing your challenge!

    Nancy: Not only are my college students ( and these are OLDER second degree students) eager to get out of class early, they LOVE stickers on their assignments! They compare to see who got the “coolest” one. Sometimes I feel like a kindergarten teacher!:tongue:

    Rrboxer: It’s OK. Yesterday was a holiday for you and you didn’t go crazy. That is a great start. And you know what you need to do to stay motivated. Another victory! Sometimes those are the hardest things of all. You can do this. :flowerforyou:
    Katla: glad everything is ok at your place!

    JB: Today must be “W”! I love your word play but sorry to hear your tale of weight woe. It will come off soon!

    Janehadji: I hope your day tomorrow turns out better than expected! Maybe some surprise will befall you! I would have been awestruck to see the bucks! What a sight!

    Laura: I may need to add your champagne sunrises to my Christmas menu! That sounds yummy but no more shopping for me!

    Lizzie: safe travels!

    Michele: Kids OMG! Some friend…I don’t know her name but she’s one of my best friends….where have I heard that before!:bigsmile:

    Well tonight after dinner I will be doing the baking, the all the cooking tomorrow. We plan to visit dad in the morning and have plenty of time for the turkey to get in the oven before our friends get here.

    Everyone have a wonderful day tomorrow. Safe travels, enjoy your family and be thankful! I am thankful for all of you. Take care, Meg

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I think I better clarify what I was saying to DeeDee other wise it might sound bad. I was saying how many calories are burned sitting around b i t c h ing. Meg