

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I can`t chat long tonight I have a friend coming over in a bit. The police decided to come over this afternoon instead of this morning:angry: , after I stayed up cleaning the dust bunnies off the desk and filing all those papers:frown: , however it is done now and I don`t (hopefully) have to do it before everybody comes here for Christmas, so something good after all:bigsmile: ! They did get pictures of the two people, now I don`t know if they are the ones that robbed the neighbors or not, but the police were very happy to have the pics!!! One thing that really bothers me about this is that these people didn`t take any big items, just things that would fit in a pillowcase, all of her jewerly and some small mementos that were her fathers, things that can`t be replaced, the police said more than likely they did not have a car and couldn`t transport anything larger without sticking out like a sore thumb. I`ve always felt pretty safe here, I have a gate at my driveway, so nobody drives in without me knowing, however you can walk in...they told me today that from now on when I take the dog out to turn my alarm on, even if I`m just in the yard, there have been 5 breakins in the last month in the surrounding area. I do have an alarm system, hubby traveled a lot and felt I was safer when I was alone (boy I`m grateful for that now)! I put the security cameras in a couple of years ago when someone stole a package that was left at my gate, they just came by and took it with my neighbors watching them, what is wrong with people??? So now I can see the road in front of my house, my gate and every door on my house has a camera. For some reason tonight I`m not feeling very safe and I certainly don`t like that feeling. I do have a gun and I do know how to use iit, I just hope I never have to!!! Well this is much longer than I had planned on it being, and I `ve got to get dinner together now!

    Have a wonderful night everyone!! Happy happy Thanksgiving!!! For those that are traveling please be safe!!!

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Evening Ladies!

    Today marks my 2nd thanksgiving potluck. :tongue: I am doing ok because I am adjusting my plan for dinner by having a hard boil egg and simple green saladl. Ate way too many carbs . I am making a plan and sticking to it tomorrow.
    @wow Dee that sounds like a crazy thing. Hopefully they will catch the criminals.
    @Meg. Cool on the weight loss :smile: thanks for the good advice. So true!
    @Linda, so sorry about all your troubles. :flowerforyou:
    @janehadji Hope your tomorrow turns out better than you hope.
    @Michele have fun at your daughter
    @Barbie - like your eating quote
    @Laurie congrets. On loss
    @Lin thanks Happy Thanksgiving to you

    Well we are having family & friends over should be fun. Love it. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all. Enjoy the day! The weather is supposed to be quite warm so I hope to get a bike ride in before we head out to my sister's for dinner.
    Keep coming back,
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Megblair - Great loss!!

    exermom, - I did it. I went to Walmart and bought a pair of $13 jeans that fit me (size 10) and another pair in size 8 because the 10's aren't very tight so I figure they won't fit after a few more weeks (I hope!!)

    DeeDee - cleaning up for the police reminded me of ABC coming to our home earlier this year. Forgive me if I already told this story. My kids fell through the ice in our neighborhood pond and were rescued by the neighbors. My husband went out to see the pond and was immediately on television. Then he called to say that John Garcia from ABC was on his way to our house to interview the kids. I looked around and said, "Throw everything into the basement." All the shoes by the door - down the stairs. All the coats hanging from the banister - down the stairs. Any clutter we could find was thrown down the stairs. Then a sweep of the dining room and kitchen table into a box - and down it went too. In 5 minutes time we looked like we kept a clean house. But boy was the basement a mess :laugh:

    Laura - your husband has me beat. That's great.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :flowerforyou: Zumbagirl, welcome to our family…..I am not a runner but I have boundless admiration for people who are……your exercise program is inspiring to me.

    :flowerforyou: Gail, I’m sorry for your loss….glad you could be with family members…..best wishes to your DH on his surgery.

    :flowerforyou: Linda Sundance , I like your attitude of staying positive and waiting to see what God has in mind for you to learn from this troubling experience.

    :flowerforyou: Rrboxer, I found that I had to be in touch with this group every day to get the support I need…..people in my face-to-face world are so ready to encourage indulgence……last week one of my friends told a group of friends that she was hosting her step daughter’s wedding at her house and someone told her to eat lots of wedding cake because it’s so good…..I took her aside later and suggested that she have as little wedding cake as possible (actually none) so she didn’t end up with a carb and sugar hangover the next day.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, congrats to your hubby on his weight loss and his promotion.

    :flowerforyou: Lizzie, I like your three E’s

    :flowerforyou: Meg, thanks for your words of wisdom

    :flowerforyou: Today Jake and I went on our yearly trip to Walgreens for our flu shots......I was at the doctor on Monday to have my cholesterol prescription renewed and he asked if I wanted a flu shot.....he was able to tell me that Jake hadn't had his shot yet so we made plans to go together......we passed a lot of stores and were so glad that we didn't have to be in any of them buying last minute ingredients for Thanksgiving dinner.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    It’s not what you eat between Thanksgiving and New Years that will get you as much as what you eat between New Years and Thanksgiving.

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi everyone,
    The night before Thanksgiving, hope everyone is looking forward to tomorrow and all that wonderful family and friend time. I decided not to go south of the border for Black Friday, no idea what I want to get for Xmas, but I understand most of the deals are larger items and electronics and I don’t need any of those. I’ve had a couple of busy nights so didn’t get a chance to post – logged all my calories though.

    DeeDee – wow, that is scary about the breakins. I had one breakin a very long time ago, 28 years actually and I never felt comfortable again in that house. They kicked my door in when I wasn’t home (neighbours’ window was 10 feet away) and I worried every time I was alone again with the kids when my exDH went hunting or fishing. That fear stayed through 2 subsequent houses as well before I decided not to let my life being limited that way.

    Zumbagirl – good for you dealing with the 140 and getting down to a better weight. I didn’t and am now working hard to get back down to where I should be. Keep coming back and visiting, these ladies are a really good support system.

    Gail – so sorry to hear about your stepmom, sounds like you had a good relationship and 93 years is a good run. Hope you enjoy your holiday at the timeshare.

    Linda – my thoughts and prayers go out to you. We have just as bad a system north of the border, it’s just not fair to the employee.

    Jen – yay, congratulations with the success on the Thanksgiving challenge.

    Rrboxer – we are ALL cheering you on – you go girl!!!!

    Nancy – your quote is really worth thinking about. I came to the conclusion that food was too much of a focus while I was doing the cleanse.

    Oh JB – I love your profile photos – they always make me laugh and smile. Your cranberry salad sounds great. And you plan to deal with the eating challenge sounds really positive.

    JaneH – your experience with the deer must have been very interesting. Here’s hoping you have a good (but quiet) Thanksgiving and remember to give thanks all you have to be thankful for. What a strange story about the tenant – looking forward to the next installment – lol.

    Laura – YAY for your husbands promotion-terrific!

    Lizzie – great E’s plan. Have a good one and your family get together sounds like it will be wonderful.

    Michele – loved the conversation piece with your daughter – how cute. Cooking in advance has really worked for me so far this week, no grabbing something fast on the way out the door.

    Meg – nice to see you back in form. Have a great holiday and congratulations on getting back on track – the 1.5# is good.

    Nancy – I agree on the iPad thing – I don’t find it easy to post from it either – much prefer the side by side thing too. The colours on the Oz shakes are weird all right but how did you find the tastes? Your great aunt was a very wise woman – flowers are always good for the soul (worrying about dust isn’t).

    M – please don’t take my comment about the long posts wrong – I love them! Travel safe.

    Cheryl – dog photos are good, just like horse photos – love ‘em both. Post away!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday weekend and see you all back next week. Stay on track as much as you can but remember “she who regrets is a fool twice”.

  • Alicia7519
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving beautiful ladies!:smile:
  • rrboxer
    rrboxer Posts: 8 Member
    So here I am the night before Thanksgiving and I'm planning what I'm doing tomorrow. We celebrated our Thanksgiving yesterday so we are all done with our celebration for the week. I am planning on going to gym tomorrow and get on stationery bike. I can only do 15/20 minutes due to my achilles heel injury on left side. Hoping to be able to do all my free weight repetitions without having to stop and rest so much.

    Earlier today when I was at physical therapy they had me on the total gym and my right ankle started throbbing was I was doing my timed reps. I kept going but as I got to the end of my 3 minutes it really started bothering me. Panic brimmed up inside because I'm thinking "Oh no, please don't let my other one be injured". Please keep me in prayer ladies because this injury will take 7 months to completely heal and I don't want to start physical therapy on the other side and count down a separate 7 months. Not too mention all those copays do add up.

    On a happy note I updated my icon picture so now you can see my beautiful boxers "Lacy" (2 years) and "Bishop" (11 months). I am a big dog lover and these two are my furbabies. Spoiled rotten they are. :heart:

    "Happy Thanksgiving Ladies"

  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Good evening lovely ladies--

    Just popped in to wish all of my MFP friends a very Happy Thanksgiving.

    We have much to be thankful for. God has truly blessed me with a wonderful husband. Today is our 42nd anniversary. :heart:
    We never have time to celebrate since it is so close to Thanksgiving. Next time we won't get married so close to a holiday. :laugh: :laugh:

    I haven't had time to read all the many post with this chatty group. If I get too far behind I'll just have to pick it back up when time allows.

    Made it through Thanksgiving #1 & # 2. The scale went up a little but came back down right away. :happy:

    Pumpkin pies just out of the oven, apples on the stove for home made applesauce, veggies cut for dressing tomorrow.

    DH got the painting done in the living room and will try to get the dining room done before Christmas.I still have a bunch of cleaning to do tonight. So I better get at it.

    I wish you all a blessed and safe Thanksgiving. Enjoy your time with family and friends.

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Oh Sasha - I don't have dog photos because they ruined my poodle. He is usually so fluffy and pretty after grooming, but I used a different groomer and let's just say I won't be posting his pictures for a couple of months :ohwell: :ohwell:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Gail - My deepest sympathy to you and yours.

    Rrboxer - I find that I do much better when I stay centered by checking with this lovely group daily. We've got your back!

    Meg - I know where Papillion is. My brother in law used to be stationed at the air base there. I have relatives in Plattsmouth and Omaha. (And many other places in Nebraska, as both of my parents grew up there.)

    I am at my mother's. We took her out to dinner, and then visited with her at the rehab center. Tomorrow we head to Arkansas to my oldest daughter's, and get to spend Thanksgiving with all 3 of my girls. We will celebrate on Friday, as we will take close to 12 hours to get there tomorrow. Hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving! See you next week!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies. Happy thanksgiving to my Stateside pals.

    Don't have time to write much today - but saw the doc with my dad yesterday and she is arranging counselling and anti-depressants for him. His 'top and tail' procedures are booked for Wednesday week. I have also started looking at sheltered accommodation/assisted living. He is becoming more open to the idea, but we are not there yet.

    I was thinking that I might have to cancel my trip to see my daughter in Germany next week, but my sister and I had a good chat (she's coming with me) and we are sticking to our plans. It's only a couple of days.

    Back, neck and knee are paining me and the effects of the painkillers is unpleasant. Still, I shouldn't complain - I could be so much worse off. In fact, If I hadn't lost so much weight I definitely would be!

    Must do some work!

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member
    I have been thinking hard about Thanksgiving and although I have the least of us here in the way of wisdom, I ‘d like to share what I think.
    1. It’s one day. Only one day. No matter what you do, one day will not ruin anything.
    2. Eat what you truly want by being mindful of what you put in your mouth….and savor every bite you do choose. Take the time to chew slowly, inhale and love the aromas, feel the textures, notice the colors.
    3. Save the calories for the holiday food. You can always have chips and dip, or cheese and crackers, but the Thanksgiving meal is only once a year so it is special.
    4. Careful of alcohol. My fitness buddy calculated that on a normal Thanksgiving, she probably has 6 beers which is over 700 calories. Have that glass of wine with dinner if you like, but again be mindful. My friend is buying light beer tonight so at least her calories will be lower even if she does drink as much as usual.
    5. Enjoy your family and friends; the food is secondary. That being said, no guilt. If you have guilt, re-read #1.

    Meg, thank you for this! I have been wondering how I would get through today. You are so right, it's only one day!

    I have pre-logged in my food for the day. Hopefully I will stay on track with the portions, but since my mother is a fabulous cook and her Thanksgiving dinners are usually heavy on the sauces & calories I am sure the calorie count will be way off. I have the weekend to make up for it.

    Wishing everyone a safe holiday!

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Gail - so sorry for you loss - be thankful today for the wonderful years you had with her.

    Since tomorrow is my weigh in and I did not want to log after a Thanksgiving meal I decided to weigh in a day early. I lost 1.4 pounds this week (5 days). Yaaaayyyy. My BMI is so close to being in the normal range and my 159 for December 1st is looking like a real possibility. I like the idea of pre-logging my food. I am going to do that now.

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all,

    A Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to all my friends in the US of A! :drinker: :love:

    I took a day off circiut training yesterday. Went to the Dr about a strange bump that's growing on my wrist. :grumble: "That's a ganglia," she said, "nothing to worry about unless it starts to hurt. However, that cold that won't go away is a sinus infection (anti-biotics, etc) and that pain in your back should be attended to by a physio-therapist." :noway: I decided to rest the back yesterday so I could get to curling tonight. And get to curling I will!

    Rboxer – We’re all in this together. Log your food everyday, check in here. We’ll help you stay on track.. Sounds like you are recovering from your Achilles heel injury, :drinker: well done getting on the bike at the gym.

    Oh JB, Now that we’ve acknowledged woeful Wednesday, :sad: I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy your spiced peaches. Eat slowly, fill up on salad, OH …you know how it works!

    Jane, does your husband avoid Thanksgiving every year, or is this a new phenomenon? Do you celebrate Persian holidays at home? Wishing you a wonderful day with your parents.

    Laura, congratulations on your husband’s promotion. :flowerforyou:

    Lizzie, your plan to “Evoke Elizabeth’s E’s” sounds brilliant. Well done.

    Deb, the image of the poor dog howling while the trombone trio played is giving me a bit of a giggle this morning. :laugh: What a great memory for you & your children.

    Michele, It sounds like Jessica has Thanksgiving dinner under control … in her special way. :ohwell: I’m looking forward to hearing how it goes and I do hope you’re having fun.

    Meg, Wow! DD#1 pulled of a pretty good meal for you. :happy: Yes, wine is my downfall too. One glass, OK. Two glasses and it’s damn the torpedoes & full speed into the mashed potatoes. Gotta watch that!

    DeeDee, how unsettling to feel insecure in your own home. It sounds like you have a great security system, I hope the feeling passes.

    Wessecg – Congratulations on the size 10 soon to be size 8 jeans. :drinker: What a story about your kids and the ice – I’m glad that worst of it was having to clean up in fast-forward. I’ve been known to throw a pile of dirty dishes into the oven as friends wander up to the front door – faster than loading the dishwasher, if you know what I mean!

    Lila, Probably better to have a relaxing weekend and avoid the “Black Friday” sales. The bright lights in the big city can wait.

    Amanda – so glad you did not cancel your trip to see your DH and that the Dr is paying attention to your Dad's mental well-being as well as his physical health.

    Oh, it's late in the morning and I must scamper on to my morning routine.

    Hasta pronto,


    November Goals:

    Continue New Rules of Lifting – 3x week
    No second helpings, no evening snacks
    Keep up the exercise & good eating routine when we go away for our November break.
    Add meditative prayer to my daily routine
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Happy, happy Thanksgiving to all my friends celebrating -


  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    What a BEAUTIFUL post! :flowerforyou: how do you add graphics to this?

    thanks again. :smile:

    i hope ALL of these wonderful folks on mfp have a BEAUTIFUL, BLESSED THANKSGIVING! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    janie :heart:
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends! May you have a wonderful celebration with family and friends!!

    I am sitting here shivering waiting for the furnace repairman! It died last night and I woke to icicles on my nose and its -14c outside so that isn't helping...

  • calmrose
    calmrose Posts: 17 Member
    I have been doing well this past 10 days, just one more pound to be back down to my ticker. Then you will see some changes. I've been getting my exercise every day and staying on plan. The one day I ate something "off-plan" I compensated by drinking more water and eating plenty veggies. Also kept the "off-plan" item to ONE. Still moving forward. We are celebrating Thanksgiving on Saturday because of my SIL's work schedule. BLESSINGS TO ALL
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good Thanksgiving morning!

    I'm all out of alliterations this morning except to remind myself to "think thirsty" and keep full by drinking lots of water during the day. I've decided to give myself a break from the scale since it's been so darned fickle lately! If it can't behave in a proper manner, then it can go hide in the closet for awhile.

    I'm about to go clean the oven then bake my pie. I'll be hitting the track later, and getting the dogs out for a nice, long walk. Maybe I should hit the track first and then clean the oven and bake. Ahh, much better idea! Otherwise, well you know what happens when you put off exercising.

    Sending love and a virtual toast to good friends and good health! :drinker:

    :smile: jb