

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I woke up this morning with swollen hands. I feel like I ate a box of salt yesterday. Daughter cooked the turkey after brining it, and I think the brine was too heavy on salt. Soon to be daughter in law made the dressing, and it was salty, too. I'm planning to get some exercise and drinking lots of water to wash out the extra salt.

    Today we'll be decorating the house for Christmas and making Christmas stockings. Tomorrow will be Christmas morning. I finished my shopping last week. This accelerated timeline has eased the shopping pressure, a big plus, but I'll probably be here on real Christmas needing support because none of the kids will be around. My daughter will be with her husband's family in Chicago, and my son will be with his soon to be wife's family in Kentucky. Last year we had both kids at home for Christmas. I have to learn to share.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Frantic Friday! I can't imagine going out in that shopping mess, lol. Great feast last night, ate too much, laughed a lot, had a really nice time and boy, am I ever ready to get back with the low-cal program! Hoping everyone has a wonderful day!
    :bigsmile: jb
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Good afternoon my friends,:flowerforyou:

    Looks like everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving,and many things to be Thankful for! We are blessed! :smile:

    We to my DH aunts house for The day. It was nice to spend time with her and her family. I think I did well,as I controlled portion size and had a little bit of everything I wanted!:bigsmile:

    Back on Track today. Was thinking about what I want to weigh by Jan 1st,2013. I would like to lose 10 lbs by then. A reasonable goal with setting it at 2 lbs/week. I think I need to be more focused,and I think this will help!:drinker: :drinker:

    Hand/wrists/arms feeling better! Thank you God! I need to get back to work asap! :wink:

    Wishing you all a nutritious, self loving day! Hugs,Linda:heart:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello on this Black Friday! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving here in the US. Our friends came at about 3 and stayed til a bit after 9 and we had a blast. The entire dinner was perfect…I must say myself…:happy: I have found the secret to big holiday dinners! Make everything in the morning, then just pop it in the oven about an hour before eating and viola’! Everything came out great and we don’t have a bunch of leftovers! I’m surprised, but I bet we don’t get dinner tonight, turkey soup, and a couple of casseroles from the turkey! I usually make 3-4 casseroles and freeze them, but I’m thinking maybe 1 after dinner tonight and soup. The only thing I didn’t like (some people did, some not) was a new recipe for apple-cranberry cobbler from the Sunday newspaper’s Parade magazine. Sorry Clinton Kelly…stick to “What not to wear”!:bigsmile:

    I didn’t log anything but only ate small portions of everything and skipped the roll and butter. I will be glad to get back on the lower calorie eating plan though! One day is fun, but then I start feeling awful.

    Today I am enjoying my post-Thanksgiving tradition of doing nothing! I slept in, watched the NE football game (we barely won), took a nap, and now I’m here. DH and DD#2 are putting up Christmas lights in the cold…it’s beautiful and sunny but only about 30 degrees (about -1 celsius).

    DeeDee: oh, I hope you stay safe! That would be scary. I’m always afraid of break=ins, but what I worry about is the animals getting out! UGH< rotten turkey! Good thing they replaced it!

    Liz: hope you enjoyed your family visit

    Wessecg: OMG I can just see you now, chucking everything down the stairs! :laugh: Good job on the weight loss!

    Barbie: good job to get your flu shots to stay healthy!

    Lila: I love that quotation!:smile:

    Rrboxer: your babies are beautiful! I love those faces! I sure hope that ankle is ok. Anything with the feet or legs is such a pain because it affects your mobility.

    Micki: happy anniversary! :flowerforyou: That is so wonderful.

    Msh0530: so cool you have relatives here! I’d love to visit with you when you are here and have time.

    Amanda: that is a tough conversation to have about assisted living. We only got my dad in one because my mom had to go to a dementia unit and we convinced him she would want him there.

    Lynn: hope your plans worked out and you stuck to it!

    Nancy: I had such a laugh at the visual of you sitting at an elegant dining room table, drinking wine, then shouting “Damn the torpedoes!” and diving into the potatoes with everyone staring at you!:tongue:

    Kate: sending WARM thoughts your way!

    Jane: hope you got the holiday with your grandbaby!

    Kathy: good job with staying under your limit until the cheesecake hit. That is a great accomplishment for a holiday!:flowerforyou:

    Katla: wow way to go; that is a victory!

    Barbara: hi and so nice to see you again!

    Jen: wow your numbers are impressive!

    Linda: so glad your hands/wrists are finally getting better and that you had a good holiday! I think you have a very reasonable goal. That’s what I would like to lose by then too.

    It sounds like everyone had a great time yesterday and all who are traveling are safe. That is a ton to be thankful for right there. Blessings to all who braved the black Friday crowds to shop! Take care, Meg:drinker:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Well guess I can come in here because 50 + 14 that should do.

    Introduction I'm well guess you can figure it out. Need to lose weight and now more than ever as I was diagnosed a diabetic today. Not happy not proud of myself but I did it to me. What more can I say. So I start on metformin today a very low dose. And the doctor thinks I can fix it in three months. But I need to lose the weight.

    Who am I? A wife of 42 years and happy about it.The mother of three men. The grandmother of two. And if I knew being a grandma was this much fun I would have done that first. LOL.

    Well out of here need to get supper in the oven.

    Hope you accept me and help me for I need it badly.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Sundance, 2 pounds a week sounds ambitious - lots of luck.

    DeeDee - nice of Cosco to give your daughter a cooked turkey. Wonder if I could pull that off next year?:blushing:

    I went to my gynecologist today. Didn't go last year, but the year before I was 182 at my visit. Today I weighed in at 163 (with my clothes on of course). I was scared it would be higher. I tore my closet apart to find some lightweight gym pants and a super light t-shirt to wear for the visit. Sadly my gyne had a button with a child on it on her lapel, and it turned out it was her nephew who was killed this summer by a drunk boater. Since we were boating on the same lake the same weekend I remembered when this happened. I hugged my 11 year old hard that weekend.

    I am finding the leftovers tougher to get through than the meal.

    Megblair :laugh: How do you make turkey soup? Like chicken noodle?

    Oh, I just saw the movie Magic Mike. It made me wish I were 30 years younger. :blushing: Very naughty movie.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I thought I would try to stay caught up on the posts, I'm waiting for my salmon to finish cooking now.

    Barbara:smile: "no immediate gain from the feast", I love that!!! I think we all have so much to be thankful for, not for just one day but everyday!!!

    Carolyn:smile: Good for you getting in your Zumba on the road!!!!! Glad the performance was great!!!

    Jen:smile: How wonderful your son was part of the Thanksgiving meal even though he was miles away:heart: !!! Congrats on your Thanksgiving challenge!

    Katla49:smile: that sodium can really do a number on our hands:frown: , drink plenty of water!!! You'll flush it out in no time!

    Jb:smile: Glad you had a wonderful time with feasting and laughing, you know I think laughing burns more calories!!!

    Linda:smile: Good for you having controlled portions!!! I would love to lose 10 pounds by Jan. 1st, however, my weight is coming off soooo slow:cry: , at the rate I'm going I'll be happy if I lose a pound or two a month:sad: ! I'm not giving myself a time frame, it will come off that I'm sure about, I just don't know how long it'll take! So glad you're feeling better!!!!

    Meg:smile: Glad your dinner was good, sometimes I surprise myself and mine turns out good:laugh: ! I like the idea of cooking everything in the morning and just reheating, I think I'll try that for the Christmas dinner I'm cooking! It's good to have a day to do nothing, I've not had one in awhile, but a nap will be on the agenda when I do have one!!!!

    LinCharpentie:smile: Welcome to the group, come on in and just start chatting with us. This is a great group of women, lots of motivation and inspiration!!!

    Cheryl:smile: it was Whole Foods, and they did make me bring the rotten turkey back:sick: , I so did not want that nasty thing in my car:noway: , we stuck it in the trunk after double bagging it in garbage bags:sick: . I guess they wanted to make sure I just wasn't trying to get a free turkey:laugh: . Ah....to be 30 years younger and know what we know now, we'd be unstoppable:laugh: :tongue: !!!!

    I timed this just right, the salmon is done!!! Have a wonderful night beauties!!!

  • whodatlixxie
    Hello all,

    sounds like everyone had a great TG. Ours was wonderful as well. and now we are back home, safe and sound. I managed to evoke my E's (eat wisely, exercise, enjoy). Probably ate too much - but not as much as I did last year))). It was good for family to notice weight loss - helped with motivation:smooched:

    Now, home, TG over, back to my plan, back to my goals - in other words back to my normal, usual life.

    hugs to all
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: The line dance class went well today.....there were almost as many students today as on a regular Friday....there were two new students so I took extra time teaching each of the dances......everyone seemed to have a good time.....I'll be teaching again next Friday.

    :flowerforyou: I made beef stew for supper....a small amount of meat and lots of vegetables.

    :flowerforyou: We do no shopping at all for holiday gifts....we send checks to the younger grandchildren so we had no reason to be in the stores today.

    :flowerforyou: LinCharpentie, welcome to the most supportive and encouraging group of women you'll ever meet.....just jump right in and join the conversation.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “The disturbers of happiness are our desires, our griefs, and our fears.”
    -Samuel Johnson

    "I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself." - Mikhail Baryshnikov
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Keeping this note short so my fingers etc can heal. In this short time since the 28th of October I have learned that not being able to respond to almost everyone is key to my motivational level! :sad: :sad:

    Read and chatting everyday with everyone keeps me more accountable and on track. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I have been reading, but not being able to respond as normal is key for me to improve my odds at successful weight loss on our journey.

    So, I am missing chatting with ya'all, but need to heal up! :drinker:

    Lets make the most of being kind and loving to ourselves. Feeding our body with healthy good nutrition for the remainder of this year.:drinker: :drinker:

    We are going to a wedding celebration for one of my nephews tomorrow. It will be nice to connect with family members again. The only thing that might tempt me is if there is some sort of wedding cake. I will have to plan it into my calories!:wink:

    Looking forward to getting back into a routine when school starts again.:drinker:
    Until next time- Virtual hugs and support! Linda:heart:
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member

    Hustling towards the bus-stop along the icy sidewalk after work, hood up, nose buried in my scarf, puffing like a steam engine my hot breath ices up my glasses. It’s a fog glaze that gives the car headlights and street lamps colourful halos and blurs the rest of the snowy landscape. My MP3 is sending a little Brazilian guitar to my brain; it's a ‘trippy kaleidoscope’ moment in a cold, winter sort of way.

    Small moments but we cling to them.... hehehe.

    Our furnace is working like a charm, thank you. The repairman popped by as the posting 'without heat' gets bumped to the head of the line. Apparently our ignition was broken; $310 later the furnace began to purr but we do have to schedule a cleaning after all the renovations and drywall dust.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and didn’t get injured in the Black Friday madness and mayhem!! Watched some of it on the news, holy smokes! Crazy people! They are trying to introduce Black Friday here to keep the Canadians home but I don’t see it as being very successful yet.

    Tomorrow I hope to drag my DH out Christmas shopping, mostly for tools for our soon-to-be-nephew. They have moved in together and apparently he needs tools and I drew his name in the family Christmas draw. I am not looking forward to it as taking my DH into a place like Home Depot is dangerous territory. I have also been shopping for ladies clothing as my guys drew the two real fashionistas in the draw. Oh boy, I don't shop well and my brain starts to go into overload trying to figure out just what they would like. I tend to stress out trying to buy the perfect gift! All my mother wants is new aprons that she doesn't have to iron and its getting impossible to find a poly cotton blend! Its quilting cotton everywhere now..... And so begins the Christmas craziness.

    At night I leave my living room curtains open for a while as my two neighbours have decorated their lawns with all kinds of lovely lights, its so pretty. I have been unpacking boxes and books from the storage room and I may be able to actually reach my Christmas boxes in time to decorate before Christmas! There are so many Christmas trees already up in neighbours windows!

    Back to my sewing, must finish inserting zippered pockets into my hubby's winter hunting pants for he is home tomorrow.

    Be well my friends,
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Thank you all for the warm invite. It's a little after five and been up since 4:30 just can't sleep. But was in bed with the chickens last night. So not much to report yet today. But yesterday I was way under calories not hungry don't eat. Isn't that the way it should be. I wouldn't have the problem I have had I done just that.

    Wessecg Put the leftovers in the fridge right after the meals. Out of sight out of mind. Just a suggestion.

    Dee dee Coming from an old caterer What I did was cook my meat ahead of time and freeze it. Take it out a day before the occasion. Pour a little of the broth you save for your gravy over it and send it to the oven. So fast so easy. And you can cook it anytime. Better yet cook it when your out of turkey for your diet. Keep some out no one will miss any. I slice it all in my roast pan another chore you don't have to worry about on the day of the party. Do this with beef and pork also.

    Again thanks for accepting me. And I can already see I will enjoy this forum.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy Saturday ladies.

    Grey and wet in London. I'm walking around a bit like a pregnant duck - my neck, back and knee are all conspiring against me. I have cream on my neck, a hot belt on my back and my support on my knee. Lordy, I'm gorgeous! Ha ha. I am so determined to be able to walk around the Christmas markets in Germany next weekend.

    My dad is having his endoscopy and colonoscopy on Wednesday week. I think we will all be glad when that's over - no matter what the outcome. Once we get the results we will be able to decide how we are going to move forward regarding assisted living.

    Well, I managed to get all the Christmas gifts that I have (about 99% of what I need), wrapped and out of the way. It's such a relief as I don't know where I will stand with my dad during December. On top of that we have our Aussie friend arriving on December 7th for six weeks and I want to be able to spend some quality time with him rather than dragging him around shops on my days off.

    Yesterday I didn't do much in the way of actual exercise, but I was so busy doing housework and trying not to aggravate my back pain. I did strip and remake the bed in anticipation of our guest. Altogether quite proud of how much I achieved whilst feeling like a sack of something unpleasant!

    Speaking of achieving - time for me to do some work. Hopefully the gallery is going to be good and busy today.

    Have a great weekend my lovelies.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Lizzie:smile: Glad you got home safe and sound!!! Ah..the E`s accomplished!!!! A good motivator for me is to go into my closet and try on clothes and see how big they are:bigsmile: , just makes me want to continue on!!!!

    Barbie:smile: How nice you take the time with the new students, making sure fun is had by all! Your beef stew sounds very good!

    Linda:smile: I think we all miss your long posts, but we want your hand and wrist to heal, so you just take it easy until you`re feeling back to your normal self!!! I agree, being kind and loving ourselves (just as we are right now) is a key to having a happy life!

    Kate:smile: I love the first paragraph of your post!!! I have this picture in my mind of you walking to the bus stop with fogged up glasses! Glad your home is all toasty now!!!! There are crazy people out shopping, I go nowhere near the stores on Black Friday:noway: :noway: , today we have Local Small Business shopping day, where the merchants give a discount, I do try to go to a few places and support our local economy, my florist has some of the most beautiful ornamnets and I like to pick up a couple of new ones from them. DH in dangerous territory at Home Depot:laugh: . I`m looking forward to seeing some Christmas lights, I`ve not seen any up around here yet.

    LinCharpentie:smile: I think we all on occassion have those early morning:frown: . Make sure you`re eating enough now...when I first started I wasn`t eating enough and I upped my calorie intake and the weight started coming off! It`s slowed down a lot now, but it`s still coming off. I think my body was holding on to every calorie I put in afraid I was going to starve to death if it didn`t! I try to eat at least 1200 calories, sometimes I fall short but not very often! Thanks for the cooking tips!!! I am so NOT a cook:noway: , I can use all the help I can get:laugh: !!!

    Amanda:smile: You gave me a giggle:laugh: with the description of yourself....I`m sure you look nothing like a pregnant duck:noway: :laugh: ! I hope with all your doing, your back, neck and knees will be feeling better and ready to tackle the Christmas markets on your trip!!! Congrats on getting your shopping and wrapping done! I`ve got the shopping almost done:bigsmile: but none wrapped:frown: ! Hoping for good results for you dad!!!

    I`m going to be a bit lazy today, I really should wash my hair before going out, but I`m not. I fully intend to get myself into my Christmas decorating today, and I`m sure I`ll need a shower after that, so I`m not going to take one twice today! I have to go by the Vets office and pick up Noels food, and to the florist and pick up a couple of ornaments, I`m sure the hair will be fine in a ponytail:blushing: :bigsmile: ! And I will probably stop by Starbucks and grab a coffee, or maybe a hot chocolate, I still have calories to use up, mmmm..hot chocolate sounds good, and it`s supposed to be cold all day today!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful fun filled Saturday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Althought I did not get any official exercise in yesterday, I did get all the drawers (7) cleaned out in one of my roll top desks.:happy: I found a lot of memorabilia in a few drawers. Pictures and letters going back to 1946 between my parents and other relatives! I usually get blue around Thanksgiving because my dad passed away that day even though it was many years ago, so this was actually really neat that I found these now! It was so uplifting reading their cards and letters and getting a glimpse into their lives before they had children. I knew I had these but never really sat down and went through all of them until now.

    Anyhow, I just have the rolltop part to finish this am which is cluttered with old insurance paperwork and paid bills. Good thing I have a shredder! Never did make the pool but will aim at getting some stretching and chair exercise in today. Think I'm really nervous about doing anything strenuous until I see the doc this week.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!:flowerforyou:


    “So long as there is breath in me, that long I will persist. For now I know one of the greatest principles on success; if I persist long enough I will win.” – Og Mandino
  • santd
    santd Posts: 234 Member
    Hi everyone, new here!! but not new to weight loss :( So far I've lost 11stones but struggling to get to target weight.
  • pjs52
    pjs52 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm 60 yr old, started fitness pal in august, my oldest son (37) told me about it. I was working out at a gym and enjoyed it, but about 7 weeks ago I started DDP Yoga. Anyway, just counting calories and exercise I'm down 16 pounds and about 9 inches. So I am happy!! We mature babes should stick together...so welcome!! :wink:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good morning lovelies!

    Off to line dance workshop *yay* with pot luck *uh oh*.
    Will try to get back to logging today or tomorrow for sure...
    and catch up on the posts eventually.:laugh:

    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day

    2012: dance more, bark less and check in!!!
    November: back to basics
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Enjoyed my holiday and I didn't do to badly. I avoided the desserts so that was a big win for me. I plan to get some tap dancing in today.

    Welcome to the newbies.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hey Kate,
    dragged my DH to a mall to buy him a new decent wool car coat....and, well, it was sorta Black Friday here in the southern parts of O Canada! completely full mall parking lot at 3 in the afternoon.....and Sears has decided it will compete with American prices...

    Neither of us are "shoppers"...but he was happy to get 150 dollars off his coat! got out of there asap! I really do think the Black Friday thing is going to overtake us! Hope you find some nice polycotton....:bigsmile: