

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Friday!

    rrboxer-You are quite welcome! Someone on this great thread passed that on to me so i just wanted you to benefit too!:smile:

    Eileen-Fantastic that your son is back!

    Posted a loss this week which was quite surprising since I fell off the wagon and ate more junk food than I have in months! But even though I'm down a pant size, waist measurement is up so going to have to be more vigilant. I'm enjoying my day off! Hugs to those struggling and congrats to those with good news!:flowerforyou:

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Cheryl:smile: Yep, Noel is my Bichon doggie. She loves wearing her coat outside, not sure she's going to want to wear her dress around the house though:laugh: . I was thinking, all of my dogs had coats for the winter, they have all been small dogs, and it keeps the snow off of their bellies:laugh: ! Congrats on that pound coming off!!!

    Carolyn:smile: I'm sorry for all the heartbreak you're going through :brokenheart: !!! Your goals for November look good!!

    Amanda:smile: Have a wonderful time with your daughter!!!

    Deborah:smile: Love the quote!!!!

    M:smile: So good to hear from you!!! Wow, I'm really sorry about your co worker!!!! Congrats on the 6 lb loss this month!!!!!!

    Jb:smile: Once again....fantastic writing!!!!

    Michele:smile: I took your advice, got more exercise....shopping instead of laundry :laugh: !!!! When you go to Jessicas', will you cook there or will you cook at home and take it with you?

    Janehadji:smile: Sometimes days with nothing new is a good thing!!!

    Laura80111:smile: Woo hoo, did you get that pumpkin with the first shot??? What a great stress reliever!!!! Hope you enjoy your dinner out with friends!!!

    JaneMartin:smile: Ear infections are so painful, hope your daughter feels better soon:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Cathy:smile: Have you had that talk with yourself yet???? Good to see you back!!!

    Kathy:smile: Congrats for the loss this week!!!!

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: ! I will eventually learn your names! Come in often and chat with us!

    I chose shopping over laundry today, and I have to say I was a bit disappointed. I tried on shoes and none appealed to me, I tried on clothes and while they all fit, I didn't love any of them, plus I don't know how long I'm going to stay at this size so I don't want to buy too many things right now, but the shopping trip wasn't a complete bust....I did buy some new makeup and some new perfume, so I guess it wasn't a total waste of time, plus I got exercise in while I was walking around!!! Then I went to The Fresh Market and bought a beautiful piece of sea bass for dinner tonight:love: , I'm going to sauté spinach with garlic to go with it YUM!!!! I guess I should get off this iPad now and actually do a bit of laundry, even though I still don't want to do it:blushing: .

    Have a wonderful evening beauties!!!!


    Has anyone heard from Meg? I miss reading her posts!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, Noel’s new clothing sounds fabulous. I’ve never had clothing for a dog because my hubby is so opposed, then as the rainy season began he showed me a picture of camo fabric coats in the Cabella’s catalog and asked if wanted to get them for Brandy and Sasha so they would be more comfortable in the rainy weather….Brandy and Sasha love the rain and snow and like to walk more when the weather is terrible……and if they had coats, I’d be the one putting them on and taking them off at 5 AM and all the other times when I walk them…and if I got them coats, the coats wouldn’t be camo, they’d be bright colors or like the ones you got for Noel….I’d love to see a picture of Noel in her new duds.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, here’s the soup recipe

    Apple-butternut squash (or pumpkin) soup

    1 medium onion, diced
    1 butternut squash (about 2 pounds), peeled, seeded, and chopped (cut in half and bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees for easier peeling and chopping) or equivalent amount of pumpkin
    3 red or golden apples, cored and chopped
    1½ teaspoons ground cumin
    ½ teaspoon ground ginger
    ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
    ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
    2 cups homemade or store-bought low-sodium chicken or vegetable stock
    2½ cups water, plus more if needed

    1. Put onion and squash in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add chicken stock, cook, stirring occasionally, until soft, about 10 minutes.

    2. Add apples, cumin, ginger, cayenne, black pepper, and the water (just enough to cover). Bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer, and cook until vegetables are very soft, about 30 minutes.

    3. Puree in batches in a food processor or blender until smooth or don’t puree and just serve it chunky, and return to saucepan. Heat for a little longer, thinning with more water if necessary.

    4. To serve, ladle into shallow bowls; garnish with diced apples, jalapeno slices, and sour cream if desired.

    I buy pumpkins and squash in the fall and bake them and freeze the meat in quart ziplock bags so I have easy to use squash or pumpkin for the soup and make my own applesauce and freeze it (I live in Washington where so many people have apple trees and are begging their friends to take apples) so it’s easy for me to make this with what I have in the freezer and don’t have to start from scratch each time.

    :flowerforyou: I got up extra early this morning and had lots of time to walk the dogs……the good thing about cold, dark, drizzly mornings is that most people don’t go out so we don’t have to deal with the distractions of people, other dogs, and cars…..the dogs wanted to go out before and after their supper so I clocked a lot of steps on my pedometer….hubby wanted to watch a movie so I got plenty of time on the exercise bike….lots of exercise but no housework or reading or crafts…..and today was another line dance day.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for November
    *yoga once a week
    *weight training three days a week
    *recumbent bike 60 minutes a day
    *say “OK”---be agreeable
    *stay in the moment
    *Be Barbie

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :flowerforyou: Elaine - YAHOO your son is home safely! Enjoy the visit with him and he and his wife can enjoy the Marine Ball next weekend!

    Having soup and chili fest tomorrow for family and friends..should be fun!

    Have a good night
  • wingram01
    Day three for me and excited to find a group that has such positive posts! I live in SE Idaho and look forward to the challenge of losing 35 pounds! Ladies, lets do this! :smile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    jb - especially the older generation and to some extent our generation has a feeling that doctors are right next to god, along with the police. Changing your mom's way of thinking is going to be really hard, if not impossible.

    someone (and I don't remember who) posted that you should really rinse the shirataki noodles and then fry them. Is the reason you are frying them to get some of the moisture out of them? If that's the reason, I wonder if baking them might not do it?

    Laura - have fun going out. At Chinese restaurants they usualy have some sort of steamed veggie with chicken or shrimp, I usually get that. If it comes with sauce, I ask that the sauce be on the side. I usually don't get their rice.

    jane - hope your dd is better. I'm guessing she's on an antibiotic, right?

    DeeDee - when I go to Jessica's, I cook things at home and take them with me (like I'll take a sweet potato casserole, even tho I'll be the only person who'll eat it). I'll make the desserts at home but take up my countertop roaster, gravy boat, serving dishes, forks, knives, serving platters, etc. etc. etc the list just goes on and on and on...... See, she lives in a townhouse that's owned by this other guy, she rents a room there. So I try to always be mindful of the fact that I'm a guest. So....what time should I come for the sea bass????

    barbie - thank you so much for the recipe. I think the last time you posted it, you said how much was in a serving (was it 2 cups?). Have you entered it into MFP's database?

    Should you use applesauce or pieces of apples? I don't have a problem coring and chopping the apples.

    Jen - a soup and chili fest sounds like so much fun. Have a great time.

    Well, here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello all, i am excited to start November knowing all the support I have from this great group of strong women.

    goals for November
    Tai chi 4x week, plus 1class
    Strength training (strong women stay young) 3x week
    60 minutes daily recumbent bike weekends
    Lunch time gym 3-4x week
    Change evening snack habits
    Continue daily: track food, drink lots of water, wear fitbit, check in here

    Keep coming back, it works when you work it!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Jolene, check this out about how to post photos. Hope it helps!

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Laura . . . . I got the 30 Day Shred. We'll see if my husband really does it with me, and if I survivie it. I figured since I am about to cross into my second 19 1/2 pounds I needed something besides my bathroom exercises. I'm excited. I did step aerobics 3 times a week for over 16 years. It's been 14 years since my last class. This will be my first workout since then with the exception of treadmilling.

    Hopefully I'll do as well as you've been doing.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member

    :bigsmile: Welcome to the most supportive and encouraging family of women you will ever meet. The name of the thread is Women Ages 50+ but all women are welcome.

    :bigsmile: In the USA, this is the month for celebrating Thanksgiving but in my world, every day is a day of giving thanks for all my blessings…..I chose a picture of November rain to greet the month to remind us all to weatherproof our workouts either by finding the right clothing for being outdoors in the changing weather or by finding ways to be active indoors when the weather doesn’t allow you to be outside.

    :flowerforyou: How did you do with your goals and resolutions for October?

    :flowerforyou: What goals and resolutions have you chosen for November?

    :flowerforyou: It is never too late to reinvent your life and make the changes you have been thinking about.

    :flowerforyou: Start today to do something different and you will be amazed with the results.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for November
    *yoga once a week
    *weight training three days a week
    *recumbent bike 60 minutes a day
    *say “OK”---be agreeable
    *stay in the moment
    *Be Barbie

    Hi! I'd like to join and these are my goals for November:
    Find time to take care of myself each day by doing the following-
    Continue at the gym at least 3 workouts or exercise classes each week.
    Walk or hike 1- 2 times per week
    Stretch daily
    Eat most meals at home rather than eating out
    Get enough/more sleep :-)

    Please add me to the group and can someone please let me know how to follow the groups progress? Thanks everyone!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member

    Please add me to the group and can someone please let me know how to follow the groups progress? Thanks everyone!

    Now that you've posted on this thread, it will show up under "My Topics" on the Community Tab.......I hope you will read the posts every day and reply often and help us get to know you better.

    :bigsmile: your goals sound achievable...just take it one day at a time
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good evening everyone, long day – didn’t get finished work until 7 pm and that makes it an 11 hour day. I did get almost everything done though so I don’t feel like I should have to do any extra this weekend. Rest, relaxation, reading – YES!

    @Eileen – so great your son is home, must make your heart feel a little better.
    @Liz – yes, MFP was having issues, I kept getting messages that their server was down.
    @MsLanie – wow, that is a strong goal. Good for you.
    @Whodatlxxle - lol, your handle is hard to type, not sure I got it right – welcome. I think your jogging is what is called a NSV
    @DeeDee – Noel is going to be the best dressed dog in town. Get a great pair of shoes (back away from the ruby slippers though).
    @Cheryl – congrats on the pound, every one counts.
    @Sue – luck!
    @Carolyn – feeling your pain, sympathy is something we offer because we have had days like that too. I like the idea of black smileys, always been a fan of black humour.
    @Amanda – I like the visual of smelling the coffee - no roses in this part of the world at this time of the year.
    @Deborah – great toast. I think I’ll steal that one for the Christmas table.
    @Michelle – what a shocking piece of news that must have been for you. Just think how his close co-workers must be feeling. 6 pounds – that’s terrific!
    @Rrboxer – welcome and come visit us - daily if you can make the time.
    @JaneH – DD1 teaches at University of Victoria – both books have been socialwork textbooks.
    @Laura – thanks for the encouragement, I should be happy for every ounce gone and most of the time I am. I guess sometimes I can be a bit impatient. Did shooting the pumpkin work as a stress buster? Maybe I need a shotgun! Italian and Chinese food – yeah, both of them would be a problem for me.
    J@aneM – hope your daughter is feeling better, I didn’t know teens still got ear infections either. Prayers that your hubby finds the right job fit to recognize his skills soon.
    @Wingram01 – love your enthusiasm.
    @Debbe2 - you have a great smile in your profile photo. Just keep coming back to the thread under My Topics every day.

    Well, I think I'm going to have a very quiet night. I had salmon for dinner, was actually amazed at how many calories are in farmed salmon (store didn't have the wild this time). I much prefer buying wild salmon (ethically I feel better) but really wanted the salmon.

    Only 4 more days and I get to watch your American election coverage - I love it. Probably because I'm not getting those annoying telephone calls like you south of the border.

    Good night sweet ladies, dream well.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Dear MFP friends,
    First I must thank my DD for keyboarding for me! :flowerforyou: I went to the work injury Doctor, who dxed me with wrist strain and carpel tunnel. He ordered therapy 2 times/week x 3 weeks and re visit in one month. He said that I can only keyboard 15mins every hour. So, now I am just waiting for the workmans comp adjuster to determine if she feels that this is work related???:explode: :explode: This is just so wrong.:noway: :noway: How does a non clinical person have the right to determine if this is work related,especially if the doctor has said that it is.:mad: :mad: So, as of today she has not approved the therapy and this also means that there will be no pay. :sad: She had the nerve to tell me that she has to do her "investigation" and that I should apply for state disability. WOW, having worked as a RN for 33 years and paid into the system that is supposed to take care of one,when they get injured is controlled by a gatekeeper, who works for an insurance company, who doesn't want to pay for anything. This is why one has to get a lawyer! So, sad!:noway: :noway:
    The NSAID that I am taking for the pain has had an impact on my weight. I awoke with a terrible headache on thursday. I weighed and was up 7lbs,:noway: :noway: WOW, I weighed again today and it was down 4 lbs. So , I am not freaking out about it, I know that it is due to swelling and the meds. I also have not had all my water this last couple of days. I still need to work on Nov goals. I dont think my employer will accept my work restrictions, so I will have evenings free and should be able to get to the bike at the gym. :drinker: :drinker:
    So, glad that we are moving forward and heres to another month. My daughter is done keyboarding for now. Blessings to all. Here's to a happy healthy month! Linda:heart:

    Jolene-God bless you and DH for taking care of those children! I love your Nov goals!:bigsmile:

    Nancy- I like your goal about commanding the scale! Well said,and I think this is a wonderful way to think about the scale! Nice to find good hidden talents about our children!:smile:


    Laura80111- I bet Peanut loved being a ‘hot dog” Must have been so cute! Nice to know that you grew up shooting. It is wise that your father taught you how to shoot and how to handle a fire arm!:flowerforyou:

    Amanda- you are lucky to have your own special stair climber! Hope your feeling better.:bigsmile:

    Jane-glad that you had fun with Violet trick or treating! What was her costume? I bet she was so cute!:wink:

    Janehadji- So happy for you that your DD is coming home! Congrats that the scale finally moved!! Yea,:drinker:

    Janie- So happy that the insurance company was willing to give you more visits. That is good news! Congrats on the scale moving in the right direction!:drinker: :drinker:

    Deborah, that is a lot of work in one day and shoveling snow no less! Wow, that was quite a work out!:drinker: :drinker:

    JB- that is a correct statement about doctors. These days everyone must be an advocate or have someone be an advocate for them when it comes to health care. I have worked with many doctors who have book brains, but no common sense! It is always good to get a second opinion when one is not confident with the doctor’s diagnosis or treatment plan.
    There are a few rogue MDs that taint it for the rest of them.:ohwell: :ohwell:

    Jen thanks for sharing that great statement from your Dad! I love it I am going to use this !:smile:

    DeeDee- good nov goals. Glad that you took some time to renew and refresh! You deserve to do this for yourself! Noel is one lucky fur baby!:laugh: :laugh:

    Carolyn, wow you had some trying days. I am sure that your coworkers were lucky to have you there to support them. What a hard thing to do and so what if you binged. Sometimes things are so painful that what ever it takes to cope is what it is. If you are able to move forward and get back on track then congrats for you! Hope,you are feeling better.:flowerforyou:

    Wessecg- congrats on eating less snacks, don’t be too worried about the number on the scale. The scale will eventually move. Sorry, to hear about your co-worker.:flowerforyou:

    Cathy in Nova Scotia -welcome back. Hope your talk went well!:flowerforyou:

    Micki- wow I am so happy to hear about you trip.I so want to travel again. Your trip sounds so awesome! Glad that you are back and ready for a fresh start!:bigsmile:

    Barbie- thanks for the pep talk re; oct goals and starting a new! That is a great goal for the bike- 60mins/day! Good for you!:bigsmile:

    Kathy- hope your Benji is healing up well!:happy:

    Glenda – stay strong until you can get back to your normal routine:bigsmile:

    Lila- that is awesome about your DD and the book deal! What kind of book is it? You must be so proud! Hope you are going to get some good rest this weekend!:happy:

    Eileen- so happy that your son is home!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Liz- have a good time at the conference!:flowerforyou:

    welcome to all of the new ladies, check in everyday, log your food,exercise and drink your water. Come share with us and let us get to know you and support you on this journey! :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :flowerforyou: How's everyone doing

    :flowerforyou: Jolene How kind of you to take the kids in to wait for their mum. How rude of her not to even thank you for looking after them when they were so upset. Some Mothers !!!! Also praying that all goes well for your GP visit next month. In the mean time we are here if you need to talk.

    :flowerforyou: Michele good new on the bone density every little helps I'm sure it will get better and better.

    My goals for November

    Keep doing the 30 day shred.
    Cut down on snacks
    drink more water

    :smile: We didn't get may trick or treaters this year so I've put the sweets in a jar ready for when grandson next visits.

    :ohwell: I was at the dentist yesterday and had a tooth out. Of course it was difficult and part of it broke off so took some "digging out" :noway: :noway: once the anaethitic wore of OUCH my jaw/gum was very sore. The dentist plugged it with some antiseptic gauze to stop infection, so all night I've had a horrid taste in my mouth. Still have it today,

    :frown: I was told to take it easy for the first day, so not sure how I'll manage my 30 day shred today, might just try it anyway but take it a bit easy - don't want to start the gum bleeding again, and to be honest I still feel a bit "not with it"

    Well hubby is nagging for his breakfast :grumble: I was hoping to read all the posts and reply before he got up - but we are so chatty:bigsmile: It's taken longer than I thought.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thanks Barbie for keeping the thread going :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Chat again soon.

    Love and best wishes to all

    Viv :heart:
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Hi-Hi! Finally back!

    My goals for October - I fell short of step goal and my bike miles but still did very well in both. I know I am in an exercise rut but I am excising almost every day. Weighing every days seems to have helped me drop a few more pounds but I still a couple above my goal.

    For November I have adjusted both my step and bike goals down so I should be able to make them. I might have a chance of making my weight goal if I just not each that las few hundred calories in the evening. And I am trying to say something nice to someone every day.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    What a tough week for so many here! Sorry to read about the losses, health concerns and more...

    I've also been focused on the storm effects in the Atlantic seaboard and northeast. My brother (in Baltimore area) came through unscathed - didn't even lose power this go round.

    Our office is part of a company headquartered on Long Island in NY, and many of the people/companies we work with are in the NE as well, so things were a bit chaotic. One of the gals I frequently talk with said it was like a war zone - stores and gas stations not open, traffic lights not working, all sorts of debris/obstacles, no mass transit, etc. She was blessed to be 1 of 3 houses in her neighborhood that somehow still had power, so those 3 houses acted as recovery shelters, provided food/cooking facilities, charging stations for electronics, etc. Our company is actually more of a family-owned business with satellite offices (versus a huge corporation). The president sent some really heartfelt emails this week which touched me. Some have lost their homes. Such a helpless feeling. We lived up there many years ago. It breaks my heart to see the struggles.

    DS1 and 2 have their apartment now. DS1 has not moved in yet, but has begun moving things from our place to their new place.
    DS2 moved in on Tuesday and is so pleased. Glad for #1 to move on with his life and sad in some ways. He was gone most evenings this week and it seemed so quiet! (DH is a pharmacy tech and usually works until 9p.) I'll be painting those rooms before moving things back in, which will probably be after Thanksgiving. Then we'll have a guest room again!

    October goals - check: 18 gym sessions (did 19); 20 cardio sessions totaling more than 22 hours (did 26+ hours cardio); weights - lift over 92k pounds (don't know the exact number, but it was 84,860 at the gym, plus the October yard work with cinder blocks, stacking wall blocks and moving 8 yards of dirt, so pretty sure I exceeded the goal)

    November goals - haven't settled on anything official yet, so for now will say the same as October. I'm going to my brother's timeshare at Massanutten, VA for Thanksgiving week again this year. Plenty of opportunity to walk and do different things there. Also there is a gym.

    After a flirt with the 160s I bounced back to 170 - 171 and haven't been able to get back to the 160s. Perhaps soon. In the meantime I have my physical and gyn appointments this week, plus a cardiologist appointment in December. I anticipate good news all around and will be happy to remind them of the 30 pounds lost since the beginning of the year.....

    Today is plant delivery day - YAY! Thankfully we are expected to have sunny, mild weather for the weekend and will be able to get the plants in. More stacking blocks will be delivered tomorrow. Really, its true, once this project is done, I'm done until spring.....really.

    It is also another massage day - YAY!

    Well, this one post is a week's worth, I guess. Hope everyone has a good day!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Barbie:smile: Soon as I get my daughter to help me, I`ll post some pics!!! I think I`m going to get the ingredients to make your soup again...yum...just reading about it this morning makes me want it tonight!!!

    Jen:smile: Enjoy the soup and chili fest, sounds like it will be delish!!!

    Wingram01:smile: Welcome to the group:flowerforyou: ! Come in often and chat with us!!!

    Michele:smile: Wow, you`re taking all of that with you:noway: . You just keep impressing me!!!! I know Jessica will be happy that your there!!! When I made the soup I used chopped apples, it was really good, I didn`t puree it, but I bet it would be good that way too!

    Mary:smile: Your November goals look good!!!

    Jb:smile: Thanks for the link....I need it too!!!!

    Cheryl:smile: Looking forward to hearing how you like the 30DS!!!

    Debbe2:smile: Welcome to the group:flowerforyou: !!! Come in and chat with us!!!

    Lila:smile: Yay no work this weekend!!! What book are you reading now? Did you finish the one you didn`t really like? I am so ready for the election to be over!!!!!!!

    Linda:smile: How sweet of your daughter to do the typing for you!!! Thank her from us:flowerforyou: !!!! I hope your problems with the workmans comp gets resolved soon! It`s just so hard to believe how much red tape you have to go through:angry: , when it should be simple. Wishing you luck!!! Hope you`re feeling better too!!!!

    Viv:smile: Ouch....hope your jaw and gum is doing better:flowerforyou: !!! Your goals look good!!!

    Dancingj2:smile: Those snacking calories in the evening can sneak up:grumble: , maybe try some hot tea with a bit of honey for your after dinner snack!

    I polished my nails this morning, seems like this is the only time I have to do it:blushing: . I think with the speed dry I put on them they should be dry now. It`s about time I get in the shower. I`m meeting a friend for coffee this morning and then I`m going to come home and take the Halloween decorations down, at least some of it is fall decorations and stay up till Thanksgiving! The witches, spiders, ghost, etc. etc., get to go back upstairs along with the black candlesticks and candles, that means several trips up and down the stairs today, just more exercise for me:bigsmile: . Hope you all have a fantastic Saturday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies. I only had to work half day yesterday so DH and I spent the rest of the day researching for our trip to Kauai in February. Our youngest son from Sacramento will be joining us (he is 23) This will not be a relaxing vacation but a very active one. We will be Kayaking, Ziplining, horseback riding, swimming at the falls, snorkeling, surfing, hang gliding (DH and son, not me) and lots of hiking. I am going to need a vacation to recover from my vacation. :laugh:

    DH and I have started a training plan for the hiking. We are getting new hiking boots and buying trekking poles. We are training on the dreadmill and taking day hikes around here at least one a week. I hope we stick to the plan.

    I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.

    Much love,
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Once again - really busy and time is getting away from me. Have to be back up North early on Monday morning and have lots to accomplish before then.

    Michele - I am the one who talked about rinsing and dry frying the shirataki noodles. This applies to the NoOoodle brand. And no, I do not think baking would be the same. When you dry fry, you stir and stir them, like stir frying so to speak (without oil). Then you can add flavor that will hopefully stick. This comes directly from the manufacturer of the product, so for best results, that's what I do.

    Now you can skip the rest of my post everyone, I'm on a rant again. You poor ladies.....I am always venting here. My dad is being released from Skilled Care to Intermediate Care this week. HOWEVER, they've been certain that was going to be the placement for a number of weeks. BUT they have no communication skill, and no one to walk you through the process. So, I have learned over the last week (but not all at once) that as a private pay patient he will have to provide his own TV (and I found out his old one doesn't work properly), his own wheelchair and his own walker. Their resources are only for Medicaid patients. Meanwhile I had to research the process for Medicare on purchase of a wheelchair AND having been trying to get their therapy department to start the process of writing their specs for what he needs to be forwarded to the doctor. I can get nowhere.

    They have lost his slippers, his nylon (jogging type) pants, a pair of his pjamas and in approximately a month have totally ruined 2 sweaters and I don't know how many undershirts they've lost. Okay, I'm busy purchasing replacement items but I don't know how this expense can continue every month.

    But a few things really bugged me......I got a call that there was *a med error* with my dad. I cannot get an updated med list from them and I think I know why they don't want you to know too much. FOR A MONTH, they improperly administered his lasix. Instead of 2 times a week, they gave it to him everyday. Of course I was assured immediately that it was no problem and he's fine. I was livid.

    Next, they've insisted he have on non-skid socks and he has ulcers on his heels and on top of his feet at about the ankle. He's been in waffle boots most of the time or if he needs to get up, they put on slippers but still they insist on those stupid non-skid socks. BUT now that his feet are getting better and aren't so heavily bandaged the socks are rubbing on the ulcers. Suddenly it's up to me to find something LONGER because they don't have any. Please bring them on Monday........hello!!! My father cannot be the only man with size 12 feet and even if they don't have the proper size shouldn't they know where to get some? I have been on the web, I've called stores, I've visited even more stores over the past 2 days and I cannot find what they say he needs by Monday. I can order them but it will be a couple of weeks to ge them. Couldn't they have told me they wouldn't let him wear his socks????

    Finally, the fight over his recliner. First they approved it, moved it to his room and then suddenly it was a problem. Then a bigger problem----he's now considered a *heavy lift* and one CNA has said she hurt her back helping him so after a bunch of heated discussions I have to get a lift chair in his room by Monday.

    I am sick and tired and frustrated. This is just the way everything is going----yes he needs to pay a deposit, no he doesn't. Yes you need to have a walk through in Assisted Living when you vacate, no you don't. Yes, you will have a damage deposit refund, no you won't. It is amazing how disorganized everything is, I mean everything.

    I would love to go in and formulate some family checklists for them. It might help keep staff on point as well.

    Okay, back to super size non-skid sock hunting. I have one more store to check and then will place an Internet order.

    Bye........will be back some day.


  • jonibc
    jonibc Posts: 104 Member
    I began MFP on August 4 and just now stumbled onto this group. Reading some of the posts, I'm impressed with your goals and the way you integrate character and spirituality into your lives, along with getting yourselves healthy.

    My goals for November are:
    Increase my daily steps each day until I reach 10,000
    Perform one random act of kindness each day