

  • EfJ2013
    EfJ2013 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm new to the group - is this an ongoing group? Great idea and I'm in. :-) Thanks, Barbie!

    November Goals:
    Zumba 2x a week minimum

    Abstain from non-hunger eating; focus on protein and fiber

    Log food and activity every day; log a NSV every day

    I will not eat even one piece of candy from the boys' Halloween haul - I'm not saying no Halloween candy at all, just no dipping into their stash. :-)
  • TereasaMcKee
    Wonderful Post! I will follow this one! Thank YOU!!! :D
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    This is Noel in one of her coats!

    How absolutely ADORABLE! :love:

  • c0c0nn0r
    What a great group of women-would love to join in-my name's Colleen
    My November goals are
    1. Try and make it thru the holiday w/o overeating
    2. Start a grateful journal (forgot who mentioned this but great idea)
    3. Walk more

    Barbie thanks for the recipe-sounds delicious, can't wait to make it
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Barbie thanks for the recipe-sounds delicious, can't wait to make it

    Ditto! I'll be making it this week for sure.

  • nursermr38
    Hi ladies...new to your group you all seem so supportive and encouraging. I will start small with my nov goals. increase my walking to 45 minutes a day.( i must be getting faster my 35 minute walk is 25 now). drink all my water and increase daily fruits and veggies. looking forward to learning how these message boards work. Keep up the good work! Rose
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Gail:smile: It has been so sad watching the news on the aftereffects of Sandy, my heart just breaks for all those struggling through this!! Congrats on your Oct. goals!!!! Enjoy that massage....lucky you!!!

    Robin:smile: Our trip sounds fabulous and busy!!! What fun you will have!!!!

    Lin:smile: Oh my gosh....all that "stuff" going on , I'm sending you a hug! I can believe about them giving your dad the wrong dose of meds. That happened to my mom, she had a simple operation to take her gallbladder out, they gave her too much morphine and almost killed her, she spent a week and a half in the hospital:explode: . Bless you, I wish there was something I could help you with!

    Jonibc:smile: Welcome to the group, come in often and chat with us!!!

    Katejkelly:smile: I'm with you on a boring Nov. Well, maybe not boring but peaceful!!!!

    Rileamoyer:smile: Welcome! Good goals!!!

    Jb:smile: Your fur babies are beautiful!!!! Thanks for the link to the post about posting pics, I figured it out without my daughters help!!!!

    Barbara:smile: This is really a great group of women!!!! I'll post a pic of Noel in her dress when I get it on her, we haven't tried it on yet! Oh yeah....Zumba with stars and fireworks.....great calorie burn!!!!

    Micki:smile: Prayers being sent!!!!

    Red:smile: Hi, Welcome to the group!!!

    Dawnshot:smile: congrats on those 18 lbs. gone!!!

    Missjanet55:smile: Welcome to the group!!! Jump right in and start chatting!!!

    Deborah:smile: Hope things improve between your nephew and his mom!!!! That is just so sad, glad you and hubby took him out to dinner!!!! I've made Barbies soup and it's delish, I added a dollop of sour cream just before eating....YUM!!!

    Wilmawm:smile: Welcome to the group!!! Goals look good!!

    Janehadji:smile: Hope you enjoy the birthday celebrations!!!! Sorry you and hubby are still not getting along! The sea bass was delicious, it's such a buttery fish:love: !!!!

    Sarah:smile: Your goals look good!!!!

    I'm going to post this now so I don't lose it!!! I'll try to get back after dinner and finish the rest of my replies!!!!

  • whodatlixxie
    I am from New Orleans - still live in the area, wouldn't have it any other way:love: Handle should be WhodatLIZZIE but I fat fingered it when I started on MFP way back in the spring - oh well:blushing:

    Just call me lizzie or who dat!! Loving this thread. So encouraging! Hope to be able to check it often and get to know everyone better. Us fabulous fifty females must stick together!
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    Evening ladies.....been a few days since I commented.... my goal for November is to exercise more...stress less...enjoy my family...keep a positive attitude as the holidays approach,....and take time to enjoy friendships and the blessings of my life. I find it so easy to go through my days doing everything I am suppose to do, checking it off my list as get it completed...going from one project to the next....I want to take time to feel the joy of my life. Life is short...and I want to slow down and smell my roses! And I want to grow older being healthy! That sums up my goals for November.....will try to remind myself daily of what I want for my life...and how I want to feel about the coming holidays! :flowerforyou:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    A non-MFP friend put me on to a lovely website - aholyexperience.com. For those of you with gratitude journals it has some fun guidance for your statements. Today's is 3 gifts that start with"N". Her's were: 3 gifts that start with 'N'..... Neighbors ( I have the most amazing neighbors)....Niceness of others .... the Naked little boy that just ran thru my bedroom....:)

  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, DeeDee!

    I have a question inspired by my dinner tonight. I'm wondering about quantity vs calories. My plate was absolutely loaded down with vegetables, mashed cauliflower (weirdly yummy) and broccoli, and a couple of small lamb chops. And I started to wonder if that quantity of food is a good thing. Quite often I'm not hungry enough to finish my meals, but I have a long history of eating when I'm not hungry or starving when I am, so I'm honeslty not sure what to do in the face of this plate of food. I ate the lamb chops (naturally), and put 2/3 of the veg in the fridge to eat later if I get hungry.

    Any thoughts about this? Should I force myself to finish the vegetables? I should say that I eat a LOT of veg, but always have trouble making up my protein allotment. Should I eat past full when the food I'm eating is low in calories?
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Barbie-I totally agree that it's nice to walk the dogs when it's still dark out early in the am! I did that this morning and I could take a
    route that I normally have to avoid because of other dogs. It was actually quiet and peaceful and because of no distractions,
    I actually walked at a quicker pace!

    Jb-Love the pics of your dogs! Adorable!:smile:

    I can't believe all of the new posts! Welcome to all the new people! You will defintely want to keep coming back! I have benefited so much from this thread of strong, compassionate, supportive and motivating women!:heart:

    Benji's (my Yorkie) eye is doing much better! The vet said the small hole is already scarred over and just need to do antibiotic ointment for a few more days! He of course hates this and sulks big time after he gets the medicine!:frown: He was already upset with me since I started this job and am around less!

    My thoughts and prayers are with those struggling!!:flowerforyou:

    Take care,

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    I'm going to try to post some photos-

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    The last picture was Sargent Pepper.
    This is Maxwell Klinger.

  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    What beautiful animals everyone is posting. I love dogs, but we had to put ours down in April and have not gotten another for many reasons. I miss him so I enjoy seeing all of these pets.

    I'm pretty stiff today after driving to Phoenix, sitting at a conference for two days and driving back. (It's about a 6 hour drive.) The good part was stopping in Yuma to see Matt for a few minutes. He is doing well and looks great! We will have a welcome home party here on Veterans' Day.

    In spite of stiffness, I did my one hour zumba class and got a lot of yard work done. Now I'm really tired, but happy something got accomplished.

    I'm praying for all of you that are having personal health problems or other frustrating experiences.

    My November goals are to keep logging, drinking water, walking enough steps, and to do more strength training.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone is enjoying their week-end.Love the animal pics.
    Spent the afternoon with Violet and Alliyah.Violet was Ariel the mermaid and had red spry on hairspray after several showers she still has a hint of the dye,so much for washable.Baby Alliyah was so adorable.I truly love being a grandma.
    My Dd ear is getting better.It`s weird as a baby she never had ear infections.
    Welcome all newbies.You will love this group,so supportive,loving and caring.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I'm going to finish this post now and then go to bed!!!

    Robin:smile: I ment to say "your trip", not "our trip", can you tell I want to go with you:laugh: !

    Nursemrm38:smile: Welcome to the group! Come on in and chat with us!!!

    Lizzie:smile: Welcome to you too!!! This is a great group of women, come on in and chat!!!

    2youngatheart:smile: Love your goals!!!

    Gail:smile: I'll have to check out that website, thanks!!!

    Missjanet55:smile: I don't really know what to tell you, I've only been here since May. When I first started I wasn't eating enough and when I increased my calories I started losing weight, sometimes I had to make myself eat more. Now my body is used to it and likes it:laugh: . Hopefully some of these wise women will have an answer for you!!!

    Kathy:smile: So glad Benji is doing better!!! Sweet little thing he misses his mom!!!!

    DebA:smile: Oh those beautiful furry faces:love: , just want to give them a hug!!! Maxwell Klinger looks like he's waving:laugh: .

    Eileen:smile: I know you were so glad to see your son!!! That is going to be a fabulous homecoming party!!!

    JaneMartin:smile: I bet Violet was a beautiful mermaid:love: !!! Alliyah is so precious!!! Being a grandma is the best!!!! Glad your daughter is feeling better! I never had ear problems as a child, but I do now, and it is no fun, I guess it can happen at any age:ohwell: .

    I am done for the night ladies. Remember to turn the clocks back tonight, those who were on daylight saving time!!!

    Sleep well and have sweet dreams!!! Until tomorrow....

    DeeDee:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • calmrose
    calmrose Posts: 17 Member
    Good evening Ladies,
    I had an interresting and fun day. Watched my 8 yr old granddaughter play soccer (two games) it was a tournament. Packed a picnic lunch for all of us (4 adults and 3 children). the lunch was "mostly" on plan and the kiddies loved the "off-plan" stuff. Did quite a lot of walking and had lots of sunshine and just a fabulous time. It wasn't too hot or too cold and we had a tent to keep some of the southern sun off of us. I came home and slept for 2 hours, might be coming down with a virus but that won't diminish my day's fun.

    I didn't post yesterday because had to type a document and after that could not do anything with computer. My right wrist is very painful especially after that kind of exercise. feeling better tonight.

    Thank you all for your warm welcome, I still have not figured out how to handle this posting business, guess I'll have to reply to each post. Have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts Well, all my chores are done for today and I am ready to lay the body down so will say goodnight and blessings to everyone.
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Bump. I have returned from helping Mom celebrate her 89th birthday. So glad our NYC trip was cancelled but horrrifid by the news we saw each day from that part of the country. Will get back into the swing of things in a day or two.

    hugs Kate
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,379 Member
    Debbe - welcome! You joined by posting. Just log in, go to your last post and read the posts from there. We'll all be looking to hear more from ya. I especially like you goal of eating more meals at home, great goals

    DeeDee - it dawned on me that I'll be in your neck of the woods Dec. 1, going to the TSO concert. Will wave, but I doubt we will be able to get together, friends of our will be with us and he'll just have ridden that long ride (he's the one with the sever back problem). I'm cooling the butternut squash right now so that I can cut it up. Trust me, that's not all I'll be taking up to Jessica's. Last year I took up my salad tongs, a toaster, my coffee pot, our electric knife (which we didn't need), 2 meat forks, my turkey baster, a creamer, a pie server, at the last minute she called and asked me to bring up this appetizer dish that I have, my meat thermometer, appetizer tongs, and containers for leftovers. That was last year.

    If I hear one more election commercial on the radio, I swear I'll scream. Every time one comes on now I just turn the volume WAAAYYY down. Somehow, I don't think we'll know who the next president will be Wednesday.

    Linda - thank your daughter for me for all her typing.

    Viv - please don't tell me horror stories about getting a tooth pulled. I'm getting one pulled Thursday. It's a wisdom tooth. Actually, only 3 of them ever came in.

    Robin - boy, your vacation sounds like it'll be a lot of fun!

    Lin - reading all you're going thru brings back memories of my father and MIL, mainly getting things for MIL. My heart goes out to you. I know how very exasperating it can be.

    Linda Sundance - I'm in a state of shock!

    jonibc - welcome from a fellow North Carolinean!

    katejkelly - so sorry about your father and everything else going on in your life. Good for you maintaining!

    barbie - I just ran the recipe for the butternut apple soup thru my mastercook. For 6 servings, it came back with 115 calories each serving. As I recall, your original was something like 81 calories, how many servings was that for? After I made the soup, I wasn't too crazy about the cumin so I added a bit of cinnamon. I think next time I'll just do away with the cumin and use only cinnamon. The soup will come in handy this week.

    jb - what an adorable doggie you have

    Barb (auntibk) - I've been thinking about the zumba Wii game. Are there different levels? I'd need something VERY beginner.

    miki - prayers for Sandy. How nice of you to help out with Joe's dinners

    Red - welcome and happy belated birthday!

    MissJanet - welcome - hope you come back often

    Welcome to anyone else new that I may have missed

    Deborah - how wonderful of you to take your nephew out for his birthday! I can't imagine not planning anything at all for any of my children. Regardless of how I feel at the moment, they are and always will be my children. When I volunteer at the Green Room, it's mainly in the box office where I take ticket orders over the phone. If it's slow (like it was Friday), I do some "busy" work like I put the tabs on their mailing. It's really not hard at all. It was funny because the first time I went there to train, I was with this one lady who evidentally has been there a while and really knows things. Anyway, someone called for her and the old secretary in me jumped right out, there's me saying "can I ask who's calling". Gotta temper that. Friday someone else was supposed to be with me, but evidentally she forgot or something so it was just me, which really isn't a big problem. I took 2 cups of graps with me and had them while I was there. Also brought some water, but didn't drink it.

    wilmawm - glad you're here

    jane - have fun at those parties.

    I have to tell you, I'm so proud of my daughter, Jessica. Just hope she goes thru with it. She was telling us that she applied for vet school in the Caribbean. I honestly don't think she's going to like it there much. She's pretty much of a family person, and to spend two years away from her cats! I don't know...even tho she knows that they're with us. Anyway, she said that in case she doesn't get accepted to vet school, she was asking us if going for her Masters in animal science was a good idea. I'm so glad that she's trying to better herself. Wish Bryan was doing more with his college degree...but you can't force them. When he was here, he was talking about graduate school, now not a word. Oh well...at least we know that we did our best by them. We've told the kids that we'll pay for an undergrad degree, but graduate school is their responsibility. Jessica was asking about how to go about getting loans, scholarships, etc.

    junglejoyce - good luck to you!

    Elaine - what is a RNY bypass surgery?

    Lila - so happy for you!

    DeeDee - Noel is SOOO cute!

    RIFamily4 and colleen and Rose - welcome!

    Lizzie - you made me smile!

    2youngatheart - what a lovely post!

    MissJanet - I don't think you can ever go wrong with having veggies. I've found that they make a good snack, too. Finish them up, even if its late at night when you do. Just don't go too low on the calories.

    Tonight is my least favorite night of the year, I really don't like when we turn the clocks back an hour. I like DST a lot, wish we were on it year round. I don't think Arizona changes their clocks or Hawaii.

    yoyonomore - sgt pepper and max klinger are so adorable, thanks for posting

    Well, I'd best be getting going. Hope everyone has a great evening.
