

  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I turned 60 yesterday, who saw that coming????? lol time to get this this started cause time is flying. hi, I am RED. Nice to meet you.

    Happy Birthday! :drinker:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I have been gone most of the weekend at a workshop. Really enjoying it for the most part learning a lot meeting lots of knew people from all of over the country and Uk. Yesterday was bumpy for a moment when a mistake happen over my food order freak out over it sort of silly now. Let myself go too long without eating and did not plan right by packing and bringing my own healthy foods. Once I got to my room for some quiet time that evening was able to do my grateful lists it help put things in the right order. Like am I really going to allow something like that ruin my day not even worth a minute of thought.

    @Dee love your profile picture
    @Jb cute picture of your doggies
    @Dee cute picture of your doggie
    @Lin -- that place sounds not right I would be concern about it too..
    @Michelle-- I agree with you I do not like turning the clocks back.
    @Lili that is great so happy for you
    @kathy so happy to hear that Benji is doing better.
    @DebA pretty fur baby too
    @Kate -- Glad that you got to celebrate your Mom;s birthday. The stuff out of NY is just alarming isn't it.
    @JaneMartin-- Halloween is so much fun with little ones isn't it.

    @ Welcome to all of the Newbies!!

    Well I know I am missing people sorry about that I am so tired. Will be back later
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    Good evening lovelies!

    Actually did shampoo carpet in hallway, office and man cave. Man cave took hours, double timing with spot bot and shampooer. That's the good.

    Alas, got into the Halloween candy before Joe finished it. Urp. :sick: Sugar-induced nap, then wakened to sugar shakes. Asked Joe to remind me the next time I announce I'm going to eat a bunch of candy of how it makes me feel. Not hopeful, this is the DH who brings home doughnuts by the dozen. ;}

    :brokenheart: Micki prayers for Sandy and Joe. What a blessing you choirgals are to them.
    Deborah, AHMOD=Ageing Hippie, Mother of Dogs. :laugh: Got the last half from jb... another MOD. We have a wheaten terrier and a scottie/cairn/whatever cross. One of your dogs is a lab? What are the others? Your individual responses are awesome!
    Sarah you could have written my goals for me. :wink: The important thing is we're both back and committed to log daily.
    Elaine, what an interesting handle "hathor1943" is, what's the backstory?:glasses:
    Lila con VERY gratulations on breaking 140! :happy: Happy dance from one terrier-loving gal to another. I've been mentally away but am talking myself into being back on track.
    DeeDee love :love: Noel in her coat, look forward to the black velvet dress pic.
    MissJane,:noway: I no longer force myself to eat when not hungry, but like you I do keep an eye on the protein and try to get my 9 handfuls of health a day.
    Kathy Sorry, I'm behind on the posts, how did Benji get a hole in his eye?:cry:
    Michele Zumba2 does have a choice of intensity and class length and the option to build a customized workout. :noway: What it does NOT have is instructions or hints on how to do better or earn more points... :explode: I've only done the two low intensity, short classes but they sure got me sweating.
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Red, dawnshot, MissJane, Mo, shirleynieman, Maria, RIFamily4, TereasaMcKee, Colleen, Rose and all others that I missed.

    Read all the posts, but 'nuff sitting, time to shower then sleep. Glad we fall back tomorrow, might give me enough time to walk with Joe and the pups before leaving for church.


    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day

    2012: dance more, bark less and check in!!!
    November: back to basics

    SWSY or matminutes: 3=0 2=0 1=0
    steps: 3=6461 that can't be right! :frown: 2=9220 1=8809
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome ladies! I look forward to revisiting this thread and getting to know you a little better.
  • dawnshot
    dawnshot Posts: 137 Member
    Here's a pic of one of my dogs Busta, an English Bullmastiff, he's quite handsome...........the right way up, but this is his favourite position!
  • whodatlixxie
    Well good morning all! and can I say that while the extra hour of sleep seems nice my body woke up at the usual time only now it is an hour earlier!!!! I don't like changing the time, can we just pick one and stay there :flowerforyou:

    On the bight side, it will not be dark for my entire walk this morning :laugh:

    Regardless, this is the day the Lord has made so I will rejoice and be glad - and take nap later:love:

    Loving the pics of the animals. Have two precious cats myself - have to figure out how to post their pics later.

    Have an awesome day everyone!

  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Busy weekend - Church Bazaar with lots of good food:love: I went over slightly on Friday and was under on Saturday so I am happy with that. Managed to keep my step count up and get a bike ride in:smile:

    DeeDee I will def try a cup of tea before I snack.
  • BeeRobin
    BeeRobin Posts: 160 Member
    Hello all,

    Hope I can join a few weeks before my 50th Birthday. I read through the posts and appreciate the supportive atmosphere....and it's encouraging to see so many making progress and having such great goals.

    I'm Bernadette. Live in Vermont (hate winter...but here I am). Have lost 93lbs. Have another 30lbs to go. Been on a plateau for nearly 3 weeks. Exercise (walk) daily. Follow a program called FirstLine Therapy...no sugar, or processed foods.

    Married 24 years as of tomorrow! 4 kids. :)

    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    Morning..... God has blessed us with another day..be it rainy, snowy or most sunshiny of days....I am just thankful for another day to get it right:love: I really will miss my longer evenings...have to get my walks completed earlier. Won't be long ( at least that is what I am telling myself) till spring and nice warm evenings with lots of light!

    @Dawn shot.....Busta's favorite position is also Gracie's too....he is a handsome fellow...love the furbabies:flowerforyou:

    @Lizzie ....Have a blessed happy Sunday!

    @Bernadette...I hate the cold and snow on the roads that winter brings....snow is beautiful every where but on the highways! LOL. Congrats on 93#s. ....wonderful!
    Happy Anniversary to you and hubby!

    I am loving this site and look forward to getting to know you all. Have great Sunday!!!!

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone

    I'm away from home this weekend so haven't read any of the thread for November. Will do when I get back home.

    Bought 3 new pairs of jeans yesterday, can still get into 1 of them this morning after a very large dinner last night (it was worth every calorie), but I think I'll need to lose about 5lbs to be comfortable in the others as I bought them a size smaller.

    Off to breakfast. Will check in after I'm back home
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    bump for later...
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Wow...it took me over an hour to catch up!:flowerforyou:

    Congrats on all the losses...someday I too will post more loss but for now will just keep plugging along! Positive thoughts and prayers for those with challenges...lin - I wish I had words of wisdom..a family checklist is a great idea but I am thinking that you are a little busy right now getting your dad settled and properly cared for?:ohwell:

    Had the soup and Chili fest yesterday...this could become an annual pre -holiday event. DH made his Chili, dsil made a turkey Chili and we had corn chowder, potato soup and tortellini soup along with cornbread and peasant bread. Everything was homemade and pretty healthy. There was a small cheese and cracker plate beforehand and a few desserts....which really did not get eaten..interesting. it was a lot of fun and pretty laid back..my house is pretty small so we were definitely "cozy" in the living room and kitchen but there were lots of stories..ds answered many questions about daily living in Afghanistan and lots of conversation.:happy:

    Am a bit tired today but the sun is shining so will probably get out and do some yard/garden cleanup...will try to get ds to take out a 25+ year old spirea out of yard...we shall see.:noway:

    Enjoy your Sunday my friends and find something to smile about today

    Hugs, prayers and high fives!
  • cardfanzz
    I am new with 50 lbs. to lose but I will give it a try.

    My goal for November is to join an exercise class at the Rec in town and go at least twice a week.
    Also to walk 30 minutes a day on my treadmill.
    To thank the Lord for what I have and my family.
    To convince myself that I can do this.
    To lose five pounds even with Thanksgiving dinner at my house.

  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    It's been a tough week...my father in law died early Monday morning. We've had a good celebration of his life over the past week, the church was packed on Friday, and we've had good family time, but this morning I stood in my kitchen and looked at the mess (dishwasher went kaput and we bought a new one but somehow missed that they don't install, they only deliver...so I have two dishwashers in my kitchen which are in my way while I'm doing the dishes LOL:sad: ) ...and at my dining room table which has all my marking on it because report card marks are due Monday....:frown:

    And my heart is aching for my 17 year old daughter, who had a crappy dishwasher job at a restaurant, but she was proud of having it and was a good and loyal employee. Two weeks ago she was sick with swollen glands, missed two days of school and was on antibiotics, so obviously called in sick--it's a restaurant, for goodness sake! And then she spoke with her boss Monday afternoon to say her grandfather had just died and she couldn't work that day or do the next two shifts because of the funeral. Her boss was mad because she' "blown off" her previous shifts. She went in to work yesterday and someone else was doing that shift and she was not even listed on the schedule for this coming week. I am so angry at this boss that I could spit. When my daughter is less upset and able to phone and speak calmly with the woman to see if she still has her job, I plan to be at her side to hear the conversation. I won't intervene, I want resilient children...but I will decide whether it will be worth my while to step into the restaurant and say a few choice words to her about compassion and respect. Frankly, It is certainly just stupid to treat anyone poorly in a town this size.

    Anyway, I've certainly recognized the importance of good habits in terms of logging food...I've basically been able to stay on track most of the week, but did choose to overeat at a couple of the gatherings and yes, indulging in the wine was worth it. Now I feel new resolve to get back on the treadmill and continue the good work I'd been doing since August.

    This has been a little self-indulgent rant....now I am going to pour another cup of coffee and start marking those assignments. And when I'm done my marks, I will enjoy catching up on this thread, which always helps me put things into perspective and set my priorities straight. :drinker:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I love that you started this topic. I'm from NW Oregon, so not that far from you. I'm a newbie here, and looking for weatherproof exercise ideas. In summer I ride my recumbent trike, walk, sail... But I'm a fair weather sailor, and walking in the rain is okay, but not enough. I'd like more variety in my fitness choices. We visited a nearby gym yesterday, and they are not offering attractive options. Any advice?
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Sorry about your father-in-law, and about your daughter's job woes, stardancer. the household chores will wait while you work on what's important!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Welcome to all the newcomers.

    It is amazing how good some small little tasks can make you feel. I cleaned out the kitchen junk drawer this morning. You know the drawer that everything under the sun gets thrown into because you aren't sure what else to do with it? I threw all the crap away and I feel so good this morning. one simple little thing and the mood is elevated. I need to remember this the next time I am overwhelmed with stress.

    Have a great day all!!

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member

    oh, happy Sunday - limiting my time online today as I surely want to be out in the daylight before the sun sets so early...is that pouty or what!
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Good Sunday Morning,
    Off to a big family reunion today. Made a organic quinoa salad to take. I will eat before going and only drink water there or fresh fruit or vegs.
    Will check in later today.
    Hugs to all, Linda:heart:
  • c0c0nn0r
    It's sunny so I'm off for a walk soon

    Dawn, pic of Busta is a scream-thanks for the laugh

    Lizzie, I agree w/you on time change-I'm usually up at 4 a.m. so when 3 a.m.
    came around I was wide awake-yuck!

    Bernadette, Happy Anniversary!

    Stardancer, sorry about the loss of your father-in-law
    hopefully your daughter will be back on the work schedule

    Linda, have a great time at the family reunion!

    Everyone enjoy your Sunday!
