Last 5 pounds

I have been using MFP since January and have been very pleased with my results! 25 pounds lost with just 5 more to go! The last 5 pounds seem to take forever to lose - I'll lose 2, then gain them back. I'm currently at 1700 calories a day, running 3-4 times a week (ran my first 5K on Saturday!). Does anyone have suggestions of how to break through those pesky last 5 pounds? Should I decrease/increase my calories? Add more exercise? Thanks!


  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    Do you ever think if your goal weight was 10 or 15 pounds lower your body would drop those five it won't let go of right now and hold onto the last five of the new goal? lol

    I know it isn't funny..but sometimes you have to laugh. Why not try to flex your calories and switch up your workout.. Eat 2100 one day. or two then less the next..and zig zag..see if that works. Also..go to the scooby fitness site and read there and make sure you're eating enough.
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    Do you ever think if your goal weight was 10 or 15 pounds lower your body would drop those five it won't let go of right now and hold onto the last five of the new goal? lol

    I know it isn't funny..but sometimes you have to laugh. Why not try to flex your calories and switch up your workout.. Eat 2100 one day. or two then less the next..and zig zag..see if that works. Also..go to the scooby fitness site and read there and make sure you're eating enough.

    Haha that is funny. I often think about that too

    I was stuck at a plateau for the last 5 pounds and just broke it by doing LESS cardio and eating more. I was doing an hour of intense cardio before and now I'm doing 45 minutes of moderate pace cardio. Upped my calories by 100-300
  • Breafast: Big Bowl of oats with milk but no sugar.

    Snack: 1 fruit

    Lunch: Protein(eggs, chicken or tuna) + salad

    Snack: 1 fruit

    Supper: Protein(eggs, chicken or tuna) + dark green vegetables

    Drink 2 litres of water
    No sugar in any form
    No refined carbs
  • Lorilea123
    Lorilea123 Posts: 9 Member
    I actually had that very thought this morning! I know it doesn't seem like much to lose, but I want to give myself a 5 pound "cushion" so I don't have to be too concerned if I go up or down a couple of pounds. Thanks for the feedback!