slimline1 Member


  • I try to not buy the things that trigger me off, like chocolate, cakes and the suchlike. Like you I only binge occasionally and I don't really think it does any damage in the long run. I do understand if you don't have the foods you crave for you'll go for anything in the cupboards. On the 5:2 diet, you can overcome this…
  • Hi, I am amazed at how many responses I received from my post and I am avidly considering all of your advice, THANK YOU!! I have come to the conclusion that there are so many theories of how to shed the pounds and I suspect the proof of the pudding is in the eating!!. I have taken all your comments on board and am not…
  • Yes please, my name is Carol, shall I add you to my friends list??:drinker:
  • Your post is a good incentive to folks who need to lose weight. It isn't just about vanity, healthy organs are a main part of longevity. Two of my brothers had heart trouble one has had triple heart bypass, my sister is borderline diabetic, she was born with a leaking heart, my mum was on was on blood thinning drugs and…
  • Good discussion, I could not even contemplating eating from Subway on a diet.
  • I try to keep away from possessed foods too many added extras which, I imagine, is not too healthy in the long run. It might be because I am frugal that we mostly cook all our own food from scratch. Still if they are helping you to lose weight all well and good but I would only buy them as an occasional alternative. It can…
  • If I only ate when I felt hungry, I would not be in this position. I live to eat not eat to live but I'm learning.
  • I agree with Smiley, I've been on 5:2 diet since beginning of year, and does not take exercise calories lost into consideration. There is a group on mfp and we are losing weight. I consume around 500 cals on fast days and as near as I can to between 1200 and 1500 on feast. Hopefully will have lost a stone by end of week.…
  • Plateauing is a normal feature in dieting, body gets used to consumption and sometimes requires a kick start. I chucked my scales out last year and had a shock when I tried my friend's one day and found I had put on over a stone!! I have now bought some more, but like you I am not going to get paranoid about a few pounds,…
  • You have certainly lost an amazing amount of weight, well done. Perhaps you need to change your diet regime, try the 5:2 diet, there is a few of us on it, look for groups and 5:2 diet. Your body has plateaued, happens to us all, just needs a kick start, if you feel you need to lose more. You should give yourself a big pat…
  • You are half way to getting there by doing something about it, we're all overweight and it's a number so keep up the good work and just concentrate on getting that number down, like the rest of us. Good luck. x
  • Hey there, I'm 67 and been overweight for about 10 years. Was 110 lbs when I married my husband in 1994 and vegetarian, so kept my weight maintained. My husband is an extremely good cook and got me onto meat and all that goes with it, so gradually year by year I went up a few pounds. Lost 2 stone 5 years ago on the Atkins…
  • I weigh in at 154 lbs at present, after losing 11lb on the amazing Dr Mosley 5:2 diet since second week in January. I am aiming for 126 lbs, which on this regime am confident I will achieve. It's so good to fast on up to 500 calories for two days and be able to eat normally for five.
  • God I don't!! Just going to go by calories I take in and forgetting what I am supposed to eat to make up the calories lost in exercising. I've still lost 11 lb since 1st January 13 when I weighed in two weeks ago.:ohwell:
  • You look absolutely amazing, thanks for sharing your progress, wish I had the nerve. Congratulations you are so beautiful.:flowerforyou:
  • Try the 5:2 diet, it has a group here and I have lost 11lb since new year. I don't exercise and believe in calories in and out and on this plan you can forget about calculating weight, exercise and diet. Look it up and you will see it is guaranteed to work, nothing is taboo, so long as you don't have it on your fast days.…
  • You look absolutely beautiful, face and figure and I imagine, personality, so it's a hat trick :love:
  • Love Corrie, Emmerdale and Eastenders, my life would be dull during my diet without them to look forward to!:smooched:
  • Ad me too, anybody in UK, more help the better. x
  • I'm in Southampton, the more friends the merrier, can't eat if on the pc ha-ha.:laugh:
  • I live in Southampton, would love to be able to talk to someone to share tips. Been dieting on and off for several years, tried them all!! Now starting the day on day off diet also known as 5:2. Please keep in touch. Carol:drinker:
  • Hi, I find 65-75 grams of carbs a day suits me, I work at 25% carbs, 45% protein and 30% fat, I have found this eases my IBS and bloating. Leaving milk out of tea and coffee helps bloating also. What works for you is best, especially if you are losing weight.
  • I appreciate your response, thanx.
  • Beginning to think I am invisible, I never get any responses to my questions. Booohooo
  • From UK, not heard of P90X diet, intrigued to know more about it please, Carol
  • I'm confused, do you use natural peanuts or the salted kind, I don't eat much salt as I don't like it?
  • Hi I hail from Netley, near Southampton. I love this site and have lost 6lb since joining and 9lb in all. A stone to go to reach my fist goal, would be nice to hear from anyone local to me. Carol
  • Namita No don't give in, keep focussed and remember why you are doing this. Try not to let yourself feel swamped but get on top of it and persevere, you have the strength to carry on and this feeling will soon pass. Been there and probably will be again but now I have started I intend to stick it out to the end, so I can…
  • Know the feeling lol. With all that exercise you are building muscle and that's why you are weighing a little bit more. Don't worry your body will stabilize and start losing lbs again. Carol
  • Thanks, I was looking for another high protein snack, so far I have included eggs, nuts, prawns, tuna, now I have PEANUT BUTTER hooray. x:flowerforyou: