qatarsessions Member


  • I am a personal trainer and this works for me and my clients. Let MFP calculate your BMR. Subtract 200 calories and put that in as your daily allowance. Wear a HRM every time you work out and then add those calories back to your allowance. For instance. My BMR = 1200 I enter 1000 I exercise 400 I eat 1400 for the day. Slow…
  • I am a personal trainer. Here is my experience. I use a F11 every day and most all of my clients us a HR monitor. I like Polar very much. You are right that you did not need anything more than the F6 but the F11 is fine. I find that the standard ranges are to low for most fit people. That said. Here is how yours is…
  • I am a PT and this works for me and everyone I train. You must count every calorie and wear a heart rate monitor to get correct calories burned. Find your BMR (use myfitnesspal tools). Subtract 200 calories from your BMR and enter that in your "Goals" under "Custom". Then eat that many calories plus exercise calories.…
  • I just finished week 2 of the "Lean" program. I kept hearing how everyone was having so much fun with Plyo that I just couldn't wait. I subbed it in today instead of Cardio X. It was fun and I made it all the way to the end though I have to admit that some of my breaks where a bit longer than their breaks and I was sucking…
  • Eating back all my exercise calories isn't working for me. Two reasons might be that I don't have very much to loose at this point (less than 10 lbs) and that I just can't seem to get that much down in one day on healthy food. I usually get between 500-700 calories per day of exercise. I wear a HR monitor so I know this is…
  • There was a very short article about this just the other day in the Houston Chronicle newspaper. It talked about the glycogen use and that weights should be done first for that. I think that if you are talking about one after the other in the same training session then that applies. If you talking about morning to night or…
  • If anyone else is interested I would like to compare my results to others. Yesterday I did Arm/Shoulders with 8lb wts. Not to hard a workout but I had already taught spin class that morning so it was kind of a double. I got 210 cal (and I didn't do the "bonus round" so it was about 30 minutes) AB X 54 cals Today I did…
  • Kcal is metric
  • MattySparky - Maybe you can help me. I'm a computer science major and I can't figure out my Polar F6. I entered all the data to get it set up and I can start the exercise and stop it and see all the "in zone", "out of zone", cals, etc.... for that one exercise session. Fine. It has an exercise diary and is supposed to…
  • Making assumptions about you based on you quote above. First of all good for you. I love P90X. My 2 cents. Take the fitness test. It is a marathon, not a sprint. Don't get hurt and watch you back. There is a lot of core work and if your core isn't ready your back will suffer. This is a tough workout. I found that most of…
  • 70 lbs. I'm very impressed. Good for you.
  • I"m a 130 lb 5'5" woman. It's true about the calories burned. I wore my HR monitor today which counts calories. I did my 45 min spin class and got 500 calories so I was already good and warmed up. I did Arms & ShouldersX with 8lb weights so I was breathing hard but never pushed to my max. I did 30 minutes and didn't do the…
  • Well I've been going for a week but I didn't take "before" pics. I guess I"ll go ahead and do that. I really like this thread. The one at BeachBody is just going in to many directions. I am going to try swapping some CardioX for some PlyoX. Can't wait to try it. Only hear good things.
  • I'm starting week 2, phase 1, Lean. I teach 3X a week weight training classes and 2X week spinning so I thought I was already getting weight lifting so I would do Lean for more cardio. I'm trying to fit in the 6 days of P90X with my 5 days of teaching classes. Week 1 kicked my butt. I LOVE the P90X workouts but I was so…
  • There are a lot of acia berry scams right now. I got caught. It was a "free trial" and I just had to pay just under $4 for shipping. After 14 days they charged my CC for $87. I called, luckily got someone on the phone, and they told me I had to cancel within 14 days or pay for the first order. I said, "one bottle,…
  • Thanks. I am to to MFP and I had only entered food yesterday as it was my "day of rest". Today after asking the question on this blog I entered my morning exercise and then noticed that it was added to my daily calorie allotment. Now I get it. Thanks again.
  • I'm on week 2 of P90X. I love it but it is hard. Pros. 12 DVDs and they are really hard. It will take me a full 90 days to do them all and do them all well. So I don't think I will get bored. I find them fun and interesting. Like boot camp so no "girly" moves. Hubby or boyfriend might join in. Cons. They are hard. If you…
  • I'm still confused. I need some numbers. for example. I enter all my information on the myfitnesspal site and it says that I should eat 1300 per day to loose 1 lb per week. I then exercise and burn 400 calories that day. How many calories do I need to eat that day?
  • ivykivy Thank you for your information and I am so sorry that you had such a tough time. Glad to hear you have settled into a working solution. I thought I would just take a pill and all would be fixed.
  • Wow!!! Thanks to everyone. Beagle595 you said that until you got your meds right your felt "off". Can you tell me what the means? I have to say that mostly I feel pretty great most of the time. I was having problems with my hair and skin and I couldn't even get out of the bed in the mornings without eye drops because they…
  • Alf1163. Talk to me about what you mean by "eating my exercise calories". Like I mentioned in the previous entry I just started the P90X DVD program. Before starting I did a worksheet page from the program and it estimated that I should eat 1800 calories a day. It is a really heavy workout and I have my normal 5 classes…
  • I want to join. I just posted the following on the general blog and then saw this one for the "over 40". I think you guys might have some insight into this. Please read and then continue to the bottom and I'll list my stats. And yes I completely agree that after 40 it's a different ball game. Hormones change and everything…
  • I had a pretty sudden (3 months) unexplained weight gain and haven't been able to budge a pound for about the last 5 months. My Dr. tested me and said I was hypothyroid and put me on Armor Thyroid. It has been almost 2 weeks and I have not lost any weight and have actually gained 2 more lbs. I have been working out like a…