thanks for the advice, guys. I'll find different, extremely low impact ways to get in some non-cardio, and I guess just try to enjoy walking more. I meet with the doc on monday for the first post-op visit, we'll see what he has to say.
I didn't even really think about the iron or B12, thanks! The supplements I've picked out practically have me OD'ing on the two, so hopefully that will help.
While we're talking about unflavored protein powder.. What is everyone's favorite? I'm having a hard time finding unflavored brands that aren't heavy on carbs.
Good point. I think its just the liquid stage that's making me crazy. I just wanna chew stuff, I don't even care what it is at this point.
That's my plan exactly, I'm happy to hear it helped you!
Ohhh thank god! This just made my day.
Okay, phew! Good to know that isn't weird.
I appreciate all the positive feedback, you guys. My surgery went very well. I slept off and on the four or five hours immediately following the procedure, but then spent a lot of my hospital stay walking the halls while the excellent pain meds in my IV kept me feeling like Superwoman. They pulled a suuuuuuper long tube…
My surgeon said the same. Whenever I want, just be conscious of my limitations during the healing process.
Thanks, you guys.
So off he went. He apologized profusely and disappeared into the hallway after telling me he'd be calling my surgeon immediately. Surprise surprise, the man was in surgery for the next few hours. The poor nutritionist spent the next 20 minutes trying to offer me a wide variety of other appointment dates, none of which I…
Yeah, I'm really confused about why nobody had mentioned Biotin or the Hair, Skin & Nails supplements to help with hair loss. I was told by several people that this helped them, my doctor and nutritionist suggested it too.. Does nobody else's doctors suggest these things? My operation date is Tuesday, but I'm going to be…
oh man, this is definitely good to know. thanks, guys. at least I'll make some money from selling all my nice pairs, since they barely ever got any wear! haha.
Oh, funny! We have the same surgery date. :)
Haha! Clearly, we need to take a closer look at flippers.
Good thing nobody was asking what you thought about how they looked, then. Unless you're a previously overweight dude who lost weight and happens to like wearing heels, I don't think your opinion has much relevance here. (: She was asking people who lost weight to let her know if the discomfort lessened, not if some dude…
I actually wonder this too! I mean, I can tolerate pain, but.. it is unrealistically bad. Like, I walk for five minutes and then limp the rest of the night. I have a million pairs of badass pumps that I can't ever wear! Will this get better, the more I lose? ):
someone pm'd me about some meditation ideas, I'm also going to get a buttload of celery and carrots to try that too! I'll look into the skinny cow stuff, and I'll definitely leave notes ALL over my kitchen to encourage me not to overeat. AND MY DOOR, so maybe I wont want to go out and get something so badly! the idea about…
I tried this, too. Sometimes I manage to stay under on my calories this way, but I NEVER lose the next day and I also feel like I got hit by a truck in the morning.
INSANELY untrue. I only ever have healthy food in my house, for that exact reason. But if I want it, I find it. I will literally throw clothes on and drive out to get fast food or go to the 7-11 and get all kinds of terrible ****. Just not having it in the house isn't enough, even though I desperately wish it was. My job…
let me also just say that I was down 42lbs, and now I'm only down 31lbs. that is how terrible I am. like 11 pounds and counting in two and a half weeks or so. I need to trick myself out of my insane binge eating! it is destroying all my hard work!
You guys are awesome, thank you so much! This makes me feel a lot better about incorporating as much of the clean eating ideals as I can into my everyday life. I'm not interested in completely restricting myself from everything, because like others have said, it can make cravings and staying on track difficult. I will look…
Oh, that too! Protein and complex carbs at every single meal, including snacks? What kind of snacks did you find were your favorites and still met this guideline? I am pretty accustomed to yogurt, fruit, nuts and vegetables for snacks, and I know of a few ways to make sure I get protein and carbs without just eating a lump…
Let me just say that I definitely know the difference between diet and lifestyle change, I only called it a diet because that is the actual title of the book even though it is generally an ANTI-diet. I am not a yo-yo'er. (: It is GREAT hearing all these things! I didn't even think about clearer skin and better hair, that…
hahahaha! YIKES!
are you saying it doesn't? because that would bum me out.
WHOAA, everyone looks so good!! Thanks so much for posting, everybody! This is really helpful!
MyFitnessPal actually is kind of skimpy on the protein. You usually need to be eating a good amount more than it advises. For instance, it tells me that I should be at 82 for the protein, but in reality I feel best, lose the most weight and have the most energy when I eat around 120. A lot of people have told me the same.…
You look FANTASTIC!! I am not even kidding, I am jealous of you even at 330lbs, you are such a fashionista and you wear everything so well!
I love thistle tattoos. (: