Robeypa1 Member


  • so since you're just starting out...I would aim for 30 minutes at lease 3 times a week, I would begin by doing something that you really enjoy, perhaps walking, don't get discouraged as you begin, it has to become a lifestyle change or it will never work, once you're into it, begin doing some resistance training, you don't…
  • Hi, I am Paul, born October 2nd, 1959//
  • Don't do the weight loss pills...waste of money...hang in there, this is a lifestyle change that you should embrace and love, keep at it and don't stop, eventually things will happen, stay away from the scale, it takes perserverance and patience for the change, you didn't gain the weight overnight, and it will take about…
  • Ditch the scale, hide it, it's nothing but discouragement, grab your old clothes, use those try them on, the key is feeling better and fitting into your clothes better. Believe me I know...
  • Way to go...remember perserverance...perserverance...perserverance...can't say that enough, the big thing is watching what you put inside your body, that's 75% of this journey, drink lots of water, stick with it kid, if I can do it at 52 years old you can too!