

  • When I started I used the calorie counts for weight training, but then after reading in some of the forums that these estimates were so likely to be off depending on how intense your workout were (mine were not) and how you did rest breaks, I just skipped entering. I figured they would be the added bonus besides the cardio…
  • Totally can see it! Great work! (I did wonder what happened to the tattoo in the third picture, but I think you are reversed).
  • Welcome! Hope we can help you along. I'll send you a friend request. This site has been really useful for getting me to think about healthy grocery and stick with a gym routine. Pick out some mini goals. I just cross into the 160s after starting at 198 and it was so exciting (the 170s lasted forever)!
  • I am at 168 and 30 lbs down. Eight to go to my original goal. Bought new bras last weekend to celebrate!
  • I had a friend who regularly traveled with a Birdy. It was great bike to ride and he found a large hard case suitcase to pack it in. It seemed like it was one of the best at folding up easily in comparison to some of the other brands. I'd love to get one, but have to get rid of one bike to add another to my herd.
  • For food, I try to find the lowest one, if I have time. Be especially careful with any prepared dish, it is better to create your own recipes than depend on others I think.
    in accuracy Comment by LifeinDC July 2012
  • I'm 5' 9" (or 5' 10" when I meet a 5' 9" man :wink: ). I started on this journey at 198 in January and just went to 169. All my small clothes now fit. I'm not losing as fast but I am still losing inches. I wish I had taken pictures and measurements, but I'm clearly getting fit and strong. I think I put my goal weight as…
  • I'm wondering about the pace that you are walking -- it might be more high intensity training would be a better use of that time. If you are already walking super fast and definitely getting exercise, then I'd thinks about checking in with the doctor, doing the measurements so you can track if you are losing inches, and…
  • I live on my own, so I have the advantage of keeping only "good" food in the house. But even so there's the temptation of cheese and crackers :blushing: . But I find I have to figure out straightforward healthy meals that I can prepare easily. And then I like a snack before bed, so I try to keep the calories for that. I…
  • Gloves are also really important if you crash - second to your helmet. It is almost inevitable that you will hit some pavement with your hands and gloves will keep your from tearing them up. Then you will be more likely to be able to keep riding and it won't hurt so much. I know no one wants to think about crashing, but .…
  • You have lost 17% of the weight you need to lose! That is great! Give yourself a reward (some new music or book or dvd or jewelry) and get ready for the next 50 lbs to go away.
  • welcome everyone! good to see the group grow and the variety of us in it.
  • I agree try the 14 in the regular size but go to a store that cater to a wider age group: Kohls, Macy's, even T.J. Max, etc. I am a 12 in suit pants now, but a 14 still in Jeans from stores. Suit pants tend to be cut higher, and I think are forgiving. I can fit into 12 dresses and skirts if they are full cut but not slim.…
  • I was at my gym class and the spin instructor did not show up. Though I was older by 20 years (my guess) than the other people in the room, I led the class to random Ipod music and gave everyone a great workout, including me. And everyone said thank you since it meant they didn't waste their trip to the gym. A friend said…
  • If it happened particularly on the weekends while you were in a empty house (based on your description), perhaps you were lonely and that's why it was harder to keep on your plan. You mention you want to look at the reasons for these two weekends and that's what I first thought of. So perhaps you can reflect on that. And,…
  • You'll love having a new better bike that weighs less, regardless of what style you get. Buy it from a store that let you really test it and properly fits it for you! Most bikes are designed with men's body shapes in mind (longer torsos) so it is particularly important that the reach be correct. I used to teach beginning…
  • excellent. I started with Zumba too, though now I go to Spin more often. Everyone posting about Ct5K is even making me think about running. Keep the cha-cha up.
  • getting back to regularly biking outdoors on the weekend for 15-40 miles so I'll be ready for my cycle vacation in France in September. keep going to the gym in the evening 3 times a week and weight lifting keep losing about a lb a week so that I'll be in the 150s this summer. Things I need to do to achieve these goals: 1)…
  • Such a sweet success!
  • I started in January 2012 and have lost about 25 lbs. If you are being that strict with your calories you may want to explore some of the postings about "eating back your exercise calories." I do that and find it has not interfered with the weight loss. (Eating extra calories on top of those does slow it all down, of…
  • I am 47 and have lost about 25 pounds since January. It is also worth noting that it feels like many people say the last fifteen are the hardest and that is the amount you need to lose. Still you might want to join the group Fabulous Forty Something Ladies for support:…
  • I set my calorie goals to sedentary because I work at a desk job, and then I used to count extra walking as cardio, but I've now decided that unless the walking is prolonged not to count it, for the same reason as the previous poster and because I read a fitness book which said that slow walking just doesn't count. Now I…
  • I hate it when I put things someplace "logical" and then can't find them. Given that it is your IPod, have you checked your fitness clothes, shoes, or bag? If it was me, you'll find it as soon as you decide to replace it.
  • I admire how you took your time and study to find something that works. It is one of the best things about MFP that one can adjust the assumption. In the beginning, you accept the site's assumptions and then gradually adjust to your own understanding of your body and mind. Keep it up and I'll check out the website.
  • Hope it went great!! Lifting is a great addition to the work out!
  • If you are in the USA, I think has good stuff (make sure to sign up to be passport member, it is free and then you get free shipping). Their stores are a good place to start because they do have their own sizing system, but the website explains the equivalents. If things seem expensive check out the clearance.…
  • I think we are in a science lab experiment. A friend who is a science teacher makes her college students log all they eat for a week on a similar site so they can see what happens. My theory is that you log exercise calories and eat them when the effort felt real and that varies for all of us. If I end up going for a long…
  • I'm no fashionista but one friend of mine who also carries some extra pounds has taken to wearing great light scarves to make her casual outfits a little more fun. My other tip is to put on lipstick whenever you feel like you need to be a little more put together. I don't wear other makeup often but the right shade of…
  • I'm 47, single, and live in the States. MFP has been a big help in keeping me going when I faced two realities (beside the tight jeans, etc): I had to buy a size 16 US size for the first time in Fall 2011 and I weighed 198 at my doctor's visit in January 2012 (I am 5' 10" but still). I joined the gym but until I got on…
  • At my gym, each bike is different in terms of how "hard" or easy it is. So the first thing I do as I am warming up is adjust the tension until I first have some difficulty pedaling but I can keep going fast. Then I keep moving it up until it becomes really hard. Then I move back down. Doing this test, lets me know what…