Yahme Member


  • Hi...I'm 5'6" and currently 140, I fit into a misses 4 loosely or a 2 ...depending on the cut. When I was 160 I was wearing 8's. It does depend where you carry your weight. I am pretty porportionate. Hope that helps... Sorry, I don't have pics either.:smile:
  • ....lets go Mariners! :smile:
  • Grains are a good choice.... quinoa and millet are two good ones. Great sources of protein. Another idea would be checking out recipes for a "Daniel Diet".... the recipes are all vegan, no animal or dairy in the recipes. I use two books on the "Daniel Fast" and they have a lot of recipes in them...the great thing is that…
  • Try not to be... It is tough sometimes, but you can overcome this..... Weight and building muscle is actually a good thing, lean muscles burn more calories. It doesn't have to be real heavy weights... I use the kettleworx program, I use a 10 lb weight. The key to this program is that you are using a lot of muscles all at…
  • I have the Omron - got it from Costco, resonable price I think it was arou:smile: nd $40. I got it April 2010, have replaced the battery once...and it is going strong. I wear it everyday.
    in PEDOMETER Comment by Yahme February 2011
  • Yes - it is possible.... After losing 60 lbs I started using the Kettleworx program and I see a difference in that area! I have only been doing the Kettleworx for 7 weeks now, only 20 min 3x's a week is all and it works!
  • I just finished the Kettleworx 6 week program.... moving up to the next weight of kettlebell. I like them, only 20min 3 times per week, I see more muscle definition. You can watch an infomercial on their website.... www.kettleworx.com :smile:
  • Yse I ddi....
  • No, and it is my understanding that you have to cut and paste each time you want to post and have it show up...even though you created it, it isn't automatic....
  • Greetings Rulebreaker.... Yes people do read these posts.... Welcome and good luck with your journey - you CAN do it! I finally got tired of the yo-yo dieting I was doing over the last 17 years...last June I just started walking and watching my caloric intake. I found this app in July - love it! I am a "record keeping"…
  • Awesome job!!! Congrats...I know the feeling...I'm at 135 too, down from 200. Enjoy! :smile:
  • Welcome! You made a great start! I was 60 lbs overweight and just started walking, that worked the best for me. Finally got good use out of the treadmill I had for 2 years. Making good choices on food is another thing I did too. Good job and Good luck - you will do it! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Congrats!!!! :smile: I know the feeling, the first time I went to buy new slacks I figured I was at least a size 8, but after trying on pants I found out otherwise. I trying a 6 but decided to try a 4 too and believe it or not they fit great. It has been decades for me to be this size and it does feel great. Created by…
  • Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods So, I guess you have to paste it each time, that seems like a lot of extra work. No way to make it post automatically?
  • Yeah!!! Thanks, that did work, sooooooo now does that mean you have to do copy/paste each time or is it there now? This will be my test...
  • Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods Well, I'm not totally computer literate, but here is my attempt... Thanks for the info, I hope this works.:smile:
  • So, what is the secret to seeing your ticker... It says I have one set up, but I don't see it on the message board.
  • Greetings and welcome....I'm not from SC, but I have family there....
  • Hey thanks NoAdditives, I didn't even think to look under cleaning or cooking. Thanks for the info:smile:
  • Yes there are a wagon full of rude people in this world, but Praise God there are more that are caring... Good luck on your job search and your journey that led you here to this site. I found this site in late July, I have recommended it to everyone who has asked my how I have lost all the weight that I have... I trust you…
  • I'm with you...also for all the energy used in prep/cooking/cleaning up..... Happy Thanksgiving all!:smile:
  • Hey Bro... I like what you said....that is exactly the thing I kept in mind when I started my journey. "I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me." I started my journey in June and Praise the Lord - I have lost 47.5 lbs. This is a great site/tool for helping one succeed in their journey to lose weight. I mention…
  • Besides cheese sticks, my other main snacks are Veggie Chips and Think Thin bars. The think thin bars do not have any sugar grams. As a treat, I take a tablespoon of peanut butter and 1/3 of a bar of 85% dark chocolate and mix together. Hope that helps.:smile: