
whistler86 Posts: 13
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
feeling discouraged...I haven't gained back any of the weight I lost, but new stress has emerged in my life and I don't seem to be loosing weight as fast as I would like...I continue to do cardio, because I'm to scared to use weights, I'm worried weights will slow down the weight loss since muscle is heavier than fat, Im not good with weights...


  • Yahme
    Yahme Posts: 25 Member
    Try not to be... It is tough sometimes, but you can overcome this..... Weight and building muscle is actually a good thing, lean muscles burn more calories. It doesn't have to be real heavy weights... I use the kettleworx program, I use a 10 lb weight. The key to this program is that you are using a lot of muscles all at the same time and that is suppose to burn more calories. Good luck on your journey.
  • Don't be afraid to do strength training. This makes your muscles more efficient and helping your body burn fat. Try not to go by the number on the scale but how your clothing is fitting and the difference you see in the mirror. As a male you are born with one layer of fat for survival and as you lose more fat your body will need to build more muscle, as it was intended to. I've only lost almost 12 pounds so far and I'm not really seeing a difference but when you have to oull up your jeans after only walking a few steps or hold on to them when your chasing after kindergartenrs you know your doing something right when they were skin tight when you started. Hang in there! You will see results if you just stick with it. Make sure to eat the right amount of calories, drink plenty of water, and watch your carbs and fat intake. You'll do great! Good Luck!
  • Nelle914
    Nelle914 Posts: 13 Member
    Don't get discouraged! Keep motivated. If you want to do weight training, then I say do it! Even though it might seem like you are gaining weight, you will still be losing inches because muscle is leaner then fat! And you can definately tell when you are losing inches more then when you are just losing weight. Take measurements instead of stepping on the scale. It will make you much happier :D
  • go to muscleandstrength.com and find a weight loss routine... there are hundreds... they have weight lifting routines that dont necessarily gain you muscle instead its like "cardio weight" lifting... hope this helps... it would also make you stronger...
  • Just put the situation into perspective: in the past would you have gained weight in a stressful situation? You're losing weight in despite this! Don't forget to look at what a victory that is!! :smile:
  • Try not to discouraged... I know thats much easier said than done...
    When I feel like I'm not losing weight like I expected to or I've hit a plateau (where does the "u" go in that word, doesnt look right?) I think if it in the easiest terms that I can. Its simple, if I burn more calories than my body needs I WILL lose weight. No if's, and's or but's about it. Try to think of things in those simple, simple terms. It helps me at least... YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Like everyone else said don't get discouraged, yiu can definitely do it. Also Muscle doesnt weigh more than fat. Think about it a pound of muscle weighs the same amount as a pound of fat. And guess what? A pound of muscle is leaner than a pound of fat. Heres another thing you might now know. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn! Having more muscle actually boost your metabolism!!! I ganrantee (yep ganrantee) if you add weight lifing to you cardio routine you will start losing weight again! Add me as a friend if you like, I am here all of the time and have went through so much in my weightloss journey which in return has taught me alot and myself and my mfp friends are all very supportive. Let me know what you think!
  • Thank You all for the encouragement...I will take your advice, and run with it...I feel motivated already...Thanks again...
  • I agree with everyone else. I am currently following a combination of cardio and weight training and it hasn't hurt my ability to lose weight whatsoever. Check out my blog if you want to see exactly what I am doing.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    Like everyone else said don't get discouraged, yiu can definitely do it. Also Muscle doesnt weigh more than fat. Think about it a pound of muscle weighs the same amount as a pound of fat. And guess what? A pound of muscle is leaner than a pound of fat. Heres another thing you might now know. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn! Having more muscle actually boost your metabolism!!! I ganrantee (yep ganrantee) if you add weight lifing to you cardio routine you will start losing weight again! Add me as a friend if you like, I am here all of the time and have went through so much in my weightloss journey which in return has taught me alot and myself and my mfp friends are all very supportive. Let me know what you think!

    Agreed. You got this, you are going to do just fine!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Oooh, I love my weight training! It's definitely improved my shape, but also my overall energy levels - i can go much more full on in cardio classes than before.
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