

  • Well tonight while at work i ruined my diet. It was my cheat day so i decided to eat an ice cream sandwich and a snickers bar. They are very unhealthy choices, but i am jumping right back on the wagon tomorrow!
  • I am cutting my carbs so much so i can cut. Also, i exercise 2 times a week in the afternoons and once during school during the week. I also workout a few times in the morning before school.
  • BrockDoe, They are definitely there! So would a low carb diet and HITT training be my best bet to lower my body fat percentage?
    in Cutting? Comment by Zraigy7 August 2010
  • Thanks everyone! I dont know if cutting is the right word or not. I just want my abs and muscles to be more defined than they are. would cutting be the right word/right thing to do to achieve this?
    in Cutting? Comment by Zraigy7 August 2010
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