HilB Member


  • Did I over-indulge? I dont even think thats the word for what I did to my poor body this weekend! I feel like I'm busting at the seems with all the crap I've eaten! And to top it off, I didn't even drag my lazy butt to the gym today. I've been too busy uploading Easter pictures and digesting all the food from yesterday :)
  • I loooove the elliptical. For an even better and more intense workout on the elliptical, up the resistance! I start sweating buckets the more the resistance I put on.
  • I was just looking at this stuff in the store yesterday...I almost bought some but I'm not a huge garlic fan and I was afraid of the other flavors, haha. Maybe i'll try to make my own
    in Hummus! Comment by HilB April 2009
  • There is absolutely no need to stop walking every day if that's what you've been doing. How can a doctor tell you to NOT work out more than 3 days a week? That's insane! And if you've recently began a diet where you're consuming a lot less calories than before and working out a lot more, you're going to lose more weight in…
  • Hello everyone. I just found this site yesterday and so far I love it. I'm a 24 year old mother of one and I've recently put on a few pounds and I dont like it one bit. I've been going to the gym pretty regularly for a couple weeks now, but have yet to lose weight. In fact, in the first week I was gaining weight. Everyone…