nantzh Member


  • I would think that this idea really wouldnt work as good as it sounds. Those extra calories will be stored as fat and its easier for the body to store them today than it will be for it to burn that fat three days from now.
  • Seafood. I love it and it is pretty low on the calories. Broild, Grilled, Blackened, Baked, whatever, it all tastes great. Also dont forget about the salads. With all the buffets it really shouldnt be too hard to find healthy food. Also try not to use up all your calories on the free booze.
  • If the shin splints are your main concerns i beleive what you need is arch support. This is reaching back 5-7 years to a kinesiology class in college, but i believe your probelm is your arches. You can try taping them, and i have found that the sock i wear makes a big differnce. Dont buy cheap socks to run in, buy a good…
    in Reebok Zigs Comment by nantzh March 2011
  • Its there so you can keep track of your lifting. So you know how much you lifted the last time you worked out and how many reps. Sometimes when on different workout programs its important to remember how many reps of what weight you were able to lift. It is a nice feature.
  • BMI is a simple index. I will also add that it is not very accurate on determining the actual fitness/shape of someone. A 6 foot 200 lb body builder and a 6 foot 200 lb couch patatoe would have the same BMI, which would say both were overweight. The body builder though would have a very low body fat percentage, maybe 5%.…
  • This topic has definately made me wanna go eat mexican tonight! I usually get the exact same thing i used to get, it is a shrimp, mushrooms and cheese meal with a ton of rice. I used to eat every bit of it, on tortilla shells and baskets of chips and cheese sauce. Now i just eat a handful of chips, and dont eat any of the…
  • 1721.7+10.2=1731.9 Congrats everyone