Mexican Restaurant Food Suggestions

Hey everyone,

I'm going out to a Mexican food restaurant tonight and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what the healthiest options would be. I want to plan it now so I don't show up and get the cheesiest, greasiest thing haha. Any help is appreciated.



  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    You can go to the food database and try entering different foods to see what would be best for you :smile:
  • thetorontokid2
    I second going to the database...I would also recommend a tostada! they're good and probably one of the better things you can get at a mexican restaurant! also, you can have chips and salsa, just try to be careful with the number of chips! that's what i do. i loooooove mexican food!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    My son wanted Mexican food last weekend so we went to On The Boarder because it was in the database. I got a dish with grilled chicken and salsa and grilled veggies and rice and it was delicious! (called chicken salsa fresca???) I did have some chips and salsa as well, but I tried to count the chips. When they came back to give us another bowl I just said, "no thank you" and of course my son was disappointed, but he understood!!! Mama's gotta eat right! Plus, he ended up eating all his meal which he wouldn't have if he'd have eaten more chips!!! LOL!

  • blankcanvas
    blankcanvas Posts: 177
    Love, LOVE Mexican food! I try to order the items with most veggies.. Just hold the sour cream and don't get items with the cheese sauces, prob best with fajita type dishes where you control how much shredded cheese you add:) and watch those drinks! They can sabatoge any 'good' food choices you make! I agree look up some of your fav Mexican foods on the database.. Even drinks..that'll keep you more on track:) Enjoy!
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    Tortilla shells and chips are very high in calories, rice is often hidden in many dishes and that will drive calories up also. Be careful about having multiple wraps or shells, go for a meal that is more of a platter and you should be able to get away relatively healthy.
    Enjoy your meal and don't panic, keep the tortillas down and you'll do fine.
  • habibti
    habibti Posts: 56 Member
    I always get the veggie fajita entree, and take it easy with the tortillas, or just skip 'em altogether and use your fork. Tell your waiter no sour cream (if you'd like). If you want meat, I'm guessing the chicken fajita would be your best choice. Margaritas are delicious but really high in sugar, and definitely remember to sit on your hands and be patient for your food - DO NOT devour the chips and salsa! lol :bigsmile:
  • bullmastifflover
    bullmastifflover Posts: 128 Member
    Depending on how they are prepared fish, chicken or steak tacos are a good options. When I'm trying to be good, I stay away from the chips, flautas, chimichangas, tostadas or hard shelled tacos because the tortillas are fried.

    Also some places like to double up the corn tortillas on the soft tacos...I try to use just one instead of two. Also opt for corn tortillas over flour if you have a choice.

    FYI-some places use lard to flavor and make their beans have a nice texture.
  • thomaslh83
    thomaslh83 Posts: 79 Member
    Mexican Restaurants all typically have the same choices in terms of foods, combinations, chips, etc. If you're going out with a group of people, limit yourself to the number of chips you have before your meal. Psychologically speaking, people tend to eat more in a social, group setting. As far as food goes, you probably cannot go wrong with a tostada or taco salad - or even one or two soft tacos! I would just pay close attention to the descriptions of the food to see what ingredients are used. You can really pack on unwanted calories from a lot of toppings, such as cheese and sour cream. Also, instead of beef go with chicken. In my experience, the beef-related foods tend to be greasier. Hope this helps - good luck today!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Don't eat the chips for sure, you can eat 1000 calories before your food even hits the table.
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    I always go with the beef fajita, but I just eat the meat and veggies without the tortillas... a few chips and some salsa. It's enough to fill you up.
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    if you feel you need to eat the chips and salsa count out your 16 chips onto a plate first thing. you can order water with lemon instead of margaritas or soda. ask for a box at the beginning of your meal and box half of it up to eat for tomorrow. alot of mexican resturants offer fish as well as chicken dishes. i went to abuelo's here in rogers arkansas. awesome place to go. they have a fish dish with tilapia, shrimp and scallops that is to die for. i asked them to not put shimp in mine since i am allergic to it. if what you order has cheese or some other sauce on it you can ask them to put it in a dish on the side that way you can regulate better how much of it you get.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Im going out to mexican tonight too! but i dont even care. Im getting what i want and only eating half of it..and going to the gym before hand. Im going to be over cals but im going with friends i havent seen in a while
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I LOVE Mexcian food and generally try to limit going to one because I just can't seem to stop myself with all the chips and salsa and I love burritos. So when I do eventually go there, I just order everything and call it a nice splurge.

    Anyway, I think to make it not so awful you could go w/the fajita's (generally just onions, peppers and either chicken or beef) and try not to eat all the tortillas that come with it. Also try not to let the waitress bring any additional bowls of chips because they could be a bottomless pit........and watch the margarita's.....they are so high in calories.

    Or, you could eat everything and just eat less the rest of the day :smile:

    Good luck and enjoy!!!
  • jdrop
    jdrop Posts: 24
    I always try to get a grilled fish taco and then eat the insides with a fork.

    Margaritas/sangria can be up to 600 calories, so if you want a drink a mojito might be a better choice (but they have sugar)
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    Wow! These are all great suggestions. The place I'm going to a little place called Azul near Pittsburgh. It's family owned and authentic, super good. I am definitely going to have to chill on the chips cause they're homemade and SO dang good. Sinful even. Thanks again and keep the suggestions coming. It can't hurt.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Wow! These are all great suggestions. The place I'm going to a little place called Azul near Pittsburgh. It's family owned and authentic, super good. I am definitely going to have to chill on the chips cause they're homemade and SO dang good. Sinful even. Thanks again and keep the suggestions coming. It can't hurt.

    The chips are my weakness and I dont care lol
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    I actually ended up getting what I normally get the last time I went to our normal Mexican restaurant but I just cut if in half and ordered it without cheese. Plus, I only ate like 5 chips with salsa. It was hard for me because I love chips and salsa and cheese!
  • nantzh
    nantzh Posts: 7 Member
    This topic has definately made me wanna go eat mexican tonight!
    I usually get the exact same thing i used to get, it is a shrimp, mushrooms and cheese meal with a ton of rice. I used to eat every bit of it, on tortilla shells and baskets of chips and cheese sauce. Now i just eat a handful of chips, and dont eat any of the rice or tortilla's with my meal. So i know i am eating way less than half of the calories i used to eat when going there. I know its not the healthiest meal but I LOVE MEXICAN and need it to keep my sanity. The only negative side effect is the high sodium content and i hold some water weight for a few days.
  • Johnnygirl777
    Great suggestions by everyone! Living in Southern Cali, my favorite foods are Mexican and sushi of course :)

    I tend to stick to fajitas, shrimp or chicken. Ask them light or no oil (if possible)
    No chips, just like everyone mentioned
    No rice, you can have some black beans if you want beans, good source of protein
    I also get chicken or shrimp tacos, corn tortilla with no sauce. Get pico de gallo & some guacamole and eat one or two small tortillas or just eat the inside of the taco right out of the taco without the tortilla.
    Try to stick to one regular blended marg or a beer, margaritas get outta control with cals sometimes!

    Good luck :)