

  • Working out barefoot takes some getting used to. Typically your knees and ankles will hurt for a while because they are taking impact that they have not received before. The top of your foot may also hurt from you foot "spreading". If you enjoy it, I would give it some time but don't injure yourself permanently. Take…
  • STOP weighing yourself every day! You are making progress! Every lifestyle change you have made is progress. Muscle will start replacing the fat you have lost if you are exercising, and muscle weighs more than fat. If I were you I would hide your scale and only weigh at the most once a week. I would also measure once a…
  • I always like to have a little protein for breakfast, especially if I am exercising hard on a regular basis. I have been having a yogurt-greek has more protein, mixed with a Mueslix type of cereal. It sounds weird but its like putting granola on yogurt just much less fat and sugar. I feel like I stay fuller longer with the…