

  • Yep, we aren't planning on going on a 60 day only juicing like the documentary... We wouldn't be able to afford that! We just thought of doing a fast for a week and go from there. Just to clean out our systems. We did buy a pricey juicer. We actually did a lot of research on which one to buy. My husband also does a huge…
  • Perfect! My husband and I quit smoking last week! We already feel better. We definitely miss the routine of going outside and smoking and talking but we figure it can only make us healthier in the long run. Grab a bag of sugar free candy or something like that to suck on instead of a smoke. I have found that to be a little…
  • I swear by melatonin! Ever since I had my son I am a very light sleeper... hard to fall asleep. I take one of those and I am out in about 30 mins and don't wake up every hour. I do get some weird dreams but nothing that wakes me up. I wake up feeling quite refreshed in the morning too. LOVE IT!
  • Thanks everyone!!! All good tips and tricks! I think I will need about a 5 mile walk. haha. I just have to find the low cal beer. I think that will really be my downfall. I have been really good about keeping my fingers out of unhealthy snacks and have figured out that if i really want something I just cut the calories…
  • well, I log my 10 minute walks around the pond behind my work on my breaks. So you would probably be annoyed w/ me. But I also log my 45-60 minute walks after I get home. Maybe they are just starting slow? I don't know. Or not really that into it either.
  • led_2006.... I just watched an episode of Extreme Makeover: Weightloss Edition. The girl had PCOS and she lost 200 lbs in a year (which i know is impossible unless you are working out 5 hours a day like her... ha). Anyway, she saw a doctor at the end and they told her she had a very good chance of getting pregnant. They…
  • Thank you all for the positive vibes. :) I have started trying to get back on track w/ my weight and since August 6th I have lost 8 pounds so I am on the right track. One of my friends got pregnant and it really made me jealous and then I decided.... I can't blame her.... I need to take responsibility for myself. I love…