

  • Do you have your fitbit synced to MFP? If you do, manually enter your exercises into MFP, and then fitbit will add extra calories burned if it thinks you burned more based on your overall daily activity. Not sure if that answered your question, haha. I got a fitbit about a month ago and it was definitely confusing at first!
  • Hi there! Welcome to MFP (: Feel free to add me as well! Joined a long time ago, but just started being really active on here about two weeks ago.
  • Hi Emily! Feel free to add me as well. I'm 5'4" and weighing in at 153. Looking to get to 135 for this summer! Got some fun vacations planned but I'm terrified to wear a swimsuit... haha
  • Hi Stephanie! I just started back on here two weeks ago. So far still going strong! 21 days makes a habit though right? (: Feel free to add me as a friend! A good support group really is the key to success here.
  • I just bought a FitBit Flex, and so far I really love it. Mostly for the motivation factor though. All of the logging I do is through MFP, and just sync it to FitBit. However, it's such a great daily reminder and motivator that's right there on your wrist. And I find that it encourages me to be more active in my normal…
  • Hi there! (: Feel free to add me as well. I've been struggling to loose that last 20 lbs for many years now, and I'm FINALLY starting to make progress. (woohoo!) Here's to hoping we can all keep each other motivated!!! Mind over matter!
  • Hi keke! (: A friend request is on the way! A little background about myself -- I'm on my second attempt to lose weight. In 2009/2010 I lost 20 lbs, but started to exercise irregularly and eat poorly due to a hectic schedule in college. I've gained about 15 of those lbs back over the years, and I'm tired of letting a busy…
  • It's a lot to keep up with! I'm taking a social media class right now though where I'm required to operate at least two social media websites a week so I'm forced to get used to updating a lot of different things. It's overwhelming though!
  • Trying to go back and follow everyone! I'm always on MFP on my iphone and can't see the message boards. When I first posted this, I didn't get many responses and now all of the sudden I see 77 posts haha. How exciting! I love Pinterest!
  • Awesome! I'll follow you too (:
  • Howdy! I'm from Texas too, and definitely have a few redneck tendencies. Feel free to add me!