

  • That's me! 100 lbs exactly to lose! This group is a great support for me: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/702-100-lbs-to-lose Everyone is trying to lose 100 lbs or better :smile:
  • Wow! We are pretty close with our weight loss goals! I am 5'2" and started at 230 lbs. My goal is 130 lbs. I got the best advice from my coworkers at work. They told me to CHEAT! It works wonders to just have a cheat day every few weeks. After I have cheat day, I will end up losing twice as much as usual in the next week.…
  • My doctor told me 1-2 pounds a week was the healthiest way to go. By that logic, it would be 6 months to year for 50 lbs.
  • Oh my goodness! I hope this poor girl gets mental health help as soon as her physical health stabilizes. If she is refusing to eat anything else, this has to be more of a mental health issue then a parenting issue.
  • I am all for a Feb. challenge! What a great idea! My name is Kara and my goals are: 1. Lose 1 lbs each week in Feb 2. Cardio 3 times a week and weight lifting 3 times a week 3. Bring a lean cuisine/smart ones/healthy choice meal for lunch each day (AND make time to eat it!) 4. No donuts with the other nurses! I want to be…
  • Hello! My name is Kara and I have been a nurse for 10 years. I started out in subacute skilled and then went to hospice. I'm now the nursing coordinator of a 50 bed assisted living. I love being a nurse! I don't love the difficulty that comes with eating healthy while working as a nurse. I just started my weight loss…