kbf2107 Member


  • 5'3 CW: 147.8 SW: 190 Body Fat %: 27.8 GW: 135 Goal Body Fat %: 24 I do mainly strength training with 2 days of HIIT per week. Also a lactose intolerant vegetarian who loves cooking vegan foods. Feel free to add me! I've been in a plateau for the past two months and could use the extra support.
  • I'm also getting (re)started today and looking for virtual pals to help with motivation and accountability. Feel free to add me and best of luck on your healthy lifestyle journey!
  • I'm 21 and in my last semester of college. Feel free to add my to talk about anything and everything fitness and food related :-) Best of luck on your journey.
  • My diary is open to my friends, and I think keeping it open is a great way to gain inspiration from others about how/ what they eat. Feel free to add me! (I also love swapping recipes!)
  • Hi there! I'm 21 and currently living in NYC. I'm finishing up my last semester as a undergrad at Columbia and looking to lose between 25-30 pounds by mid-May because I want to look awesome in all my graduation photos. Adding you now :-)
  • Your weight loss goals are definitely possible! I'm about 5'2" and I'm looking to lose about 30 pounds by May (I wanna look great in my graduation photos). Feel free to add me!
  • Hi there! I'm in my last semester of college(!!!!), but anxiously waiting to hear back from graduate schools. I go to school in NYC so the unhealthy food options are ALWAYS there. Anyway, anyone feel free to add me!
  • I will start by saying that I don't have any scientific studies to cite that prove/disprove the benefits of detoxing, so I'm sorry about that. However, I will speak from personal experience. I've done the Dr. Oz Detox twice and I usually do it when I want to really get back into my clean eating regime. It motivates me…
  • Congratulations on your new baby! I'll be 22 in September and I absolutely love MFP. I log everyday and love sharing recipes, exercises, and other tips/motivation with my MFP friends. Anyone on here feel free to add me!
  • I don't think an all-juice diet is sustainable, and as someone else mentioned, it is VERY expensive. I would recommend doing a juice/ smoothie detox (maybe for 3 or 4 days) to rid your body of toxins and impurities and then start a clean eating regime. I currently own a NutriBullet which makes smoothies and I am absolutely…
  • So I was in your predicament about two years ago. I'm about to start my last semester, but I don't have a meal plan and do all my own shopping and cooking. Anyway, when I did have a meal plan, the first thing I did was find the nutrition information for the food served in the dining halls. Since you mentioned that your…
  • Hi! Feel free to add me. I love talking with my MFP friends, swapping recipes, sharing new workout regimes, you name it!
  • wow this thread is certainly turning nasty, unnecessarily in my opinion. Anyway, I wouldn't do a strict water detox. I did a fruit and veggie smoothie detox for 3 days and that worked wonders in getting all the nasty toxins out of my body. I recommend Dr. Oz's 3-Day Detox.
  • That's great that you want to make healthy changes. Feel free to add me for support/motivation/ recipe swapping/ general camaraderie!
  • Welcome to the MFP fam! Great to have you! I'm always looking for new friends so feel free to add me. Let's drop this weight!
  • yes! Thanks so much for sharing! will definitely try this
  • @regosaki ^^ talk about Plato's Allegory of the Cave in relation to his theory of forms over a post workout protein shake!
  • I'm currently doing Dr. Ian's 6-Week SHRED program (http://www.amazon.com/Shred-Revolutionary-Weeks-Inches-Sizes/dp/1250038278/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1388676380&sr=8-1). I was a little hesitant at first, mainly because I'm skeptical of "fad diets," but a family member of mine SWEARS by Dr. Ian, and she actually…
  • I will have to respectfully disagree with that. While I recognize that as a college student, I have much more flexibility in structuring my time, that doesn't necessarily mean I have any more or less of it than the next person. But with regards to the main post, I understand your struggle. I go to a university were the…
  • Hi! I'm entering my last semester of undergrad and looking to lose ~30 pounds by the beginning of May. I want to look ***Flawless (yes, this is a Beyonce reference) in all my graduation pictures :-D
  • If you're an iPhone user (or if you have an iPod touch), you can buy the Nike+GPS app. It calculates your mileage, pace, time, and calories burned. I use that whenever I go for runs, and then just input the exercise info in MFP.
  • That's great that you want to get in shape -- if you commit, MFP is a great tool to help with the process! I joined in January and I've lost a total of 48 pounds, and I'm still losing. I'm more than half way to my goal weight and MFP has really helped me change a lot of my eating habits, so this really is a lifestyle…
  • Another great tip that I'm just starting to realize: weight loss also happens in the grocery store, meaning don't even buy things that you're not supposed to eat. When I'm home, I only buy healthy options for myself, so when I go to grab something out of the fridge, I'm not tempted by anything and I know I'm making smart…
  • CONGRATULATIONS!! This post is especially close to my heart because I finally got in the 150s about a month ago. Now, I'm just a few pounds away from getting into the 140s! So closeee I can taste it! Good luck on your journey! My motto: power through.
  • I'm a fan of HBO Go, as well. You can watch from any device: computer, iPod, iPad, phone. I've been watching it from my iPod Touch whenever I go to the gym.
  • I know the feeling. My friends would always make fun of me when I would measure my food, or constantly check the nutrition facts. Since they've seen how much progress I've made, they don't really say much now; maybe because they've finally realized that I was serious about changing my eating habits. But I guess my point…
  • Female, 19 Height: 5"2 SW: 200 lbs. GW: 135-130 CW: 155 and still losing!