I have the same problem. I hate the current trend for big phones! I'm delighted about the iphone SE and will be getting one of them when my 5S finally dies. *apple haters - go away I'm not interested*
I'm pretty picky about picking up the nicest looking veggies/fruit/fresh meat etc with the longest date in the supermarket so I tend to avoid including these in my online shop, and then pick up the fresh bits from the supermarket near my workplace as and when I need them, but the bulk of our shop is done online through…
There's your problem!
*waves* Hiya from Leeds! The end of this month will see my 3rd MFP birthday and I have lost 6 stone :) Good luck on your journey! Rosey xx
@battyg13 - ripped!
Hiya I've been doing the fasting diet for about 6 weeks now, lost 5lbs in first month Had been consistently trying to stick to 1400 cals beforehand (for over 2 years!) and it was becoming stale and a bit depressing so wanted to try something new & different I actually really enjoy the challenge of my fast days, and I love…
How is providing information that allows people to make informed choices 'forcing someone to take responsibility for you'? Your definition of nannyism is weird
Chicken tikka with salad is pretty low cal (guessing in the US it's mainly called tandoori chicken, based on the other replies). Don't know if there is a north/south difference here too, but to clarify, I mean the dry chicken dish that's usually cooked on skewers over a charcoal grill, or in a tandoor oven. like this:…
Holy crap, dude!! What an amazing transforamtion!! YOU ROCK!!!
Sorry haven't read whole thread, so apols if someone has already pointed this out, but this is in Japan only at the mo. There is a craze in the far east at the moment to have McDonalds 'Potato Parties' Suspect this new product is there…
Cheryl Cole
If you're not going over your calorie allowance then you're fine.
Bump! Thanks x
I go and get weighed by the nurse at my local GP's surgery once a month. Any more frequently and I think I'd get obsessed by numbers on a scale rather than focussing on just trying to live a healthy lifestyle. It also makes me focus on how my body feels in my clothes the rest of the month. It also helps knowing I have to…
Wow. Just wow. Amazing. Well done.
Sorry can't help but interested in the replies as I'd like something similar, cant be doing with a chest strap! Rosey x
Arrrrggghhh CUTE OVERLOAD!!!
bump! thanks!
mmmm bump!
great idea thanks - bumping for later
I pretty much have soup every day. I buy a couple of pots/cartons of Glorious Skinny / New Covent Garden / Own brand soup from the supermarket on the way in to work on a Monday then have half a pot each day done in the microwave at work, with a couple of ryvita broken up into 'croutons'. Yummy, varied and usually around…
Bwaahaha! X^D
Quite probably my favourite set of before & after pics EVER! Great work - on the photography project as well as the amazing transformation!
^^^^^ So much this!!
My OH makes this all the time - veggie, cheap and super low cal for such a filling meal (he replaces the tbsp olive oil with a few sprays of one-cal spray oil) We sometimes substitute the mushrooms for cooked chicken breast too Rosey x
Omelettes with LOADS of veg! Trying really hard to eat more protein and less carb-heavy food and this is a good one for it I also like scrambled eggs on toast, with cheese & ham primula spread on the toast before the eggs on top - mmmm cheesey! And I love Nigella's marmite spaghetti for a quick easy tea…
You're brilliant. Well done.
Oh and: 5) don't worry too much about your daily calorie goals - if you use the mobile app you can tap the 'weekly' button at the top and see how over/under you are for the week overall - I find that really helpful. If I do have a day when I go over my calories, I try and make sure that over the course of the whole week, I…