Hiya! Thanks for the advice :) Yeah I should get there slowly but hopefully it doesnt take forever. Your right its definitely frustrating im just learning to work with what I got ha! Im aiming for around 125lb :)
Thank you! It has been hard but Im sure i'll get to were I need to eventually lol.
Thanks! Yeah i'll just keep going. It has slowly started to progress again but i think thats what Im just going to have to get used to.
Yeah it is a very slow process. Its hard to not mentally throw in the towel. But hopefully I'll get there. My health improving is my motivation atm.
Aw your so nice :) Thanks for the encouragement! Yeah im just going to keep going and keep myself right with my logging etc. Thanks again :)
Thanks ! :) Yeah seems to be moving slowly a little. Just need more time.
Thanks so much :) Cant deny it is challenging but im still hopeful i'll get there. Hope things improve with you too. :)
Yeah I could do that. But before I was diagnosed I was REALLY fit and was quite toned. Easy cardio and lowering calories will eventually just give me the "skinny - fat" look. Which isnt a bad thing but it definitely a downside for me as I loved to workout so much before. Doctors here do not prescribe Beta Blockers if you…
Hey! Yeah SVT sucks. Really just depends on how sensitive the electrically impulses in your heart are to certain triggers :/ I also had an ablation - it was unsuccessful. I also am not on Beta Blockers due to having asthma and Im not on calcium blockers due to making the condition worse.
Guys thanks for all your replies, you have all been very helpful! :)
Aw thank you :)
Okay thanks :)
Hi, Yes my doctor informed me about these little maneuvers. But whilst doing them in front of doctors in a&e they realised it didn't help much and they had to give me 2 injections of adenosine, even at that my heart was still higher than normal. Thanks for info anyways
3 meals and sometimes 1 snack. I don't believe in the whole 4-6 meals for higher metabolism, nor could I find the time to eat that many times everyday.
Hi, I'm afraid I can't get my heart into a "target heart zone" to burn fat like a normal person can. My heart rate goes from 80 - 220 within seconds of low impact/intensity exercise. It's just all to do with the electrical wiring of my heart
Hi, Thanks for the info :) I'm afraid I have already gotten a Cathater ablation surgery and it wasn't successful. Can't go on beta blockers because I have asthma. Literally feel like this condition has destroyed my life :/
I've tried getting Cathater Ablation surgery but sadly was unsuccessful. So I'm currently getting a second opinion from another doctor. I am young but when your heart rate shoots up to over 200bpm whilst putting minimal effort into exercise it gets scary. It also doesn't come down when I stop exercising it can take a long…
I've never had a baby. But i've seen mothers get back on track after having their babies. Tbh its not doing anything different than before. You need to cut your calories and exercise, as long as you are in a caloric deficit you will lose weight. For now at your breastfeeding stage, I wouldn't recommend eating that extra…
Sorry, I meant beginner style yoga. I can't put a number of miles on it but 4 - 5 days per week I walk for at least 80minutes per day. Sometimes more. But when I hit hills etc I do find myself having to stop regularly due to my heart condition e.g. sore chest, intense dizziness, palpitations, vision going blurry.
Hi, Swimming and Pilates are a big no no lol. Yoga may be okay but wouldnt think it would contribute much to weight loss.
Hi, Probably stalled for about 3/4 weeks. Usually everything I eat is similar each day, and same portion size so can't be doing much wrong. I am deffs a creature of habit lol.
Yeah walking is fine, but I literally walk everywhere and I've done that all my life so I think my body is used to it lol. Thing is, I LOVE exercising so this couldn't have happened to a worse person :(
Yea I use a food scale. It's very accurate.
I'm 21, I started off at 175lb, currently 140lbs but my goal is 120lbs. I takes hard work and dedication. Don't rely completely on motivation because it comes and goes you need to learn to push yourself and keep reminding yourself you started to lose weight for a reason :)