Weight loss without exercise?



  • laurenummy
    laurenummy Posts: 31 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    laurenummy wrote: »
    Yeah walking is fine, but I literally walk everywhere and I've done that all my life so I think my body is used to it lol.

    Your body doesn't get used to it. You are still burning calories by walking, especially as much as you do.

    You're doing great!

    Just give yourself a few more weeks before thinking you're really in a plateau.

    For the past few months I've stalled for a few weeks then whooshed. This happens the closer you get to a healthy weight.

    Good luck!

    Thanks ! :)

    Yeah seems to be moving slowly a little. Just need more time.
  • laurenummy
    laurenummy Posts: 31 Member
    brb2008 wrote: »
    laurenummy wrote: »
    steuartcj wrote: »
    How many meals per day do you eat to get your 1200 in ? Try splitting the 1200 into 4-6 meals per day. It can help to keep your metabolism up. Good luck..

    3 meals and sometimes 1 snack.
    I don't believe in the whole 4-6 meals for higher metabolism, nor could I find the time to eat that many times everyday.

    You've got it sister! I really think you're doing all the right things. Keep your logging tight and double check everything. I can't imagine the frustration of wishing you could do more, but the advice from rabbit is spot on. Be patient, because (with accurate logging) you KNOW you're eating correctly and you're walking lots and those are great things. I think if you get frustrated and try to change a bunch of stuff you're going to set yourself up for disappointment. At least I always have and now Im left to wonder if I had just been patient and stayed the course, would i have already met my goal? Could be! Keep your chin up :)

    Aw your so nice :)
    Thanks for the encouragement! Yeah im just going to keep going and keep myself right with my logging etc.

    Thanks again :)
  • laurenummy
    laurenummy Posts: 31 Member
    That is tough, and I commend you for not giving up! I'd guess in your case it is just a matter of it being a very slow process :/

    Yeah it is a very slow process. Its hard to not mentally throw in the towel. But hopefully I'll get there. My health improving is my motivation atm.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Sorry about your condition, OP -- that's got to be frustrating.

    I'm older than you and the same height, and if you can't exercise it's just going to be slow as you get close to goal, but you are below maintenance at 1200, so should get there. My experience is the same as rabbit's that when you are close to goal there's a lot more stalling and then whooshing and also losses get hidden by normal fluctuations so it's easy to get discouraged. Just keep on. If you can increase the walking a little it might give you a boost -- walking casually throughout the day really does make a big difference, I try to walk extra on my exercise off days even though I also walk a lot routinely. And tightening up the logging is something to think about -- I found that after 135 or so (I'm 125 now, but have been taking a break before trying to lose more to get to 120 or less) I had to be more vigilant to lose since my maintenance was less than when I weighed more.
  • laurenummy
    laurenummy Posts: 31 Member
    ryry62685 wrote: »
    I think you may just need to be patient if you have been losing consistently at this calorie intake. The closer you get to your ideal weight the more you typically fluctuate. I have no idea why and it can drive someone crazy but i would typically be the same weight FOREVER then lose like 5 lbs over the course of a few days....Hang in there if its only been a month

    Yeah i'll just keep going. It has slowly started to progress again but i think thats what Im just going to have to get used to.
  • laurenummy
    laurenummy Posts: 31 Member
    deborahk21 wrote: »
    Just dropping in to offer moral support and caution low carb or ketogenic diets for those with heart problems. These diets can increase heart rate and cause palpitations, etc. good luck on you continuing success! You have done very well under challenging circumstances.

    Thank you! It has been hard but Im sure i'll get to were I need to eventually lol.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    lifting doesn't raise the heart rate too much
    Well if there's no intensity, sure. But most people usually try something a bit challenging.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • laurenummy
    laurenummy Posts: 31 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Sorry about your condition, OP -- that's got to be frustrating.

    I'm older than you and the same height, and if you can't exercise it's just going to be slow as you get close to goal, but you are below maintenance at 1200, so should get there. My experience is the same as rabbit's that when you are close to goal there's a lot more stalling and then whooshing and also losses get hidden by normal fluctuations so it's easy to get discouraged. Just keep on. If you can increase the walking a little it might give you a boost -- walking casually throughout the day really does make a big difference, I try to walk extra on my exercise off days even though I also walk a lot routinely. And tightening up the logging is something to think about -- I found that after 135 or so (I'm 125 now, but have been taking a break before trying to lose more to get to 120 or less) I had to be more vigilant to lose since my maintenance was less than when I weighed more.

    Thanks for the advice :) Yeah I should get there slowly but hopefully it doesnt take forever.
    Your right its definitely frustrating im just learning to work with what I got ha!
    Im aiming for around 125lb :)
  • itsflaccoi
    itsflaccoi Posts: 69 Member
    Interesting so you cant walk for exercise?
  • fairy290
    fairy290 Posts: 25 Member
    laurenummy wrote: »
    Yea I use a food scale.
    It's very accurate.

    Is food scale an app...kindly send me the link...i too want to check my calorie intake.