stellcorb Member


  • A hideous conference call for testing a new system:ohwell:
  • 1) 30's 2) 137 3) Ohio 4) moderate to advanced excersizer w/ a sedentary job 5) 5-7 days a week 6) Yes, almost always 6) Dinner 7) 3-6 8) approx 64-96 oz 9) save calories and keep portions small 10) crunchy tacos and enchiladas
  • You can do it! But being patient with yourself is important too... I was over 230 when I delivered my first 4 and a half years ago. When he was 9 mos old, I was 201 lbs (I'm 5'5" btw) and decided it was time to lose the weight. I was able to get down to 140 betweeen August 2010 to April of 2011. While it seemed impressive,…
  • It's definately harder to lose after baby... time and energy are not as available as they once were. It IS possible though...and you CAN do it. I lost close to 70lbs after my first baby...only gained the "normal" 30 lbs with my second, but it still took me over a year to get back down to my pre-preggo weight... and that…
  • I am 5'5" and my starting weight was 201lbs in August 2010 (not too hard to guess which of those profile pictures is from that time;) I've lost over 60 lbs and have maintained normal BMI through and after my pregnancy with my daughter and a hip arthroscopy. She's almost 2 and I'm at 134 and maintaining. Sorry I can't post…
  • Welome! I am also a mom of 2 and my baby is turning 2 next month. I just got down to my prepregnancy weight about 2 months ago... but my pre-preggo weight was much smaller with my second than my first... thanks to MFP! Feel free to friend me and I would suggest joining the Post Partum Pack... there are lots of us mommies…
  • That's it... ovaries just make us crazy... and that's that! But whatever... life is more fun as a crazy person! I always get caught up in wanting my kids to be more independent... then wanting them to stay babies. Potty training will be the next step with my daughter... and I dread the mess and the fight... want to get it…
  • Haha! That's funny.... my youngest will be 2 in June and when people ask me if I'm having any more... I went from "Heck no!" to "I would if I won the lottery" ... still a no, but with a different tint. I know alot of women who are pregnant right now and I do feel a bit sad... but then my reasonable brain speaks up and…
  • My surgery was over a year ago (late Feb 2013) so I already did my full PT and was discharged from my Ortho last August. I tried asking similiar questions on what I can and can't do, but didn't really get strait answers. The PT basically said I can do anything unless it hurts, the ortho said " You're hip is like a patched…
  • Thank-you for your responses! Yeah, I know it's a subject to bring up w/ a professional... guess I'm just not sure which professional to listen to as my PT and my Ortho seem to be in different schools of thought... Totally understand this is a bit of a lost cause, just a bit depressing to have this type of physical…
  • You can do it... It sounds like you've overcome bigger obstacles than this, so don't sell yourself short! For me, it's all about establishing a pattern, a habit. When I first start weightloss, I eat alot of the same meals b/c 1.) it's easy to remember the grocery list and 2.) they're pre-added to your journal so you don't…
  • Great post GMan! Remembering is very important.
  • I prefer to work out in the mornings as well, but while I was nursing with my first, I had to go in the evenings after he went to bed. It stinks, but it's temporary... and worth the annoyance. Working out keeps me sane... even when I have no sleep or patience left! Good luck mamma!
  • Ha ha on the Ft Drum comment!!! I was in the Ohio Army National Gaurd from 97-2006 with one deployment to Iraq (Camp Victory South Bahgdad) in 2005. We mobilized through Ft. Drum in December through Feb... It was terrible! The barracks were crap and it was usually below 0... Hello Mickey Mouse boots! I was a medic (99…
  • I lost a total of 65lbs without cutting carbs between August 1, 2010 and March 2011. I started at 200 lbs when my oldest was 9mos down to 135 and I'm 5'5". I followed the MFP calories for 2lbs a week and worked my way up from walking 4 times a week for 45 minutes to running and/ or doing the elliptical 30-40 minutes 5-7…
  • Another busy career mom here! Feel free to add me... I'm putting my calories to maintanence in a couple of weeks and hope I can keep my habits up for the long term! Good luck to you as well!
  • It's worth it. I've been big, and I've been small... and even small I thought I could be smaller... BUT, my brain and body are so much healthier when I'm at a healthy weight and in shape. I enjoy feeling strong, and it's nice to be able to feel comfortable in my body (even if it's mostly in work or work-out clothes!). My…
  • Well, for my first, I was overweight, gained 50 lbs and only lost about 30 by the time my son was 9 mos, so I joined MFP and lost a little over 60lbs by the time he was 17 months. My second, I only gained 30, lost 10 right away, 10 more by the time she was about 9 mos... but just got down to my pre-preggo weight a month or…
  • I can definately sympathize with the broken part. I had a hip arthroscopy almost a year ago to anchor the cartilidge back onto the bone... 4 anchors later as well as 6 weeks on crutches ( which was awesome with a 3 year old and 9 month old!)... the doctor says to me... 'think of your hip as a patched tire... you don't want…
  • I'm going on about a year and a half on the Mirena and I'm happy with it. No weight gain, no "real" periods (barely spotting once every couple months)... only thing I've noticed is a bit of acne... but not 100% sure if the Mirena is the cause. I'd reccomend it.
  • bump! Wish I had a good one to share... I'll come back if I find one
  • Congrats Lyndsy and welcome! I gained 50 with my first as well (he's 4 now) but only 35 with my last (19 mos). I was able to lose while BF'ing my first (he weaned himself at 15 mos), but it did affect my supply a bit as it was combined w/ working full time as well.
    in New! Comment by stellcorb January 2014
  • Ha! I feel the same way. Not only do people not respond to my posts, I tend to kill threads as well. Sorry!:drinker:
  • Smoked 14 years and I read The Easy Way and quit cold turkey almost 3 years ago. I was ready and to tell you the truth, I don't really miss it anymore... I get a twinge here and there, but as soon as I realized that quitting meant never smoking again... it made it easier to avoid. I can even go out w/ my friends that smoke…
  • Thank-you! Welcome to the MFP community. This does work!:happy:
  • I'd like to give it a try!
  • I have a 4 year old and an 18 month old as well! I have attempted to do workouts "with" them... but I don't end up getting much out of it except alot of laughing! I'm fortunate to have a short commute to work and I have late hours... so I get my kids ready for daycare and preschool in the morning and my husband drops them…