I am 46 and have been a group fitness instructor but stopped due to the anxiety and PVC's Hormonal since they are worse? Maybe. I guess a doctor appointment is necessary! I just want to feel normal!!
Have had PVC's for off an on for 12 years. Since Oct '14 they have been worse and even more so the last few weeks. I haven't been to the doctor about them, I do have anxiety/panic disorder and have really finally been able to work out more often the last two months and I am happy about that!! I guess getting my confidence…
46 year old tattoos and chubby mom of 4!! They are 25, 20, 14 and 10 uugh. They still keep me hopping!! Hubby works 6 days a week 13 hour days so I do it all lol.
Yes uugh
Anxiety disorder here and on 60mg Cymbalta and .25 Xanax as needed. I was a group fitness instructor when all of this started 13 years ago after losing my Mom when she was 54 to pancreatic cancer. I also have bouts of PVC's pre ventricular heart contractions that are harmless but very scary. I have gained 55lbs and lost…
I have been diagnosed with PVC's and they scare me enough to not exercise therefore gaining 40lbs in 12 years. I also have anxiety panic disorder. My dad has had afib and just had a new defibrillator pace maker put in with extra leads. I am happy for you! It scares me!!
I don't know yet how to put in body pump or body step. Glad you are trying them! Good luck!
Good, thanks! I guess I was hoping for more. Lol
My goal is also 40lbs but I am 43.