chubby tattooed and tired mommys



  • kelli_khaotic
    kelli_khaotic Posts: 15 Member
    Am so glad am not only one on here all you girls are amazing :)
    We can all do thus stay strong mommies :)
  • justjack18
    justjack18 Posts: 720 Member
    No tattoos here but everything else lol
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    I'm a chubby tired mum, but alas no tattoos. I admire them intensely but I can't commit to a breakfast cereal so the idea a permanent ink is a poor one for me!
  • justjack18
    justjack18 Posts: 720 Member
    I'm a chubby tired mum, but alas no tattoos. I admire them intensely but I can't commit to a breakfast cereal so the idea a permanent ink is a poor one for me!

    Ha! That's me.
  • sbaatc
    sbaatc Posts: 6 Member
    Hi girls... This post is right up my alley! Chubby mom of a 4 and a 14 month old. Tired of full time shift work but no tattoos. I started a couch to 5k training about 3 wks ago. Anyone doing anything to keep motivated?
  • czander1968
    czander1968 Posts: 10 Member
    46 year old tattoos and chubby mom of 4!! They are 25, 20, 14 and 10 uugh. They still keep me hopping!! Hubby works 6 days a week 13 hour days so I do it all lol.
  • mikkimomof3
    mikkimomof3 Posts: 224 Member
    No tattoos...but got the tired, chubby, mommy part down! :) I've got a four (9, 6, 4, and 10 months)…it's a crazy house and I fantasize about sleep!
  • lavrn03
    lavrn03 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi everyone. Love the title. I've been thinking of getting a new tattoo to mark my new journey of good health.

    I have an almost 5 year old son, aging mom and coparent my 2 nieces with my sister who is a recent widow. And work full time!

    I was able to take off my extra weight in my early 20s and kept it off but "life got in the way"--good and bad in my 30s, and put it back on. Now I'm about to turn 40 in Nov. and have a goal to be 70lbs lighter. Only 28 more lbs to go!

    Biggest motivator my son!!

    I was 21 when I lost my dad (57yrs old) from unhealthy habits. My 49 yr old brother n law just pasted suddenly this past summer from unhealthy living. 2 wonderful people who just didn't take care of themselves.

    I was already eating well and working out when my brother n law passed. Thank goodness! Or else that would of been another excuse to not start my journey of good health.
    His passing opened my eyes to realize we need to focus on our health and what we eat as a good example for our son and nieces.

    My son knows now that I don't go to the gym to fit in a dress or lose weight, it's so my heart grows stronger and I build muscles to keep up with him and his dad. We eat good food so we can grow big and strong, but fun food is ok to eat too but it doesn't help us grow it just tastes good. If I can have him believe in this as he grows and he has a healthy relationship with food and stays active naturally, I feel I've done my job as his mom to give him a fighting chance in this battle of unhealthy living.

    Wow that was probably more info then you all needed to know.

    Basically glad to join a group that knows its hard to do for yourself when you need to take care of others. But it is so worth it.

  • adriat
    adriat Posts: 49 Member
    Add mee!! I have two toddlers...3 and 1. I work full time and am tired as *kitten*. Oh yeah...chubby too!!!
  • x_tina324
    x_tina324 Posts: 37 Member
    Haven't had a full nights sleep in 3 years! Have a 2 month old, 1 year old with special needs, 3 year old, 10 year old, and 16 year old. I just got my 3rd tattoo, and yes, I'm chubby ☺ Let's do this!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    lavrn03 wrote: »
    Hi everyone. Love the title. I've been thinking of getting a new tattoo to mark my new journey of good health

    My first (and far) tattoo is a memorial. My father AND my father in law both had bladder cancer. For my 40th birthday, I got the awareness ribbon with their names on the ends of the ribbon.

    The last 3 years, I have made major progress in the gym. Last summer, after a particularly brutal workout with my trainer, I was telling him I feel like supergirl when I finish one of his workouts. He told me I might as well BE supergirl, that I'm one of the top 5 strongest women he knows of at the gym. So in the next month or so, I'm getting a supergirl tattoo. It's going to be pink and black, with some flowers...and something to represent my lifting (ie kettle bell, weight belt, dumbbell, weight plate). I've been through some major stuff, and I feel like the supergirl tattoo is a symbol of both my physical and my emotional strength.

  • startingover72
    startingover72 Posts: 151 Member
    Hiya. I'm a busy mum of 5 and can so relate to the tiredness. I've sent requests to you all as I'd like more mum friends
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Ok, so I'm a mush. Whenever I need motivation to keep moving I look at a pic of my little one. I want to be around to nag him a loooong time!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    pinky_b wrote: »
    I've been away from mfp or as I fondly call it, Facebook for fatties because I became a chubby, tattooed mummy 9 weeks ago. I'm not tired though because I got lucky and scored a sleeper (please don't hate me). Looking for some friends too.

    Can I hate you, just a little bit? Lol. My third is nearly 11 months and has slept through the night the grand total of once!

    My other two are 5 and 3. I don't have a tattoo though, but I am always tired, and chubbier than I'd like to be! Still not back at pre-preg weight :(
  • MonicaSmith98
    MonicaSmith98 Posts: 66 Member
    edited March 2015
    I am also a mom of two (a five year old girl and a soon to be 8 year old boy). I am also a middle school teacher. Feel free to add me. I can relate to the tiredness or just plain old exhaustion. I am feeling determined to get healthy as I have been about 35 pounds overweight since the birth of my daughter. I would like to take control of my health before my approaching 40th birthday.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I am also a mom of two (a five year old girl and a soon to be 8 year old boy). I am also a middle school teacher. Feel free to add me. I can relate to the tiredness or just plain old exhaustion. I am feeling determined to get healthy as I have been about 35 pounds overweight since the birth of my daughter. I would like to take control of my health before my approaching 40th birthday.

    I'm also a teacher (secondary school, that's age 11-18) and I go back to work in 2 weeks after maternity leave. No idea how I'm going to juggle 3 young kids, work, housework and exercise! At least I'll only be doing 3 days a week. I managed before with 2 kids, but they're more demanding now. My middle one starts school in Sept (they start age 4 in England) so I'll have 2 with reading, spellings etc on top of my own workload. My husband dos shift work so every other week he's on lates and not home until 10:30/11pm.
  • kelli_khaotic
    kelli_khaotic Posts: 15 Member
    Am so glad all you girls responded :)
    You women are warriors we got this girls it may be hard but i can tell all you girls are strong and dedicated
  • sly9798
    sly9798 Posts: 18 Member
    edited March 2015
    Best title of s board I've seen!! Feel free to add me! I'm a mom of grown kids and foster mom to Littles. Working on The chubby part and I have lots of ink!
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    "Facebook for fatties!!!" That is hilarious, and so true!!! I am on here way more than facebook!!
  • zena_marie
    zena_marie Posts: 15 Member
    Yup so this thread described me to a tee (although I'm more fat that chubby Let's be honest haha) single mummy to a beautiful 18 month old girl and with plenty of ink!