

  • Welcome, you are at the right place!
  • TAKE IT A DAY AT A TIME! I can't stress how important that is! If you are constantly focusing on the 110 lbs you have to loose and how the scale isn't moving, you won't give yourself credit for the small every day achievements, you will get frustrated, and you will quit. Even when you don't see the scale change, you have…
  • Take it a day at a time! Remember, it took time to put on the weight, and it will take time for it to come off. Be proud of small achievements, like meeting your calorie goals for the day, or meeting your weekly workout goal. Give yourself credit for all the little everyday achievements, and you'll see that soon enough…
    in Help!!! Comment by asoltero January 2011
  • Whenever I have a bad day where I want to eat anything and everything, I try to focus on what motivated me to loose weight in the first place, which was my son. I have to be healthy, he needs me to be healthy for years to come, and that piece of chocolate is not worth the guilt I'll feel after eating it (been there, done…