

  • I just opened mine. Please feel free to add me. :-)
  • I'm using MFP to calculate my calories burned. I've heard the machines can offer skewed numbers.
  • Sorry. I mean, I have been eating up to my calorie number each day. I'm not eating less than my calorie number and I am working out and eating anything I burn off, too.
  • My diary should be open. I changed it this afternoon.
  • This^ Yup, yup!!
  • I would suggest you give yourself a break. The nutrition information is there as a healthy guideline. It's the calories that really matter. Stick to your numbers and you will lose weight. If you find you're over in your sodium, counteract it with a high potassium food (bananas are a quick fix) and drink a ton of extra…
  • ^^ This and me too!! Seriously?? You're bummed because your girlfriend isn't texting you back after 2 days. Maybe you should cry on your husband's shoulder. I am sure he'll feel sorry for you and completely understand. Me... not so much...
  • When are y'all getting a room??
  • Thanks to everyone for taking the time to read and reply. You have come up with some really great points and some great ideas on ways I can wean myself off the fizzy. I know, boring as water may be, I need to drink more of it. Someone mentioned they drank a ton of soda like me and rarely needed to use the bathroom. I had…
  • Hi there. I'd love to be a diet buddy if you're looking for cheerleaders. I'm very honest but not mean and very accountable. My sister started the family on this road and she lost over 30lbs. She's been a great resource for me. I'd be happy to share some of her insights. I do know what it's like not to have support,…
  • You look PHENOMENAL!! I love the hairstyle, too. You were a pretty girl before but the new you is lovely, too. You look so different!! This is encouraging, too. I want to lose from my face the most. The larger I've gotten, the more my chin has followed and I hate having a 'moon face'. When I started to see my cheekbones…
  • Well, at my slimmest, I was a C, now I'm a DD and truth be told, I wish they would go down a little, too but it's not happened for me. I am still the same size up top but my dress size has changed, which is annoying but not discouraging. I think it's different for everyone. I would suggest the same as some of the other…
  • Good for you!! 10lbs is no mean feat and it's what I like to call, the "kickstart" drop. Being in another bracket on the scales is amazingly encouraging and you are on your way!! Well done on the purchase, too. I've always wondered if they're any good. I know a few people that have them that swear by them so I may follow…
  • I am at work and just let out an audible, "woooah!!". This is incredible!! You look amazing and it's taken years off you--not that you looked old before but you look really fresh now. You are so inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
  • You are INCREDIBLE! All that weight in so little time. I am trying so hard but I'm not seeing the results I want. I ready your reply about eating clean foods though and checking the forums for filling foods. I will try that, thanks! Well done to you. You look and must feel amazing.
  • To me, it's a journey because I have taken the first steps and I can't go back. Each day is another stop on the way to being healthy and happy but then life is a journey. Yes, it's corny but potato/ potato (that never works in type). For some the journey is something with a destination in sight and to others, it's about…
  • I'm in! I have been maintaining of late and need an extra goal. Starting weight: 174 Target weight: 154 (even typing 154 feels silly but I KNOW it's attainable!)
  • I always hold back enough calories for a Ghiardelli square at the end of the evening. It's my reward for a long day well maintained. You have to have the things you love but keep it minimal and in your numbers. Good luck!!
    in Help! Comment by Natelywills August 2012
  • Wow! That's a change! Nice work!!
  • Every day, after taking court on the White Throne. I find it helps keep me motivated. If it's good news, I want to keep it that way, if it's bad news, it keeps me going. It's a win-win.
  • I had always wondered about this, too. I know people who were big that lost quickly and have a lot of loose skin and others who lost over a year or two that look fabulous. My concern is my arms so advice and/ or experiences are greatly appreciated.
  • I'm 34 and need to lose almost 60lbs to be within my optimum BMI. I'm 13lbs down but it's been a hard road just to get there. I am always happy to friend folks that want to share motivational messages and tips and such. I've found that my weight losses and gains being public have really helped me take ownership of my…
  • I'd always wanted to be a bridesmaid. When my sister got married, she asked me and I had the most wonderful day but when I got the photos back, I was horrified. I honestly had no idea that I looked that way and I vowed to change immediately. My profile photo is a reminder that I have come a long way and have a long way to…
  • I have done that but never thought to turn on the heat. My husband better watch out the next time he rips one on a long drive. I am drinking a fat Coke and letting one cook! P.S. anyone else find fat Coke makes them gassy? I hate the stuff but that's probably a good thing because it has an additional effect on my bowels…
  • My Southern Lady, super religious grandma in-law is deaf, blind and in her nineties. She will cut the loudest trumps as she walks away from the dinner table and it never fails to make me bust out laughing. EVERYONE else looks at me like I'm evil for acknowledging it but I'm sorry, she knows what she's doing and it's…
  • LMAO! I am using both of these. I'm sorry, trumping is the funniest thing on earth. I know I should have outgrown it, I'm a CEO. But every time I even hear a trumpy noise, I start to laugh. :-S
  • Your dad is awesome...
  • You look like a different person! Thank you so much for sharing and good luck on the rest of your journey. You're really inspiring!!
  • That is incredible and so encouraging. Thank you so much for sharing. I am amazed at your progress. Keep up the good work!!
  • Look at you!! You're amazing! And that smile says it all. I am so pleased for you. I know what you mean, the mental is so much harder. You have to learn to view food in a completely different way and you want it to happen immediately for all that effort but you stuck with it and you are doing amazingly. Congratulations!