lessofme24 Member


  • I did day 1 today!! Would love any extra support!! Friend me!!
  • Wow, what an inspiration!! And from someone so young!! you look fantastic AND you look so happy!! Aren't clothes so much more fun now?!!! Congrats!!:smile:
  • I have never attended a meeting, irl or online. I did, however order some books on the OA philosophy and the 12 steps. I also found a couple of good ones on binge eating and the addiction part of it. If anyone is interested I can share the titles/authors.
  • Ditto....this is me totally and completely. I am a teacher and was off for the summer, and the lack of structure was killing me. Now that I'm back to school I'm trying really hard to avoid binging by having a VERY rigid diet plan for the day. I'm eating Lean Cuisines, snack packs, anything that has controlled portions. I'm…
  • Hello and welcome! I'm new here, too and just starting to get the hang of things! Good luck to you!!
    in Hello Comment by lessofme24 August 2010
  • so glad to see so many responses!! I'm heading out for the weekend, but will get back to you all Sat night or Sunday. Glad to have support here (and some friend requests!! YAY). Hope you all have a GREAT weekend!!!!!!
  • Hi there! I'm new here too, and in the same boat as you. Dedicated wife/mommy, constantly turning to food....no matter what emotion I may be feeling. I don't feel like I've had that "aha" moment where I can make the 100% commitment to losing weight and changing my lifestyle, but I obsess about my weight and how I look…